
Chapter 343 Shaying

Chapter 343 Shaying
Unchanging gloom, eternal darkness.

There is no sky, no land here, and there is only a misty mist, which is different from the usual morning dew. The mist here is full of decay, the smell of fermented mud, the smell of decaying corpses, and the smell of mildew that has not seen the sun for many years. Mixed together, the lethality is comparable to poison.

This is the scope of the Dark City, and Yue Chuan is located in the most gloomy Shadow Labyrinth in the Dark City.This is the last defense level of the Dark City. Its function is to defend against the invasion of foreign enemies. The magic traps and magical creatures raised in it have caused countless intruders to sleep forever. Even those who are lucky occasionally will get lost in the maze. Among them, even if they successfully reached the finish line, what greeted them was not the bright sunshine, but that evil figure!

Moreover, because of that catastrophe, the Dark City has almost become a ghost, with poisonous creatures and resentful spirits. Coupled with the catalysis of unknown forces, the Shadow Labyrinth has become more dangerous and deadly!At least, so far, no one has heard of anyone who can successfully come out of it.Whether it is the person who broke into it, or the person who guarded it.


Yue Chuan poured another bottle of life potion, there was no way, the dark labyrinth was too evil, if he didn't pay attention, he would touch some mechanism trap, a large area of ​​falling rocks and quicksand, and a Mingsetek would pop out in the corner inadvertently, If you don't hit it, it will beat you desperately, if you want to hit it, in the next moment, a group of its kind will emerge behind it, even distant relatives like Leivos, Yadeyan, and Bingnais.

The most cumbersome thing is to find the sealing stone in the shadow labyrinth. Only by opening the sealing stone can the power of the seal be unlocked. When you come to the exit of the shadow labyrinth, you can see Shaying guarding there.

The thick chains on the sealing stone were all broken, and the twisted and twisted magic runes also slowly lost their energy, no longer flickering with dim light, and the stagnant and oppressive atmosphere around them burst like bubbles. A sense of relief arises spontaneously.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan already had a general understanding of the layout of the Shadow Labyrinth after countless times of exploration before. Otherwise, it would take hours just to find the Sealing Stone. strenuous.However, what Yue Chuan didn't expect was that because of the fucking terrain of the Shadow Labyrinth, some veterans became guides, leading people to find their way, and many people with a strong sense of direction made a lot of money from it.

"Do you really want to see him?"

At the end of the shadow labyrinth, a dark elf guard looked at Yue Chuan solemnly, and asked in a low voice.Beside him, there is a door that flashes with red light. Behind the door, there is the hope of life, and it may also be the end of death.

Yue Chuan nodded, and then threw himself into the red light without any hesitation.

In the Shadow Labyrinth, the rooms in the front are not too difficult, they are all small fishes, the only thing is that they are a little more disgusting and cumbersome, if you really want to say that it is a bit challenging, there is only Sha Ying.

It doesn't matter whether Sha Ying is strong or weak. What's important is that Sha Ying is difficult to deal with. If you want to draw a king map, in addition to requiring a certain operation score, you also need to control the number of hits within a certain range. When fighting Sha Ying , it is very difficult to achieve any of these two, which is an extremely harsh condition.Even though Yue Chuan tried dozens of times, all ended in failure without exception.

The cold laughter moved from far to near, and in the darkness, a shadow-like object moved.Yue Chuan couldn't see his figure, but only caught the light shining in his eyes, which were a pair of cold, cruel, cruel and ruthless eyes, which were not the eyes that human beings should have at all.

It's just that the light in the eyes was fleeting, and the next second, like its owner, it was merged into the dark shadow, and it didn't know where to go.

Unknown fear enveloped Yue Chuan, because all the dark corners around his body might rush out a deadly shadow, even if he would not take his own life, as long as he was touched by his attacks a certain number of times, it would mean Even if the level is successfully cleared, the king map cannot be opened.

