
Chapter 356 The Overlord Disarms

Chapter 356 The Overlord Disarms
The power of the knight's charge is destructive, and the headless horseman and the undead horse charge together, the power of which is destructive and indescribable.Faced with the headless horseman's starting move, Yue Chuan could only resist, using his strong body to counter the headless horseman's stronger body.

It's not that Yue Chuan doesn't want to hide, but that under the lock of the Headless Horseman's aura, no matter how he hides, it won't help. Before, Yue Chuan showed off his elegant body skills and false shadow sword skills in front of the Headless Horseman, but in the end As a result, he was picked by the headless horseman's lance and was severely injured.There is no way to avoid the charge of the Headless Horseman, and there is no way to avoid it. The only way is to confront him head-on.

Is it really inevitable?
This was indeed the case before, but after learning gun martial arts, Yue Chuan had a different feeling in his heart.

The lance in the headless horseman's hand looks like it has a flat end, but it is actually vibrating rapidly. It is not because of the vibration of running, but because he has adjusted the attack position many times in a very short period of time. The head knight aimed his spear at Yue Chuan's eyebrows, face, throat, heart, shoulders, cheeks, etc. The tip of the spear moved rapidly to lock all these vital points, but the vibration of the tip was too fast. , and covered by light, it will be undetectable.

That is to say, even if Yue Chuan avoids the vital point of his head, the vital point on his body will still be pierced. His dodge only targets one vital point, and he doesn't even know where the Headless Horseman locked himself. The result was that facing the attack of the Headless Horseman, Yue Chuan had no way to dodge, no way to hide, if he didn't want to be hit hard by it, he could only fight head-on.

"I see!"

Without the tempering of Audrey He, Yue Chuan would not have been able to perceive the mystery of this, and he was still helpless in the face of the charge of the Headless Horseman.But now, Yue Chuan's figure flickered.He didn't use shunpo, three-stage cut, etc., and didn't use shadow swords and other avatar techniques. It was just an extremely simple sideways movement, and the range of movement was not large, but unfortunately, he removed the headless horseman in his body. The air machine on the body is locked.


The Headless Horseman froze for a moment, and his high-speed charging movement froze for an instant. If the horse under him hadn't communicated with him, he would have fallen into the saddle even if the horse hadn't stumbled.

The Headless Horseman was horrified to find that his enemy had disappeared and disappeared from his field of vision. He could no longer feel the aura of the enemy, and the momentum that had been condensed to the extreme collapsed instantly.It felt like a blow with all its strength had hit the air, hitting the cotton, and instead of hurting the enemy, it would hurt itself.But the situation of the Headless Horseman was even worse, he didn't even hit the air and cotton, the opponent disappeared, and the momentum and strength accumulated to the extreme collapsed in his body instantly.

If the Headless Horseman had a flesh and blood body, he would spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva even if he wasn't spitting out blood at this time. Now, the Headless Horseman is safe and sound, but his momentum faltered a little. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The Headless Horseman turned around, and the fuzzy face that appeared on the chest armor suddenly laughed wildly, because he saw Yue Chuan, and he re-locked the enemy's aura.With a rolled spear in his hand, the undead war horse trampled under him with iron hooves, and the unity of man and horse launched a charge again.

But before his speed accumulated to the peak, he stopped immediately, because Yue Chuan disappeared from his field of vision again, and he locked on a dozen vital points on Yue Chuan's body, but at that moment, all the more than a dozen vital points were locked. Interrupted, the enemy once again disappeared from view.

The Headless Horseman roared furiously, and the blurred face reflected on the armor on his chest roared like a wild beast. This kind of thing beyond his imagination made him feel very uncomfortable and angry, and a different kind of emotion grew in his heart. It's the emotion the Dull Horseman doesn't dare to face because it's fear.

Yue Chuan just disappeared from the Headless Horseman's sight and perception, but he didn't completely hide away. While shaking his body to avoid the Headless Horseman's lock, Yue Chuan ghostly stuck to the Headless Horseman's side. The long blood burst out instantly.

