
Chapter 328 Soul Master Claria

Chapter 328 Soul Master Claria

Knowing the reason for Yue Chuan's visit, Claria was silent for a few seconds. Instead of looking at Yue Chuan, she turned her eyes aside and looked at the thin figure outside through the gate. The bright sunlight shone on her immature body. On the face, it can't give people a bright feeling at all, but it looks more gloomy and cold.If there is any change, it is like a hibernating snake slowly stretching its body in the sun, the coldness in its bones is spreading out little by little.

"My lord, I am very pleased to be appreciated and valued by you. This is not only my personal honor, but also the glory of our school. However, before that, I hope that the lord can understand the practice of our school before making a decision. .”

In all fairness, it is a great honor to be the teacher of the monarch, even if it is just a few words of advice. Claria naturally has no reason to refuse this kind of thing. She didn't dare to teach anything rashly.

Hearing this, Yue Chuan also knew that Claria was tactfully rejecting him. It wasn't because of some self-respecting sect, but because there was something unspeakable about their sect. Maybe this sect's practice method had some harsh requirements. .But in Yue Chuan's view, as long as it's not something like "If you want to practice magic skills, you must first leave the palace", any requirements can be considered.

"The monarch should know that magic is divided into mainstream factions such as elemental magic, summoning magic, contract magic, and alchemy magic. Although there are still some factions, either due to their own defects or lack of inheritance, they cannot become the mainstream. And the magic I practice , is a small school, our school only exercises spiritual power, strong spiritual power is our only power! Other than that, we don’t practice anything.”

In a sense, the standard for judging whether a magician is strong or not is the strength of his mental power. With strong mental power, he can gather elements more quickly, summon more advanced beasts, and sign stronger contracts. , can lead more tedious alchemy experiments.But Claria's faction, although they also practice spiritual power, they only practice pure spiritual power, not transforming spiritual power into other powers.

"We are spiritual magicians! Or soul magicians! What we practice is the power of the soul."

It turned out to be like this, specializing in the soul, and also specializing in the soul.This kind of weird practice method has never been heard before, and it is difficult to guard against it when it is encountered suddenly. No wonder Claria was able to kill a holy magician with one move.

"I don't know, there are any taboos or special requirements in this method of cultivation. Could it be that I don't meet the requirements for cultivation?"

"No!" Claria shook her head, "Any creature with a soul can practice it. However, after cultivation, the power of the spirit or the power of the soul will become stronger and stronger, and gradually compete with the body, and eventually surpass the The body collapses due to the limit of its endurance. In short, after practicing, it will age rapidly and its lifespan will be greatly shortened. The stronger the strength, the closer it is to death."


Yue Chuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. People practice mostly to prolong their lifespan and increase their life limit, but who would have thought that this soul magic would actually do the opposite, the higher the cultivation level, the shorter the lifespan. An evil way of squeezing potential and burning life.

"So, if you want to practice, please think twice!" While speaking, Claria stretched out her palms lonely, looked at the back of her wrinkled hands, curled her long gray hair on her chest, and said: " I practiced with my teacher at the age of 12, and after ten years, I reached the holy level, and now I am only 22 years old, but with my appearance, I am already approaching old age, and I don’t think I have many years to live.”

Yue Chuan looked at Claria in shock.The horror in his heart couldn't be increased.

He never thought that Claria would be so young. Although she looked in her 22s or [-]s, she was only [-] years old. What was even more amazing was that she had only cultivated for ten years.In ten years, from an ordinary person to a saint-level powerhouse, the speed is like riding a rocket.

Yue Chuan once estimated that the strength of the holy level on the mainland is equivalent to the occupation after the 50-level job transfer in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". For myself, it will take a little more than half a year. This is because I am familiar with the game and have many privileges.If it is an ordinary player, if they want to practice to level 50, there is no need for more than a year. Any abyss or trial can block them for a month.For ordinary people who are even worse, it is estimated that it will take two to three years or even three to five years. (I know that everyone can wake up in three to five days, but what I'm talking about here is the speed in the novel)

In comparison, Claria's ten years are not comparable at all, but without the help of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, Claria was able to survive in ten years purely by her own practice. Cultivating to the holy level is either her talent or her skills.But seeing Claria's old appearance, no matter how miraculous this technique is, it is daunting.

Yue Chuan closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then slowly said: "From what you say, it should be that the soul is too strong, surpassing the carrying capacity of the body, which is why the body is aging and collapses."

"That's right!" Claria nodded heavily, "A person's body and soul are perfectly compatible. Warriors cultivate their physique, and magicians cultivate their spirit. In fact, they both focus on improving the body and soul. However, This so-called improvement will only break the original balance. In a short period of time, they have indeed gained strength, but in the long run, they lose their qualifications to pursue higher realms."

