
Chapter 163 Abyss Party

Chapter 163 Abyss Party
Helen walked down calmly, leaving only his opponent rolling on the ground, howling in pain. Between his legs, there was obviously a large bloodstain continuously spreading around. Where he rolled, everyone could clearly see a lump of blood. Ugly things, there were a few wicked guys who squinted their eyes and looked at it carefully, and then immediately raised their heads and chests, as if they had become pure men in an instant.

"The old man wants to kill her! No, the old man wants to castrate her!"

"Hey, she is a woman, why are you eunuch?"

"The old man raped her!"

Well, others can only shake their heads at this old guy's heavy taste.

Although the dandy did not die, he was severely injured before and after. Even if he could save his life, he would be doomed to be crippled for the rest of his life, even worse than a cripple.I have to say that the most poisonous woman's heart is to offend a boy, that is, blood for blood, tooth for tooth, but it is hated by women, hehe...

Although that old guy was crazily shouting to avenge his grandson, this was a fair duel after all. If he shot Helen, wouldn't it embarrass the faces of other old guys who were witnesses?So, one of these old guys with a high status gestured to the left and right, and someone immediately carried the crazy old guy away.

Helen walked up to Yue Chuan, raised her face and looked at Yue Chuan, with expectant eyes in her eyes.

"Yes, calm and calm, not afraid of danger, and very precise in grasping opportunities. But, don't take such risks in the future, you know!"

To Helen, Yue Chuan naturally couldn't slap Helen like he did to boys, pointing at his nose and reprimanding him. ,how?Feel unfair?If you have the guts, you can become a girl too, don't talk about your own palace.

In the impression of many magicians, the stand-in straw man is used to save life, to run away, and is the only life-saving straw in a disadvantaged situation. It must not be used unless it is a last resort.However, in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", there is that kind of unconventional way, which aggressively uses the double straw man as the starting point of the attack, and uses the magical displacement of the double straw man to teleport himself to an unexpected place. Position, to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

This is like "selling a flaw" most often mentioned in the novels of the Three Kingdoms has the same meaning, and the consequence of selling a flaw is basically to end the battle immediately and kill the opponent.

On one side, the morale of the brats was boosted, while on the other side, the morale of the dandy was clearly weakened.They never expected that those slugs who could only cry and beg for mercy had become so fierce in a short period of time, and each of them had such a strong fighting power.Could it be that they were all pretending to be pigs in the past, in order to eat tigers today after many years?Isn't this nonsense!
They really wanted to say that Yue Chuan was cheating by the side, but there were so many elders watching over these two duels, saying that Yue Chuan was cheating, wouldn't it be an insinuation that those elders were dim-sighted and lacking in ability?
This is how to do?
The dandies who were still valiant and high-spirited just now, who wanted to cut off all the descendants of Bronson's line in one go, were all dumbfounded.This time the duel was obviously a one-sided massacre, whoever came on stage would die.

Those old guys also saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere. The useless members of the family suddenly had strength comparable to, no, enough to crush the geniuses of the family. This duel was obviously a big hole dug in advance, waiting for them Jump in here.

"Hey, hurry up and send your people out, what's the matter? Are you afraid? Don't dare to fight? Who said just now that if you are afraid, you will be raised by the grandson of the turtle?"

Over there, Bronson shouted with confidence, venting the grievances that had accumulated in his heart for more than ten years in an instant. His children and grandchildren fought hard and gave themselves a face. Even if they die today, they can also leave with a smile.Damn, this group of bastards, didn't they look down on me in the past, but today I pointed their noses at them and scolded the grandson, but I didn't see them dare to answer.

Bronson you are paralyzed!

The old guy on the opposite side scolded at the same time in his heart. As for whether he scolded one of his close relatives or elders, it is no longer something they are worth thinking about.

However, none of them dared to cry out. At this time, even a fool would not want to take the fight. The other party obviously came prepared and was determined to kill him. Who would dare to send their closest relatives and grandchildren out at this time? Send to death?Anyway, Bronson didn't nominate him with a surname, and he didn't scold him, so whoever he is...

So, one by one, the old guys ignored Bronson, and prepared to leave with their children and grandchildren. Even though Bronson was jumping and cursing by name and name, they didn't pay any attention, and walked one by one, feeling emotional I am old and my ears are not working well.

Seeing the old guys scattered in the blink of an eye, Bronson straightened his waist and laughed, his laughter was full of comfort.

"Okay, you little fellows are really doing their best today. Seeing the faces of those grandchildren, let alone how comfortable I feel."

A group of little fellows quickly lowered their heads and said, this is due to Umont.

