
Chapter 131 Viper Druid

Chapter 131 Viper Druid

Although the Druid who turned into a poisonous snake shrunk in size and tried his best to hide it, it was still so obvious and eye-catching in the perception of Frank and Yue Chuan.

Frank was able to discover the Viper Druid entirely by relying on the keen intuition and induction of a master. After all, Frank was once a strong man who was close to the holy level. Rui is not surprised.The reason why Yue Chuan was able to sense the poisonous snake druid was because of his blood.

Blood energy is the energy produced by the fusion of blood and battle energy. It has very peculiar properties, and the most representative one is the sensitivity to blood, which can easily sense the existence of blood and life around. That is to say, no matter how hidden the enemy is, as long as He has blood and vitality in his body, so he cannot escape the perception of blood energy.

And the poisonous snake druid lurking under the surface, with his unique perception, has already figured out the distribution of the Lei Ze family's courtyards, as well as the guard positions and patrol routes of those guards, and even more clearly and accurately the number and strength of the Lei Ze family. out of the statistics.However, what annoyed the poisonous snake druid was that he did not find out where the target person Yue Chuan was.

Snakes perceive the outside world by relying on smell and heat. Hidden under the soil layer, vision is useless at all. But without vision, relying on smell and heat alone, the life forms seen are all carved out of a mold. Yes, it feels like a pink skull. It is estimated that even humans and monkeys will be confused, let alone find the target from so many people.

Finding out the Lei Ze family's defensive power is already considered a great achievement, and they can go back and return to life, but in the eyes of the poisonous snake druid, this is not enough. He not only wants to find out the location of Yue Chuan, but also wants to capture Yue Chuan directly , in order to show off in front of his companions when he returns home, and, with such a great contribution, he can get more shares when distributing the spoils.

Thinking of this, the poisonous snake druid twisted his body and swam towards the surface. He chose a tree root in a corner, covered by tree shadows, and no guards noticed his existence, and then he meandered under the cover of night He hovered over the tree trunk, swam silently to the crown of the tree, and looked down at the people who came and went.

"Hey... over there!"

With the help of the lanterns hanging beside the eaves and the pillars, the poisonous snake druid clearly saw Yue Chuan coming out of a room, and after giving orders to several guards, he walked towards him in a desperate manner.

"Could it be that the goddess of nature favored her, and the prey fell into the net?"

The poisonous snake druid was secretly delighted, because the direction Yue Chuan was traveling in happened to pass by the big tree where he was. At that time, the poisonous snake druid only needed to swoop down and swallow Yue Chuan into his stomach with ease. .

"First stun him with the poison, then swallow it and bring it back. If they hadn't had to catch this damned Eugenie family alive, they would have just bit him, poured a few catties of venom into him, turned around and walked away, wouldn't it be easy and comfortable!"

However, the poisonous snake druid didn't notice that the guards of the Lei Ze family all around evacuated and evacuated without a trace. When Yue Chuan walked under the shadow of the tree, there were no guards and servants within a radius of [-] meters.

Waiting for this moment!

The poisonous snake druid swelled rapidly, from the original thickness of fingers to the thickness of the waist in an instant, and the scarlet bloody mouth and sharp and bright fangs ruthlessly covered Yue Chuan.

After the snake swallows the food, the food will not die immediately. When it is slowly dissolved and digested by the snake, they still have a perception, and this perception will make them taste more painful than Lingchi.Yue Chuan killed a natural deity believer, and the poisonous snake druid naturally wouldn't show any mercy to him. Anyway, what Eugenie needs is immortality, even if she lacks arms and legs, it doesn't matter.

There was a gust of wind above his head, and there was still a trace of sweet smell in the wind. Smelling this smell, Yue Chuan even stopped in his tracks, and took a deep breath very obsessively.

Seeing Yue Chuan's actions, the poisonous snake druid couldn't help laughing inwardly, stupid guy, if you dare to inhale the poisonous gas of the poisonous snake into your lungs, you are really asking for your own death.


The poisonous snake druid slammed into the hard stone floor with its bloody mouth, and its two sharp fangs pierced fiercely into the stone slab, splashing a large pile of gravel and sparks. Fortunately, the strong front of the fangs Rui, otherwise, with the force and speed of the impact, it would definitely end up broken.

The poisonous snake druid shook his drowsy head from the impact, thinking to himself, what about that stupid human being?He didn't have any fighting energy fluctuations on his body, it should be in the body training period, and he has inhaled so much snake venom, how could he escape the pounce just now?

When the poisonous snake druid raised his head, he finally saw the existence of Yue Chuan. At this time, Yue Chuan was standing three steps away, looking at him with a mocking expression.


The poisonous snake druid didn't think that Yue Chuan had escaped his attack. You must know that when a snake creature preys on prey, its pounce action can be completed within one-third of a second. When you react, you have already fallen into Shekou.However, the speed and strength of the poisonous snakes cultivated by Druids have been greatly improved, and the speed of pounce is also faster. It is impossible to dodge at the speed of humans, let alone humans who have been poisoned by snakes.