The highly condensed blade of blood escaped from the blade and pierced towards the headless horseman's left leg like an arrow from a string. The blade of blood condensed by ordinary berserkers was just an illusory ball of blood, but Yue Chuan understood the true meaning of blood. A qualitative change has taken place, and the condensed blood blade is as hot as fire, as bright red as blood, and full of texture like crystal glass.

The bloody blade pierced the headless horseman's left leg, and the tyrannical bloody energy exploded instantly. The crystal-like bloody blade instantly exploded into thousands of tiny blood crystals, which kneaded into the headless horseman's leg armor In the gap, it scattered into the bone gap of the undead horse, and then exploded again, turning into the purest blood and bursting out.

At that moment, the dark red blood engulfed the headless horseman's entire left leg and the left abdominal cavity of the undead horse. The blood dyed half of the headless horseman's body red. Suddenly, a huge cavity was blown out of the abdomen of the undead warhorse.

The bloody blade is indeed the most explosive among the berserker's single skills, and after the bloody temperament changes, the explosive power of the bloody blade is even more outrageous.However, even so, it was only a heavy blow to the Headless Horseman, and it hadn't reached the point of instant killing.Therefore, Yue Chuan shook his head in disappointment.

Yue Chuan stomped his feet, and a golden-red concentric circle magic circle emerged under the Headless Horseman, and four mysterious ancient runes emerged in the circle. Immediately, tyrannical blood energy spewed out from the ground like a volcanic eruption, and the headless horseman The knight was immediately enveloped and overwhelmed by the golden-red pillar of blood energy.


Yue Chuan leaped high, the Slaughtering Blade in his hand was shining with a dangerous golden-red light, the tyrannical energy poured into the blade, making the Slaughtering Blade shone like the sun, dazzling, and the moment this tyrannical blood energy burst out, also It will be full of devastating blows like a sun explosion.

However, there are surprises in everything!
At the moment when Yue Chuan jumped to the top and started to fall, a lance stabbed straight at him. It was the headless horseman's lance.

The Headless Horseman is not dead!Although he suffered the two skills of Blade of Blood and Fury Burst, it only caused him heavy injuries, and it didn't make him lose his fighting ability, and it didn't even affect his fighting ability.He can also ride on the back of a war horse and wield a spear in his hand, and this is enough!
The undead are not living things, but the dead who stay in the world, but the undead will still die, and their death is more terrifying than the death of living things.When a living thing dies, it just goes through reincarnation, and when an undead dies, there is no chance of reincarnation. The soul is broken into the most basic energy, or dissipated, or swallowed and absorbed by other living and dead things.

Therefore, the undead is also afraid of death, especially the highly intelligent undead creature like the headless horseman, who also has the fear of death and the foreknowledge of death.Although this kind of foresight ability is very weak, but at the moment Yue Chuan jumped up, the shadow of death enveloped the headless horseman instantly, and that weak foresight was instantly raised to the extreme.

Under the crisis, the Headless Horseman erupted with the strongest fighting power.With a sudden thrust of the lance in his hand, the lance tore through the sky and pierced towards Yue Chuan with a strong wind.

Yue Chuan's mood at this time can only be described by ten thousand grass mud horses galloping wildly.

Opening double swords was interrupted?I will endure!
Runaway was interrupted?I will endure!
Zoom suction interrupted?I will endure!

The zoom collapse was interrupted!Can the Great Crash be interrupted?Well, it really does!I can bear anything, but I can't bear even a little bit of this!

If the big bang was empty, Yue Chuan would not say anything, but the big bang was interrupted before it hit the ground. Moreover, the gun that was wrapped in a strong wind hit his chest, and he was even more big in the air. In the process of accumulating strength and brewing, I have no room for contingency at all, I can only watch helplessly as the lance is poked on my chest.


The lance and the inheritance chain armor collided. In an instant, the lance poked a small hole in the chain armor, and the chain armor also blunted the sharp edge of the lance, and the surrounding parts were tightly stuck. Hold the gun so it doesn't go any further.