In the past, Yue Chuan was indeed given a headache by Sha Ying's move. Although he blocked many attacks with his intuition, he still couldn't do it without leaking, and returned to the town helplessly again and again.But this time, after comprehending the true meaning of blood, Yue Chuan already had a countermeasure!


Fierce golden-red blood flames gushed and burned on Yue Chuan's body, and the huge blood energy rolled and surged to the surroundings like a wave. The desire for blood filled Yue Chuan's heart and occupied his soul. His perception and capture of blood also It is improving thousands of times.

The breath of blood!
Yue Chuan turned around in an instant, because behind him, there was a wave of blood. Although this wave was suppressed to the extreme, it was undetectable and barely audible, but Yue Chuan, who had comprehended the true meaning of blood, still caught its existence in an instant .

There is blood flowing in the body of living beings, and the movement of living beings will inevitably cause the circulation of blood and qi. Taking humans as an example, when exercising, the pores will open, perspire, and vent excess heat in the body. During this process, you cannot What was avoided resulted in the dissipation of blood energy.Ordinary people are still like this, let alone a master like Sha Ying?

Seen through his figure, Sha Ying simply stopped hiding, and approached Yue Chuan ghostly, stabbing him with a long knife exuding a dark light and a fierce aura in his hand.


Without any hesitation, Yue Chuan had already set up the Slaughtering Blade, and with a bang, the two long knives collided violently, sparking a stream of sparks, illuminating the gloomy Shadow Labyrinth.

The strong wind of the collision exploded to the surroundings, and Sha Ying's long hair covering his head and face was lifted up, revealing his fierce eyes and ferocious face, and even revealed the two tattoo-like patterns on his cheeks...


However, at this moment, Yue Chuan had no room for thinking at all, because Sha Ying's legs stomped heavily on the ground, and the overwhelming force immediately hit him like waves.

Yue Chuan also stomped fiercely on the ground, but his step was different from Sha Ying's simple force. Yue Chuan injected a stream of pure blood into the ground, and then this blood burst out instantly, outlining a simple magic Array, and this magic array happened to be at Sha Ying's feet.

Instant - Rage erupts!

The outbursts of anger are basically instant, without any delay, almost as soon as the belief comes out, the outburst of anger appears immediately, and there is no short pause like before.Moreover, unlike the previous dull ones that can only be released under him, after realizing the true meaning of blood, Yue Chuan can hit the power of blood energy at any place around him, and then make it explode, that is to say, the location where the anger bursts and impacts It is no longer limited to Yue Chuan's feet, but can make any position around him even more unpredictable.

Sha Ying was taken aback, but he didn't show any panic or fear. He just smiled coldly, and a ghostly shadow hovered around his body continuously, blowing away all the blood energy that came over him.

It's Kaija of Afterimages!

Although Sha Ying is Xi Lan's disciple, he still possesses the power of Devil May Cry, can communicate with ghosts and gods, and drive ghosts and gods.Kaija is just one of the ghosts and gods that he can drive. When this ghost and god is attached to him, it can greatly improve his ability to resist blows and bring him a strong defense ability.The outburst of anger was blocked by Kaija of the afterimage, and it failed to cause the slightest damage to Shaying!

However, Yue Chuan's offensive has only just begun, and a wave of skills is rolling in.

Cross cut!
The scarlet blood cross was like a death sentence, and the huge blood cross smashed towards Shaying like a wall, and on the path of the blood cross, dark space cracks appeared strangely, and the strong tearing force spread to all directions. Going, it even drew the surrounding objects closer, which invisibly strengthened the power of the cross cut.

Sha Ying seemed to sense the destructive power contained in the blood cross, so he quickly summoned the power of ghosts and gods. The gloomy and dark energy quickly condensed in his body, running at a high speed, and his figure was immediately enveloped in a puff of smoke.


