
Chapter 333 Revenge

Chapter 333 Revenge
Innocent walked around the city wall several times, and found that any section of the city wall was extremely difficult. This was no longer a question of whether the city wall could be conquered, nor was it a question of the strength of those who defended the city, but whether the Church of Light had done a good job. In order to start a war with the forces represented by those flags.

Since the God of Light issued the oracle, the Church of Light has entered a rare period of rapid development, gradually showing signs of recovery, and given time, it will definitely return to the state of being the best in the continent thousands of years ago.Right now, Innocent is only crowning himself the pope. In the future, perhaps there will be a day when he will be crowned as the lord of the mainland.

Master of the Continent!
Then, it is bound to wipe out these annoying forces in front of us. Since we have to face it after all, there is no need to worry about it.

Innocent decided to attack.

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely.The target Innocent chose was not the weakest, but the one that seemed to be the most powerful—the Magic Guild!
Hearing that the part of the city wall defended by the Magic Guild was going to be attacked, Carlos, who had just been swept out by the magic guild, immediately volunteered to join in, expressing his anger at whatever he said.

At noon, although the sun was hanging in the sky, it always gave people a feeling of weakness.Although the sun in autumn is still a bit poisonous, you can already vaguely feel the coolness in winter. When the breeze blows, it is no longer the rustling trees, but the half-green and half-yellow fallen leaves, engulfed by the wind and sand, drifting away .

Autumn is the season of harvest, but also the season of chilling.

"Hiss...why do I feel a little cold..."

On the top of the city, a skinny magician helped his collar, tightened the slightly open neckline, and looked up at the sun in the sky suspiciously. It was clearly under the sun, how could he feel cold? ?Even if the sky is going to change, it shouldn't be so fast.

"It's not only cold, but I feel uncomfortable all over my body, and I feel panicked, as if something big is about to happen."

Hearing what the two said, another magician next to him laughed and scolded: "What's wrong with you? It's obviously because you're feeling uncomfortable. Yesterday, you brushed the picture and exploded a purple outfit, but the shaker ended up in my bag. Hey, I said, Isn't it just a purple dress, you spend a whole day talking like a girl."

"Nimma, who told you that, I really feel something is wrong!"

Several other people poked their heads out of the city wall and looked out. In the distance, the camp of the Church of Light could be seen faintly. The flags of the Holy Cross of Light, either red or black or trimmed with gold, fluttered in the wind. In the wilderness for several miles, there was no one.

"Don't worry, this is a place covered by our Magic Guild. If he had the guts of the Bright Church, he wouldn't dare to do anything to our Magic Guild."

When the others heard this, they also nodded.The strength of the Magic Guild is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They don't think that the Church of Light dares to take action against them.In fact, on the first day, there were still a few holy-level powerhouses and magisters who showed their faces on the city wall, but within a few days, the task of guarding the city wall was handed over to the magicians below. There is no difference in moving the magic guild, even if a few scarecrows are inserted on the city wall.

"Stand guard honestly. Anyway, if I stay here for one day, I can get three days in exchange. If I stay in Arad Continent for another ten days, I will definitely be able to break through to the fourth stage and become an intermediate magician."

"Yes, the Arad Continent is amazing. I learned an ancient memory, and it works even when I use magic. This magic is really amazing."

"Unfortunately, the time we can enter is limited. I heard that some people can live there indefinitely."

"Don't you know, the king of the Great Qin State said that as long as you make meritorious service in the jihad, you can get permanent qualifications. I really hope to find a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Just when several people wanted to capture Pope Innocent and presented it to Yue Chuan to receive the reward, the air on the city wall suddenly twisted slowly, and the distortion of the air became more and more obvious, and spread to the surroundings. There are ripples in the area of ​​more than 100 meters of the section of the city wall.

The ripples disappeared quickly, as if they had never appeared before, but in the place where the ripples rippled, more than a dozen figures appeared strangely.

The magicians who were still talking nonsense just now were all stunned, but soon some of them reacted, pointing to the figures that suddenly appeared and said: "The curved light barrier is light magic. Are you People from the Church of Light? Are you going to declare war on our Magic Guild?"

The others were also taken aback, and soon, someone recognized Carlos. Carlos recited the Magic Guild and joined the Church of Light. This matter has already spread, and now, Carlos appeared in the In front of them, what does this mean...

"Those who turn their backs on the light will be judged!"

One of the angels pulled out his sword abruptly, and the blazing holy flame was burning on the edge of the sword. With a flicker of his figure, he passed by several magicians, and those faces were still mixed with doubts, surprises and emotions. The terrified magicians all turned into flying ash all over the ground with a bang.

They could clearly hear what the magicians were whispering just now.The curved light barrier is actually a blinding method, which uses the power of light to distort the light to achieve visual deception. Although they are close in front of them, the magicians are blinded by their vision and did not find them.