Higher realm?

Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes, above the holy level, what is it?

The beam of light penetrating the heavens and the earth, the hole filled with immeasurable light, and the pair of eyes full of supreme majesty could not help appearing in his mind.

"I'm a warrior. If I train a soul master again, wouldn't I be able to improve the strength of my body and soul at the same time, and pursue a higher realm?"

"No, a warrior does not mean a strong body, and a magician does not mean a weak body. A human body is like a container, whether it is a bottle or a jar, it will always be a container. It will not become a river or even an ocean. This is a race. The shackles are the shackles of the blood, which cannot be broken by human power."

"Really do not have?"

Yue Chuan understood the meaning of Clelia's words, but he did not believe Clelia's conclusion.Because he remembered what happened to Frank. Originally, Frank only had the thin blood of the Fire Phoenix, but under the transformation of the power of the resurrection coin, Frank almost turned into a pure blood of the Fire Phoenix.

What Claria said about the strength of the body actually refers to the strength of the blood. The blood of human beings is indeed weak by nature. Not to mention comparable to gods and demons, even the blood of dragons and elves is beyond the reach of humans. Even dwarves, The bloodlines of races such as orcs and barbarians are stronger than humans.

Yue Chuan knew that he had already grasped a key to unlock the shackles of the blood, that is, the resurrection coin with magical power.The resurrection coin has the power to reverse the rules and break life and death. While reshaping the body, even the blood is reshaped.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone.Frank is a successful example, but this example has a particularity that cannot be copied. First, Frank has the blood of the Fire Phoenix. Second, Frank was once a saint-level powerhouse. Although his blood is weak, his strength has reached the level that stimulates the power of his blood. .In the end, Frank experienced death and rebirth in the raging fire, which coincided with the power of the fire phoenix, so he was able to be reborn from the ashes.

Thinking of resurrection coins, Yue Chuan subconsciously thought of the book of stealing souls by death, and when thinking of the book of stealing souls by death, the bloody writing on the cover appeared in Yue Chuan's mind: the body is only a prison, and death is the destination.

"The physical body is just a prison, and death is the destination!"

Hearing this sentence, Claria's always silent face showed extreme surprise, she looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "How do you know this sentence?"

Yue Chuan was stunned. He didn't expect that Claria also knew the words written in the Book of Death and Soul Stealing, and judging by her reaction, these two sentences should be very important to her. Could it be...

Claria seemed to be aware of her gaffe, but this kind of thing couldn't tolerate her gaffe.

To be precise, the cultivation method of the soul master is inherited from the era of gods and demons, and it is one of the few cultivation methods of gods and demons that has been handed down in the human world.This is a power that only belongs to gods and demons, and human beings are not blessed to enjoy it.However, human beings have a very strong desire for power. After countless years of research, an astonishingly strong man has developed a cultivation method that can be used by humans in a very short period of time. Has extremely powerful strength.Although it can't reach the level of gods and demons, it can be regarded as very fast for humans.

However, this cultivation method also has serious flaws, and that is what happened to Claria.

People of this school have been looking for a solution from the beginning to the end. Unfortunately, it is no longer the era when gods and demons are everywhere. The research on gods and demons is only found in the vast ancient books and the few magic relics. Difficulties can be imagined.

After painstaking efforts, one person finally found a feasible solution.That is a mysterious and powerful taboo book mentioned in the classics recording the age of gods and demons.

It is recorded in the classics that this book can seal the soul and serve as the carrier of the soul. In this way, it perfectly solves the problem of being overwhelmed by the physical body.

It's just that no one knows the origin and whereabouts of this book. The only clue is that there is a line of bloody writing on the cover of the forbidden book - the body is just a prison, and death is the destination.

Taking a long breath, Claria looked at Yue Chuan full of hope. She hoped to get some clues from Yue Chuan so that he could find the mysterious taboo book.

"That's right, the physical body is just a prison, restricting the growth of the soul, and bringing us endless torment. However, we are human beings, and we can only endure this endless torment, otherwise, the only end is death."

While speaking, Claria's body burst into a rich light. This kind of light was as gray as a smog, covering Claria's whole body. After a while, I only listened to her words, but couldn't see her face. appearance.

"Death is the destination, but everyone is attached to life. Only that book can break the bondage of life and death, and sever the connection between the soul and the body." The voice turned a little cold, "My lord, I'm sorry, this This thing is very important to me, only to be offended."

