
Chapter 1323 Bakar's Sword

Chapter 1323 Bakar's Sword

The injured Bakar was extremely furious, the blazing rising energy on his body kept shrinking, and his body shrank a little bit. The original 3000-meter body became smaller, and soon fell below 2000 meters and 1000 meters.

But the God of War, Yue Chuan, and others were not happy at all, because Bakal's shrinking size did not mean that his strength had shrunk. On the contrary, after his shrinking size, his speed was faster, his strength was stronger, and he was more flexible.

"He transformed into a human form!"

In less than half a minute, Bakal became a giant about the height of Geboga, no longer the bloated and clumsy body of the dragon, but a human form with tall arms, long arms, broad shoulders and broad waist.

huh huh huh huh……

Bakar's lips parted slightly, revealing a row of white teeth, and a series of cold laughter floated out from between the teeth.Immediately, Bakar's face became ferocious, and streaks of jet-black energy rose from under his skin, forming a magic pattern all over his body.

"Human beings, your insignificance is inherent, and you are destined to be born. No matter how big you make this false shell, it can't change this fact."

"However, I am very satisfied with your strength. You are the most powerful human beings I have ever seen. I can forgive your sins, as long as you surrender to me!"

"You only have 1 minute!"

There is no bullshit result discussed in 1 minute, but some accidents happened in the mechanical war god. Two of the six mechanical war gods were determined to surrender, and the other was vacillating. He hesitated for less than a second. express surrender.

"It is impossible for us to be Bakar's opponent. Geboga is not as strong as we imagined, and Bakar is not as weak as we expected."

"Even if you add those three humans, it won't work. I admit that they are very strong, but they are also humans. In front of Bakar, we are all just ants."

"Surrender is the only way out."

Heyd and Curio's faces were very ugly. They didn't expect that there were so many capitulators. Fortunately, they had given all the authority to Geboga before, otherwise the majority of the capitulators would be unimaginable.

Only Hayd, Curio, and a middle-aged man did not express their stance. If they did not express their stance, they were actually opposed to surrender. However, this man did not speak out against it, and it seemed that his determination was not very firm.

Hayd rubbed his forehead and said with a slight headache: "Gentlemen, it's okay to surrender. You can press the ejection bay at any time, and the escape system will allow you to escape from Gaboga."

No one spoke, only a cold snort.

Hayd also responded with a cold snort, "So, you want to use Gai Boga as a vote and dedicate Gai Boga to Bacal?"

This time, no one snorted coldly. Obviously, that was the intention of those three people.What was the point of surrendering Bakar empty-handed?Bakal would not care about these three small humans, only Gaboga could be seen by him.

Curio roared angrily, "Gaboga is the last hope of the Sky Clan people. If you dedicate Gai Boga to Bakar, aren't you trying to cut off the future of the Sky Clan people? You should be slaves yourself, and don't bring all the Sky Clan people with you. Together."

A mechanical war god of the capitulation faction retorted, "What's the point of dying? We are all going to die, and Geboga is going to be destroyed. It's your selfishness and narrow-mindedness that dragged us to be buried together. Hmph, only by living can we have hope and a future. , dead, it is worthless!"

"Yes, we are also enduring humiliation and waiting for the opportunity. Curio, you are too young and too impulsive."

Seeing that things could not go any better, Hayd could only sigh quietly, "Shut up, all of you, otherwise, I will lose control of my anger and kill you."

"Kill us, who do you think you are?"

The three mechanical gods of war did not believe in evil, and they had to command Geboga by manipulating the consoles in front of them, but soon they were horrified to find that the consoles in front of them were malfunctioning because they had no energy and could not start and operate. Unable to make any order.

This kind of scene is very familiar, and the three mechanical war gods immediately understood, "Heyd, you are playing tricks on Geboga!"

Hayd shook his head gracefully, "No, it's not tampering with Geboga, but tampering with your console, but I believe that no one will object."

Those who support it will naturally not object, and those who oppose it have no chance to oppose it.These three mechanical gods of war are also very careful about their consoles, checking them many times, lest there are loopholes and backdoors.However, Hayd's method was too overbearing. He directly cut off their energy, even cut off the backup energy and emergency energy, so that they could stop eating completely.

"Then, let's keep fighting!"

On the other side, the three of Yue Chuan directly ignored Bakar's persuasion to surrender, and they got together to discuss the next step.

If it was Bakar in the body state, Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing were really helpless, but the human form was different.Because Yue Chuan had already subdued Bakar in another abyss dungeon, and in reality he often competed with Bakar, and was very familiar with Bakar's human form.

Although the Bakar Yue Chuan subdued is the same person as the Bakar in front of him, the difference is that the two Bakar existed in different ages.Perhaps there are some subtle differences in their fighting styles, but there are still traces to follow in general.

Bakar snorted coldly, and the blazing dragon's breath sprayed out from his nostrils, "It seems that you are going to fight to the end!"

Bakar grasped falsely with his left hand, a light flashed in front of him, and a huge black long sword appeared.The moment Bakar grasped the hilt of the sword, a sonorous dragon chant resounded.That's right, the sound of dragon chant, the real dragon chant sound.

The mechanical gods of war all stared in disbelief, they never thought that Bakar's weapon was a sword, and this was the first time they saw Bakar wielding a sword.Contrary to them, Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing not only knew that Bakar was good at using swords, but also knew that the name of this sword was Destruction, and that the sword technique that Bakar was good at was called Destruction Sword.

But soon Leng Shangqing shrugged his shoulders: "Even though I am familiar with every move and style of Bakar, the difference in size between the two sides is too big, there is no need to fight at all."

Indeed, Leng Shangqing was 1.8 meters tall, and Bakar was still [-] meters tall even in human form. Both sides also used swords, but Leng Shangqing's sword was not even a toothpick in front of Bakar.

Gai Bojia rubbed his hands, and two laser swords appeared. If you didn't look carefully, you really thought it was two lightsabers.

But, does Geboga know swordsmanship?Leng Shang couldn't help but wonder.

With a movement of Bakar's body, he walked with the sword, and the sword of destruction instantly pierced Gai Bojia's face. Thoroughly mince.

Leng Shang couldn't bear to look straight at him and shook his head, "Unfortunately, Gai Bojia doesn't know swordsmanship, and his laser sword can't destroy Bakar's sword at all!"

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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