
Chapter 308 Fighting Rotes

Chapter 308 Fighting Rotes
The location of the Sky Veil Giant Beast Temple can be considered condescending. Even though there are ravines all over the place, the overflowing water is still limited, but this limited water can bring infinite power to the abyss lord Longleg Rotes.

Touching the water, the body of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes swelled up like blowing bubbles.The body of Abyss Lord Long-legged Roots was originally very large, but at this moment Yue Chuan knew that the previous Abyss Lord Long-legged Roots was a shrunken version, and now it has been fully nourished by water sources, and it has finally recovered bit by bit. true face.

The narrow underground building could no longer hide the suddenly enlarged body of the abyss lord with long legs. The ground rumbled and then exploded, and the huge abyss lord with long legs appeared like a mountain uprooted from the ground. In front of Yue Chuan and Audrey He.

woohoo hoo...

A few thick tentacles rammed towards Yue Chuan and Audrey He like a train gliding at high speed. Yue Chuan and Audrey He felt the power of the howling wind lingering on the tentacles. Rolling over, dodging in embarrassment.

However, before they could get a firm foothold, another tentacle swiped towards them.

Yue Chuan didn't know how many tentacles the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes had, and he didn't know what happened to the tentacles after seeing the water, but he knew that it was impossible to continue hiding like this. The tentacles strangled his dodging space, leaving him nowhere to escape.


Even though he knew he was invincible, Yue Chuan still went on a rampage, and the tyrannical power erupted in his body instantly, like a bomb detonated in Yue Chuan's body, and the destructive energy vibrated in his limbs, oppressing his body and spirit , Filling his heart with the desire for destruction and the hunger for blood.


The bloody Slaughter Blade cut horizontally into the tentacle of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, and at the same time, another tentacle of Rotes ruthlessly pierced through Yue Chuan's arm, and pulled out a knife on Yue Chuan's left shoulder. Big blood hole.

Blood spurted out from the wound in an instant.However, after the blood of the abyss lord long-legged Rotes sprayed on Yue Chuan's body, it was immediately assimilated by the fiery blood flames, turning into pure blood energy and flowing into Yue Chuan's body, making up for Yue Chuan's depleted blood energy, and seeing Yue Chuan directly The blood tank that was empty just now became full in an instant, and looking at the faintly shining blood tank, it must have been rich in blood, and it hadn't been absorbed completely.


Yue Chuan casually cut off the tentacle that pierced his shoulder. The tentacle sprayed a large amount of blood, convulsed violently for a few times, and then lost his voice.

His shoulders were in severe pain, but Yue Chuan could clearly feel the strong blood flow in the wound, constantly repairing the damaged muscles, bones, skin and flesh. After just a few breaths, the wound disappeared and healed as new.

"Fate, whoever is afraid of whom!"

With confidence, Yue Chuan's courage became stronger. He no longer waited passively, but directly took the initiative to attack, facing the tentacles that were flying towards each other, slashing and slashing fiercely.

Blood splattered and broken limbs flew.The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes roared angrily. Dozens of hundreds of thin tentacles branched out from his huge body, slapping the ground of the temple violently, making the surrounding ravines even bigger, making more continuous inflow of water.

The abyss lord long-legged Rotes didn't dare to use these new tentacles to attack Yue Chuan anymore, because it found that it was useless at all.Even if you lose both sides in a fight, the opponent can recover quickly after bathing in your own blood, and although your body can recover quickly after being soaked in water, the feeling of being cut off by someone is too painful. The abyss lord long-legged Rotes was also unwilling to try more.

The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes turned to attack Audrey He, but Audrey He had already stabilized his position and drew his gun to shoot. A headshot hit the weak point of those tentacles accurately, or Break it with a single shot, or leave a bloody hole on the tentacles.In just a dozen or so breaths, Audrey He has already broken more than 20 tentacles, which is only a lot more than Yue Chuan.

Audrey Hooked her finger slightly, and the revolver spun around on her finger, and then she handsomely inserted it into the holster on her thigh.

Seeing this heroic scene, Yue Chuan secretly praised him, and was about to say something, but saw Audrey He's complexion changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Before Yue Chuan could react, the ground under his feet exploded, and a tentacle wrapped around Yue Chuan's lower body tightly like a python coming out of a hole, and lifted it high into the air.

caught you!

The ground exploded instantly, and a hand was raised high, lifting Yue Chuan to the rows of strange eyes of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes.

"Humans, why are you my enemy?"

The abyss lord long-legged Rotes did not kill Yue Chuan immediately, but interrogated him instead.This shows that it is not a livestock driven only by instinct, but a creature with extremely high intelligence.Although the tyrannical mental energy cannot control Yue Chuan, it is not an obstacle for communication.

Although Yue Chuan really wanted to show his strong and unyielding integrity, but thinking of the tragic ending of the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes, he said instead: "Rotes, don't resist your fate, you are destined to sleep here forever, you can't escape your fate bondage."

The rows of eyes of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes shrank instantly, and the huge pupils became as small as needlepoints. Its mountain-like body trembled violently. Obviously, it also knew something.