Sha Ying's figure didn't dodge or dodge, and he slammed straight towards the cross. Looking at it, it was very doubtful whether he was insane and committed suicide.Seeing that Sha Ying was about to be chopped into pieces by the cross, his figure was blurred for a moment, as if he had transformed from a human body into a ghost body at that moment, illusory and transparent, as if he did not exist in this world, but in The moment he was blurred, the golden red blood cross formed by the cross cut passed through his body.

That's right!Through it!
It was as if passing through a light and shadow, there was no contact between the two, let alone any collision, not even those dark space cracks could raise the corner of Sha Ying's clothes, hindering him at all.

Ghost step!
Yue Chuan immediately understood what it was, it was the most difficult skill for Devil May Cry to master, skillfully using Ghost Shadow Step, he could easily pass through tens of thousands of flowers without touching his body, show off one enemy after another to death, play to cry.But if you can't master this skill, it is a perfect interpretation of what is called "nodonodie".

Obviously, Sha Ying belongs to the former!
Therefore, at the moment when he and the blood cross crossed each other, they were already united with each other and galloped towards Yue Chuan!

Diagonal cut!Side split!
Two cold, moon-like blades of light slashed across Ye's body, one left and one right. At that moment, time stood still, and at that moment, space froze. At that moment, even if Yue Chuan had already thought of dozens of The way to dodge, but his body didn't listen at all, he could only watch the two knife lights cut into his body, taking away Dapeng's blood, and causing heart-piercing pain.

If ghost shadow step is to grasp the power of space, then ghost shadow flash is to imprison the power of time. The combination of these two moves is simply invincible and impossible to resist.After all, this is not the power of humans, but the power of ghosts and gods.

Hits 2
Seeing the prompt from the system, Yue Chuan frowned. He thought that he would be able to pass the map without injury after possessing the power of the true meaning of blood, and crush Sha Ying well, but who would have thought that Sha Ying would slap himself hard after only three moves in the fight? slap in the face.

However, Yue Chuan knew that when Devil May Cry uses Ghost Shadow Step, he can only release Ghost Flash once at most, and only a very small number of people can block two skill cooldowns and release it twice.Even if Sha Ying can be released twice, it will be 20 seconds later. Now, Sha Ying is a toothless tiger.


Without any hesitation at all, the blazing blood flames on his body instantly rose up like an explosion. Because of the fluctuation of the power of the rampage, the entire Shadow Labyrinth seemed to tremble, and at the moment of rampage, Yue Chuan's figure had already turned into a streamer, Like a shadow, he caught up with Sha Ying.

After comprehending the true meaning of blood, Rampage can stimulate the potential of the body more deeply, and can release more powerful power and speed. This kind of power and speed was originally enough to make Yue Chuan's body collapse, but because of the protection of the gods, he could barely maintain balance.

There is a kind of kung fu called Qishangquan, which hurts oneself before hurting others.However, compared with Yue Chuan's rampage, the Seven Injury Fist is nothing compared to the big witch. Yue Chuan's body in the rampant state is full of too much power, and he is always on the verge of collapse. If he is not careful, he will not destroy the enemy, but destroy himself first. !

Feeling Yue Chuan's menacing aura, the flickering Sha Ying turned around and pushed with his palm. Immediately, a burst of cold air gushed out, and the front of him suddenly became a field of frost. shape emerges.


At this time, this ill-fated woman poured all her resentment into the freezing air of the forest. She wanted to keep all those who invaded her domain behind. Their bodies and souls are forever buried in their own grudges.

Seeing Saya's appearance, Sha Ying couldn't help sneering. He didn't believe that the enemy dared to cross Saya's domain in a big way. If he didn't cross it, he would have to make a detour. In this way, it would be difficult to catch up Myself, wait for myself to procrastinate for a while, and the next Ghost Shadow Flash will be ready!

