
Chapter 1370 The inventor of the time machine

Chapter 1370 The inventor of the time machine

Previously, Yue Chuan took over the task of Anton's soul from Ma Tejia, and was responsible for maintaining the life of Anton's soul. To put it bluntly, he was responsible for finding enough energy for it to satisfy its instinctive desires.

Originally, Yue Chuan planned to throw this thing into the elemental world to absorb the endless energy there, but because of the bad luck that he came to find Ye Xiao, Yue Chuan decided to use An Tuen's soul.

Originally, Yue Chuan only wanted to let Meiying lurk and destroy the energy system in the base, but he didn't expect Meiying to be lucky enough to meet the doctor, and relying on Andersen's soul to devour the energy, he killed the doctor in one move.

However, even Meiying didn't expect that when Anton's soul devoured the energy of the doctor's mecha, it also swallowed the doctor's soul.It's just that it grabbed too much energy before, so the doctor's soul was not digested by it immediately, but stored.

After taking An Tuen's soul back into the Book of Death, the doctor's soul immediately appeared on the pages of the Book of Death. With a thought, Yue Chuan summoned the doctor's soul.

When Dreyfuss and Kahn were still dazed beside the hourglass, Yue Chuan had already comprehended the principle of the time machine, and even held the maker of the time machine in his hands. The time machine had no secrets for him.

When the doctor saw Yue Chuan's face, his body trembled. He looked around, but found that it was a completely strange place. Then the doctor discovered the abnormality of his body. Looking at his completely transparent body, the doctor's thinking went blank for a moment.

Dead... I am already dead...

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead, otherwise, I will let you really experience the taste of death."

The doctor was shocked immediately, and he mustered all his energy to deal with Yue Chuan.

"Whatever you want to know, just ask."

Debts are eliminated, no matter what ties he had with Ye Xiao before he was alive, everything is gone now, loyalty and betrayal don't matter anymore.

"Tell me about the origin of the time machine."

The doctor thought to himself, indeed.This was the biggest secret between him and Ye Xiao, a secret that Herder had coveted for many years, but unfortunately, even though he had such a secret, he still died unexpectedly.

"Ye Owl and I were born in the Bakal period, and we have lived to this day, and our lifespan has almost reached 1000 years."

Yue Chuan twitched his lips, asking for seniority, but in reality, 1000 years is nothing, after all, Yue Chuan has seen too many creatures that exist for tens of thousands or even millions of years.

The doctor seemed to see what Yue Chuan was thinking, and shook his head mockingly, "That's right, a 1000-year lifespan is just a flick of a finger for a powerful god, but the key point is that Ye Xiao and I are not gods."

Yue Chuan's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly understood.I only saw Ye Xiao and the doctor's strong side, but ignored their weak point - their own strength.

Ye Xiao is not a god-level powerhouse, a doctor is even worse, and he can't even be called a warrior.Because they have neither the conditions nor the talent for cultivation.Moreover, they have mechanical science in their hands, why should they practice it?

This is also the reason why Ye Xiao relies too much on mechanical equipment, because his own strength is too weak, and he is not considered a scum if he abandons mechanical equipment.

"We are human beings, and there will be birth, old age, sickness and death. Ye Xiao has a thing that can bring us all kinds of incredible technologies, including various health care products, but it is just to delay aging as much as possible and maintain physiological functions. That thing It doesn't solve the problem of our longevity."

Yue Chuan nodded. Indeed, Ye Xiao and the doctor will also face life, old age, sickness and death, after all, they are not gods.Even the gods just live longer, not completely fearless of time.

Ye Xiao and the Doctor, who are in charge of the world, naturally long for an endless lifespan, which is their original intention of trying to study the power of time.

It's just a pity that Ye Xiao couldn't produce information about the power of time, and there is no such technology in the gear of destiny.Although the doctor is knowledgeable, his research has never involved the power of time, and he doesn't know where to start.

In this way, he has been busy doing nothing for nearly a hundred years. When Ye Xiao found a wrinkle on his face and a strand of white hair on his head, he finally panicked because he felt the approach of death.

At this time, Ye Xiao started having nightmares, dreaming that he was being fought by Audrey He.Ye Xiao firmly believed that this was a warning given to him by fate. Under the pressure of death, Ye Xiao began to mobilize all forces to find the mystery of the power of time.

If you can't study it yourself, let others study it.Ye Xiao and the doctor sent the civilization data of mechanical science to the space turbulence, let them take root and blossom in other worlds, secretly affect the scientific trajectory of these worlds, and see if the power of time will be born in these worlds.

This behavior is like fish laying eggs in the ocean. Hundreds of millions of fish eggs are produced, but less than one percent of them can really hatch. Among the hatched eggs, they can really survive and grow. Fish is not even one percent.

Ye Xiao and the doctor were originally sick and rushed to the doctor without any hope at all. After all, the development process of civilization is very long and difficult, and what Ye Xiao and the others lack most is time.

