
Chapter 1364 Energy disappears

Chapter 1364 Energy disappears
Leng Shang's affection is very strong, if one-on-one, Ye Xiao is not his opponent at all.This point has been proven, because all the duels between Audrey He and Leng Shangqing ended in failure.As for Ye Xiao, he was once defeated by Audrey He.

However, when Ye Xiao put on the Ming Xiao Zhenri, his strength changed instantly. Many top players brought by Yue Chuan were instantly killed by him like cutting vegetables and melons. night owl.

It's not that Leng Shangqing is weak, nor is Ye Xiao powerful, but that he has the "Ming Xiao Zhenri".This kind of gap is like one person is naked and the other is full of magic clothes. This kind of gap cannot be made up by strength at all.

Just like in the abyss of God of War in Mecha Seven, Leng Shangqing was not Bacal's opponent in a single fight, but driving Gai Bojia, Leng Shangqing completely abused Bacal.Leng Shangqing has strength, but he lacks a way to display his strength.And this way is his abyss knight suit.

Watching the battle between Leng Shangqing and Ye Xiao, Yue Chuan thought of the importance of equipment, and even thought of a very ridiculous question: Does Xi Lan wear equipment?Does Giger wear gear?Does Karn wear gear?Does Caruso wear gear?So, what is their equipment?

DNF only focuses on describing the weapons of NPCs, but deliberately ignores their equipment.However, this does not mean that the strong people in the world of Arad do not wear equipment, but that their equipment is very special, or very secret, and is unknown to outsiders.

The only historical record is Borodin's "Heavenly Prayer" plate armor suit.Although I don't know when this set of plate armor was worn by Borodin, it is obvious that the strong in the world of Allard need the support of equipment.

There is also a historical description of Kahn.

When Kahn is mentioned in Arad's history, he will focus on describing his indestructible defense, claiming that nothing can break Kahn's defense.The history of the Demon World records the fight between Casillas, Bacal and Kahn, and Kahn won with his invincible defense.As for the other apostles, they didn't even have the courage to challenge Kahn.

Yue Chuan carefully recalled that when he did not time travel, he had seen many expansion packs about Kahn, and the descriptions of Kahn in these expansion packs were almost the same, that is, Kahn was sitting on the throne without saying a word.

That's right, Kahn didn't say a single word. Thinking about it carefully, Kahn played many times, but never showed his true face.The reason is that Kahn was wearing a helmet and his face was covered by a mask.

So the question is, is Kahn's "invincible defense" derived from his own body, or the armor on his body?Some people may say that with Kahn's strength, he still needs a helmet and armor?
However, there is a secret historical record that the three dark knights under the command of Death once fought against Kahn and broke Kahn's shoulder armor.

It can be seen from this that Kahn wears armor. Obviously, Kahn's physique needs armor protection. Half of his strength comes from the armor on his body.

There is no doubt about the strength of Casillas and Bakar, one is a fighting madman and the other is Tyrannosaurus King, but the results of their battles with Kahn are all complete failures.Because they lack a set of armor that perfectly integrates with them.Casillas and Bacal are depicted without armor.

As for the Dark Three Knights, they are the confidantes of the God of Death, and they must have the equipment carefully crafted by the God of Death, which can be seen from their portraits.It is precisely because of this that these three soy saucers smashed Kahn's shoulder armor in the frontal battle.

But soon, Yue Chuan became puzzled, why did the three dark knights appear in the Demon Realm, and why did they fight Kahn?Could it be...

Yue Chuan shook his head, now is not the time to delve into this issue, the most urgent thing is how to integrate Gai Bojia to make a qualitative change in his own strength.

Leng Shangqing was able to do this because he had awakened to this mystery. Even though the process of awakening was truly revealed in front of everyone, everyone knew it but didn't know why.

Yue Chuan tried again, but Gai Bojia still didn't respond, and Yue Chuan had to give up this plan.

