
Chapter 1375 Doomsday Awakening

Chapter 1375 Doomsday Awakening
After Carlos got the time, he passed on part of it to humans.

Many magicians who have obtained the power of time from Caruso can pull the power of flames, ice, and hurricanes from time and space for their own use. These magicians are called creators.

Because they lived in the darkest age, and because their martial arts were inherited from Kahn's Knight Legion, warriors all called themselves Dark Knights.

Creator and Dark Knight became the only career choices for all creatures, and other professions were eliminated due to various reasons.

In the last and most tragic 50 years, the demon world fell, and countless dark knights and creators fought to the last moment, shedding the last drop of blood.

When he was besieged by the overwhelming Apophis, Caruso unleashed all the power of time and went back to the time of the world of Arad.

It's a pity that Caruso's control over the power of time is very limited, and he can only go back the time of the world of Arad to 100 years ago.

100 years passed by in a hurry, although human beings have made a lot of progress, but in the face of the incomprehensible power of Apophis, history repeated itself, and Carlos once again fell into despair.

In such a cycle, Carloso went back in time again and again, but failed again and again. In the face of the absolute strength of Apophis, no matter how great a miracle is, it cannot shake the cold result.

Caruso knew that the power of Arad's world was too weak. Even if he went back in time [-] times, he would still be ruthlessly crushed by Apophis.

Caruso, whose power was about to run out, burned his will in exchange for a power far beyond the peak, activating the power of time for the last time.

Caruso froze the time of Arad's world, and sent the only creators and dark knights left at the time of destruction into the gate of time and space, allowing them to go back to the past.Carlos' will shattered, and countless will fragments scattered into the vast time and space of Arad's world.Those who obtain these fragments of will are collectively called guardians.

Seeing the burning figure at the end of time, Yue Chuan clenched his fists in his chest and saluted from afar.

At this moment, Yue Chuan finally understood the origin of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, the secret behind this game world, and the mission he shouldered.

First of all, this world is a real world, but this world has added a way to cultivate strong people and improve their strength, which has become the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".

The world has less than 500 years of history left.In other words, if a way to resist the Apophis army cannot be found within 500 years, everything in this world will turn into dust and disappear. The Dungeon & Fighter world will look for its next master until he can reverse the history of the world of Arad.

Yue Chuan felt that he was extremely lucky. Because of the time machine, he had a glimpse of the ending of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" in advance, knew the origin of the game world, and even understood his own mission.

Otherwise, I probably only know how to use the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" to make money, cultivate strength, and attract manpower, and use this magical world as a tool of my desire.

As time goes by, the future plot unfolds little by little. I am weak and powerless in front of Apophis. In the end, I will taste the taste of failure just like Caruso, and then I will be completely deprived of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" .

Fortunately, I knew all this in advance, and I would have more preparation time to deal with future disasters.


In the creation of the world, in Einstein's laboratory, the fog of time and space reappeared, and Gai Bojia of Yue Chuan's car was slowly revealed.It was only three to five seconds since Yue Chuan disappeared. Many people thought it was a malfunction of the time machine. Only Einstein knew that Yue Chuan had traveled a long time and returned to the starting point.

For others, the time has only lost three to five seconds, but Yue Chuan has spent three to five hundred years.

Walking out of Gai Bojia's cockpit, Yue Chuan locked himself in the room without talking to anyone, thinking about all kinds of things about the future world.

Learn from the experience of the battle between Caruso and Apophis, sum up the lessons, and think about how to do better.

There were too many secrets involved, especially after seeing those people controlled by Apophis, all the trust in Yue Chuan's heart disappeared.

It's hard to imagine that the evil and ugly Apophis can be integrated into the human body, perfectly captured, without any trace, even the closest people can't detect the flaws in it.

In the future world, too many strong human beings died in this way, and they were suddenly attacked by the lurking Apophis.Except for the great Will Caruso, almost all the creatures in the world of Arad have encountered the sudden defection of those around them.

A body of flesh and blood is indeed the best body for Apophis.Therefore, when Yue Chuan saw Einstein and others just now, his heart twitched.Although reason told him that these were pure human beings, Yue Chuan still had a lot of shadows in his heart.

Opening the book of death, Yue Chuan saw the body and soul of Apophis. The body was the magic sword-Apophis obtained from the cave of mourning, and the soul was the soul of Anton given to him by Matega.

Apophis has been completely sealed by himself, and it is impossible to stir up troubles outside.

But Einstein once said that it is the present, not the past, that determines the future. Even if the past is completely erased, it will not change the future in the slightest.

In other words, even if he sealed the body and soul of Apophis, it would still not change the future history.Just like I once sealed a doctor in the abyss world, and captured a doctor when I killed Ye Xiao. They were originally one, but now they exist independently of each other.

Future scenes will still happen, and I can't change it.The only thing I can do is to grasp the present and change the present, because only the present can determine the future.

The history of the "Dungeon and Fighter" game world is still rolling forward, and there will be less time left for yourself, not more.They must come up with countermeasures to deal with future crises.

The unification of the Delos Empire, the emergence of rebels, the outbreak of Apophis, and the coming of the end...

Scenes of the future flowed through Yue Chuan's mind, and finally turned into Carlos' endless sigh: I really want to have more time and stronger strength.

In contrast, Yue Chuan already had more time, and now he could only focus on his strength.

Thinking of all creators and dark knights in the future world, Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking, should we delete all other professions and keep only creators and dark knights?After all, the future world proves that these two professions are the most suitable professions.

But at this time, two voices appeared in Yue Chuan's heart.

[2000 words, first update]

(End of this chapter)

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