
Chapter 325 Let's continue talking about your mother

Chapter 325 Let's continue talking about your mother
At this moment, Yue Chuan finally understood that the lord of the Heavenly Curtain Forbidden Land was not Marcel at all, but this magic book that Marcel regarded as a treasure!

Thinking about it, which of these lords of the Skyveil Behemoth is not a difficult master, and the stunts at the bottom of the box are one after another, but the judge Marcel runs away like a loach, that is, summoning soldiers and stabbing knives. Not even a mob with a green name.Knowing the identity of this magic book, Yue Chuan immediately felt relieved that Marcel was originally a green-named soldier.

When Yue Chuan was struggling with the magic book, Marcel, who had been dismantled into pieces, finally lost the strength to support him, his body gradually returned to calm, and was finally refreshed by the system.However, Abyss still didn't show the clearance, and the magic book in Yue Chuan's hand slowly showed a glaring name: Death Stealing Soul Book!

Sure enough, this guy is the real lord.

Yue Chuan didn't understand before that Rotes was also an apostle, but among the lords of the giant beasts in the sky, Rotes was actually ranked below Marcel, and the most important thing was that he watched from beginning to end. There is nothing strong about Marcel.And all of this is because of this death-stealing book, it is the real boss, and it is more powerful than the apostle.

Before, the death-stealing book stole the soul of little loli, and the system told Yue Chuan from the side that the power of the death-stealing book was so powerful that even the resurrection coin couldn't bypass it and directly revive little loli.The resurrection coin is a heaven-defying item that can reverse the rules of life and death and break the confinement of reincarnation. However, before the book of death and soul stealing, the power of the resurrection coin is extremely dim, which shows that this item is extraordinary.

Holding the book of death stealing souls tightly with both hands, Yue Chuan immediately felt a strong and pure dark energy invade his body, a dark force wrapped around his body along his hands, and boundless darkness instantly filled his field of vision, Filling his body, his soul fell into the darkness of eternal night in the blink of an eye, and he could not see the slightest light.

Soul stolen?
Yue Chuan was startled, because the system had told him that after little loli's soul was stolen, unless this abyss was cleared, little loli's soul would be imprisoned in it forever. Will become a vegetative person who loses consciousness. If his soul is stolen, wouldn't he also suffer the same fate?

Yue Chuan took a long breath to absorb the strange emotions in his heart. Although he didn't know how to fight against the Soul Stealing Book, he knew that panic and fear would not help him, but would harm him. You have to be calm, only when you calm down, there will be no gaps in your heart, and the death-stealing book will not have the slightest opportunity to take advantage of.

But then, Yue Chuan thought of a question, what kind of situation is he in now?Has it been controlled by Death Stealing Soul Book, or?If it has been controlled by the book of death stealing souls, then it can control itself to fight and kill like a little loli, and it will no longer have self-awareness, let alone think here.That being the case, the answer is obvious, the Book of Stealing Souls by Death has not yet controlled itself, in other words, it has not yet stolen its own soul.

Yue Chuan noticed another detail. The name of the boss is "Death Stealing Soul Book". As the name suggests, it has the power of death. It has a strong ability to control the soul, but there is a "steal" in its name. This means that it cannot violently capture and control other people's souls, but uses the method of "stealing".

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan immediately felt at ease, as long as he didn't follow the way of the soul-stealing book, it would have nothing to do with him.

And at this time, a cold voice came from the boundless darkness: "Yes, I can't do anything to you, but in this boundless darkness, what can you do to me? I have endless time, but Do you have an endless lifespan to spend with me?"

Hearing this, Yue Chuan's heart suddenly jumped. Yes, the book of stealing souls is an object, which can exist forever, but he is just a creature, and his life is only a moment of flickering. Even if the book of stealing souls does nothing, it just imprisons himself Here, I will eventually be defeated by the power of time and perish, and I will eventually lose to it.

But in the next moment, Yue Chuan thought it was bad!Because at the moment when his mind was shaken, the surrounding darkness became thicker, and the invisible pressure became more suffocating. Yue Chuan obviously felt that his five senses and six senses were a little blurred.

Soul stealing!

It turns out that, with all precautions, you finally got the point!But fortunately, I woke up early, otherwise, the soul would have been stolen by the soul-stealing book at that moment.

Feeling that his soul was obviously a little weaker than before, Yue Chuan had to be cautious, so as not to give the Soul Stealing Book an opportunity.However, the Soul Stealing Book did not give Yue Chuan a chance to calm down, constantly harassing Yue Chuan with words, mentioning Yue Chuan's past, attacking Yue Chuan's spiritual loopholes, constantly disintegrating Yue Chuan's psychological defense, and infiltrating the power of death little by little.