At this time, Leng Shangqing and Ye Xiao, who were fighting fiercely, suddenly decided the winner.Leng Shangqing used the Raptor Dragon Slash to drag out a series of afterimages in the air, leaving hundreds of thousands of afterimages in the trajectories of the 24 Raptor Slashes.

Ye Xiao didn't notice the abnormality at first, but when he realized something was wrong, it was too late, the surrounding space was imprisoned, and Ye Xiao's void walking equipment failed.

The weapons in the hands of thousands of afterimages produced a wonderful induction at the same time, and a large formation was formed in an instant.Every afterimage was slashed with a sword, and an enhanced version of the extremely ghost swordsmanship - storm style appeared.

Leng Shangqing used her own power to complete this large formation that required the joint efforts of hundreds of people, and because of the unity of mind, the power of this large formation was even stronger. When the large formation stopped, the bloody Ye Xiao was extremely embarrassed. lie on the floor.


Everyone looked at Leng Shangqing and Ye Xiao in disbelief, feeling unrealistic in their hearts.This seems a bit too simple, how could Ye Xiao's strength be so poor?

Ye Xiao's Ming Xiao Shocking Sun suit was mottled everywhere, the cold metal was soaked in blood, and the overflowing energy made Ye Xiao's already broken body even more messy.But Ye Xiao's eyes were cold and his expression was flat.

"Did you think you won?"

Leng Shangqing's body bowed slightly, and the long sword in his hand pointed flat, "If there is any other way, just use it."

Ye Xiao laughed, "Back in time!"

Hearing this word, Leng Shangqing's face showed a hint of shock, and he moved instantly, but an invisible force imprisoned him.

Yue Chuan was also stunned. He realized instantly that Ye Xiao and the doctor not only mastered the mystery of space power, but also involved the mystery of time.He can actually display the power of turning back time.

The power of time is incomparably wonderful. For Ye Xiao, time flows backwards, but for Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing, this process is static.They were completely targets, they just stood there blankly, allowing Ye Xiao to attack and shoot them.

In the same place, Ye Xiao's injuries healed quickly, and the damaged mech was restored as new in a blink of an eye. All the previous achievements of Leng Shangqing were wiped out, and the battle returned to the beginning.The only difference was that Ye Xiao remained at his peak, while Leng Shang's spirit inevitably dissipated.

Time resumed flowing again, Leng Shangqing blocked it without hesitation, and immediately felt a shock all over his body, Ye Xiao really sneaked up on him the moment time resumed flowing.

Ye Xiao laughed loudly, then moved and shot frantically, the barrage of bullets rushed towards Leng Shangqing like a torrent of steel.

"Do you think you can defeat me by mastering the secret of the mecha? I have to say that your cultivation is very strong, but your equipment is 1 years behind mine!"

Leng Shangqing's abyss knight equipment has just been born, and Ye Xiao's Ming Xiao Zhenri has been completed for an unknown number of years. During these long years, Ye Xiao has not strengthened and improved it, and the attributes of Ming Xiao Zhenri equipment are not cold at all. Sadness can be compared.

Perhaps, Leng Shangqing can defeat Ye Xiao with his personal cultivation, but Ye Xiao has the ability to turn back time, so he is basically invincible.

The power of time is indeed the strongest power.

Leng Shangqing has also mastered the superficial power of time, but his little power is not enough in front of Ye Xiao. After all, behind Ye Xiao is the entire base, supported by doctors and many mechanical equipment. In this regard, he is invincible.After all, Leng Shangqing would be exhausted, but Ye Xiao's energy was endless.

The completely new Ye Xiao stood upright again, "How is it? Have you realized your own insignificance? Surrender, don't make unnecessary struggles!"

"Hahaha... You barbarian creatures only know how to strengthen your body and increase your magic power. Do you think that is the true meaning of power? Do you think that is eternal power? Wrong!"

"No matter or force can resist the invasion of time, the world will be destroyed, the universe will perish, but time is eternal. The power of time is the most powerful and unique!"

"As for me, I have initially controlled the power of time. Even if it is only a little bit, it is enough to make me invincible. Even if Bakar comes back from the dead, it will not be able to help me."