If the mind is clearer, it is obvious that there is something strange about Yue Chuan, but the poisonous snake druid spends all day in the ravine, sleeping and sleeping with those slippery and greasy snakes, although his cultivation has improved a lot, but His IQ plummeted, he didn't realize the weirdness in it at all, and he wanted to swallow Yue Chuan with all his heart.

The slender snake body climbed down from the canopy of the tree, forming a circle like a spring, and then the huge snake head threw itself out, covering a distance of three steps and swallowing towards Yue Chuan in almost one-tenth of a second.

"Go to hell, human!"

However, when the poisonous snake druid slammed his bloody mouth shut, only a crisp sound of teeth colliding was heard, and Yue Chuan had already appeared three steps away from the oblique side.

In terms of cultivation, the Viper Druid was above Yue Chuan, and it was impossible for Yue Chuan to avoid the Viper Druid's pounce by relying on his hearing and reaction.However, Yue Chuan possessed blood energy, and through the blood energy, he could clearly see the flow of blood and energy in the poisonous snake druid's body.When the Viper Druid is ready to pounce, the blood and energy in his body will be highly concentrated and burst out instantly. Before the Viper Druid pounces, Yue Chuan has already judged his next move. Actions, even made a countermeasure in advance, using Shunpo to escape.

"Little bug, if you only have this little ability, don't even think about leaving today!"

After hearing Yue Chuan's words, the poisonous snake druid let out an eerie laugh, crying like a ghost in the night, extremely eerie.

"Heretic, you are only lucky enough to escape my pounce, but do you think I only have pounce as an attack method? Ten thousand snakes dance wildly!"

While speaking, the poisonous snake Druid's body suddenly burst into brilliance, and snake-shaped lights and shadows split out from it, flying and splashing around, and Yue Chuan, who was close at hand, was entangled by hundreds of lights and shadows in an instant , although Shunpo was used, every inch of the surrounding space was filled with snake-shaped lights and shadows, and there was no way to avoid it. In the blink of an eye, it was covered and engulfed by dense snake-shaped lights and shadows.

Dense snake-shaped lights and shadows differentiated from the poisonous snake druid's body. The originally huge snake body collapsed rapidly like an air leak. However, as the body rapidly shrank and weakened, those differentiated snake-shaped lights and shadows all changed into A living poisonous snake, a ferocious and extremely poisonous poison.Numerous venomous snakes entangled on Yue Chuan's body, binding Yue Chuan tightly like ropes. At the same time, the surrounding venomous snakes gathered like a tide and rushed towards Yue Chuan. Those poisonous snakes have become more ferocious, vicious, and powerful!
Yue Chuan did not expect that the poisonous snake druid had such a trick to suppress the bottom of the box, and he missed it for a while, and was entangled by him.Then, I felt those poisonous snakes on my body stabbing their fangs towards my skin.Although Yue Chuan's skin was extremely tough, it was still slightly inferior to the fangs of poisonous snakes. Dozens of venomous fangs pierced Yue Chuan's body instantly, and a huge amount of venom poured into Yue Chuan's body wave after wave.

"Fortunately, I drank a few bottles of antidote earlier!"

Although there is an antidote, Yue Chuan still did not dare to be careless. He still circulated the blood energy in his body to prevent the venom from intruding into the body, and even invaded the poisonous snake's tongue. The tyrannical blood energy pierced the poisonous snake like a sharp sword. In a slender body.

"Stupid human! Now you know how powerful druids are, hahahaha..."

Crazy voices came from the densely packed mouths of poisonous snakes all around, making it hard to figure out the real body of the poisonous snake druid, or, these hundreds of poisonous snakes are all the body of the poisonous snake druid.It's no wonder that the consciousness is split into so many parts, and it's not insane. No wonder the serpent druid is a little out of his mind.

And when the poisonous snake druid was laughing wildly, Yue Chuan frantically snatched the blood and energy from the poisonous snake's body by injecting the blood energy in the poisonous snake's body. Through the blood energy, he smelted and assimilated them into blood energy and fed them back into his body.Waves of pure blood qi flowed into Yue Chuan's body, driving Yue Chuan's blood qi to run more majesticly. While running, the venom that had invaded his body was dissolved and refined, and became part of the blood qi.

Although the poisonous snake druid felt the loss of the power of countless clones, he subconsciously thought it was the consumption of venom, and did not realize that it was Yue Chuan who was stealing his power.After all, in the cognition of the poisonous snake druid, there is no creature that can escape from its own poison.It's just a habit of closing the clone, gathering strength, coiling the thick snake body around Yue Chuan's body, and then opening its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Yue Chuan into his belly and squeeze him out.

At this time, a shout came from not far away, accompanied by a flash of sword light.

"Naughty animal! Let go of the Patriarch!"

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  Thanks 【Xiaoyue voted 1】

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  Thanks [Xiaolou№风雨 cast 6 votes]

(End of this chapter)

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