However, in the next instant, Sha Ying's eyes widened, and a trace of surprise could not help but appear in the eyes full of ferocious light!It was hard for him to believe his eyes, because he saw that instead of making a detour, his enemy stepped straight into Saya's domain. Saya had already opened his arms, ready to hug the enemy and freeze him in the In her own domain, but she rushed to nothing, and there was nothing in the empty frost domain.

What about people?

Confused, Sha Ying subconsciously rolled to the side, but it was still too late. Yue Chuan, who was leaping high, slapped down with a blow from the collapsed mountain. The blade scraped against the corner of Sha Ying's clothes and cut it. The blood spattered by the blow caused Sha Ying's legs to be torn apart.

After comprehending the true meaning of blood, Yue Chuan's Collapsing Mountain Strike will also cause the enemy's blood to vibrate when it collapses, causing their blood to pulsate and their flesh to burst open.It was precisely under the internal and external attack that Sha Ying ended up in such a miserable state. The skin on both legs was cracked, and most of the muscles were damaged, which had seriously affected his actions.The reason why he can still run at high speed now is all due to the strength of his bones and his inhuman willpower.

"Why doesn't it have the bone crushing effect?"

At this moment, Yue Chuan couldn't help but miss a certain skill of the Martial God.

Slowly straightening up, Yue Chuan looked at Sha Ying who was running away not far away, and then at Saya who was looking at him with a pair of resentful eyes behind him, and couldn't help but sneered.

When ordinary people see Devil May Cry formations, their intuition is to get out of the way and never enter it, but how do they know that the formation of Devil May Cry may not be as insurmountable as a thunder pond.

Not to mention Soul Blade Kazan, this formation has no damage ability.The Primal Meng of Corrosion, that is, to reduce some defense power, but it will not cause any damage.And the well-known ice array, that is, Frost Asaph, although it can attack and freeze the enemy, but its attack also has an interval, this interval is 1 second, as long as you can find this short interval and pass through Ice formation, you can completely ignore Frost Saya.Just now, Yue Chuan used this trick to pass through Frost Saya's domain smoothly, and gave Sha Ying a heavy blow by surprise.

At this time, Sha Ying was really in a panic. Although ghosts and gods possessed him, he was still running at high speed, but this kind of fast running could not bring him psychological comfort, let alone make him feel the slightest bit of anxiety. sense of security.Especially when that enemy passed Frost Saya's icy embrace unharmed, Sha Ying's mind was about to collapse!

For a long time, these supernatural powers of ghosts and gods have been the source of his strength and all his reliance. In his view, ghosts and gods are omnipotent and destroy the world. As long as ghosts and gods are attached to him and guard him By his side, he is invincible and invincible.And the fact is exactly the same, relying on the power of ghosts and gods, he defeated one powerful enemy after another, beheaded one invader after another, and never failed!
However, today, he felt the crisis of failure, and even more so, the danger of his life.

tick tock...tick tock...

Big drops of blood kept dripping, and as he ran, they merged into blood arrows and sprayed on the ground. At this moment, Sha Ying was like a wounded lone wolf, and he urgently needed a hidden place to come. Lick the wound and recover.But unfortunately, his enemy didn't give him this opportunity, and he fell behind like a cat playing with a mouse.

Yue Chuan is not in a hurry!
After comprehending the true meaning of blood, all his blood energy skills and blood rage attacks will definitely cause the enemy to bleed, and the power of blood energy will invade the enemy's body, making the wound unable to close and heal, that is to say, this bleeding will continue go down.Sha Ying, sooner or later he will lose all his blood.

Although Yue Chuan really wanted to catch up and give Sha Ying a few more blows to finish him off quickly, but seeing the two dazzling hits, Yue Chuan had to force himself to calm down.Safe, now everything pursues safe!
But, unfortunately, his behavior of pursuing safety stimulated Sha Ying, and Sha Ying in the trapped beast laughed wildly. Every dark corner in the shadow maze was twisted and danced, as if some power was awakening, and it was breaking free bit by bit!
(End of this chapter)

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