
Chapter 1391 Booty

Chapter 1391 Booty

Yue Chuan pulled out two more pieces of equipment from the ground, but they were both at the legendary level.However, these two legendary equipments have been accumulated to full value by the power of time, and can become epic at any time.

In addition, Ozma dropped two materials, namely the essence of the scar of time and space and the soul stone.The essence of the scar of time and space is easy to understand. The enhanced version of the scar of time and space is the first time that the soul stone has appeared, and it has never been dropped before.

Yue Chuan looked at the description of the Soul Suppressing Stone: It is a mysterious item that condenses Ozma's soul fragments, but it is stained with a very strong resentment.

This thing is clearly used to consecrate the Soul Requiem equipment, but this Soul Requiem Stone contains Ozma's strong resentment, what will happen if it is used rashly?
Just when Yue Chuan was considering whether to destroy it, the clock and the hourglass emitted strong suction respectively, and then the essence of the scar of time and space and the soul stone turned into light and submerged into the two items respectively.As for Ozma's resentment, it was also wiped out by the power of time and ceased to exist.

Well, don't worry about it.Yue Chuan looked at the two pieces of legendary equipment.

One of them is Ozma's Magic Handbook, which records Ozma's lifelong magic experience notes, and only cursed wizards can use this item.Using this item, the magician can transfer to a hidden profession-cursed mage.

After a little thought, I understood that Ozma was originally a magician, but he was resurrected from the dead and took another path. Because his heart was full of hatred and resentment, he realized the power of curse and became a curse mage. .

The value of this thing is definitely not as cheap as the legend, because it can create a very powerful curse mage, a brand new profession.Thinking of Ozma's curse on him when he was dying, Yue Chuan was still worried. If he didn't have the power of the time shield, he might die with Ozma.

The cursed mage is too heaven-defying, this thing must be handled with caution, but I don't know who to give it to?

The second item is a legendary necklace, a true lie, which greatly increases the casting speed, and the casting process will not be interrupted.The special attribute of the item is that after releasing a skill, the skill can be repeated without cost, and the cooling time is 180 seconds (for magicians only).

The highlight of this piece of equipment is its special attributes, which is equivalent to copying skills. If it is in the hands of a rookie, it means copying skills such as magic star bullets and summoning goblins. But in the hands of a top magician, releasing a forbidden Lossless copy after spell.

It's like a person cast Meteor Disillusionment during a battle, and then he didn't see him chant the spell, and shouted "Meteor Disillusionment" again. Others thought he was a fool, but at this time, Meteor Disillusionment really appeared.This kind of "true lie" is indeed hard to guard against.

"To whom?"

Yue Chuan scratched his head and didn't know who to give it to. Sissy is very suitable for it, but Sally is also a magician, besides them, Pinocchio and Herac are also magicians, and they are at the moment Look at yourself.

Herac was very considerate, and said softly: "I am satisfied with the time shield, and the master doesn't need to think about me. Sister, do you think so too?"

Pinocchio coveted the necklace, but how could he open his mouth at this time, he could only say dully that he had the Sword of Time, and he didn't have the energy to use other equipment.

Yue Chuan didn't know at all, the girl said "no" means "I want", praised Pi Nuoxiu, and then put the necklace into his backpack.

The only pity is that Ozma was not included in the book of death, but with Ozma's despicable heart, Yue Chuan did not dare to use him, let him go with the wind.

After checking that there was nothing missing, Yue Chuan chose to return to the town.But before returning, Yue Chuan remembered the time and space of the Chaos Era, where the power of time is abundant, and it is a good place to comprehend and practice the power of time, and he must come here often in the future.

When Yue Chuan returned to the town, he immediately received applause, cheers, praise, and of course, inquiries.

"What did Ozma do? Tell me."

"Handsome guy, can the equipment from Ozma be sold? My little sister lives in..."

"Go away, you liar. Well, deal honestly, pay for the goods and deliver the goods, how do you sell Ozma's explosive equipment?"

However, some people have already seen the magic stone equipped on Yue Chuan's body. Seeing the sky-defying attributes, all players couldn't help being envious and jealous.

At this time, Sissi, Leng Shangqing and others who entered other ancient battlefields also received news one after another. They either succeeded in killing the enemy, or the situation was unfavorable and they were in a stalemate.Yue Chuan continued to dispatch manpower, and personally rushed to several battlefields where the battle situation was unfavorable. Not long after, all the ancient battlefields in the Dungeon of the Gate of Time and Space were all deactivated, which meant that the incoming Apophis army was completely wiped out.

The rest is to search for loot and distribute loot in various battlefields. This kind of thing is very troublesome. After all, there are so many people participating in the battle, no matter how many items are dropped, it will not be enough for one person. There must be more monks than meat, and the ratio is very different.

This also involves those who make soy sauce and those who really contribute to the fight, as well as the internal and external personnel who created the guild.Fortunately, the insiders said that even if something was seized, it would be handed over to the unified distribution, but the outsiders didn't have this kind of consciousness. How could they spit out the things in their bags? Not only that, but they would also have the cheek to ask for their own spoils.

Yue Chuan was sure that soon there would be topics such as creating a guild to bully others and bully the weak.After all, even if a bowl of water is flat, there will still be people who will take the opportunity to provoke and provoke dissatisfaction, not to mention that it is impossible for a bowl of water to be flat.Since it is impossible for a bowl of water to be level, let's do our best to protect the interests of our own people. As for other people, Yue Chuan can't control it, and he doesn't bother to control it.There is no need to cut the flesh of one's own brother for two compliments from outsiders.

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan simply said in front of everyone: "Nearly a million Apophis were wiped out in this battle, including thousands of elites and a dozen Apophis at the lord level, and they won a lot of spoils. However, creating The distribution of loot by the guild is only for guild members and their allies who accompanied them in the battle, and the personal gains and losses of other people shall be borne by themselves, and the creation of the guild shall not be responsible."

As soon as these words came out, the scene exploded instantly.There are many players participating in the battle, and there are indeed some who fish in troubled waters to get equipment and materials to make a fortune, and there are many, but most of them die and lose experience and get nothing.The group of people immediately clamored.

But if you think about it carefully, if Yue Chuan and others didn't join the battlefield at a critical moment, the previous players would definitely be wiped out.It is already a big profit to be able to recover a life now, as for getting nothing, it can only be blamed on bad luck.

Yue Chuan's attitude was very firm, he didn't care about outsiders at all, and directly ordered the guild members to count the loot, and set the principle of "rewards based on merit, giving priority to occupations and needs."Those who choose the equipment must make up the difference. As for those who are not allocated the equipment, they must also be fully compensated. The credit of the dead players cannot be erased, and those who fight bravely will be rewarded.

【Second Update】

[Thank you very much, Mo Ye, for rewarding "Creation" with 10000 book coins!After a long time, it is very gratifying to see Wanshang again when the book is about to be finished.Thank you Mo Ye, thank you for my desire to transform into a demon]

(End of this chapter)

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