
Chapter 1397

Chapter 1397
In Ozma's conjecture, the Apophis matrix needs a huge amount of energy to maintain its own life, and at the same time, the birth of a new Apophis also requires a huge amount of energy.Therefore, the Apophis will continue to invade other worlds and plunder the lives and energy of those worlds.

This point coincides with Yue Chuan's opinion. When killing Anton, Mattga told Yuechuan that Anton's secret was actually an incomplete Apophis. This Apophis has no consciousness, only It survived by instinct, but even so, it still had a crazy greed for energy, and it plundered all the energy stored in the doctor and night owl base in just a few seconds.

At the beginning, in order to maintain the life of this Apophis, Matega had to go around various worlds, plundering life and energy for it. Even so, it only just met its survival needs.The mother body is thousands of times larger than this Apophis, and consumes thousands of times or even more energy. That's why the mother body madly attacks the Arad continent and other worlds.

Because the matrix must rob life and energy, otherwise it cannot survive.The mother body seems to be powerful and invincible, but its power is like a castle in the air on the beach. Once it loses its energy support, it will instantly turn into a dream.

But here comes the problem. In the doomsday world of Arad, all creatures are killed or taken away by Apophis, all energy is plundered and swallowed by Apophis, and all forms of energy in Arad world are captured by Apophis. Grabbing, this group of devils sucked the last drop of essence from the world of Arad like knocking the bone and sucking the marrow.

According to the usual practice, this world has turned into dregs and deserts, and the mother body should send out outposts to investigate the new world and carry out the next step of plundering.However, Carloso used the power of time to seal the world of Arad together with the history of the world of Arad for nearly a thousand years.

As a result, the mother's body is embarrassed.

Although the outposts sent out before found a new world, they lost contact with the mother body. This is how the world-destroying Apophis that Sissy and the others met in a higher plane came here.Although these Apophis plundered many worlds, they were unable to transmit energy to the mother body, so the mother body would be in danger of starving to death.

The most speechless thing is that Carloso's time seal was loosened, and the mother's body regained its vitality, but it could not break the seal. However, when the vitality was restored, she had already begun to consume energy, and the energy consumed every minute and every second was extremely huge.

This is Ozma's conjecture—everything that can be swallowed in the world of Arad has been swallowed up, so that the mother will starve herself to death.

That is to say, in this desperate situation, the mother sensed the power of time and space through the seal of Caruso, and sent the descendants to the past world of Arad to prey on themselves. This is the origin of Apophis in the Dungeon of the Gate of Time and Space .

But now, the mother body has turned the Apophis in twos and threes into hundreds of millions of Apophis legions. On the one hand, it shows that the mother body is more proficient in controlling the power of time and space, and on the other hand, it also shows that the mother body’s thirst for energy is becoming more and more urgent. .

The lion head of the guardian of time and space said "there is no time", but in Yue Chuan's view, the situation will be more serious, because the mother's life is hanging by a thread, and it will definitely counterattack frantically.Right now, the matrix is ​​still trapped by Carloso's seal and cannot descend, but who knows how long Carloso's seal can last? Once the matrix descends, how long can the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" withstand?

More seriously, what if the mother body comes to the real world?

This is no longer a simple game, but a major event related to the life and death of the Arad world and the real world.

The game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" gives players strength and equipment in order to enhance the player's strength and allow players to fight against Apophis.It has to be said that Carloso's move was very good. He exchanged the useless things in Arad's doomsday world for the hope of redemption.

This is the end of Ozma's letter, and I think it will be the matter of being dispatched to the Chaos Era, but unfortunately, Ozma was unlucky and folded there.

In any case, Yue Chuan was very grateful to Ozma. Without this letter, he would not have realized the seriousness of the future. Even though he was busy preparing for the battle, he still underestimated the seriousness of the matter.

I have to use all my strength, no, even if I use all my strength, it is not enough. Thinking of the latest number of Apophis given by Ozma, and the speed at which the mother gave birth to offspring, Yue Chuan's scalp became numb, and the entire created world added up. Not enough for the Apophis army to crush.

Strength, strength, is still too weak.

For one thing, the number of masters on my side is small, and there are only a few people who can really stand alone. Last time, Apophis was only the first wave of large-scale attack, and he had already made himself the best of the best. As for Apophis, this It was just a trial by a small group of troops.If there are more and more ferocious Apophis in the next wave, wouldn't the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" be about to collapse immediately.

There is nothing to say, we must introduce masters.

Yue Chuan turned on the power of the server, and inquired about the top players in other servers.

In addition to Yue Chuan's creation server, there are many other servers, as well as servers opened by many main gods. The main gods' servers were opened later, but the other servers controlled by Yue Chuan have been around for many years.

These servers have a huge number of players, and where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. These servers naturally produce many "top masters", and these people are naturally included in Yue Chuan's search.

In the guild struggle, Yue Chuan wants to be the conspirator who fights side by side, joins forces, turns his hands into clouds and turns his hands into rain.As the saying goes, the three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. The top conspirators in these servers are many of the world's top wise men, and all of them are comparable to Zhuge Liang.

There are also some handsome talents who preside over the overall situation in the guild war, command the three armies, and plan strategies. Such people, Yue Chuan, will not let them go. As long as they are famous in various servers, Yue Chuan is ready to recruit them without exception.

Soon, the top players in those servers all received an invitation from the system: Since you meet the criteria, you can transfer to a higher-level server, accept the transfer, and the role will be migrated after 72 hours.

Then there is a big introduction to more advanced servers, such as higher levels, stronger skills, richer dungeons, more diverse battles, more convenient upgrade benefits, etc...

Just like the difference between the national server and the private server, the national server exhausted killing goblins to upgrade, and the private server directly hit one hundred levels, and the epic exploded everywhere.Seeing this kind of introduction, most people chose yes without saying a word. Only a fool would refuse such a good thing.

However, there are also some people who are nostalgic for their power and status in the server, and choose whether or not after careful consideration.And these people will always be blacklisted by Yue Chuan, and they will never have a second chance to invite them for the rest of their lives.

【Second Update】

(End of this chapter)

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