
Chapter 1389 Ozma's Confession

Chapter 1389 Ozma's Confession
The lost perception flowed back like a tide, Yue Chuan was like having a nightmare, all the chaos and fear disappeared completely, and the power flowing all over his body was unprecedentedly clear, especially the power of time.

"Ozma, you have indeed improved a lot. You are no longer the God of Chaos that I know, but I am definitely not the ant you said."

Yue Chuan rushed to Ozma again, and Ozma wanted to repeat the old trick, causing Yue Chuan to fall into the deepest chaos again, but at this time, Yue Chuan's thoughts were condensed on the hands of the watch, making time stand still.

When the ancients described time, they said that "the passing is like a man, never giving up day and night", and described time passing like flowing water, never to return.Stopping time is like blocking a great river to calm it down.

If it was Yue Chuan in the past, he would have been swept away by the long river of time, but now, Yue Chuan is like iron chains and dams on the horizontal river. , Slightly calm.

With Yue Chuan as the center, time completely stopped within a certain range around it. This range was very small, less than 50 meters, but this range was enough to enclose Ozma.

When time stood still, Ozma was like a puppet, letting Yue Chuan attack fifty times, a hundred times, and finally, at the time of the 180th attack, the space around Ozma burst, and Yue Chuan was finally able to Attack to Ozma's body.

Ozma was hit hard in an instant by punches to the flesh and blood on the knife.

But at this moment, the stationary hands resumed walking again, and the long river of time that was blocked poured down like a burst of water.Although Yue Chuan has realized that time is still, he still has a limit and cannot continue to stop the time around him.

However, at this time, Ozma was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and black blood flowed and spread around the wound along the body surface.One after another chaotic divine power invaded the surroundings, and the chaotic power quickly produced a chain reaction with the power of the chaotic era, catalyzing ugly and weird creatures.

These creatures roared wildly, announcing their existence to the world, but soon, they felt the huge aura of Yue Chuan, and all of them were scared to death, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The chaotic divine power in Ozma's blood has a peculiar power, and the creatures catalyzed just now may be the embryonic form of demons, and these escaped demons will gradually grow and multiply in the era of chaos.Yue Chuan really wanted to get rid of these guys from the root, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

Ozma's soul no longer exists, and the will of Apophis resides in his body, but his blood is still pure. These demons are all creatures who have inherited Ozma's blood. cease to exist.

"I have a secret to tell you..." Ozma who was lying on the ground said in a strange tone: "I am the real Ozma."

Yue Chuan was stunned, could it be that this guy in front of him is the real Ozma, not the walking dead after being taken away by Apophis?

Ozma struggled a bit, but couldn't straighten up, could only lie weakly on the ground, and said helplessly: "The power I am best at is mind control, my will is extremely firm, and my soul is also extremely powerful. Apophis wanted to take me away, but was swallowed by me instead, this point, even the mother body does not know."

This time it was Yue Chuan's turn to be surprised. He just took it for granted that all the creatures killed by Apophis would be devoured and turned into walking dead, but he forgot about Ozma.

Seeing Yue Chuan's hesitation, Ozma couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "I know what you want to say. Yes, I'm helping the mother fight for the tiger. But I have no choice. The power of the mother is too strong, even Carlos is not His opponent, I can only continue to pretend, otherwise, if I am not careful, I will die without a place to die."

Yue Chuan shook his head, "Lord Ozma, don't you mean to say that everything you do is to save the country with curves?"

Curve to save the country?Ozma thought about this novel vocabulary, and then nodded very seriously.

"Yes, I was waiting for the opportunity."

"Have you waited?"

"No, the mother body is too powerful, Ka Luosuo is not her opponent, and the world of Arad will eventually perish."

There is a painful look in Ozma's eyes, no matter whether he is right, evil, good or evil, but one thing will never change - Arad is his hometown.

"However, as long as I am alive, there is still hope for the world of Arad."

Yue Chuan hesitated.

What happened in the future world made Yue Chuan understand that Apophis is an extremely sinister and cunning creature, and the Oscar winner is only at the level of a primary school student in front of them.

After Apophis devours the souls of other beings, he continues to impersonate them, undetected even by his closest friends and relatives.On the battlefield, countless humans were stabbed to death by Apophis, even Kahn was no exception.

Therefore, even if Ozma was ten times more sensational, Yue Chuan was still dubious.But on the other hand, what if what Ozma said is true?He survived by luck, endured humiliation, and saved the country with curves. In the end, he did not die in the hands of Apophis, but was killed by humans.Isn't this a great irony.

"So, how do you explain that you turned humans into pretenders in the dark jihad? How do you prove that you are standing on the standpoint of human beings, Arad?"

Ozma sighed, with a painful expression on his face, he shook his head, "I know I'm destined to be misunderstood, but it's okay."

"Humans become pretenders, and they are still human beings. The power of the blood curse will not last forever. When the blood curse disappears, human beings will return to their original state. Moreover, during the duration of the blood curse, human strength will be terrible. The improvement. There is no doubt about this!"

Yue Chuan had to admit that what Ozma said was true, because human beings would indeed become very strong after becoming pretenders, outrageously powerful.As for whether humans will change back, the avenger Neilbas is a good proof. He has gained the power of the pretender, but still maintains the will of humans.

"You won't tell me that you turned humans into pretenders just to prepare for a rainy day and fight against Apophis?"

Facing Yue Chuan's ridicule, Ozma asked back with a serious face: "It is indeed so!"

"I am a person who came back from the dead. At the moment when life and death were reversed, I realized many things, and I glimpsed a fragment of the future. You may not believe it, but I am indeed fighting against Apophis. Apophis can Turn humans into walking dead, but there is nothing they can do about the pretenders, because the pretenders are more cruel and ruthless than them."

"We are not enemies, but allies fighting side by side."

【Third Update】

(End of this chapter)

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