"Hmph, after spending so much effort, I thought I could catch a few big guys, but in the end they were all small fish!"

Carlos said slightly annoyed.At this time, he has completely stopped calling himself a member of the magic guild. If the angel hadn't made the first move, he would have killed these magicians to vent the nameless anger in his heart.However, Carlos didn't expect his people to prepare carefully, but they were in vain. There were no magic guild masters on the city wall, just a few small shrimps supporting the scene.

Being caught off guard, the Magic Guild and the Great Qin Kingdom will definitely take strict precautions. It will not be so easy to sneak attack next time.

The sudden burst of bright energy on the city wall immediately attracted the attention of many people. Soon, figures rose up from the city walls defended by other forces, and there were also streams of aura coming from far and near in the city.

Innocent felt the number of enemies and friends, and his face changed slightly.


But before retreating, the twelve angels dropped dazzling light balls one by one at the same time. These light balls were like small suns. The twelve small suns appeared at the same time and fell, and the dazzling light attracted everyone. how many people's attention.

However, when these balls of light fell on the city wall and came into contact with the masonry, they immediately stagnated, and then exploded with a bang, all the energy contained inside burst out. Half of the city wall was wiped out in an instant, and the remaining half was completely razed to the ground in the violent explosion.In this way, the intact city wall of the Great Qin Kingdom was blasted with a gap of nearly [-] meters.


Like a first-level slap in the face of the Great Qin Kingdom and then the Magic Guild, whenever people saw that section of the empty city wall, they seemed to think of the twelve balls of light that fell from the sky, and there were all kinds of ghosts behind their backs. Version of the grapevine.

The Guangming Church is really a bit bold, and they must be given some color.

The people of the Illuminati Church did not continue to penetrate after destroying the city wall. It was not that they were merciful, but that their strength was really insufficient.If the twelve angels, plus several other holy-level powerhouses, make a surprise attack, even the powerhouses of the Magic Guild before will be completely destroyed. However, when the powerhouses from all directions came after hearing the news, the Church of Light also The wind must be blowing.

However, Innocent was also right, that is, if he was in the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, the various forces might join forces to fight him, but if they didn't fight in the city, they would definitely not be able to chase him out and fight him decisively .To put it bluntly, they come from various forces after all, and they don't have any deep-rooted hatred with the Bright Church. No matter what interests they are for, they just need to pretend to be similar, and there is no need for real fighting.

Therefore, when the powerful members of the Illuminati Church withdrew, the people who heard the news just watched from a distance, but no one actively chased after them, and neither did the members of the Magic Guild.

However, Innocent was wrong about one thing, that is, although the Magic Guild did not explode immediately, their anger afterwards definitely exceeded everyone's imagination.The Guangming Church is trying to build up their prestige, but they use the Magic Guild as a target for their prestige. Is there anything more humiliating than this.This is definitely the greatest humiliation for the Magic Union, which has always regarded itself as the number one force in the mainland.

That night, the moon and stars were sparse, and the evening wind carried a hint of coolness.

It was a quiet night, but something unsettling was bound to happen this night.

At the root of that section of the destroyed city wall, more than a dozen magicians from the Magic Guild stood quietly. They carefully observed the stars, comprehended their orientation, and then silently corrected their standing position. On the ground, at some time, a huge magician The formation was carved out, and several key places were either led by someone or magic crystals were placed, and with the whispered spells, violent magic elements began to roll around, and dazzling rays of light shot up from the people. It rose up, slowly outlined in the night sky, and condensed into a huge pattern.

The starlight oscillates, pulling out inexplicable forces in the night sky. These forces break the delicate balance of star movement. The trajectory of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years is tilted and reversed, and a huge meteorite begins to fall towards the ground. Falling, rushing towards the camp of the Church of Light following the inexplicable pulling force.

The meteorite rubbed and burned violently in the air, peeling off layer by layer, and countless fragments of stars and ice were separated, and then they were burned up by the scorching heat, shooting out magnificent rays of light in the air, dragging out a bright tail light .

At this time, people in many cities and villages on the mainland can look up and see this beautiful tail of light, and even many young couples will make various beautiful wishes at that moment.It's just that they never know that this kind of thing with a beautiful light tail often symbolizes killing and death, their wishes are destined to come to nothing, maybe they will understand it after a few years.

In any case, this light trailing thing is very beautiful and spectacular!

However, the people of the Illuminati Church don't think so.At first, they all stretched their necks out to see the beautiful scenery, but after looking at it, they noticed something was wrong.

"That thing seems to be getting bigger and bigger!"

"Isn't that thing supposed to be fleeting, why does it always exist?"

"Why do I feel that it will pass us by?"

"The farts pass by, and they will definitely bump into each other!"

That's right, with the passage of time, even ordinary people can feel the breath of death coming to their faces. This small meteor has completely locked their location, and the invisible force is oppressing that area All bodies and minds.