Seeing Ye Xiao laugh wildly, Yue Chuan really wanted to release Bakar and shave his face severely.But the Book of Death was also banned and could not be used.

Although very annoyed, Yue Chuan had to admit that what Ye Xiao said was very reasonable, everything in the world would perish and be destroyed, but time was eternal.

It is time that determines the length of life, there is no doubt about it.

What determines the speed is time, without time, speed is meaningless.

It is time that determines the size of power, because nothing can withstand the scouring and wearing away of time.

Compared with the power of time, all martial arts and magic are so weak that they are not worth mentioning at all.

This is where Yue Chuan is depressed, because he has awakened 49 wills and touched the mystery of the power of time, but unfortunately, he doesn't know which kind of power of time he has mastered.

It is also the power of time, but it is also divided into many types. For example, Xi Lan's time power is time travel, which can travel in a long time, and is a professional traveler.

The time power of Leng Shangqing is years, which accelerates the passage of time, just like rolling a wheel along a slope.Time stands still and time goes backwards, like fixing the wheels rolling downhill on the slope and returning along the slope, which is what Leng Shang lacks.

Jiger also has the power of time, but he controls the power of time indirectly, because he controls all ghosts and can obtain many mysteries buried in time from ghosts and gods.Ye Xiao is also the power to indirectly control time, and his time travel back comes from the time machine.To be honest, they are the most similar.

Yue Chuan didn't know what his power of time was, let alone what kind of power of time he belonged to.

"Brother, be careful!"

Qianqian's voice came from Yue Chuan's heart, and he suddenly realized that this is a battlefield, not a place to meditate, and now is not the time for him to be distracted.

When Yue Chuan raised his head, he only saw Ye Xiao's Ming Xiao Zhenri appear suddenly in front of his eyes, and then he was shot right in the face.

Yue Chuan's pupils clearly reflected the pitch-black gun holes and scorching flames, and he even saw the bullet whizzing out of the chamber.

Yue Chuan could clearly feel the high-speed rotation of the bullet under the action of the rifling, and even felt the slight shaking of Ye Xiao's wrist, using his own wrist force to form a force similar to the rifling, affecting the trajectory of the bullet.

Is this the so-called arc shooting?

Yue Chuan knew the existence of arc shooting, and was urged by Audrey He to learn it, not to learn how to shoot, but to adapt to the battle with the gunner.

But now with Ye Xiao's close-range demonstration, Yue Chuan finally understood the mystery of arc shooting in gun martial arts.

The role of the rifling is to make the bullet rotate at a high speed when it is ejected from the chamber. The design process will be more precise and straight, so that it can be pointed where to hit.The same is true for arc shooting. Use your wrist to drive the gun body, and use your own strength to form a force similar to rifling, which affects the trajectory and path of the bullet. In this way, after the bullet is ejected, there will be arcs and angles, which is hard to guard against.

The rifling is the materialized "force", and the vibrating force is the invisible "rifling".

So, what time?Does time also have "rifling"?

Time is invisible and intangible, but time is everywhere. Everyone can feel the passage of time and cannot resist the erosion of time.The existence of time must also be mastered and controlled, otherwise there would be no such aliens as Xi Lan, Leng Shangqing, and Ji Ge, let alone such freaks as Ye Xiao.

Yue Chuan didn't set up the Shadowless Sword to block, because the Shadowless Sword has no blade, so blocking is invalid.

Yue Chuan raised his palm, as if he was going to catch the bullet empty-handed, but everyone knew that this was impossible. Ye Xiao's gun was part of Ming Xiao's Zhenri, and it was very powerful. Then, let alone Yue Chuan's "naked body".

But unfortunately, Yue Chuan did this.

Originally, it only took a few tenths of a second for the bullet to pass through the skull.Originally, the speed at which Yue Chuan raised his hand could not have blocked the bullet's path.original……

However, the bullet was covered by Yue Chuan's palm.

