
Chapter 153 Eating, Sleeping, and Sleeping Can Become a Genius

Chapter 153 Eating, Sleeping, and Sleeping Can Become a Genius

"Autumn is coming soon. The rules passed down by our Eugenie family will organize juniors to compete during the autumn hunting. According to the results of the competition, the personnel and intensity of training will be determined. This is a rule passed down from generation to generation, and even the head of the family cannot change it. , Therefore, how much resources you can win from the family depends entirely on your own talent and hard work. Show your best efforts, even if you lose, you must not regret it."

The old man looked at the dozen or so half-children in front of him with cloudy eyes, and sighed heavily in his heart, his own faction has withered after all.In the past, there were hundreds of dolls, but now, there are only a dozen or so left. The big ones are big, the small ones are small, and the strength is not very good. Although I know that there is no chance of winning, I still have to work hard. Come on! .

After waving his hands to send those boys away, the old man looked at the middle-aged people in the room and said, "I heard that the empire has opened up business channels with other races in the grassland. The family and several noble families have invested a lot of money in order to fight for the right to speak in the business channels." The money and supplies of the family have been exhausted?"

One of the middle-aged men stood up and said, "Yes, fourth uncle, the alien races in the grasslands have fine-bred war horses, which are the most scarce resources in all countries in the mainland. In the past, our empire and the alien races in the grasslands did not border each other, so we could only collect local war horses from the interior." , or resold from some neighboring countries, the quality is low, and the cost is high. Now, the empire has annexed several small countries, bordering on the grassland aliens, and opened up business routes. If you can master this business route, your skills will contribute to the royal family. It can also obtain huge benefits, so several powerful families in the empire have tried their best, even if they can't cover them all, they still want to share a piece of the pie."

Another middle-aged man stood up, "In addition to war horses, there are also leather goods, herbs, and various animal tendons that are special products on the grassland. These are all profitable industries. There is a shortage of iron ore on the grasslands, and foreign races need a lot of iron tools. A mouthful of ordinary iron If you transport a pot to the grassland, you can sell it for twenty or even fifty times as much, let alone well-crafted weapons and armor."

The old man nodded. He understands all these things clearly, but he knows better that the radicals in the family will not be satisfied with being a wealthy family. When they have enough resources and power in their hands, their ambitions will follow suit. If it grows larger, it will even unfurl the banner of rejuvenation.

The ancestor of the Eugenie family, Maximilian I, established the Kingdom of Byrne, but this kingdom was later annexed by the current imperial family through marriage.The family conservatives think that being a grand duke is enough, but there are some radicals who think that they should rebuild the Byrne Kingdom.Although they bowed and respected the imperial family at the moment, it seemed that they would do anything to protect the imperial family, but that was all because they had an unruly heart.

Whether they were conservatives or radicals, they were all descendants of the Eugenie family after all. No matter what the purpose was, it was all for the benefit of the family, and it was not easy for the old man to criticize them.Just one thing, those radicals seemed to take action against the Lei Ze family in Starn City, which made the old man very dissatisfied.

"Some time ago, two juniors were lost in Starn City, right?"

Hearing the old man's words, several young people in the room nodded silently. They knew about this matter, but when they knew about it, it had already happened, and they couldn't stop it or change it.

"Hmph, back then, the elders of the family tried their best to protect that family, and even shaved the face of the royal family. In any case, this is the descendant of our Eugenie family. For the face of some outsiders, we have to sacrifice the lives of our descendants. It's good now, but they want to kill the lonely pair of brothers and sisters, it's too shameful."

Several middle-aged people sighed silently, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence: "Fourth uncle, we can't talk at all in this family now, we can't influence or change the decision of the head of the house, we are also powerless. "


Or call it incompetent!

The old man's face turned blue and white for a while, but he couldn't speak a word.

The goal of recovering the kingdom of Byrne has led more and more descendants of the family to join in blindly and become members of the radical faction. There are not many people available in the conservative faction.

No, there are others, those dozen or so children, as long as they can achieve good results in the Autumn Hunting Competition, they will receive the family's key training, and they will gradually grasp the power of the family and influence the family's decision-making little by little.

The old man asked hesitantly: "The cultivation of those children..."

As soon as those children were mentioned, a look of pride and pride appeared on the faces of several middle-aged people.

"My eldest son was originally as stupid as an elm pimple, and he was urged to practice every day, but he was still on the first floor of body training for five years, and he hadn't entered the second floor of body training in his teens. In the past few months, I I didn't care about him, what happened, after the test, that kid was already nurturing fighting spirit, and it won't be long before he can cultivate real fighting spirit!"