I don't know who started it, the phenomenon of fleeing spread in an instant, the camps of the Jihad Legion exploded in an instant, and countless soldiers shouted in a panic and ran in all directions.They don't care which direction they run, as long as they can get out of this damn camp.

The Jihad Legion is a rabble, especially the army of the believer country and the slave country. The respect and devotion to the God of Light is even more worrying. If you encounter some difficulties, you have to use the ugly method of fighting to stabilize the morale of the army.It's okay to fight against the wind, but against the wind, hehe...

Innocent had already rested, but at this time, he also rushed out of the tent in a disheveled manner, his eyes fixed on the small meteor that was falling rapidly in the sky.

Hearing the shouts of "Heavenly Scourge" and "Heavenly Punishment" around him, Innocent smiled contemptuously, and could not help but glance at the city wall of the Great Qin Kingdom in the distance. Master, even saw the light of the magic circle rising under their feet.

This is human power!

However, no matter man-made or God's will, Innocent couldn't explain it to the following. If man-made, wouldn't it tell the people below that the power of the Magic Guild can manipulate the world?In this way, where is the majesty of the God of Light?After all, in various legends of the Guangming Church, the God of Light is the representative of heaven and earth, and the symbol of the power of heaven and earth.But if you want to explain it as God's will, it's better not to say anything.

Moreover, now is not the time to explain, instead of trying to appease those soldiers, it is better to find a way to destroy this little meteor and try our best to protect the camp.Although these mobs are unbearable, they are the foundation of the jihad army after all. Without them, the jihad will end without a problem.

But just as Innocent was thinking, a golden figure rose from the ground and rushed above the clouds, like a golden shooting star, crashing straight towards the stars falling from the sky.

It's an archangel!

Seeing this figure, Innocent's heart suddenly relaxed.

At the beginning, he gave An Qi an angelic heart purely to drive a wedge between Yue Chuan and An Qi. As long as An Qi was brought back to the camp of the Guangming Church, Yue Chuan could be hit hard, whether it was personal feelings or religion. Prestige, all are heavy blows.

Things went as Innocent expected, An Qi failed to resist the power of the angel's heart, transformed into an angel, and even broke with Yue Chuan.However, An Qi's outburst did not kill Yue Chuan, nor did it deal a heavy blow to Yue Chuan's heart and reputation as Innocent imagined.

However, Innocent still gained something, because he never expected that An Qi turned out to be the reincarnation of the archangel, and the heart of the angel successfully awakened the soul of the archangel, awakened the fighting consciousness of the archangel, and her strength It is improving every day, and it is skyrocketing. In just a few days, An Qi has become the number one powerhouse in the Church of Light. Moreover, her strength continues to rise and rise, as if there is no end.

How strong is she?

Innocent also wanted to know the answer to this question, but after An Qi returned to the Guangming Church, she practiced every day and hardly communicated with anyone. Even Innocent visited several times under her scrutinizing eyes retreat.

Those are a pair of eyes that see everything, those are a pair of fiery eyes burning with blazing holy flames, those are pure cold eyes without any humanity, under the gaze of those eyes, even Innocent, who is already a holy powerhouse There will also be a feeling of being on the back.He dare not face An Qi because he has too many secrets.Therefore, apart from a few routine battles, Innocent avoided Angie as far as he could. He was unwilling to have too much contact with this archangel from the bottom of his heart.

And today, I was finally able to appreciate the demeanor of an archangel.

Not only Innocent, but also the magicians of the Magic Guild who dominated the entire magic process in the distance also sneered. This is the majesty of heaven and earth that human beings cannot contend with.


She is dead!

Almost everyone gave Angie a death sentence, and they didn't think that she could stop the meteor from falling, let alone that she could escape unscathed.

At this moment, An Qi's body suddenly burst into light, and countless bright light forces fell from the night sky, floating in the night sky around An Qi like a goddess scattering flowers.The night sky is like a curtain covering the light of the sun, but at this moment, the night sky suddenly becomes like a sieve, with loopholes everywhere, and the power of light pours down from the nameless void like mercury pouring down, covering the entire world. Angie's side.

With two strokes of the long cross sword in his hand, horizontally and vertically, the surrounding ocean-like light power instantly moved, and all of them gathered towards An Qi. In just an instant, An Qi was wrapped into a dazzling little sun, and In the next moment, the little sun exploded, and centered on An Qi's figure, a huge shield wall was propped up.

Holy Light Shield!

Down below, all the people from the Church of Light recognized this magic. It was the Holy Light Shield they took for granted. As long as their cultivation reached a certain level, they could use this magic skillfully or clumsily.

However, no one thought that Shengguang Qindun could be used like An Qi, let alone that an ordinary Shengguang Qindun could be used to this extent.

However, can it block the power of the stars and the might of the heavens and the earth?
(End of this chapter)

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