Bronson looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously. He clearly remembered that during the duel just now, Yue Chuan stood aside to avoid suspicion, and made a gesture of standing by.Originally, Bronson was still very uncomfortable, thinking about whether to provoke Yue Chuan with a word or two, but who would have thought that his children and grandchildren would attribute all the credit to Yue Chuan? Could it be that in this short day, Yue Chuan really taught What unique knowledge did they learn that made their strength change drastically?

"Umont, thank you for helping uncle, otherwise, I would never have thought of this tone for the rest of my life."

Yue Chuan smiled, and said, "Uncle, today is just a small trial, the highlight is the Autumn Hunting Competition. Then, look at the faces of those old guys."

When Bronson heard this, he immediately laughed, as if he had already thought of the scene of the Autumn Hunting Competition.

"Okay, these little guys will be handed over to you to practice. Fuck them hard. Whoever dares to stab them will beat them to death. It's useless for anyone to cry with me!"

Yue Chuan thought in his heart, you are an old man, if you practice hard, you should practice hard, why do you have to miss a word, you don't know that if one word is missing, the meaning will be very different?I don't disturb the foundation, don't moleste children, don't have young teeth, and don't like close relatives!

When Bronson left, Yue Chuan looked at the little rooster-like brats with a straight face, and said seriously: "Whatever you do while standing, go back, everyone must guarantee five victories in ten duels, who can't do it?" Come on, don't appear in front of Lao Tzu in the future!"

The brats all puffed out their chests and bellies, and roared "yes" full of air.In the past, I was abused by others because I didn't have a unique skill. Now that I have learned a unique skill, it is unreasonable to be abused by others.

After seeing off these brats, Yue Chuan also returned to his room, logged into the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, glanced at the friend list habitually, but found that the good apprentice was also online, so he called her.

After struggling for so long in the Dragonman's Tower, Sissy's level has also risen to level 21, and because Yue Chuan's level is higher than that of the Dragonman's Tower, the experience gained has been reduced by [-]%, and he has hardly gained much experience. So the level has not moved much.

"It's time to challenge a new copy, let's go together!"

The little loli nodded obediently.

Yue Chuan formed the little loli into the team, and then began to choose the copy, but when he was about to enter the puppet entrance, he was prompted that he had no permission.

"Adventurers, if you want to enter a new dungeon, you must first conquer the previous dungeon. Let's challenge the abyss party!"

In the past, at every level 5, 10, 15, and 20, Celia would open the Abyss Trial for adventurers, but now, without any notice from Celia, the system prompts that she needs to challenge the Abyss Party .

Huh, abyss party?

Yue Chuan clearly sensed the difference, because Celia helped open the Abyss Trial before, but now it is the Abyss Party.

"Challenge the Abyss Party!"

Following Yue Chuan's order, the level selection interface changed immediately, and the blazing hellfire instantly filled the field of vision, and the boundless flame seemed to burn everything up. It felt like the demon's roar and cry came faintly in his mind, as if he was cheering for the coming blood meal.

The moment Yue Chuan opened the Abyss Party, the icon of the puppet entrance disappeared, leaving only the Tower of the Dragonman on the entire interface. Get ferocious.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan racked his brains and abducted a lot of invitations for the Burning Devil from the little Lolita. Although there were not many, he finally got the eight required for admission. Yue Chuan was both depressed and regretful about the devil's invitation letter.

The scene changes, Yue Chuan and Sissy appear in a dungeon that is both familiar and unfamiliar. They say they are familiar because this is the Tower of the Dragon Man. I don’t know how many times I have brushed it before, and I am familiar with every obstacle and every decoration. in the bones.It is strange because everything here has become different. Under the erosion of the strong abyssal atmosphere, everything has changed.

Very difficult abyss?Well, it seems that luck is very good, I met Hexagon for the first time!

Yue Chuan was very satisfied with his luck, so he looked around curiously. After all, it was his first time joining the Abyss Party, and everything was very strange and novel.


While walking, Yue Chuan accidentally stepped on an unknown bone. Under the erosion of the breath of the abyss, that bone had long since become rotten. When Yue Chuan stepped down, he immediately shattered into powder like tofu. However, the soles of Yue Chuan's feet Also fell into it deeply, and then there was a sharp pain.

When Yue Chuan pulled his feet out, the shoes had already been completely corroded, and the soles of his feet were stained with a lot of abyssal breath. A black and red rust-like force was constantly eroding the vitality of the soles of his feet, destroying the muscles and bones in his body bit by bit.

Yue Chuan snorted coldly, the blood in his body burst out, and in an instant, a raging blood flame rose up, Yue Chuan strongly rejected the abyssal breath that invaded his body, and drove it out in the blink of an eye.