At this time, the doctor said almost dreamily: "However, a strange world appeared. There are many civilizations in that world, such as dragon civilization, sword and magic civilization, ninjutsu civilization, and elf civilization. It seems that all the civilizations that have ever existed Civilization can be found there, and any civilization can survive in that world. Therefore, mechanical civilization has also taken root there.”

"We are secretly promoting the development of civilization in this world, continuously spreading various civilizations to that world, and then promoting that world war, allowing civilization to make explosive leaps in the war. In just 500 years, that world has gone through nearly 5000 years development of civilization."

What the hell!

Yue Chuan couldn't help cursing inwardly, it's no wonder that modern science on Earth has developed so rapidly, it's unbelievable, it turned out that these two were behind the push.Moreover, there are always wars and chaos on the earth, and it turns out that these two are the ghosts.

The doctor didn't know Yue Chuan's origin, nor did he notice the change in Yue Chuan's expression, he just said to himself: "In the end, a super genius appeared there!"

When people praise a person, they will always describe it with words such as "the past and the present", "there is no one before, and there will be no one since".But there is a kind of person, no matter whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, there is no one who can compare with him. This kind of person is the existence of "transcendence", a unparalleled genius who transcends the entire world.

"That genius integrated mechanical science, and even put forward various truths about space and the universe. He used formulas to explain the mysteries of space, energy, universe, and—the mystery of time!"

"Is that Albert Einstein?"

This time, it was the doctor's turn to be surprised, because this was the name of the genius.

Yue Chuan thought to himself, fortunately he came from the earth, and fortunately he had read the textbook a few times when he was in school, otherwise, he would be squatting there with Dreyfus, Kahn and the others to study the hourglass right now.Hey, it's terrible to be uneducated.

"What happened after that?"

The doctor looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously, "Are you asking what happened to Einstein, or what happened to us?"

"Talk about everything."

"We have paid attention to Einstein, but it is a pity that although we can influence that world, we cannot directly control that world. Therefore, although Einstein has a complete idea, he has no experimental conditions and cannot obtain the power of time at all. "

"I secretly stole Einstein's theories and ideas, and then did my own research. If there is any problem that I don't understand, I communicate with Einstein through a human being disguised as a robot. In more than ten years, I have thoroughly figured out the meaning of love. Einstein's thoughts and ideas. Later, Einstein passed away, but at that time, my experiment was on the right track. After years of experiments, I finally made the hourglass."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help being moved, because some gossip on the earth recorded that Einstein once communicated with aliens, and many people speculated that the theories proposed by Einstein were all from aliens. Plagiarism", but the fact is that a very, very powerful alien is trying to plagiarize Einstein's achievements, how awesome should Einstein be.

"The hourglass is a milestone in my experiment on the power of time, and a symbol of my mastery of the power of time. Therefore, I made him a souvenir and put it in the laboratory. In fact, it is useless."

Yue Chuan nodded, the hourglass was indeed nothing special, and it was precisely because of this that Yue Chuan gave up the ownership of the hourglass and left the laboratory early.

"If you are given enough experimental conditions, can you recreate the time machine?"

The doctor did not answer immediately, but raised his hands, "Look at me now, can I still do research?"

What's so difficult about this, Yue Chuan directly found Lucifer, and created an angel body for the doctor.Although the God of Light is not good at other things, the method of creating angels is very useful. After a while, the doctor has a new body, a young and strong body.

The reborn doctor laughed. He finally didn't have to drag his aging body to do experiments and research, he didn't have to rely on various metal exoskeletons to walk, sit and lie down, and he didn't have to rely on various nutrient solutions to maintain his life.Thinking of this, the doctor squabbled, he couldn't wait to taste the taste of food, even the roughest brown bread.

"Looking at your energy production of Geboga, the industrial base must be very strong. Your production base fully meets the production requirements of the time machine. If there is no accident, I will be able to produce the time machine in three months."

Yue Chuan nodded, "Very good! But, to what extent have you researched the time machine?"

It is true that the doctor has developed a time machine, but the function of the time machine is very limited. For now, it is only a time reversal.Moreover, it can only be reversed within a few tens of seconds, and it is simply delusional to rely on this thing to travel through time and space and return to ancient times.

The doctor spread his hands helplessly, and said with great shame: "You know, all my achievements are plagiarized by others. It is already the limit for me to develop a time machine. My ability has come to an end. If I go further, Unless Einstein is resurrected and personally presides over this research."

The doctor's admiration for Einstein comes from the heart, and only a doctor can deeply feel Einstein's awesomeness.In the eyes of the doctor, the earth is simply a desert of science, but it is in this desert that the towering giant tree Einstein was born.

It's just a pity that Einstein didn't have the experimental conditions to match his talents, otherwise, his achievements would definitely not stop there.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener does. According to the doctor, Einstein's resurrection is simply impossible.Because Einstein has been dead for many years, and the doctor's time machine can go back tens of seconds at most, it is impossible to return to the era where Einstein lived.But in Yue Chuan's view, this matter is not hopeless.

