
Chapter 347 The "Shadow" of Sha Ying

Chapter 347 The "Shadow" of Sha Ying

Sha Ying squatted on the ground, in front of him, there was a black shadow.Although it was just a shadow, his outline was no different from that of a human being. What was even more strange was that his face had distinct facial features. If it wasn't for the illusory and hazy without any sense of substance, Yue Chuan would have even thought he was a black man.


Yue Chuan came to his senses abruptly, this is the body of the evil god Horaxiu, where the chaos has not yet opened, the earth, water, fire and wind have not yet settled, there is no light and darkness at all, since there is no light and darkness, where does the shadow come from?
Yue Chuan looked down at his body, it was very strange, there was no shadow at all.

It is often said that ghosts have no shadows, because ghosts belong to the underworld, and the rules of the yang world do not apply to them. Therefore, the sun in the yang world cannot make them show shadows.And now, Yue Chuan's situation is very similar, so he won't have a shadow.Then, why does Sha Ying have a shadow?Could it be that he was born in the body of the evil god Borash, or did he have other secrets?
Originally, Yue Chuan wanted to find Sha Ying's bad luck, but seeing this scene, Yue Chuan restrained his aura, hid in the chaotic unknown aura, and quietly peeped.

The shadow stuck to the ground stood up little by little, as if the paper lying flat on the ground stood up, and this paper-like shadow even spoke.

"Don't even think about it!"

This is what Yue Chuan heard, but based on what he said, there must be the previous article, but Yue Chuan came too late and didn't hear it.

Seeing the shadow's angry appearance, Sha Ying smiled coldly, "This is the belly of the evil god Borash, you are not unfamiliar with this place, we have been here before. Now, we are trapped here, what will happen naturally I don't need to say more. Either, die here together, or, you send me out!"

Shadow clenched his fists, originally wanting to increase his aura, but his ghostly appearance was far from imposing, so he had to give up.However, he still shook his head unwillingly.

"Don't even think about it! Why didn't you send me out? Both sides are dead, why didn't I take you to be buried with me!"

Indeed, for the shadow, no matter how he chooses, it is a death, why should he sacrifice himself for the sake of others.He is not a ****.Hey, who's here?

Sha Ying's heart twitched secretly, but his face didn't fluctuate at all, "If you die here, what will your family do? What about your master? And your beautiful and beautiful senior sister, tsk tsk, tell me, she will Could it be that she is already married? Now, is she being crushed by some stinky man? Tell me, is she panting or moaning?"

The shadow was very angry, and instantly turned into a ghost, roaring angrily and rushing towards Sha Ying.Sha Ying just raised the scabbard in his hand, and the shadow froze in the air, unable to move, as if the body-holding technique had been cast.

"Back then, when you left your sect, what did you want to prove? What did you want to get? What is the motivation that has been supporting you to become stronger? Tsk tsk, have you forgotten all of it? You still have a lot to do, and you still have to There is a long way to go, how can you die in this nameless place? You have to keep a useful body, return to the outside world, and fulfill your wish."

If he hadn't seen through the essence of Sha Ying, Yue Chuan couldn't help doubting his character. What he said was clearly sacrificing himself to help others.No, there must be something tricky.

"So, one of us must go out. You are me, and I am you. We are one, so why should we separate each other? Anyway, you have enjoyed it for so many years, so what if you leave the rest of your life to me? Look at us For the sake of incense and love, I will definitely help you to realize the dream in your heart. You should think about it carefully..."

Shadow remained silent, his ghostly body shrunk little by little, and collapsed in the blink of an eye, becoming only the size of a fist. He curled up on the ground, bent his body, lowered his head, and stared dully at an unknown direction, as if wanting to See through the atmosphere of chaos and witness the unreachable place.

The place that haunts his dreams is destined not to return, since the day he left, everything seems to be doomed, he can never turn back, never return to his hometown.

Regardless of whether he is gifted, young and energetic, or has an arrogant personality, being educated by a famous teacher and becoming famous at a young age makes Sha Ying no longer able to uphold his true heart. He is always thinking about unrealistic things.For example, he wants to surpass his master, he wants to be the most powerful ghost swordsman ever.