"Protect yourself, there are not only monsters in this dungeon, but also air and dust are deadly enemies, don't take it lightly."

Little Lolita nodded half-understood, chanted the spell softly, and a layer of transparent eggshell-like shield slowly rotated and swirled around her body.After brushing pictures with Little Lolita for such a long time, Yue Chuan found that this was the first time he saw Little Lolita open a shield.

Even if it is the same skill, different people have different understandings and opinions in their minds, and even have different usages. Otherwise, the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" would be too monotonous.

Soon, one after another flames ignited from nothingness, these flames spread rapidly and spread, and soon filled the whole room, like candlelight or bonfire, lighting the prelude to the party.


The signature Dragon Roar, and then saw one shadow after another emerging in the firelight, the shadows became larger and clearer, and finally walked out from the darkness, revealing his own figure in front of Yue Chuan and Qian Qian.


Yue Chuan couldn't help but gasped, because he finally saw clearly the source of these monsters.


There are countless dragon patterns, reliefs, and patterns on the four walls of the room. There are countless fierce dragon warriors, flying pterosaurs, and even two-headed dragons and nine-headed dragons. These patterns have already been born under the erosion of the abyss. There was a strange change. The flames ignited in the void at this time seemed to have opened a prologue, making these patterns have vitality, revived strangely, and came out of the wall.

One after another, the dragonmen and pterosaurs left the wall, walked towards Yue Chuan and Qian Qian with clumsy and blunt steps, and there was a dark red light floating in their pupils, eerie and strange, full of eerie and cold meanings , instead of looking at each other, Yue Chuan only felt the endless killing intent rushing towards his face, and the endless scene of corpse mountain and blood sea emerged in Yue Chuan's mind, which almost made Yue Chuan lose his mind and become addicted to it.

Abyss party...

Yue Chuan finally understands what is called an abyss party. A party naturally requires many participants. Only adventurers are not enough. Naturally, monsters are indispensable, and the number of monsters must also be numerous. There must be many, densely packed, endless, endless... …

Just like the tide of zombies in science fiction films, there are so many that make people collapse and despair!
"It seems that encountering the Hexagonal Abyss is not something to be thankful for." Yue Chuan wiped off his cold sweat and said without confidence.

"Ah?" Sissy looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously, obviously not understanding what the so-called hexagons meant.

Although seeing this densely packed monster, Qianqian felt a little scared, but it was not as obvious as Yue Chuan, so Yue Chuan gave up explaining the idea of ​​​​hexagon to Qianqian. The ignorant is fearless, so it is better not to tell her.

Those full-level accounts hope to encounter the Hexagonal Abyss, because they are strong enough to face it, but for low-level trumpets, encountering the Hexagonal Abyss is both luck and misfortune.Fortunately, they have a chance to reach the top level, but unfortunately, they have no hope of seeing the abyss lord of the abyss party at all.It's better to hit an abyss with two corners or even a flat head, which can more or less increase confidence.


Thousands of words, all merged into one sentence, war!

With ferocious blood in Yue Chuan's hands, the Soul-Cracking Blade slashed across the neck of an abyss dragonman. The sharp Soul-Cracking Blade easily cut off the dragonman's neck, and the dragonman screamed when he was about to die. , and then the tall body collapsed suddenly, turning into a place of rotten dust, and then it was trampled by other dragonmen, and disappeared completely.

Although these abyssal dragonmen are endless, their strength has not been significantly improved. As long as they attack the vital points, they can be killed in seconds!

Spike!Yes, it must be killed in seconds!

Facing the tide of enemies, if you can't kill in one blow, you will be held back by the enemy, and at that moment, countless dragonmen will attack.Even if it's a one-shot kill, you have to face countless attacks at the same time, let alone make up shots?However, to Yue Chuan's disappointment, these dragon men are all monsters produced by the erosion of the power of the abyss in relief patterns on the walls, and they are not real life. That is to say, they have no blood at all, and Yue Chuan can't get blood from them at all. Replenish.

The Blade of Cracking Soul swiped rapidly. Under Yue Chuan's control, the sharp tip of the knife wiped the inverse scales on the necks of the abyssal dragonmen one by one with great precision. One after another, the abyssal dragonmen turned into ashes like ashes, roaring and turning into full The ground dust, and then became the floating soil under the feet of other abyssal dragonmen who came forward.Yue Chuan's bright red figure jumped and wandered around, wherever he went, it was like a blackboard eraser, forcibly erasing a blank space in the dense crowd of dragons, squeezing out a piece of life.