"No! I am the incarnation of the ocean, I am Roots, I will not die, I cannot sleep forever in this place!" The eyes of the abyss lord Long-legged Roots suddenly widened, looking fiercely. Looking at Yue Chuan, he said in a cold voice: "You alone can't stop me, die!"

Grabbed by the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, Yue Chuan didn't have any suspense. Under its irresistible contraction force, his bones were shattered, his body was broken, and he was strangled into minced meat almost instantly.

But in the next moment, a bright beam of light descended from the sky, wrapped around Yue Chuan's body, and the broken body was quickly repaired. When the light dissipated, Yue Chuan stood proudly again, looking down at the abyss lord's long-legged Lotes.

"Rotes, accept your fate!"

Perhaps it was Yue Chuan's strange way of resurrection that shocked the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes. At this time, Rotes stared blankly at Yue Chuan. This unreasonable phenomenon challenged its cognition and made it unacceptable. I can't believe it.

How can there be creatures in the world who can reverse life and death?

Does he really have any unusual origins?Yes, there are gods who can reverse the rules.

"However, I don't accept it! How can I be trapped in such a ghost place for the rest of my life! I don't accept it—"

When the abyss lord long-legged Rotes was screaming in his heart, Yue Chuan had already slammed a silver falling blade on its forehead, and the slaughter blade in his hand cut iron like mud, directly piercing the abyss lord long-legged Rotes' forehead Between eyebrows.

The body of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes contracted sharply, and his muscles became dense and solid. He wanted to stop the destruction of his body by the slaughter blade, but the sharpness of the slaughter blade was beyond his imagination, almost like cutting tofu , did not encounter the slightest obstacle and completely submerged.

But there was nothing but pain.The long-legged Rotes, the abyss lord who originally thought that his vitals were injured and could not die or be disabled, slowly put away the panic in his heart. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his skin was too thick.At this time, its height was three to forty meters, and the spines and flesh on the head were about two or three meters long. There was a bone plate under two or three meters, and the Slaughtering Blade was only one meter long at best. It is impossible to injure the bone, let alone the tissue under the bone.

However, the sharpness of the Slaughter Blade still made the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes terrified.It is now at its weakest strength, and if you are not careful, it will die prematurely due to accidents.The Slaughtering Blade already has the ability to threaten its life, so it has to guard against it!

Yue Chuan realized something was wrong when he stabbed it with a knife. This abyss lord's long-legged Rotes is too rough and thick. Although the slaughter blade is sharp, it is basically like a toothpick for its huge body. Painful, but not fatal.

Sensing the violently wriggling flesh and the strongly fluctuating energy under his body, Yue Chuan hastily drew his sword and turned back, evacuating the body of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes.


The moment Yue Chuan left, dense foam appeared on the surface of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, and the white foam stuck to the surface of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, completely covering his body in an instant. cover.

This is the initial use of its power to control water. At this time, the water power it can use is limited, and it can only apply a few magics such as defense and protection on its body. If it is in its heyday, Yue Chuan and Audrey He It is also a matter of breath for the adventurer to come to a thousand children.

"What are those bubbles for?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, Audrey raised her hand and shot a bullet. The bullet accurately hit the foam on the body surface of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes. Originally, foam should burst instantly when it is hit by a bullet. But the foam on the body surface of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes was different. When the bullet hit it, there was a clanging sound, clanging and powerful, like the collision of gold and iron.

Squinting his eyes and looking carefully, Yue Chuan discovered that it wasn't foam at all, but a crystal substance similar to pearls. The abyss lord's long-legged Roots actually absorbed the power of water to build a crystal guard for himself.

Those originally illusory and hazy bubbles all became like pearls at this time, crystal clear and bright, shining with sparkling brilliance. The originally ugly abyss lord with long legs, Rotes, put on this layer of pearl shell, and immediately became pearly. , The extravagance is compelling.It is true that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and the same applies to the long-legged Lotes, the lord of the abyss.

Facing this pearl-like shell, Yue Chuan felt a little headache.The Slaughtering Blade couldn't help the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, but now it made a tortoise shell for itself, even bullets couldn't pierce it, so what's the use of its own knife.

This game is really hard!

However, what responded to Yue Chuan was a tentacle with a pearl shell that slammed down on his head.


The tentacles slapped the ground. If Yue Chuan hadn't dodged ahead of time, he would definitely be turned into meatloaf at this time.However, even if Yue Chuan hid, it didn't mean he was safe.

The pearl shell on that tentacle burst and shattered in an instant, and countless crystal pearls exploded to the surroundings with violent force. Facing the map-style bombing with almost no dead ends and no gaps, Yue Chuan directly and decisively gave up the treatment.


It was beaten into a sieve, a sieve through and through.Faced with this trick, Yue Chuan had no choice but to use the resurrection coin again.

Audrey He on the side looked at this scene in surprise. She was not surprised by Yue Chuan's resurrection, but was surprised by the trick that the abyss lord long-legged Rotes used just now.It absorbs countless pearls on its tentacles, and then releases all of these pearls at the moment of slapping, forming an extremely violent impact.This is simply an alternative firearm, and it is also a shotgun that has no solution for close-range lethality.

