
Chapter 330 You Must Give Me An Explanation

Chapter 330 You Must Give Me An Explanation

Outside the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, the Guangming Church set up camp, but had no further plans.In fact, the Church of Light has fallen into a difficult situation.

To put it bluntly, Innocent's confidence is nothing more than the support of the God of Light, as well as the thugs of the twelve angels and several other holy powerhouses.If it is only to deal with the Great Qin, these forces are enough, but if other forces are counted, especially if there is more than one force, the Church of Light will have to think twice.

Did the assassinations encountered before mean that the Assassin Alliance fell to the Great Qin?Was the magic guild involved in the defection of these magicians?

After thinking about it carefully, Innocent ruled out the former possibility. After all, even if he hires assassins from the Assassin League, it is impossible to mobilize so many people in such a short period of time.To be able to commit murder and arson without being noticed under his own eyes, at least he is a saint-level powerhouse, no matter how bad he is, he is also a half-legged sanctuary.How could the League of Assassins mobilize so many troops?

In fact, Innocent didn't know that before the arrival of his jihadist army, Yue Chuan went to the prison of the Great Qin State.The last time when we forcibly broke into the palace, many saint-level powerhouses were imprisoned. After all, this was the intention of the masters behind them. Therefore, they did not dare to escape from the prison, and all of them were obediently squatting. .But on the side of Daqin, they don't know how to deal with them.

Killing is inappropriate.It is not suitable to put it.They are imprisoned here every day and they have to eat and drink for offerings. They are like feeding the uncle, and they are bothering after a long time.Moreover, those people behind them are also asking how to deal with them.

According to Yue Chuan's intention, he wanted to use the soul-stealing book to collect all their souls for his own use.However, these people all have backgrounds after all, and rashly attacking them may cause unnecessary trouble, and if they are not careful, they will even expose the existence of the Book of Soulstealing by Death.Besides, Yue Chuan's current strength is not enough to fully activate the Book of Soul Stealing by Death. It was a complete accident to subdue Claria. Subdue.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Yue Chuan directly assigned a task to these saint-level powerhouses, asking them to harass and kill members of the Holy War Legion. As long as each person can kill ten enemies, he can be pardoned without guilt.

Ten heads, and there is no limit to whether they are soldiers or officers, as long as ten heads are taken back, they can be pardoned. This kind of thing is easy for their saint-level powerhouses.But in order to prevent my identity from being found out by the Church of Light and cause trouble for the forces behind me, all those people covered their heads and covered their faces, making them look like killer assassins, so there was a previous misunderstanding.

But they didn't know that when they attacked the Church of Light, they inevitably drew the forces behind them into the war.Although they did these things very covertly, they subconsciously ignored one point, that is, the Great Qin State. If the Great Qin State leaked this news, their so-called concealment would be a joke at all.

In order to avoid being settled by Qiu Hou, they can only hope that the Great Qin State can win this war, so they are inevitably tied to Yue Chuan's chariot.

As for the magicians hired by the armies of various countries, they were indeed transferred away by the Magic Guild.The prestige and rights of the Magic Guild among the magicians are unquestionable. In the secular world, magicians are indeed superior to others, but in the Magic Guild, they have no so-called privileges and superiority at all. The orders of the union are everything. The strict hierarchy of the Magic Guild is absolutely beyond the imagination of the outside world.

Making this kind of decision, the Magic Guild is also helpless, because they have their own forces in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", and many members of the Magic Guild have their own roles in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". , they are now inseparable from the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".At the time of the war between the Great Qin Kingdom and the Guangming Church, if the Magic Guild is still hesitant and swaying, one can imagine their fate.

Last time, some people broke into the palace by force, but the masters behind them were banned from entering that mysterious world. If it weren't for the king of the Great Qin Kingdom who had some contact with the guardian of that world and helped to make peace, Those people are afraid that they will never be able to get in for the rest of their lives.

And now, it seems that it is the turn of the Magic Guild, and those jihad armies actually have members of their own Magic Guild.

If in the past, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and the holy war army hadn't reached the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, they could have refused to know, but now, unless the members of the Magic Guild are idiots, they will come up with such an excuse.Therefore, they have to do something, such as recall those magicians.