After finishing speaking, Claria's powerful soul power rushed towards Yue Chuan like a tide. She needed to check Yue Chuan's memory to find everything about the Book of Taboo.This is something that the soul masters have tirelessly pursued for countless years, and there is no room for any mistakes.

However, when Claria threw her soul power at Yue Chuan, something strange happened.

A layer of faint light emerged from Yue Chuan's body, this layer of light was as dim as a candle, but it was this layer of dim light that made it impossible for Claria's soul power to surpass at all, and could only surround Yue Chuan's body Spin around, not getting close at all.

This scene, while surprising Claria, also filled her heart with joy, because it clearly told her that the book of taboo had a great connection with Yue Chuan, even on Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan didn't hide either. He spread his palms, and a simple book appeared in his hand. The blood-colored handwriting was extremely eye-catching. Claria immediately knew the origin of the book.

"My lord, this book is of no benefit to you, why not pass it on to me, and I will give you enough reward."

Yue Chuan shook his head, "This book is destined to be mine only, no one can take it away."

Claria's eyes turned cold.She didn't know that epic equipment was bound when picked up, and thought that Yue Chuan was unwilling to sell his face.In this case, it can only be grabbed hard.The power of a soul master is unquestionable, especially in one-on-one duels, it is impossible for a warrior's fragile soul to withstand the soul pressure and soul attack of a soul master.

However, Claria was taken aback by the result of the attack, shouting loudly, this is impossible!
Because Claria was shocked to find that her soul power felt impenetrable in front of Yue Chuan.


Clelia's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. She didn't expect that she would meet the most difficult enemy.The soul master majored in the soul, and all his strength was in the soul, but now, Yue Chuan was immune to the soul power, directly disintegrating 90.00% of Claria's combat power.

And just when Claria was about to take back her power, suddenly, the Death Stealing Soul Book in Yue Chuan's hand emitted a strong light, the light was so dazzling that it made people blind.And under the radiance of this ray of light, Claria's soul power quickly merged into a ball as if it had encountered a natural nemesis.However, before Claria could continue to respond, a jet of dark light engulfed her soul.

Not long after, Claria's portrait appeared on the Book of Death and Soul Stealing, and Yue Chuan soon learned of Claria's life.

As Claria said, she only practiced with her teacher when she was more than ten years old. After ten years of practice, she quickly became a saint-level powerhouse, and her teacher finally collapsed, unable to support the power of the soul, and left this world.

Through the power of the death-stealing book, Yue Chuan clearly saw the process of Claria's strength growth and the process of physical aging, and he was familiar with the cultivation method of a soul master. Perhaps, without Claria's guidance, Yue Chuan It can also skillfully display many soul powers.

With a flick of her finger, a ray of light entered Clelia's body. Clelia woke up slowly and looked around in confusion. Then, she remembered what happened just now, and then she He looked at Yue Chuan with unbelievably horrified eyes, but he never said anything.Because Yue Chuan was able to know her psychological activities well through the Death Stealing Soul Book.

"Claria, I didn't intend to do this kind of thing to you, but if you attack rashly, I can only take defensive measures."

Claria let out a long sigh, "Skills are not as good as others, so it's useless to talk too much. I admit it!" Her lips squirmed, and after a long time, Claria finally uttered "Master".

Claria's soul power is so powerful, she is naturally aware that her soul is restricted and bound by a force.If the previous self was a free man, then the current self is a marionette with many restraints on his body.

Yue Chuan didn't expect that he would subdue a saint-level powerhouse just by going out for a stroll.

Yes, to subdue, and it is the most direct way to subdue, so that the other party has no strength to resist, and no psychology of resistance.Because her life and death are all under her control, without her permission, even death is a luxury for her.Her soul has escaped from the great reincarnation of the outside world, and entered the small reincarnation of the death-stealing book.

However, who can blame this, if she hadn't attacked Yue Chuan rashly, Yue Chuan would not have fought back against her and sealed her in the Book of Death and Soul Stealing.Everything is Claria's own fault.

With her soul banned, Claria could only accept her fate. Even if Yue Chuan treated her like a slave, she didn't complain.

But at this time, Claria found that her body no longer had that weak posture that could be broken if pushed, and her body became stronger, and the previous collapsed situation would never appear again.

Without the oppression of the power of the soul, Claria found that her health had improved fundamentally.The skin regained its luster little by little, and the wrinkles on it were slowly pulled away, and there were no traces of it anymore.Even the gray hair on the head has black strands of hair growing from the roots.


Clelia didn't know what to say, because words could no longer express the shock in her heart.

"Nothing. This is the solution you want. Congratulations!"

[Standing on the street tomorrow, friends, don’t miss it]

(End of this chapter)

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