
Chapter 1451 Use my bones to pave the way for you

Chapter 1451 Use my bones to pave the way for you

The rolling wheels can indeed crush everything that blocks it, but correspondingly, a trivial pebble can also make the wheels vibrate for a moment, otherwise there will be no "bumps".

Yue Chuan is not an insignificant pebble, even if it is a pebble, he must be the hardest one, the one that can move the wheel of fate—even if it is only for a moment.

The scene where the mantis arm was in the car happened, the huge counter-shock force shook Yue Chuan's body, and the irresistible force smashed Yue Chuan to pieces in the blink of an eye. Everyone could clearly see that Yue Chuan's body blurred and became illusory, like a cloud of mist. Will blow away with the wind anytime.

For some reason, seeing Yue Chuan smashed into pieces, everyone couldn't help but feel sad. Even those who hated Yue Chuan because of their interests and hated Yue Chuan to smear Yue Chuan couldn't help but feel sad because they knew that Yue Chuan was their last support and support. I hope that if Yue Chuan also dies, he will be powerless against the wheel of fate.

Yue Chuan can't die - this is almost everyone's common aspiration. At this moment, everyone has no distractions and sincerely prays for Yue Chuan.

Is Yue Chuan dead?
Even Yue Chuan didn't know about this question.

Because he is fighting against fate, life and death are part of fate, but Yue Chuan stands on the opposite side of fate, life and death are meaningless to him.

He is neither alive nor dead, but in this miraculous state, he has entered a mysterious and mysterious realm, an indescribably wonderful realm.

Yue Chuan's body was smashed to pieces, but it also made the gap on the wheel of fate more and more widened. The broken particles and dust of the wheel of fate also melted into Yue Chuan's smoky body like spring wind and evening rain.

The Supreme Phantom Suit crazily devoured these fine and ancient relics, while devouring it, it strengthened itself rapidly. A stream of ancient aura emanated from the Supreme Phantom Suit, and Yue Chuan's illusory and hazy body became cohesive and real little by little.

He is not dead!
In other words, he has not disappeared, he is still there, and he is still fighting against the wheel of fortune.The fast-rotating wheel of fortune crushed the Supreme Phantom suit, but this time it was not crushed as before, only harsh friction sounds were heard, and a large amount of dust was splashed.

Yue Chuan succeeded, he was not crushed by the wheel of fate.As long as you are not dead, you will eventually have a chance to stand up.

It was as majestic and mighty as if an overlord was carrying a tripod, but Yue Chuan's movements were full of arrogance. What he carried was not a tripod, but a mountain, which was countless times higher than Mount Tai and the Himalayas.

rise! ! !
Yue Chuan groaned, the wheel of fortune made a crackling sound, and then vibrated violently, deflecting and moving at an angle visible to the naked eye.

Even the slightest turn is enough to change or even reverse the fate of many people, because this is not an ordinary wheel, but a wheel of fortune.It dominates the life and death of countless creatures, and controls the birth and death of thousands of worlds.

The wheel of fortune has been running for hundreds of millions of years, and it has its own strong inertia. Yue Chuan changed it rashly, and it only received a temporary effect. After the first few seconds, the wheel of fortune returned little by little under the influence of inertia original track.


Yue Chuan frantically attacked the Wheel of Fortune, and countless fragments burst out, which were then absorbed and swallowed by the Supreme Phantom suit.Yue Chuan's aura became more and more powerful and stagnant, and the cracks on the wheel of fortune also spread wider, longer and denser.And the crack on the wheel of fortune is like a huge mouth with sharp teeth, swallowing and surrounding Yue Chuan bit by bit.

Seeing Yue Chuan's figure appearing and disappearing in the wheel of fortune, more and more players flew up into the air, and then burned everything in themselves, bursting out a momentary brilliance like a meteor shower.

The stars sank and the ground shook, and the rain of meteors and fire fell densely around Yue Chuan like moths flying into a flame. Yue Chuan, who was already in decline, watched the scene of countless players risking their lives to fight their fate. A boiling feeling.

Those slightly crazy and paranoid faces clearly came into Yue Chuan's eyes and were branded in Yue Chuan's mind.These people may be familiar or unfamiliar, but at this moment, no matter whether they are strong or weak, they have left indelible marks in Yue Chuan's heart.

Unforgettable, unforgettable!

Gradually, Yue Chuan's mind became heavy, because he remembered too many people, and the complicated memories made him feel overwhelmed.But in contrast, Yue Chuan's heart became heavier and heavier, and his pain became more and more painful.

If he could be stronger, if his strength was enough to turn the situation around in an instant, why would these people choose to die?

That's right, fate has announced their death date and revealed their fate, but Yue Chuan's mission is to change fate, to change the fate that created the destruction of the world.

"Strength, I need stronger power, even if I sell my soul, I will not hesitate! Devil, sign a contract with me!"

In the Berserker's career introduction, it is written that "sell your soul for power", and Lukexi also sold his soul to obtain super energy and kill the apostle Sherlock.

However, no devil responded to Yue Chuan's call, and no devil could sign this contract, because they couldn't bestow Yue Chuan with power.Because what Yue Chuan needed was the power to resist and change his fate.


A deep sneer, brutal murderous aura, and pale light surrounded Yue Chuan. His heart was already dead, because he had already deeply felt the power of the wheel of destiny, and he couldn't compete with it at all.It's just that the inertia accumulated by the wheel of fortune rolling forward for countless years is not something that he can match.


This is her own destiny, and it is also Arad's destiny. After all, Celia did not wait for her true destiny.

Yue Chuan has already opened a huge gap in the Wheel of Fortune, but this gap is very insignificant to the Wheel of Fortune, and as he advances, the counter-shock force Yue Chuan receives becomes stronger and stronger, and the crack opened in front is not only Instead of continuing to extend, it retreated and closed a little bit.

The giant crocodile opens its mouth just to allow the prey to enter better. When it closes its mouth, the prey can only fall into the belly.Yue Chuan was like a small fish in the mouth of a giant crocodile, with nowhere to escape.

At this time, a hand rested on Yue Chuan's shoulder, a trembling but extremely firm palm.Waves of power poured into Yue Chuan's body from his shoulders.

"President, may my bones pave a way for you."

"Cold sorrow!"

Yue Chuan roared angrily, he knew what Leng Shangqing was going to do, but Leng Shangqing didn't give him a chance to keep him.

"In the past, I carried too many flowers and applause. Now, I can't back down!"

【Wish you all a happy new year and a happy new year】

(End of this chapter)

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