But at this time, the force of the wind lingering on the lance exploded, and a storm blew up around the lance.

The fierce blowing wind was like a knife like a sword, cutting on Yue Chuan's armor, his cheeks and wrists, like the sharpest blade, the sharpest bow and arrow, causing Yue Chuan to be covered in cuts and bruises and dripping with blood in an instant.

Yue Chuan didn't expect the Headless Horseman to have this move.Isn't the signature stunt of the Headless Horseman is to release more than a dozen ghost knights to charge in all directions?When did he know how to do this?
ignorance!Yue Chuan did not expect that he would die in ignorance again.My understanding of the Headless Horseman is still in the previous life, when I stayed on the earth, I still couldn't face him squarely!

Not reconciled!Yue Chuan was very unwilling.Trembling all the way, concentrating on every battle, even the monster with the lowest strength, I have [-] points to deal with it, so I was hit all the way to the lord's room. I thought I could successfully draw the king picture this time, but why, Want to drink the hatred and smash the halberd again?

I'm really sorry to fail like this!

Yue Chuan glanced at his hit count—9!

The requirement for opening the king map is that the number of hits is less than 10, that is to say, you still have a chance, and you have not failed yet.However, this chance is too slim, even if he is rubbed lightly by the headless horseman again, he will fail.

Fortunately, at this time, the strength of the wind attack dissipated and did not cause further damage to Yue Chuan. However, at this time, the other hand of the Headless Horseman had reached for the battle sword hanging on the saddle, ready to continue to attack Yue Chuan. .

There is no chance!As long as the Headless Horseman draws out his sword, he can easily change his number of hits from 9 to 10, or even more.Before he draws his sword, he must be killed!

This, is it possible?If you want to kill the Headless Horseman in one shot, what skill can you do besides Dabang?Big collapse, only big collapse!But the big collapse has just been interrupted, and it needs a long cooldown.

At this time, Yue Chuan glanced at his Dabeng's skill icon, and was surprised to find that although Dabeng wasn't bright and dazzling, it wasn't gloomy either.The color is gray, indicating that it is cooling down. Obviously, Dabeng has not entered the cooling down yet, could it be...

Yue Chuan felt the blood energy infused in the Slaughtering Blade. Although there were signs of collapse, at least he hadn't collapsed yet, and he was still condensed into a ball, converging in the Slaughtering Blade.As long as it falls down, it can still communicate with magma, spew out the surface, and deal a blow to the enemy.

Be sure to smash it down!
But now, with a thick, long and hard lance poking in front of Yue Chuan's chest, his whole body was like diced meat on an iron stick, how could he smash down the Slaughtering Blade?Yue Chuan's only fate was to be slashed to death by the headless horseman with his sword.

But at this time, Yue Chuan made an unbelievable movement.He took off the black steel chain armor he was wearing.Without the resistance of the armor, the cavalry spear stabbed in Yue Chuan's chest immediately pierced into Yue Chuan's chest like a bamboo shoot.

Although Yue Chuan's chest muscles are strong and his sternum is hard, he is still as fragile as a lung lobe when facing the Headless Horseman's lance. Without any resistance from the lance, it directly stabbed Yue Chuan into a blood-stained wound. The lance shot out from Yue Chuan's back.The viscous blood slid down the lance, and was immediately ignited by the blazing blood flame, turning into blood and reflowing into Yue Chuan's body.

The pain piercing through the body was beyond imagination, a hundred times, a thousand times more painful than bullets swirling in the bones.Yue Chuan could clearly feel the twitch of his heart and the spasm of his muscles.The gloomy and cold power of the undead flowed into his body from the lance, and the violent toxin poured into his blood in an instant. The heart that was close at hand was eroded and defeated by the power of the undead and the poisonous power in an instant. Mind became blurred.

However, Yue Chuan still gritted his teeth, his angry eyes were blood red, the blood flame in his eyes was not weakened by the pain of dying, on the contrary, it became blazing three points, the intense blood flame light made the headless horseman dare not look at each other , the blurred face emerging from his breastplate also turned away.

