
Chapter 1402 Fatal Flaws

Chapter 1402 Fatal Flaws
When Yue Chuan was busy opening new services and enjoying himself, Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai stood facing each other, their eyes met, and they didn't say a word.

They are communicating through telepathy between hearts, which is the safest and most secret way of communication, not afraid of any monitoring.

Yang Wudi asked: "Do you think he is the person we are looking for?"

Yang Xin'ai's eyes changed slightly, as if she was thinking about all the details of her contact with Yue Chuan, and finally said in her heart: "There are two people we are looking for, which one are you talking about?"

"Nature is the one we need."

Yang Xinai closed her eyes, "Traitors seem loyal, good and evil are difficult to distinguish, thanks to you are from the future world. There are many more loyal, great, and upright people than Yue Chuan, but the result? All of them are Apophis in disguise .”

"But there is no Apophis in this world."

"Are you sure? There is no perfect solution in the world, and there is also no complete possibility. I don't even understand this truth. I really doubt how you have survived to this day."

Yang Wudi didn't make a sound anymore.

Yang Xinai slowly opened her eyes, with a cold light shining in her eyes, "Look again, and observe for a while. We only have one last chance to bet. If we make a wrong bet, not only will we die without a place to die, but we will also die." Completely cut off the hope of the future world."

"Then what do we do now?"

"An'an, let's teach us the skills with peace of mind. Watch carefully while waiting for the opportunity."

Yue Chuan promised Yang Xinai and Yang Wudi's Gaibojia mecha to be sent over soon.Of course, the two mechas that Yue Chuan sent were equipped with eavesdropping equipment, which could monitor all activities of Yang Xinai and Yang Wudi.Although these two brothers and sisters are from the future world, there is no mechanical civilization in the future world, so it is impossible for them to discover the tricks in Gai Bojia.

It's not that Yue Chuan's heart is dark, but that the origin of the two siblings is unknown, and Yue Chuan is not sure that they are the survivors sent by Carlos.Before confirming their identities, Yue Chuan dared not give them 100% trust.

Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai originally made a living by fighting, and they have rich combat experience. To deal with monsters in today's dungeons, they are simply overkill. With the support of Gai Bojia, their strength has improved beyond imagination , almost crushing all the dungeons, even the Anton dungeon could not stop their footsteps.

All of a sudden, the long-standing records on the racing list were broken one after another.Even without using Gai Bojia, Yang Xin'ai and Yang Wudi set one record after another that could not be broken, and the gap opened was hopeless.

The strength of the new profession has affected the hearts of many people. Some players who had been very unsatisfactory deleted their accounts one after another and joined the army of new professions. The number of creators and dark knights has increased sharply, and the growth rate is getting bigger and bigger.

Other ancient professions have felt the deadly threat. If it continues, other professions will definitely be replaced by creators and dark knights. There will be no third profession in the future world. Even if there is, it will be born with insufficient development Incomplete, unusable, and non-existent.

Many began to search for the powerful roots of the Dark Knight and the Founder.When they learned that the Dark Knight had acquired Kahn's martial arts inheritance, and the creator had obtained Herder's magic inheritance, a question emerged in everyone's mind.

Is Kahn strong?Is Herder strong?Why is their handed down power higher than ours?Are we so weak that our strength is not worth mentioning?
Among the sword masters, Leng Shangqing is undoubtedly the number one master, but even Leng Shangqing can't help wondering why the disciples and grandchildren taught by Kahn are so powerful?
Sissy couldn't help but be puzzled. There are so many magicians who create servers, and there are many strong magicians. For example, the main gods who conquered the elemental world before, each of them has survived for millions of years or even survived. The strong man of thousands of years is the god of magic believed by magicians from other planes.

However, after witnessing the power of the creator, these magicians remained silent without exception.The gap between the two sides is simply immeasurable.

Ordinary magicians attack by condensing the surrounding magical elements, arranging them in a magic circle, forming magic, causing damage to the enemy, or achieving their intended purpose.

But the creators directly communicate with certain stars, black holes, collapsed planets, etc., and transport these destructive forces through time and space.If the traditional magician is drinking with a straw, then the creator is opening the gate to release the flood. The speed and scale of the two parties' condensing energy are very different, and there is no comparison at all.

The most important thing is that the cultivation process of the creator is very simple, without any technical content, and the learning and mastering of magic is very subtle and profound, and many people can't master magic to the extreme after exhausting their entire life.This is also the reason why the creators shake the magician and replace the magician in the future world.

Yue Chuan was aware of the reason. To put it bluntly, it was promotion and popularization, just like Tai Chi and Taekwondo.A person who has studied Taijiquan for a year will definitely not be able to beat a person who has studied Taekwondo for a year. This gap cannot be made up in three to five years, but what about ten, twenty, or thirty years from now?

That's right, Tai Chi is getting stronger and stronger, and it is difficult to improve after Taekwondo reaches a certain limit.However, who can endure more than ten years of hard work day after day?Especially in the precarious environment of the future world, people pursue efficiency and speed, and it is impossible to settle down to study.

If aliens invade the earth, those who practice ancient martial arts will stand up in the end, and they will definitely not be half-baked taekwondo practitioners.

Kahn is indeed very powerful, but it is based on the combat experience accumulated during Borodin's campaign to unify the Arad continent, and the devout beliefs of millions of knights who fanatically followed him.Most importantly, Borodin is a pure warrior and swordsman, not a dark knight.

Herder is also very powerful, and has single-handedly stirred up the thousands of years of vicissitudes in the continent of Arad. However, Herder has always adhered to the tradition of magicians, pursued the highest level of magic, and delved into the power of arcane arts. She has never been a creator. .

The Dark Knight and the Creator in the future world are forced to choose. Although Carloso and other leaders know the disadvantages of these two professions, they still let them go because they have no better choice. If not, wait for Arad The world is about to perish faster.

Drinking poison to quench thirst, that's it.

Kahn understands this truth, Herder understands it, Carloso understands it, and anyone with a little foresight understands it, but after all, it is only a small group of people who can see the essence through phenomena, and there are too many people who cannot understand this truth. many.Even Yue Chuan was blinded by this appearance for a long time before he woke up.

Yue Chuan suddenly felt that he had fallen into a trap. Yang Wudi and Yang Xinai promoted the two new professions. At first glance, it seemed to improve the strength of the players, but in fact it destroyed the foundation for the players to become stronger.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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