
Chapter 139

Chapter 139

After Yue Chuan got in touch with Sha Lier, the depression in his heart finally eased a little, and he enlightened himself silently: Before, he only heard people talking about online dating and long-distance dating, but he never thought that one day he would experience it himself.However, Yue Chuan was still a little depressed because he would have to use his left and right hands again in the future.

Yue Chuan tried to use Sally's location to spread out to see if he could invite some creatures from the world of fire elements to enter the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world.But unexpectedly, the invincible system prompts that the signal is insufficient.Yue Chuan was so angry that he had the urge to vomit blood.But after thinking about it, this is after all a cross-plane, and it's normal to not be able to contact the creatures there.

After much consideration, Yue Chuan decided to increase Shalier's authority, giving her the authority to invite players.Because Yue Chuan was too far away, he couldn't directly invite the creatures from the fire elemental world, but there was no problem for Sally in the fire elemental world.

"Is this the so-called agent?" Yue Chuan thought strangely.

Soon, Sally got the permission to invite players. After Yue Chuan told Sally some things, she asked Sally to go back to the Fire Elemental World to try.

In the fire in the center of the earth, Sally regained consciousness, and the bone-destroying pain struck again, dense and endless, making Sally extremely painful.Sally didn't howl and scream because of the pain, she just frowned, gritted her teeth firmly, and didn't make a sound.

Shariel looked around, and the surroundings were full of orange, golden and bright red light. The temperature of the magma was different, and the color would change, and the closer to the center of the earth, the higher the temperature of the magma, the more colorful it was. It is so dazzling that it makes people feel like they are in a world of light. It didn't take long for them to be blind, and even if they closed their eyes, they could still see the dazzling fire.

However, when Shariel no longer relied on vision, but relied on the perception of spiritual power to contact the outside world, a completely different world immediately appeared in her mind.Just now, there was nothing but flames around here, but now, this place is full of flames, to be precise, life formed by flames, elves in flames.

The small ones of these flame elves are only as big as a fingernail, the medium ones are as big as a water tank, and the larger ones are like a house.They are fat and round as balls, with arms formed of flames, and they are covered in flames rolling and surging backwards, forming their hair (tails?).


Sally cried out in surprise.She is a master of fire magic, so she is no stranger to the elves born in the flames recorded in the magic book.It is rumored that only those fire magicians who have a strong sense of the fire element and a deep and thorough understanding of the element can pass the summoning ceremony, and by chance, they can summon this kind of flame elf named Yadeyan from the plane of the fire element.

In magic, there are many things formed by elements. The lowest level is the kind of puppets without thinking and consciousness, such as soil puppets and ice puppets, which are dead objects shaped by magicians through magic.The advanced ones are creatures evolved from various elements over a long period of time. These creatures have no fixed form, and may imitate beasts, things, or even adults. In magic, "summon water element", " "Summon fire element" refers to this kind of elemental life.

And Yadeyan is more advanced than elemental life, because the birth of elemental life is very accidental, but Yadeyan is different, their existence is very common, and even formed a group, the entire fire elemental plane is the world of Yadeyan, Legend has it that the Flame Elf King was formed by the mutation and advancement of an Yadeyan. Of course, the Flame Elf King will not admit this.

In the past, Shariel's junior sister Wendini summoned an Icenas from the water elemental plane by chance, and even contracted it into a magic pet.Sally was both envious and jealous in her heart. She carried out magic rituals time and time again in order to contract with Yadeyan, but failed repeatedly. In the end, although she successfully communicated with the fire elemental plane, she sensed the Flame Elf King. of those things.

At the beginning, Yadeyan, who couldn't find it after thousands of searches, now densely filled every inch of the surrounding space, and Sally felt a little dizzy for a while.

"Is that a human?"

"Human? Is that the creature that often takes us away?"

"Don't talk nonsense, those clansmen who disappeared are all going to enjoy their blessings."

"Enjoy happiness? The human world is very cold and cold, we will be extinguished."

"Yes, yes, it's still comfortable to soak in the magma."

"A bunch of uninformed guys."

"That's right, the human world is beautiful. Otherwise, every time the power of summoning arrives, so many tribesmen would break their heads and make a contract."

Noisy conversations came from Shalier's spiritual perception, and there were densely packed with Yadeyan, and what Yadeyan said in her ears was really "thousands of words", and the noise made her head dizzy. It's going to explode.

"Stop arguing!"

Shalier couldn't help spreading out her spiritual thoughts. Now that the noisy discussions around had stopped, all the Yadeyans looked at Shalier without blinking.

Stared at by thousands of Yadeyan, Shalier felt a chill down her back and forgot what to say for a moment.

From birth to now, Yadeyan has come into contact with all the people who are similar to each other, and what he sees is the monotonous world of flames, which is so boring that there is no fun. At this time, he saw a human being, and it was a lively human being. Yadeyan were all in high spirits, staring at Sally with wide eyes, waiting for Sally to speak.