He disdains to use the name Sword Soul, because he feels that this is the path of the predecessors, and walking the path of the predecessors is tantamount to picking up the wisdom of the predecessors, and he will not be able to achieve anything in his life.So, he wanted to take an unusual path.

This is Sha Ying's idea of ​​establishing a sect. Only in this way can he stand out from the light of the master. Only in this way can the woman who blindly worships the master notice her existence.

Master Sha Ying taught her everything from Xi Lan, Xi Lan, without any secrets, but Sha Ying knew that there was one stunt that her master didn't teach her, or that she couldn't learn it even if her master taught her, that is Xi Lan. Lan has a pair of dexterous hands that cannot be duplicated.

There are forehand swords and backhand swords in the way of swordsmanship. Due to the different postures of holding the swords, the styles and routines of swordplay are also very different. On the contrary, the knife is mainly picky and sharp, tricky, vicious, weird and vicious.Regardless of the forehand sword or the backhand sword, they are all based on the hand. If you practice one of the sword techniques to the extreme, you can become a top master, and if you can master the two sword techniques, you will definitely be a master-level figure.

And Xi Lan is even better, because not only has he mastered these two styles of saber techniques, but also because of his two skillful hands, he can perform different routines of saber techniques with both hands at the same time, which means that he alone The combat power is equivalent to two people, and these "two people" have the same mind, the combat power is by no means as simple as 1+1=2.

Moreover, most people use right-handed swords, and when learning how to deal with them, they always imagine that the enemy uses the right-handed sword to attack. As for the "left-handed sword", many people have no concept of this aspect at all, and even some famous masters just use it to attack. For left-handed knives, they have no experience to follow. People who are used to using and dealing with right-handed knives, when facing left-handed knives, all their experience and skills are subversive.

Because of her dexterous hands, Xi Lan is naturally a master of left-handed knives. In this way, Xi Lan's combat power has doubled and doubled. The reason why Xi Lan is said to be the undisputed number one among the Four Sword Saints The strong man, it is precisely because of this reason, because he alone has the fighting power of two or even four people, and he is singled out?No idiot will do it!

Shuangqiaoshou is born with the most miraculous talent bestowed by God, which cannot be cultivated and imitated at all, no matter how outstanding Sha Ying's talent and aptitude are, with Shuangqiaoshou, it will always be a restricted area that he cannot set foot in. , If there is no pair of skillful hands, then Sha Ying will never be able to surpass Master Xi Lan, never be able to stand out from the dazzling halo of Master, and it is even more impossible to attract the attention of certain people.

"Is the aptitude bestowed by God destined to be better than the unique skills created by myself? I don't think so" - this is the voice of Shaying. That year, Xi Lan was only 16 years old, and she was even stronger than Bane when she entered the cave of mourning. Small. (Barne was 17 when he entered the Cavern of Sorrows)
Sha Ying studied shadows, everyone and everything has shadows, shadows are always with people, never separated, but no one has ever noticed the existence of shadows.

"Why can't you treat the shadow as a part of yourself?"

Sha Ying holds a knife, and the shadow also holds a knife.

Sha Ying swung his saber, and Shadow swung his saber too.

The shadow repeats all the actions of Sha Ying, synchronously, without the slightest delay.

At that moment, Shaying came to a realization, because he had found an existence stronger than the two skillful hands.The dexterous hands are just one pair of hands, but what he found was another self.

Xilan has two apprentices, the older one is Yu, and the younger one is Sha.

Later, the big apprentice changed his name to Nuo Yu, as if he had made some unchanging promise.

Later, the little apprentice changed his name to Sha Ying, as if he had found a different way to be a strong man.

After Xi Lan came back from the cave of mourning, he no longer had the high-spirited, heroic and self-sacrificing spirit he used to. He seemed to have suffered setbacks and blows.Or, he has enlightened to a higher level, has washed away all the lead, and returned to the original.However, Sha Ying, who was serving Xi Lan, knew that Master was injured, a serious injury, and his hearing had been severely damaged, but he didn't know if it was the same in other aspects.