Otherwise, who knows what kind of magic those magicians blasted on the city wall during the war would annoy that guardian. He babbled a few words in front of the audience, and cried to someone in his magic guild.

To this day, those who have entered the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter" in the Magic Guild are all obsessed with this place. After all, every second you stay here can gain a second, whether it is the improvement of the level or various The mastery of these skills has had a qualitative impact on their strength and cultivation.Compared with those who cannot enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", they undoubtedly have one more way to practice and improve, and the speed of this way is more than ten times faster than the normal way.Being deprived of the qualification to enter here would be worse than death.

But the reason behind this cannot be explained to outsiders at all. One is that those who have never entered it cannot imagine the existence of this kind of world at all, and the other is that the world has confidentiality rules and cannot be disclosed to outsiders. Therefore, after recalling those When they were magicians, the Magic Guild adopted a strict tone of order without even giving them a reason. Those magicians didn't dare to disobey their orders and came back immediately, but this didn't mean they didn't have any ideas in their hearts.

Carlos is a senior member of the Magic Guild. This winter, it will be his 60th birthday. In the secular world, this age is a time to have grandchildren and enjoy family happiness, but for magicians, 60 years old is still very "" Young", a tyrannical magician can live to be more than 100 years old, or even two hundred years old, and 60 years old is really just the beginning.

Carlos's current cultivation base is the ninth rank, which is often referred to as a magister by the outside world, and he is already a strong man who has touched the sanctuary with half his foot.With his level of cultivation, if he stays in the headquarters of the Magic Guild, he will definitely hold an important position, and if he is placed outside, he will also be the branch leader of a large area.It's just that Carlos didn't hold any position in the Magic Guild, but accepted the employment of a small country and became the guardian mage there.

That small country is Carlos' birthplace, and it can be regarded as his "motherland". Carlos has an inseparable affection for this place, and he is also committed to using his cultivation and influence to benefit his motherland, at least It is also to protect the peace of the motherland.

If it was just to protect the peace, he did. After all, with a magister in charge, those rogues and bandits would never come here to run amok, and with such a strong man supporting the royal family with a clear-cut stand, those local dignitaries will also be cut off. Thoughts, the king of this small country is not stupid, and he has become stronger little by little under hard work.

However, Carlos does not have the ability to rule martial arts. Although he is a magician, he feels more like a martial artist, because when encountering things, he always thinks of solving things with his fists first.His fists did solve many things, but this time it was obviously beyond his imagination.

bang bang bang!
The muscles on Carlos' thick wrists twitched, and the strong force made the thick wooden table bounce slightly, and several clear dents appeared on the smooth surface.It is hard to imagine that these masterpieces are all made by a magician, and this magician is already 60 years old.

"Lancelot, you must give me an explanation, why, you want to call me and my disciples back, do you know that we are fighting, we are fighting for our country. This is a great opportunity for my motherland to rise! Why do you want to stop me?"

Lancelot, the representative of the Magic Guild stationed in Parsenhofen, after the establishment of the Great Qin Kingdom, Lancelot naturally became the representative stationed in the Great Qin Kingdom.Although he does not have the title of a branch leader, his status and influence are higher than that of any branch leader of the Magic Guild, because in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", he serves as the leader of the "Magic Guild".

Lancelot's cultivation level is very low, rank five, and he is only an intermediate magician. He is inconspicuous in the magic guild, otherwise he would not be sent to a remote place like Parsenhofen.However, later, the backcountry of Parsenhofen became a sweet pastry that everyone flocked to, and the existence of Lancelot was full of different meanings, especially as the first batch of Magic Guild to enter "Dungeon and In the game world of "Warrior", he was lucky enough to become the representative of the Magic Guild in that world. Even the president of the Magic Guild entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" and had to call Lancelot "President." ", the relationship between the two is really not clear in a short time.

It's just that Carlos doesn't know the existence of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, or that he is not qualified to enter there. Everything in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world has nothing to do with him.Therefore, as a nine-level magister, he had to obey the assignment of a fifth-level intermediate magic, and it was an unreasonable assignment. Carlos, who was already grumpy, completely broke out at this time.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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