"Uh, I heard your conversation, it seems that you all yearn for the human world?"

As soon as Shariel finished speaking, the Yadeyans immediately responded in a hurry.

"Yes, yes, there are beautiful scenery there."

"Is there sky, earth, mountains, and rivers there?"

"I heard that there are many delicious things, by the way, what is eating?"

"There are a lot of fun things."

"Human, can you make a contract with me and take me away?"

"The contract should also contract me, I am much stronger than you."

Seeing Yadeyan advocating in front of her one by one, Shariel felt in her heart that these round little things were like children of three or five years old, pure and childish, all they thought about was eating and playing.However, this kind of simple feeling is very good, because they don't have any bad intentions, and they don't have too much desire to invade. The reason why they strongly want to go to the human world is because they are tired of the monotony and boring of the fire elemental plane. Experience a different life.

"I heard that the human world is very cold, right?"

"It still rains often?"

"What's the rain, it's still snowing. It's as hateful as the nasty Pinnace."

"It would be bad if it went out."

"It's better not to go."

"After signing the magic contract, the magician will provide us with heat."

"If the magician is dead, there will still be volcanoes in the human world, and there will also be magma there. According to legend, those predecessors would occupy the mountains as kings."

Hearing the discussions of the Yadeyans, Shariel couldn't help thinking that maybe they could be guided into the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", so that they could experience a different life without losing the life they depended on. The living magma world can even use this method to win over Yadeyan and cultivate them into their own strength.

This moment was the first and most critical step for Shariel to become the "Queen of Fireworks". Her unshakable rule over the Fire Elemental Plane began from this moment.

"I can give you the chance to experience the human world, and at the same time, you don't have to leave the magma."

Yadeyan all looked at Sally with suspicion, like a child who wants to eat honey but is afraid of wasp stings.

Finally, Yadeyan couldn't stand the temptation, wandered up to Shalier, and said, "I want to go, I want to go."

With the first one, there will be the second one, and the third one... There is no such thing as "deception" in these Yadeyan's minds, and they naturally trust Sally very much, without the slightest doubt or hesitation.

Shalier shook her head and said, "It's too hot here, can you help me block the heat here?"

Yadeyan were born in the magma to survive by absorbing the energy in the magma, and they can naturally absorb the surrounding heat.Hearing Sally's request, those Yadeyan immediately surrounded Sally, absorbing the scorching energy around her, and emitting waves of energy, preventing the surrounding heat from being transmitted to Sally.

The effect was obvious, Shariel immediately felt that the surroundings were much cooler, and the physical and mental torments were no longer so serious.However, when she wanted to move, runes formed by energy appeared in the surrounding void, and the densely packed runes imprisoned Sariel in a space of three to five steps like a cage.

Feeling the indestructible energy in the cage, Shariel sighed.My current strength is still too weak, and I can't compete with the Flame Elf King at all. If I want to escape, it is tantamount to nonsense.

Seeing the expectant eyes of Yadeyan, Shalier nodded slightly, followed the method Yue Chuan gave her, and sent an invitation to the Yadeyan who was closest to her. Immediately, that Yadeyan fell into a deep sleep.

In another world, Yue Chuan suddenly received a system prompt saying that a creature from the world of fire elements entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" and created a character. Yue Chuan immediately understood that this creature was invited by Sally, so he quickly Check.

"Yadeyan?" A strange picture suddenly appeared in Yue Chuan's mind. When these Yadeyans in the fire element world met those Yadeyans in the dungeon, would they still attack them?

Although Yadeyan is a standard soil fat round body, they are essentially invisible energy bodies that can change their body shape at will. There is nothing wrong with simulating a human form, so there is no resistance to using a human body , but very curious.When the first Yadeyan appeared in Xinshou Village in the form of a magician, he just staggered a few steps, and then he mastered the human walking method, and looked at this "human world" happily.

second... third...

In just one hour, tens of thousands of Yadeyan created characters in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, and then looked at the Novice Village curiously.In the eyes of ordinary people, the ordinary stone paths, flowers and trees, in the eyes of Yadeyan, are things that only appear in ancient legends. For a while, other players knew that there were many "" Idiot", staring at the small flowers and grasses on the side of the road motionless for an hour, and kept admiring how beautiful they are.

Some people also tried to chat with Yadeyan and ask about Yadeyan's origin, but when Yadeyan entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", she was warned by Shariel about the confidentiality rules. She is simple, but pays great attention to the spirit of the contract. She promised Shariel and unswervingly abided by and completed it. Therefore, those people with ulterior motives did not get any useful information from Yadeyan.