Sha Ying admires Master, has always been, but this does not conflict with his idea of ​​surpassing Master.

Xi Lan also seemed to have noticed the changes in Sha Ying, he tried to correct Sha Ying, Sha Ying refuted Master for the first time, he wanted to prove himself, to prove that he was right.

Let that woman who blames herself know!

Therefore, Sha Ying left Xilan without saying goodbye, in order to embark on the road of becoming stronger.

Master was injured in the mourning cave, so as long as he successfully conquered the mourning cave, wouldn't it prove that he is stronger than the master?

The young Sha Ying embarked on the road to the Moaning Cave, but it was a pity that the Moaning Cave had already been destroyed and sealed, and the apostle Shirok in the Moaning Cave had been killed by Lukexi, and the killing Gu group had not yet awakened. The cave is simply an empty grotto.

However, Sha Ying was not without gains, or it was an unexpected gain, he found the demon sword buried by his master!

This is indeed a knife full of strange aura, its power is beyond doubt, after all it used to be Xi Lan's saber, but it is very strange, especially after the resentment exuded by Sherlock before his death was contaminated in the mourning cave , it is even more demonic and evil, and even Xi Lan feels that she cannot control it and abandons it.

Xi Lan couldn't destroy it, so she could only bury it in the mourning cave, so as not to be discovered by others.Unexpectedly, Sha Ying just heard him mention it by accident, but remembered it in his heart, and even dug out the knife.

"A weapon that Master cannot control, if I control it, doesn't it mean that I am stronger than Master!"

Therefore, Sha Ying took this demon sword as his saber, and even tried to fuse this sword with his own soul and control this sword!

As a result, it is conceivable that he paid the price for his youth and recklessness. Instead of being able to control the demon sword, he was taken advantage of by it.However, this demon sword also failed to control Shaying as expected. Instead, when it was fighting with Shaying, it was taken advantage of by Shaying's shadow, turned against the guest, and occupied the magpie's nest.

What happened to Sha Ying was unimaginable to outsiders. His shadow occupied his body, and his own consciousness became a shadow on the ground.Shadow not only controlled Sha Ying's body, but also controlled the demon knife that even Xi Lan was afraid of—maybe they had similar tastes, so the demon knife approved of shadow, or maybe, shadow really just took advantage of it.

After the shadow took control of the demon knife, he immediately gained the power of the demon knife, and even learned the secret of the demon knife. He saw a stalwart figure in the demon knife—Jig!
It turned out that this knife used to be Jiger's saber, and it was cast by Jiger himself!But when Jiger got the more powerful Meteorite Knife, Jiger gave the knife to Xi Lan as a gift.

Jige was originally Xu Zu's great priest family, and his family was in charge of the sacrifices in the palace, dealing with ghosts and gods all year round.Jiger himself was born with powerful psychic powers. He was able to communicate with and drive ghosts and gods without practicing any secret techniques. Therefore, he was placed in high hopes by his family and focused on training him. He possessed unimaginable power at a young age.And this kind of power became even more endless after he took the initiative to open the seal of the ghost hand.

The demon sword accompanied Jige, witnessed Jiger's growth, and recorded every bit of his becoming stronger, and it was infiltrated with the power of ghosts and gods all year round, making it even stronger.However, after being contaminated with the power of resentment emanating from the apostle Sherlock in the Moaning Cave, the power of ghosts and gods in the knife has completely changed, and it exudes evil spirits all the time.

The resentment bursting out from Sherlock's death was extremely powerful, and the mutation of the Sorrow Cave and the awakening of the Killing Gu were also related to these resentments, and the demon sword that fought with Sherlock at close range would only suffer more serious erosion.In addition, the power of ghosts and gods in the demon sword is mostly negative energy. In the past, Jige suppressed it, but it was nothing. Now, it is eroded by Sherlock's resentment, and all these ghosts and gods have burst out.

