
Chapter 1361 The strongest meteor disillusionment

Chapter 1361 The strongest meteor disillusionment
The Gai Bojia army on the second line of defense is extremely tyrannical. You must know that when Yue Chuan led people to kill An Tuen, the "Gai Bojia's fist" in that fake village came from these Gai Bojia, although that punch was picked up. Cheap, but it also shows the strength of Geboga.What's more, here are thousands of Geboga, not just one fist.

To put it bluntly, if the tyrannosaurus king Bakar appeared here, he would be completely overwhelmed by Geboga's army.Even Anton would be beaten to the point where he couldn't hold his head up.

However, the invincible Gaiboga Legion encountered Yue Chuan and others who also had Gaiboga, and what they used was not the usual Gaiboga. Perfectly integrated ultra-era weapons.

But on the other side, Leng Shangqing rushed into Gai Bojia's army at the pace of a fierce dragon, and was surrounded by dozens of Gai Bojia in an instant. Low laser beams, criss-crossing laser beams interweave into a large net around them, covering Leng Shang's feelings like a net of heaven and earth, and then Gai Bojia and others move quickly, closing the space in the laser net, and Gai Bo's feelings for Leng Shang's feelings are covered. Plus form a fatal strangulation.

Gai Bojia, who is in a cold mood, has already fed back the damage of the laser cutting net, and estimated the damage to his own energy shield.

"Warning - the defensive shield will be shattered after 2 seconds."


Leng Shangqing's legs were separated one after the other, and her body slowly sank. At the same time, Leng Shangqing's left hand was placed on the back of her waist, and her right hand was placed on her side. illusion.

But in the next moment, the curled up Gai Bojia suddenly stretched out, like a spring that springs up when it is compressed to the extreme, or like a bowstring that springs back when it is pulled to the extreme, all of Gai Bojia's strength is stretched by this compression burst out instantly.

The tyrannical energy was transformed into sword energy in an instant. The gushing sword energy was compressed to the extreme and then exploded to the limit. A sword energy that was more dazzling than the sun and brighter than the stars erupted from the waist of Leng Shangqing's Gai Bojia. The sharp sword energy swept out 360 degrees around Leng Shang's emotion.

When the laser cutting net came into contact with the sword qi that drew the knife, the two illusory energies actually collided, and the result of the collision was that the sword qi that drew the knife slashed out in a destructive manner, and the laser net collided with it instantly Was twisted into light crumbs.

The power of the sword-drawing slash is already terrifying, especially Leng Shangqing's mastery of sword-drawing and slashing can be said to be the pinnacle of mastery, but now, with the help of Gai Bojia to use the drawing-sword slash, the power has once again increased by a hundred times, and the lethality It's beyond the description of "horror".

Where the sword energy passes, the space is like thin paper under a paper knife, piercing and shattering, and a series of dark space cracks appear, and the violent space turbulence rages and floods the place where the knife is drawn. !
This different space has been improved and strengthened by Ye Xiao and the doctor. It has become extremely solid for hundreds of years, and it will definitely not be as fragile as when Bacal invaded. But even so, it was still drawn by Leng Shangqing Cutting, chopping, and correspondingly, the spatial turbulence that erupted at this time is definitely not comparable to the last time.

Boom boom boom!
The sword qi of the drawn sword slashed at dozens of Gai Bojia's bodies. Gai Bojia's body was extremely strong, but in front of the drawn sword slash, it was like rotten wood and mud. Wherever the sword qi passed, everything was crushed. The sword has two sections.

Gai Bojia's body is a memory metal, but the memory of the metal is wiped out by the sharpness of the sword, and there is nothing left.The space crack that followed erupted with a strong tearing force, and Geboja was dismembered immediately, and many parts were sucked into the turbulent flow of space and disappeared.

bang bang...

Dozens of Gaibojia were damaged and scrapped one after another, turning into scrap iron all over the place.And this is just the beginning.

Sissi, Xuewu, Grian, and Qianxun Weimei joined forces, and the four most basic elemental powers of light, darkness, ice, and fire boiled instantly, and the huge energy was transformed into magical elements at an unimaginable speed, gathered around the four, and Following the magic circle built between the four of them, it circulated, oscillated, and increased rapidly.

The elements ignite!

With a clear drink from Sissy, the boiling magic element became more intense, as if a torch was thrown into a boiling oil pan, and exploded instantly.

The three of Xue Wu did not use any magic, but purely condensed magic elements to support Sissy, and handed over all the attack power to Sissy to cast.

"Meteor star disillusionment!"

The energy stored in Gaiboga is rapidly consumed. Fortunately, the Gaiboga of several people are all prone to magic. While dismantling all kinds of far and near weapons, a large number of energy storage devices have been added. The stored energy is dozens of times that of ordinary Gaiboga. times.Otherwise, opening up the supply of energy in this way would drain a normal Geborg in seconds.

But this kind of consumption has been exchanged for equivalent magical power, no, it should be said to be super-valuable magical power, the whole different space is filled with the atmosphere of magical elements, and the elemental cloud appears out of thin air, densely filling the sky, and then Substantial elemental meteorites fell like hailstones.

Boom boom boom!
Dense elemental meteorites fell down, and the second line of defense, the Geboga Legion, entered the defensive state one after another, trying their best to prop up the energy shield.

Buzzing... Gai Bojia sounded a piercing alarm, and the energy shields that were originally full suddenly bottomed out, and each energy shield burst out of thin air like soap bubbles.Then, the elemental meteorite directly hit Gaboga's body.

The magician's heinous attack power was fully displayed. The elemental meteorite crushed Geboga violently. Each Geboga was distorted and deformed under the baptism of the elemental meteorite. Countless parts were bombarded by the tyrannical elements into pieces and finally melted. Liquid metal splashed all over the sky and flowed all over the ground.

Leng Shangqing was stunned, because as far as the eye could see, all the enemies were scurrying under the elemental meteorite. The dazzling alarm lights flashed at a high frequency, and then exploded under the bombardment of the elemental meteorite.Even the aura of sword drawing and slashing that Leng Shangqing swung before was smashed and crushed by the meteor disillusionment.

Yue Chuan was also stunned.Many magical civilizations preach that magicians are giant cannons on the battlefield, weights enough to determine the outcome of a war, destroying millions of legions with a wave of their hands, and being the supreme existence that can deter a country with their own power...

However, the elementalists in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" did not show their matching strength, and many refugee elementalists were even sad reminders to give heads to monsters.

But the moment Sissy raised her hands, chanted the mantra, and condensed the elemental cloud, Yue Chuan understood that those magic civilizations did not exaggerate, but because of personal strength and environmental limitations, their magicians could not show magic It's just real power.

And now, Sissy, with her own power and the assistance of the other three, directly destroyed Gaboga's army. Although it was a flawed and imperfect Gaboga, there were thousands of them. Gai Bojia disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind.

【8 The third update.I am a single dog, but Qixi Festival ╮(╯▽╰)╭]

(End of this chapter)

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