A group of very strange players appeared in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors": when others were busy leveling and improving their strength, they were standing on the street watching the scenery.While others were racking their brains to earn money to buy equipment, they were standing on the street looking at the scenery.When others are practicing dueling skills with blood and tears, they are standing on the street looking at the scenery...their only reason and motivation for leveling is--they are tired of looking at the scenery of Xinshou Village.

When others shake their heads and say that these players are wasting time, they don't know that a hundred years is just a moment in Yadeyan's endless life.

In the fire in the center of the earth, those Yadeyan who quit the game looked at the surrounding lava world with great excitement, and looked at those fellow races who were looking forward to asking themselves for proof. They wanted to tell their friends what they had experienced, but they thought of "Underground They covered their mouths with both hands and just nodded to their friends. As for the meaning of it, you need to understand it yourself.

Shariel looked at those Yadeyans with satisfaction, and then said to those Yadeyans who were watching before: "See, I didn't lie to you, you can experience the scenery of the human world without leaving the lava. How about it, Is this the letter?"

As soon as Shariel finished speaking, those Adyans who had entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" nodded desperately like chickens pecking at rice. The rest of Adyans would doubt it, so each one was extremely eager looked at Sally.

Through contact with these Yadeyans, Shariel also vaguely understood that although Yadeyan is the creature with the most fire elements, there are many other creatures on the plane of fire elements, such as lava giant beasts, lava lizards, and lava pythons , Flame Dragon, Fire Phoenix, etc.Yadeyan is not the strongest, but there are a large number of them, densely distributed in every corner of the Fire Elemental Plane.However, these Yadeyan are not a unified ethnic group, they are divided into many families and tribes, each with its own sphere of influence.Surrounding Shariel in front of her eyes was a small Yadeyan family with about [-] members.

Soon, Shalier called the leaders of the Yadeyan family over. Although Shalier was not good at maneuvering, it was not difficult to coax some three-year-old children. Asking for Sally, it is natural to enshrine Sally as a god, and the benefit of these Yadeyan's belief in gods is that they can enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".

"Remember, this is a secret, and it must not be known by other tribes."

The simple Yadeyan are like children protecting the food, each chick pecking at the rice and nodding.

Looking at the blazing flames of those Yadeyans, Shariel secretly thought about how to turn these Yadeyans into her own combat power.Yadeyan was born in the lava, he is simply a legendary natural fire spirit body, and his affinity for the fire element has reached [-]%.Moreover, there are no other elements in the fire element plane, only a single fire element, and the fire magic can be doubled here.

These Yadeyans are simply the best mage seedlings, and the Fire Elemental Plane is the most suitable training ground for fire magicians. How about cultivating these Yadeyans into a mage army?
Thinking of this, Shariel's breathing suddenly became rapid.

In the human world, magicians are extremely rare, and there are even fewer magicians of the same department. It is a grand event for three or two magicians of the same department and similar cultivation level to cast magic together. Hundreds of magicians teamed up to cast magic, which only existed in ancient times. in the legend.But now, there are nearly [-] Yadeyan who can become fire magicians in front of Shariel's eyes. What kind of concept is this?If they could be trained to become qualified magicians, those Forbidden Magic mage groups in ancient times would also be blasted into scum.

Shalier and Yue Chuan shared their thoughts, and Yue Chuan was also moved. Although these Yadeyan can't help Yue Chuan, but with them by Shalier's side, Shalier's safety will be much better. A guarantee, if it can continue to develop, Shariel will have the capital to fight against the flame elf king.

However, when he saw the level 1 trumpets that were immobile all over the street, Yue Chuan rubbed his forehead and said to Shalier: "These Yadeyans have talents and potential, but their long life and comfortable life make them not at all Aggressiveness, all of them are lazy to the bottom of their hearts, if they can't change their habits, it will be difficult to carry out this plan, even if they are forced to practice, it will be half the result with twice the result, or even counterproductive."

Shariel suddenly realized that the most critical and difficult point of this plan was Yadeyan's lazy nature.The reason why they obey their orders is just for fun.No matter how good the food is, it will be boring, and no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be boring. It is not only the nature of human beings, but also other creatures.It is impossible to gain their loyalty by restricting Yadeyan simply by looking at the scenery.

"Most of the creatures on the Fire Elemental Plane live by absorbing the energy in the lava. They have no instinct and desire to prey at all, so there are no contradictions and conflicts, let alone wars and conquests. In this atmosphere of great peace, strength also It is dispensable. We must use a method to let them understand the importance of strength, guide them to practice, and become stronger!"

Although Shalier felt guilty for calculating these innocent Yadeyan, in order to get rid of her predicament, Shalier had no choice.A race that is content with the status quo and has no aggressiveness will sooner or later become the slave and food of other races. If Yadeyan does not cheer up, he will eventually become the target of the conquerors because of his burning heart.

 Thanks【Currently Wuchen voted 2 vote】

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(End of this chapter)

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