
Chapter 1384 The Secret Medicine of Ancient Elves

Chapter 1384 The Secret Medicine of Ancient Elves

The secret medicine of the ancient elves.

Speaking of this name, many people may be confused, because they have never heard of it, and they have never taken this medicine after eating the entire DNF.But when it comes to its other name, everyone is familiar with it-experience medicine.

Many main quests of DNF will send experience potions. Generally, experience is doubled when clearing dungeons, which is commonly known as double potions. Some activities will also send triple potions. As for quadruple potions, Yue Chuan has not heard of it yet. Pass.

There is no double experience potion in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". At most, Yue Chuan adjusts the rate of gaining experience through the server at certain periods of time to achieve the "double" effect.However, this kind of adjustment has many restrictions, and the cooldown period is very long, so it cannot be used frequently, and the online time of players is inconsistent, and it is difficult to benefit everyone.

Now Yue Chuan is short of time, and the growth rate of players in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world is getting slower and slower, especially after level 80, the speed of gaining experience is ridiculously slow. A month or even half a year.

At this time, Yue Chuan had to miss the experience potion. With double potion, it was equivalent to reducing the upgrade speed by half, and with triple potion, it was equivalent to triple the upgrade speed.The most important thing is that the time to use the experience medicine is controlled by the player himself, and he is very free to use it when he wants to use it.

Yue Chuan couldn't remember the name of the experience potion all the time, that is, when he saw these elves, he suddenly thought of the words "secret medicine of ancient elves". As the name implies, this is the secret medicine of ancient elves.

Apophis did not know where to get the news of the experience potion, and sent six members to get the prescription, but they were out of luck, they happened to meet Yue Chuan, and they all died of hatred.

The patriarch of the elf clan was very grateful for Yue Chuan's help, but when he heard Yue Chuan asked for the prescription, the old man immediately became vigilant, he was worried that this was a bitter trick used by the enemy.

But if you think about it carefully, the opponent clearly has an absolute advantage, so there is no need to spend such a high price to set up a trap.Besides, I am not the only one who knows the prescription, even if I don't tell it, someone will inform me.

Yue Chuan also knew that he was a little reckless. In order to clarify the misunderstanding, Yue Chuan called out Pinoxiu and Herac.Sensing the strong and pure spirit of the elves from the two sisters, the face of the patriarch of the elves suddenly softened.

"It is the blood of the elves, and it is the blood of our line. Moreover, I can feel your kind thoughts."

As he said that, the old man took out a thick tome from nowhere, "This thing is meaningless to us, but I believe you will use it, take it!"

The patriarch of the elves didn't ask any questions, and directly took out the prescription that recorded the "Ancient Elves' Secret Medicine".Hearing the old patriarch's words, Yue Chuan was silent.

Indeed, the elves no longer need this thing, because they have so much time that they no longer know the value of existence and the meaning of living.

Another reason is that the population of the elves is gradually decreasing, especially this time Apophis beheaded two-thirds of the elves.This elf will soon disappear from the world.

Yue Chuan was not polite either, he put away the prescription very carefully, and then left this time and space silently with Sister Pinoxiu.

Back in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", Yue Chuan went straight to Celia Hotel, handed the newly obtained prescription to Celia, and asked her to make experience medicine.

Celia flipped through the ancient scroll, with faint doubts in her eyes. She always felt that this ancient scroll was very familiar, but no matter what, she couldn't remember where she saw it.

With light-white fingers inserted into the silver hair, Seria rubbed his forehead feebly. Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan's heart sank. Could it be that Celia couldn't make this kind of medicine?

"I'm sorry, I just thought of something else." Celia smiled apologetically, and then said: "This medicine is not difficult, it's just an auxiliary practice used by the elves to clear their minds and speed up their learning. It's just medicine. Well, I can make it now, please wait."

The potions made by Celia can be mass-produced, just like teleportation potions and invincible potions. In a short time, colorful experiential potions appeared in front of Yue Chuan.

"According to the efficacy, it is divided into three types: 1 times, [-] times, and [-] times. The duration is half an hour. It can be used once a day. In addition, there are five times experience medicines. Although they have been made, there are still many medicines. Serious flaw, the effect of the medicine is only [-] minute, and it can only be used once a day. There is also a method of making ten times the experience recorded in the prescription, but I haven't fully figured it out, and I can't make it for the time being. Sorry, I can't help your turn."

Yue Chuan's heart was thumping wildly. After all, his goal was to double the experience medicine. He didn't expect Celia to be so strong that he even got the triple experience medicine, and there were five times and the legendary ten times.

"No, no, you've helped me too much. I really don't know how to thank you. Do you know that the promotion of these potions will definitely increase the strength of adventurers, and everyone will be grateful to you. "

Celia still shook her head in distress. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with not being able to make the perfect five times experience potion and ten times experience potion.Regardless of greeting Yue Chuan, Sai Liya began to study the ancient books bitterly and bitterly.

Yue Chuan didn't take it seriously, he was thinking about how to send out the experience potion in his mind.

It is impossible for free. It is true that Celia does not need much investment to make these potions, but it is not without cost.

However, it is not appropriate to treat it as a commodity for profit. After all, it is an important item to promote players to improve their strength. If the price is prohibitive, it will only become the culprit of widening the gap between strength and weakness.

In the end, Yue Chuan distributed the experience potion as a benefit of the guild. The 1 times experience potion was the same as the resurrection coin, and he could receive it for free in the guild every day.

However, the double experience potion needs to pay a certain amount of gold coins to buy it. As for the triple experience potion, the price is slightly higher, but it is still very cheap.One-tenth of the money purchased by guild members for experience potions will be returned as guild funds, so that the guild can strengthen its own construction.

After pondering over this plan repeatedly, and finally confirming that there is nothing wrong with it, Yue Chuan began to submit it to the system. Soon, all players received a prompt from the system. Seeing this prompt, all players went crazy.But soon someone wailed and said: Fuck, I just finished my fatigue today.

Yue Chuan also heard the wailing of those players, and immediately thought of another medicine against the sky—— fatigue medicine.

"Devil Realm Anti-Fatigue Potion" is obviously something from the Demon Realm, so it looks like I have to go to the Demon Realm.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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