Audrey asked herself, if it was not Yue Chuan who faced this move just now, but herself, how sure was she that she would survive?
No!There is no life at all!This trick is too buggy!
Yue Chuan, who had just been revived, saw another tentacle full of pearls hitting him, and his calf cramped in fright. Shunbu and Shadow Sword were used one after another, leaving a few real and fake clones on the ground, and he slipped away. , fled.

"Hurry up and use the secret weapon!"

Hearing Yue Chuan's voice, Audrey He nodded, while running away, she took out a delicate controller and pressed it hard.


Violent explosions came from the sky, and the terrifying sound waves and scorching heat waves hit almost at the same time. The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes opened his eyes wide to see what happened, but the strong man who wanted to be blind opened his eyes. The light makes it unable to see.Facing the fear of the unknown, the abyss lord's long-legged Roots could only curl up his body as best he could, absorb more water power, and form this pearl-like armor to attach to his body surface.

The glare dimmed, and the abyss lord long-legged Rotes finally found the source of all this. It turned out to be the flying thing in the sky.

Originally, the long-legged Rotes, the abyss lord, didn't pay attention to that thing, but it could fly, and when his tentacles grew, he could pull it down from the air at once.

But at this moment, the long-legged Rotes, the abyss lord, realized that he was so stupid and naive.If I dragged that thing by myself, I was afraid that I would be seriously injured in the first place.

It was the EX Dornier airship that exploded just now.A large amount of ammunition and fuel are stored in the airship, and the airbag of the airship is filled with flammable and explosive gas, which itself is a natural explosive barrel.Audrey He just installed a simple detonating device inside.

The airship exploded above the head of the abyss lord's long-legged Roots, and the intense light and fire instantly caused the temperature around the abyss lord's long-legged roots to soar to hundreds of degrees, and the ice and snow around the abyss lord's long-legged roots disappeared almost instantly. It was completely melted, and then boiled, and then gasified and rose in the blink of an eye.

The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes was instantly enveloped in scorching steam, and dense mist enveloped it, and the blazing fire continued to emit astonishing heat around it.

Water is a very good heat-conducting material, which is well reflected in the long-legged Roots of the abyss lord. The heat that could not be vented for a while almost poured into the body of the abyss lord's long-legged Roots, making him Its body temperature rose steadily, and it turned red in a short while, and this red color has a flavor of steamed crabs and deep-fried prawns. At this time, the long-legged Rotes, the abyss lord, is just like being in a steamer.

sizzle sizzle...

The pearl shield on Abyss Lord Long-legged Roots could no longer be maintained, and all dissipated into the most basic water element, and the water just absorbed in the body of Abyss Lord Long-legged Roots was also turned into scalding hot water by the amazing heat. The boiling water was constantly tormenting his skin surface and inside.Bubbles emerged from its body surface one after another, and then burst, viscous yellow liquid with dark red blood flowed out of these blisters, and a stench instantly permeated the ice sheet.

goo goo goo...

With the loss of water in the body and the shrinkage of the body trauma, the long-legged Rotes, the abyss lord, could no longer maintain such a huge body. It shrank rapidly, and returned to a height of seven or eight meters in the blink of an eye.Although it is still huge, it will not give Yue Chuan the feeling of being invincible and invincible like before.If the Slaughtering Blade pierces its forehead again, it might be able to pierce through the skull and take out the brain.

Yue Chuan and Audrey He had already taken the resistance potion and the resistance spell. Although the two of them were suffering under such high temperature, it was a hundred times easier than the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes.

While it is sick, kill it!
Yue Chuan and Audrey He sprinted almost at the same time. Yue Chuan had to rush to the side of the Abyss Lord's long-legged Rotes to attack, but Audrey He could shoot from a long distance, and one bullet after another continued to nail into the Abyss Lord. In the rotten flesh-like body of the long-legged Roots.

The power of the revolver is naturally inferior to the sniper rifle, but the long-legged Rotes of the abyss lord with a pile of rotten flesh is also a hundred times inferior to the previous state. Every bullet of Audrey He can lift a large piece of flesh and blood from it, splashing There was a large amount of blood.This is simply Ling Chi.

The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes roared unwillingly, wanting to resist, but his weak and badly injured body made him powerless. Although his body was in contact with the water on which he depended for survival, the water was all bubbling and bubbling. The abyss lord long-legged Rotes couldn't get any power from it at all, but suffered a lot.

Facing the rushing Yue Chuan, the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes struggled to erect a tentacle, but Yue Chuan struck out with a landslide, and the slaughter blade slashed fiercely on the tentacle, and the tentacle was immediately divided into pieces. two.

Close, closer!

Cutting off one after another of the tentacles, Yue Chuan has come to the head of the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes, the blood light is condensed on the slaughter blade in his hand, blood is surging, and a long sword purely condensed by blood is in Yue Chuan's hand Appear.

The blade of blood!
(End of this chapter)

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