"My child is similar. I didn't have any magical talent before. Others could sense magic elements for as little as three to five days, and as many as one or two months. But he didn't sense any elemental power for three whole years. He meditated all day long and didn't practice. A trace of spiritual power. But for some reason in the past two months, not only has he sensed the elements, he has also cultivated pure spiritual power, and there are signs of fusion between the elemental power and spiritual power, and they will immediately condense into magic power and become one. A true magician."

"Hey, it's strange, my child also suddenly became enlightened in the past few months."

"My two nephews are also..."

The more the old man listened, the more strange he became, because those boys were all blunt before, but they suddenly became enlightened in the past few months, and the speed of their cultivation was astonishing.Those who practice martial arts are all at the peak of physical training, and gradually develop battle qi, and those who practice magic also exercise their mental power to the extreme, and start to fuse elements and evolve magic power.The core members of the family who were trained as heirs have been at this level after more than ten years of hard work, while they have only been in a short period of one or two months.

After holding back the excitement in his heart, the old man asked in a low voice: "How did they get enlightened? How did they suddenly enter the realm so quickly?"

Contrary to the old man's expectation, those middle-aged people all shook their heads in doubt.

"Fourth Uncle, it's not that we're hiding it, it's that we really don't know. I asked my kid, but he just didn't tell me. I beat him with a stick and didn't tell what happened. I locked him in the room, Want to see what happened, that kid is good, he eats and sleeps in the house all day, like a pig, but his cultivation level changes every day, it's strange!"

"That's right, my kid is also the same. He doesn't go out all day and doesn't practice much, but his cultivation base is gradually rising. But I checked, and he hasn't come into contact with any strange people or things. He shouldn't be possessed by evil spirits." Or taking banned drugs or something."

"It should be the blessing of the ancestors."

"Yes, that must be the case."

The old man's eyes widened in surprise. He lived to be more than 60 years old, but this is the first time he has heard of such a weird thing. After eating and sleeping all day, his cultivation level is actually better than those who practiced in summer and practiced in winter. Jiu's doll improves faster, is there any reason for this?But after thinking about it, this kind of unreasonable thing happened to my own people, it seems that there is nothing unbalanced, um, God opened my eyes, God opened my eyes...

"Well, since their strength is not obtained through cultivation, there is no need to urge them, feed them well, feed them well, keep them healthy, and perform well during autumn hunting. Originally, I still I'm a little apprehensive, but I'm relieved to hear what you said."

Hearing the old man's words, several middle-aged people nodded with joy on their faces. It seems that this year's autumn hunting competition should be able to win the top few.

"By the way, fourth uncle, should we get in touch with the Lei Ze family? I heard that they have mastered a kind of magical magic equipment. If the family masters the forging method of this magic equipment, the transaction with the alien race in the grassland is absolutely guaranteed. It can account for [-]% of the share."

The old man squinted at the person who was speaking, his old cheeks twitched, and he snorted coldly and said, "Ninety percent? I think it's a ten-tenth monopoly. I'm really not afraid of being too ugly to eat. Why don't you think the royal family put This kind of money-making work is in your own hands? It is to balance the major families of the empire, and our Eugenie family monopolizes it, and before we can make money, it will be taken down by the major families."

The man shook his head in cold sweat, but he still tried to say: "Yes, what my fourth uncle taught me is that I didn't think carefully. However, even if it's not for the deal with the alien race in the grassland, if we can master this kind of magic equipment The forging method can improve the status of our faction in the family, at least, the shop under our name can earn a lot of money, and the needs of life and materials will no longer be restrained by the owner."

In a family, whoever controls the money bag has the right to speak, and the family head family controls the financial power, and the daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, and expenses of each branch must be approved by the family head.With this convenience, the Patriarch's faction split up and attracted many people, making the number and strength of the conservative faction gradually weaker and weaker.If the conservatives want to be free from the shackles and influence of the radicals, they must first become independent economically. Otherwise, the head of the family will cut off the rice grain with one word, and who else will work with the conservatives.

Magic equipment?

The old man squinted his eyes. This is indeed an extraordinary thing. It can turn ordinary gold and iron into weapons and armors with magical attributes. This is much more advanced than those weapons and armors on the market. It is also very popular in mainland countries Things, not to mention the grassland aliens who have always lacked metal weapons.This is a more scarce material than war horses. No wonder the radicals sent Scandi and Navia to seek the secrets of magic equipment.

"Well, this matter is not impossible. I will take some time to see Ludovica, and you should also go to see her when you have time. She is the only one who can affect the Lei Ze family. After all, she is the brother and sister. Birth mother."

[Second update, 3000 words]

(End of this chapter)

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