This matter requires a very crucial person, and only this person can help Yue Chuan——Xilan!Xi Lan didn't even go to elementary school, but she has a special ability - travel through time and space.The limit range of Xilan's shuttle is within 5000 years, and it can definitely return to the era of Einstein's life.

However, Xi Lan is a person in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", how can he be fooled into the real world?

The Capital of the False Motherland·Sunan
In the silver and silent priest's hall, Jiger and Xi Lan sat facing each other, frowning.

They still couldn't understand why Yue Chuan gave up the power of time at the most critical moment. Could it be that he was really afraid of Dreyfus and Kahn?
After all, Xilan is young, and he is not as calm as Jiger. He shook his head in pain, "Did we miss it, this person named Yue Chuan is not worthy of trust and entrustment!"

Jiger also shook his head, "No, maybe it's not that we misjudged the person, but we misjudged the matter."

"Misunderstood something? That is the genuine power of time, and Yue Chuan gave up the power of time and handed it over to those two people."

"He'll give us an explanation."

At this moment, Jiger received the news of ghosts and gods in his heart, and his frowning brows suddenly relaxed, "He is coming!"

Yue Chuan walked to the futon he had prepared for himself and sat down. Immediately, ghosts and gods circled and danced in the hall of priests. The strong power of ghosts and gods blocked everything in the hall of priests. Even Dreyfus and Kahn could not be silent. Peep here.

"I am very grateful to the two of you for helping me at the most difficult moment. Without your support, I might not have the courage to fight against them."

Giger waved his hand, "Who else can help if you don't help? We are just the weak huddled together to seek the strong."

Jiger is undoubtedly strong, but in front of Dreyfuss and Kahn, Jiger is still not good enough, so he can only unite with Xi Lan to support Yue Chuan, and the three of them are qualified to fight against Germany. Lavers and the others are equal.

But Xi Lan said angrily: "The final result is still nothing."

Yue Chuan knew the source of Xi Lan's resentment, so he said with a smile: "Is the power of time really important?"

Xi Lan gave Yue Chuan a blank look, isn't this nonsense.Is there a power stronger than the power of time in the world?
"Then, Master Xi Lan has acquired the power of time for many years, but has he ever researched why?"

Before, Yue Chuan and Xi Lan were called brothers and sisters, but now a "master" popped up suddenly.Sensing Yue Chuan's indifference, Xi Lan was taken aback for a moment.Thinking that she has obtained the power of time for so many years but still has no progress, Xi Lan almost wants to hang her head in her crotch.

Jiger raised his brows and heard Yue Chuan's subtext, "You mean, although the hourglass is related to the power of time, it's not something to be praised, and it's impossible to study the mystery of time in it? "

"Isn't this obvious!" Yue Chuan showed strong confidence on his face, "The time reversal mastered by Ye Xiao and the doctor can go back tens of seconds at most, and it will consume a huge amount of energy. The so-called time machine is basically A tasteless product with high investment and low cost, flashy. Instead of studying that hourglass, I might as well study Xilan.”

Sensing Yue Chuan's knife-like gaze, Xi Lan suddenly trembled all over, because Yue Chuan looked at him like he was looking at a mouse, and it was sliced.

Jiger accepted Yue Chuan's statement, but still hesitated, "What if... I mean, what if they really mastered the mystery of time?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "The power of time is far more complicated than you imagined. It is impossible to figure out any tricks in that hourglass. If they can figure out the power of time, they don't need to use this hourglass at all. If they have it or not It's all the same result. Since this is the case, why should we go through this muddy water, leave the hourglass to those two, and let them continue to stalemate."

Xi Lan didn't say anything more. After all, what Yue Chuan said was very reasonable. Although the hourglass contained the genuine power of time, that hourglass was nothing compared to the power of traveling through time and space in him.Since guarding a golden mountain, why bother to grab a steel coin with two beggars?

At this time, Yue Chuan took out the book of death and said, "I need to go to a place and find someone. In this process, brother Xilan needs to take me through time and space. Can brother Xilan trust me?"

Xi Lan's head was shaking like a rattle. In order to cover up his secrets, he has been depressed for more than ten years.He is born free and doesn't like restraint, so how could he sign a contract with Yue Chuan.In that case he might as well go to Dreyfuss.

On the contrary, it was Jiger who held down the retreating Xilan, then raised his hand and released a strong power of ghosts and gods to prop up an enchantment around him.This time, even the surrounding ghosts and gods could not eavesdrop on the conversation of the three.

"Is this person important?"

Yue Chuan didn't speak, but nodded heavily, "It's more important than the hourglass. The doctor was able to make the hourglass because he was inspired by this person."


Hearing Jiger's words, Xi Lan came over with a bitter face.

Yue Chuan smiled, "Don't worry, what you signed is an unrestricted partner contract, definitely not a master-slave contract."

Xi Lan felt relieved when he heard this, and then he was very excited. After all, he also wanted to meet this great existence who has mastered the power of time.

[Five thousand words. 8]

(End of this chapter)

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