It was also at this moment that Yue Chuan's feet touched the ground, and he landed successfully at the cost of riding a spear through his body. Although he paid a heavy price, it also brought unimaginable rewards.

The Slaughtering Blade, which was full of blood power, slammed heavily on the ground. The blood energy infused in the weapon hit the ground in an instant, and even exploded underground. The fragile earth's crust shattered and cracked like an egg shell, mixed with blood power. The magma erupted violently.


The undead warhorse screamed, but its screams soon stopped abruptly.It is not a fire phoenix, and it is impossible to be reborn from the ashes of fire. The damage of fire to undead creatures is second only to the power of light. After all, fire and light have too many similarities and interlinkages.Undead steeds and headless horsemen wrapped in magma are tantamount to being baptized by light.

Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the entrance to the Dark City at the Warrior level.

Congratulations, you have obtained the permission to enter the entrance of the king-level dark city.

Player Yue Chuan has died.

Player Yue Chuan uses resurrection coins.

Dead, or dead.After all, his heart was eroded by the power of undead and toxin, even if Yue Chuan resisted death, it would be of no avail.In desperation, he could only use resurrection coins on himself.

Fortunately, the Headless Horseman died in front of Yue Chuan, so at the time of judgment, Yue Chuan cleared the entrance of the Dark City without using the resurrection coin, so he opened the king-level authority.The interval in between was not even 0 second. It can only be said that Yue Chuan was favored by luck.

Of course, if Yue Chuan were to do it again, he would be able to kill the headless horseman more easily, but there would always be a thorn in his heart, like a bone in his throat.The interruption of Dabeng is the most intolerable thing. If the headless horseman is not destroyed, Yue Chuan will not be able to eat well, sleep well, his mood will be disturbed, and his strength will be difficult to improve.

fortunately!The wicked headless horseman is dead!

The headless horsemen of the warrior level are so difficult to deal with, and the headless horseman of the king level made Yue Chuan secretly frown. Then he thought of the stalwart figure of the headless horseman of the abyss level and the army-like infantry, archers and magicians in front of him. , Yue Chuan's brows were twisted into the word Chuan.

Forget it, let's take a step by step!

The warrior-level headless horseman could no longer stop Yue Chuan's footsteps, nor could he become Yue Chuan's sword sharpening stone. However, at this time, Yue Chuan did not return to the city immediately, but sat cross-legged on the ground, carefully reminiscing about the moment of life and death just now.

Thinking of the wind thorn stabbed by the Headless Horseman in Impossibility, thinking of his choice of disarming his armor in life and death, thinking of the Mountain Cracking Slash that was almost interrupted but finally released...

Overlord disarms!

For some reason, Yue Chuan suddenly thought of that godlike man and his tragic ending.

Armor can indeed protect one's own life, but it does not mean that it can bring oneself victory. Sometimes, one must have the courage and determination to remove the armor, and sacrifice one's life in exchange for victory or glory. This is the destiny of a warrior.But hiding in the turtle shell and chopping with the enemy is the coward's choice.

At this moment, Yue Chuan finally understood why the skill of berserk would reduce 50% of the defense power, because it was a choice of breaking the boat, it was a kind of fearless death, it was a kind of choice for victory and glory. The passionate fighting spirit of shedding blood and breaking the soul.

In the skill tree, the skill icon of Rampage exudes a faint golden-red brilliance, a kind of bright light from the inside out wraps this icon, and this bright light is transmitted to Yue Chuan's mind along the skill tree, a kind of mysterious and mysterious The feeling rose from the bottom of Yue Chuan's heart.

The skills in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" are all learned from the instructor, but Yue Chuan has learned several skills by himself, such as rampage, such as blood rage, such as landslide slash.Yue Chuan thought that it was because he had a deep enough understanding of skills to comprehend, but at this moment, Yue Chuan realized that his understanding and comprehension were still a little superficial, and he still had a lot of unfamiliarity and ignorance about Berserkers.

But Yue Chuan knew that he had taken another step on the road of a berserker!Getting a little closer to the Prison Blood Demon God!
(End of this chapter)

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