There is no bloody picture, no scene of flesh and blood being divided, Yue Chuan is still standing there intact, tapping his palm lightly, not knowing what is inside.

As if sensing everyone's thoughts, Yue Chuan turned his palm around, revealing the bullet hovering on his palm. Everyone could clearly feel that the bullet was still flying at high speed, and it was not stationary, but for some reason, it still couldn't escape from Yue Chuan's palm Heart.

Seeing Yue Chuan's attitude of lifting weights lightly, Ye Xiao's heart was agitated.

"This is impossible! How can human beings have the power to control time, even if they are themselves, they can only do it with the help of a time machine. Impossible, this must be a blindfold, yes, a blindfold!"

Ye Xiao held the gun in both hands and fired randomly. The magazine was quickly emptied and then quickly filled. Ye Xiao's speed was so fast that he didn't even know how many bullets he fired.

But the next moment, Ye Xiao was stunned, not only Ye Xiao, but everyone was so surprised that their mouths grew wide.

I saw hundreds of bullets hovering in front of Yue Chuan, each bullet was moving at high speed, but for some reason, all of these bullets stopped in front of Yue Chuan, and the nearest bullet was more than ten centimeters away from Yue Chuan's eyebrows .And these more than ten centimeters, like a moat, cannot be crossed.

Yue Chuan smiled, his eyes revealed a look of enlightenment, "So that's it, this is the trajectory of time!"


Ye Xiao roared violently and threw out an instant kick, intending to kill Yue Chuan with his tyrannical strength.

With a smile on his face, Yue Chuan still raised his hand, like caressing a lute, his fingers twirling invisible tracks.

Ye Xiao instantly felt a sense of crisis. There was clearly nothing around him, but he felt as if he had fallen into a muddy swamp.According to the data of Mingxiao Zhenri, his speed has not been reduced at all, and he is still moving at a high speed, but the distance between himself and the enemy has not been shortened at all, and has not changed at all from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that time stands still?
Ye Xiao immediately understood that this was the power of still time, but unfortunately, he had already been enveloped by the power of still time, and his thinking and consciousness had also stopped at this moment forever.

Back in time!

Ye Xiao's body instantly appeared hundreds of meters away. He looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief, and at the thousands of bullets suspended in front of Yue Chuan, he knew that Yue Chuan did possess the power to freeze time, which was enough to fight create a deadly threat on its own.

Fortunately, the time machine is controlled by the doctor. When he saw that something was wrong, he immediately turned back the time and rescued himself. Otherwise, he would have become a fish on the chopping board and let the enemy slaughter him.

Yue Chuan was still immersed in the excitement of touching the time trajectory at this time, but he found that his power was being consumed rapidly, and the speed of consumption was far beyond his imagination, especially when Ye Xiao was stationary before, it was consumed almost instantly. own half of the power.

The bullets hovering in front of Yue Chuan instantly lost control, whizzing past Yue Chuan.Seeing this scene, Ye Xiao laughed out loud.

"So what about time standing still? How much power do you have to cast time standing still? Hehehe, once your power is exhausted, you will eventually be unable to escape death. I have mastered the mysteries of time and space, and I have endless energy. You have no chance of defeating me!"

Yue Chuan also laughed, "Not necessarily! You are too happy too soon."

Ye Xiao was a little dazed, but the next moment, the doctor's horrified voice came from his communication: "Boss, our energy has been invaded, the energy in the base has been blocked, and the energy in the No. The clock disappeared, and the energy of the No. [-] energy station is also rapidly disappearing."

"What's going on? How could our energy system be invaded? The energy of the four energy stations is enough to support the energy consumption of billions of creatures in the entire heaven for a hundred years. How can such a huge amount of energy be said to be gone?"

"I'm investigating, but this is the truth, Boss, all the energy disappeared in three seconds. Boss, the communication energy has also been cut off, I..."

The Tunxun equipment was silent, not even the sound of creaking electricity. In the silent silence, Ye Xiao's heart sank a little bit.

[five thousand words, 8]

(End of this chapter)

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