And all of this has made Shadow, he has mastered the power of ghosts and gods very smoothly, and learned all the skills of Jiger. To put it bluntly, Shadow is the most powerful Devil May Cry after Jiger, and he is the countless disciples of Jiger. Among the successors, he is the "direct disciple" who is most rooted in Zheng Miaohong.It's only because Shadow doesn't have Jiger's natural psychic power, so he's inferior. Otherwise, with the help of the Demon Sword, he may even surpass Jiger. After all, he is a shadow himself, and it is easier to communicate with ghosts and gods.


There was a smile on the corner of Sha Ying's mouth holding the demon sword, because he and the shadow on the ground were one and two, and their hearts were connected. He could fully perceive the other party's thinking, and he knew that the shadow on the ground had compromised.After all, he still has obsessions in his heart. These obsessions made him, but also destroyed him.

"It turns out that Master has always been right!" The shadow on the ground grew bigger and bigger, he no longer evaded, no longer flinched, he became as tall as Sha Ying, stared straight into Sha Ying's eyes, and said slowly: "Death!" ? Nothing! At least I am still Master’s apprentice, Master loves me, I respect Master! At least I still exist.” (This paragraph is the original words of Sha Ying in the background story before his death)

Sha Ying also looked at the shadow for a moment, as if he wanted to imprint the appearance of the shadow in his heart, "Go, I will help you complete the things you have not finished, after all, you are me, and I am you. I will live for you."

Shadow nodded, and he also looked deeply at Sha Ying, looking at his original appearance.

He was created by himself, but he destroyed himself. In the final analysis, he buried himself. The root of the disaster was planted by himself, and the bitter fruit was naturally tasted by himself.The master had discouraged me before, but it was the first time I contradicted the master.

Don't mention the past, I just hope that he can really fulfill his filial piety in front of the master on his behalf, serve the master, and protect the senior sister.Turns out that stupid woman was right all along, she wasn't stupid at all.

The chaotic air flow eroded in little by little, and the dark shadow gradually turned into muddy gray from the edge. In the blink of an eye, only an ethereal outline remained.

Dead, swallowed by the breath here, he will definitely die.After devouring the soul of the strong man, the evil god Borash will definitely be very satisfied. At that time, he will be able to escape from its nostrils. Just like last time, this road was discovered by Jiger. Jiger is indeed the most People who are close to God.

However, for a long time, Shaying didn't feel any changes from the evil god Bulashu. Could it be that the death of the shadow could not satisfy the evil god Braxiu?This is impossible, that annoying dark elf last time...

Looking back at the shadow, Sha Ying suddenly lost his mind, because he saw a person he didn't want to see the most-Yue Chuan, a powerful enemy he couldn't defeat and had to summon the evil god Borash.

Wait, what is he doing?
Under Sha Ying's unbelievable gaze, Yue Chuan clasped his palm on the shadow's head, and the golden-red blood light overflowed from the palm. The blood light protected the shadow's remnant soul. Immediately, the illusory figure became fuller, clearer, and recovered bit by bit. is this possible?This is resurrection from the dead!No no no, this is more complicated and more difficult than resurrection from the dead!How did he do that?
Seeing the gradually recovering shadow, Yue Chuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, we caught up."

In this world without rules, Yue Chuan has already comprehended the extreme changes of life and death. Although he relies more on the power of death resistance, he has initially grasped the mystery of the rules of life and death.Shadow was still breathing just now, and he wasn't completely dead. He made a timely move, which saved some of his life.Otherwise, once the shadow dies, Yue Chuan's half-baked resurrection may not be able to restore the shadow, and the shadow is not a player, so it cannot use the resurrection coin.

Holding the shadow up by his shoulders, Yue Chuan said slowly: "My relatives, I will serve them myself. My lover, I will guard them by myself. This is the forbidden area of ​​life, and no one can touch it, not even my own shadow! You Do you mean it, Sha Ying?"

Yue Chuan was talking about Sha Ying, but his eyes were on the shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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