Over there, Sissy also had a sullen face, reciting spells in a low voice. Her speaking speed was so fast that it almost exceeded the limit of hearing, but her enunciation was very clear. One spell after another was completed in an orderly manner. A blast of flames fell around her, and one after another was thrown out of frosty snowmen and void balls. The densely packed abyssal dragonmen disappeared and collapsed in pieces like dust meeting a vacuum cleaner.

However, dragonmen still appeared continuously, attacking Yue Chuan and Qian Qian one after another. Their mission was to attack, and they didn't care about life and death at all. Facing dense attacks almost everywhere, Yue Chuan and Qian Qian would inevitably be beaten. After one or two hits, in less than a minute, Yue Chuan and Qianqian were in danger, almost being rained down several times.

"Damn! This kind of crowd tactics is really disgusting, there is no output environment at all!"

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart. Facing the ubiquitous Abyssal Dragonmen, he had no room to dodge at all. Most of the time, he could only resist damage. Although these Abyssal Dragonmen were fragile, their attacks were very sharp. Every time it hit Yue Chuan, it hurt to the bone marrow. More than a dozen halberds hit his body at the same time. When it hurts.

In the end, Yue Chuan didn't even have room to swing a knife, let alone dodge. Facing the ubiquitous Abyssal Dragonmen, Yue Chuan could only kill desperately. In the space of wielding a knife, only the more dragon people you kill and the faster you kill the dragon people, can you guarantee your own survival.

This is the struggle for living space!

When he was on the earth, Yue Chuan always felt that the remarks of "Old Americans and China competing for living space" and "Japanese slaves and China competing for living space" were alarmist, but it was not until this moment that Yue Chuan deeply realized the meaning of "living space" .

What can you do when you are surrounded by alien creatures rubbing shoulders and competing with you for all the materials and even the air you need to survive?
Kill, kill them all, only by killing those alien creatures can you gain a foothold, air and sunlight!

The swiftly slashing Soul-Cracking Blade swung into pieces in the air, tearing out the bloody light of death. A large area of ​​abyssal dragonmen were killed, and instantly disappeared into a cloud of dust. Yue Chuan and Qianqian suddenly disappeared. After clearing a large open space, the breathing of both of them seemed to be much easier at that moment.


Taking a greedy breath of air, Sissy cast her magic like crazy.

The elements ignite!

The surrounding elements seemed to be boiling and bursting, bursting out with astonishing power. The radiance of the elements condensed on Sissy's body gradually solidified. If it was real, her pupils also showed magnificent elemental colors.

The same flame impact, when it is displayed now, is like a lava eruption. Every time the flame impacts, more than a dozen abyssal dragons disappear in an instant, and every place where the ball of nothingness passes, there is always a gap of a broad road. The abyss dragonman that the Frost Snowman came into contact with was instantly frozen and then exploded.

However, Sissy's mysterious state only lasted for more than a dozen seconds, and then slowly subsided, and then Sissy gulped down the magic potion, sweat dripping from her forehead and cheeks as if she had collapsed.

Seeing Little Lolita's pale face, Yue Chuan couldn't help showing a look of regret on his face, the anger in his heart became more and more intense, gradually showing signs of losing his mind and entering a state of berserk.


Yue Chuan forcibly restrained this impulse. Once he entered the berserk state, although he could burst into powerful combat power, he would still suffer a lot of damage. He was even accidentally hit by dozens of halberds at the same time, instantly killing him on the spot.In the runaway state, there are too many unpredictability.Even if he can survive unscathed, the weakness after the rampage will make his situation worse. Once these abyssal dragonmen are not cleared during the rampage, the only ending is death.

Reaching out to wrap around Qianqian's slender waist, Yue Chuan swung a three-meter-long saber energy with the Soul-Cracking Blade in his hand. After beheading a few abyssal dragonmen, Yue Chuan walked like flying, a run-up, and leaped. Stepping on a stabbed halberd, he jumped high like a pole vault.

The abyssal dragonmen below all raised their heads, and looked at the two in the air with cold eyes without any emotion.

Leap!Slash in the air!
Yue Chuan used these two skills to the limit. When the momentum disappeared and he was about to fall, Yue Chuan always chose the foothold in advance. At the same time, countless abyss dragons stabbed their halberds into the air, forming a natural foothold , Yue Chuan, who was as light as a swallow, stepped on the top of the halberd and flew up again.

Thankfully, instead of sharp spears, these draconians wield blunt halberds.

"Hey boy, let's use your magic to smash it!"

In the air, Sissy doesn't have to worry about her own safety at all, she only needs to output with all her strength and map-style bombing is enough.

Accompanied by little Lolita's evil and black-bellied laughter, a blazing fire flashed in the air...

[Two in one six thousand words]

(End of this chapter)

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