But who is Yue Chuan? He is a time traveler. The Death-Stealing Book tells about Umont Leizer’s childhood and past in bits and pieces, but not Yue Chuan’s past. There was no effect, but Yue Chuan gradually saw the true face of the Soul Stealing Book, and knew the scope of his true ability.

That's right, the Death Stealing Soul Book is indeed a BUG-level existence, an existence as powerful as the long-legged Roots, and a threat to the security of the system like the long-legged Roots, the long-legged Roots is almost Destroy the Ice Abyss, and the Book of Death and Soul Stealing is enough to destroy the rules of the resurrection coin.

However, the death-stealing book also has its limitations. It is true that it can control the heart and steal the soul, but it is only limited to the "present life" of the soul, and does not include the past and afterlife of the soul.

For Yue Chuan, the 20 years on earth are his "past life", and the days after crossing are his "afterlife", while Umont Razer's ten years are just an insignificant "present life".For other people, no matter how talented they are, as long as they are not the kind of people who have cultivated their minds to be exquisite and clear without any flaws, they will be broken by the death-stealing book, but the ability of the death-stealing book is just ineffective against Yue Chuan.

After understanding this truth, Yue Chuan also felt relieved, and chatted about whether he had a relationship with the Book of Death and Soul Stealing.Death Stealing Soul Book finally realized that something was wrong, and closed his mouth rationally.

However, Death Stealing Soul Book still said unwillingly: "Waste it, I'll see how much time you have!"

Naturally, the same pit Yue Chuan would not jump twice, Yue Chuan acted as if he had never heard of the death-stealing book, he just laughed twice, and silently added "Go to your paralysis" in his heart.

But what Yue Chuan didn't expect was that the Death Stealing Soul Book actually let out a heavy snort, obviously it could hear Yue Chuan's inner voice, and understood the meaning of this sentence.

But this made Yue Chuan interested.This sentence is a curse, not a curse. Is there a mother in this book of death and soul stealing?

"What? You were also raised by your parents? Who is your mother? Tell me, see if I know you, maybe I have patronized you before."

Hearing this, Death Stealing Soul Book almost exploded with anger, and there was a roar in the darkness.

"Tsk tsk, you don't have to thank me. After all, what your mother earns is living expenses, and the money comes in an aboveboard manner. It's hard-earned money."


The death-stealing soul book is really angry. It has stolen hundreds of thousands of souls. When those people were stolen by it, they all cried bitterly and begged desperately. Where is it like Yue Chuan, who is fearless and fearless? That is also a hero, but this guy who is full of foul language is simply a rascal.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about your mother. You see, I have such a little problem with my mouth. I often hurt people unintentionally. What's wrong with me..."

Death Stealing Soul Book was a little stunned, what was going on with this guy, he was so mean just now, and in the blink of an eye he began to beg for mercy in a low voice.Hmph, I thought it was a character, but it turned out to be just soft bones.

"If there's anything I'm sorry for, you can hit me if you have the guts!"

However, upon hearing Yue Chuan's last words, the Death Stealing Soul Book was immediately blown up. It roared wildly, as if it wanted to tear Yue Chuan into pieces, but it had nothing to do with Yue Chuan.If Yue Chuan was taken into the soul-stealing book by it, it would naturally use ten thousand tricks to punish Yue Chuan, but it has not succeeded in stealing the soul yet, so it can only stare helplessly at Yue Chuan, but eyes cannot kill people.

"Come and hit me!"

Seeing that his words were effective, Yue Chuan continued to be mean, and after a while he was so angry that he disappeared, hiding himself and ignoring Yue Chuan.

Here, there is no spatial concept of front, back, left, right, up and down, and Yue Chuan can't even feel whether he is sitting or lying down, or standing upside down.Here, there is no passage of time, or Yue Chuan can't feel the passage of time at all.There is no change of light and dark here, this is the darkness of eternal night, people can't see the slightest light, and can't feel the slightest hope.

Here, it will really go crazy!Because Yue Chuan had a similar experience, if it wasn't for An Qi's accidental accident...

At this time, the Death Stealing Soul Book appeared out of nowhere, and said in surprise: "An Qi? Hehe, boy, it feels very uncomfortable to be betrayed by your own wife..."

The Death Stealing Soul Book thought it had grasped the flaw in Yue Chuan's heart, but thought to himself, Yue Chuan's reaction to this was very flat, there was no disturbance in his heart at all, let alone the slightest flaw.

"Soul Stealing Book, let's talk about your mother! What's your mother's name?"

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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