
Chapter 360

Chapter 360 Superior Skills

Judging from the situation, it was indeed the moment when Yue Chuan stepped out of the void, and accidentally bumped into the tip of the headless horseman's spear. Although the probability of this kind of thing is very small, it is not impossible, after all, the void There are two worlds separated from reality. Even if you can travel freely, it is impossible to accurately locate, and subtle errors still exist.

However, this slight error was enough to kill Yue Chuan. The Headless Horseman's spear stabbed straight at Yue Chuan's chest. Determined, even if Yue Chuan was able to release the headless horseman's murderous lock, the headless horseman would still stab the gun to the end. At such a short distance, it was impossible for Yue Chuan to dodge in time, and in the end he would either die or be injured.

All of this is ideal and very possible, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the figure escaping from the void is the real body.

This must be the real body - the Headless Horseman thinks so, because every time before, the one who escaped from the void was the real body, and this time it should not be a fake, well, it must be so!

But when the Headless Horseman stabbed Yue Chuan with his spear, he realized that the point of the spear was empty and there was no effort at all. This meant that the Headless Horseman knew exactly what he had hit. He only hit a clone, and the spear hit the empty space.

If it was before, stabbing the air with a spear would at most be using Cha force, but now it is different. You must know that Yue Chuan's avatar just escaped from the void. In other words, Yue Chuan's avatar still has half of his body in the void. The Headless Horseman pierced with a spear, and his lance pierced directly into the unclosed space crack. The space crack disappeared in a flash, but under the effect of the law of space, the Headless Horseman's lance moved strangely. Divided into two pieces, one in his hand, the other in the void.

A complete lance is about four meters long, and now, the one left in the hands of the Headless Horseman is just over one meter long, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the handle of the gun.

There is a saying among swordsmen that the sword is in the presence of the person, and the sword will break the death of the person. This sentence fully explains the meaning of the sword to the swordsman. Without the sword in hand, the swordsman's strength is not one in ten, even if it is far inferior to his opponent. Can kill him easily too.This is exactly the situation that the Headless Horseman is facing now. Without his most convenient cavalry spear, his strength has shrunk greatly. Yue Chuan was originally a brother to him, but now, it has become Yue Chuan crushing him.

A gap opened again in the void in front of the Headless Horseman, and a figure emerged from it.The position is exactly the same as just now, and it also appeared in front of the headless horseman, but now, the headless horseman has no ability to make a move, let alone the idea of ​​making a move, no matter whether the figure in front of him is real or fake, the headless horseman The knights had no intention of continuing to fight.

Reining in the reins, the Headless Horseman fled desperately.At this time, all his moves were exhausted, but he still couldn't do anything to Yue Chuan. With his strength at his wit's end, all he could think of was to run away.

But, sometimes, you don't come and leave whenever you want, at least, the Dullahan hasn't asked Yue Chuan yet.

The figure moved for an instant, and in the next instant, Yue Chuan appeared behind the headless horseman, like a god of death seeking death, slashing fiercely with the slaughter blade in his hand, as if to split the headless horseman in two from the right shoulder to the left rib .

The Headless Horseman has already lost his mind. If it was before, he could swing his lance and create thousands of winds, using offense instead of defense.But now, the headless horseman only has a gun handle in his hand, and it is impossible to stir up strong winds, let alone stop Yue Chuan's offensive.


The blade slashed on the headless knight's shoulder armor, and blazing rays of light bloomed from the blade. Hundreds of thousands of souls were killed by the slaughter blade, and turned into the most basic soul fragments, which escaped from the headless horseman's soul armor. Before other souls could devour these fragments, the soul-stealing book in Yue Chuan's hand exuded a strong devouring power.In the face of a complete soul, the book of stealing souls can only use "steal", but in the face of these unconscious soul fragments, the book of stealing souls can directly use "rob".

A knife!

A knife!

Another knife!

With three blows in a row, half of the Soul Armor on the Headless Horseman's body was directly shattered, and the originally bright Soul Armor also became dim, leaving only an illusory and hazy layer. How dare the knight continue to fight against Yue Chuan, now, his only thought is to rely on the advantage of four legs to escape from birth.

After beating so many abyss lords, it was the first time that Yue Chuan had beaten the lords so that they ran away. Seeing the headless horseman fleeing for his life in a hurry, Yue Chuan was a little bit dumbfounded for a while.However, this does not change his determination to kill the Headless Horseman.After all, there are only two ways in the dungeon in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", either get out dead or get out alive.

Yue Chuan didn't want to go out dead, the only way was to kill the headless horseman and get out alive.

Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash!
The phantom warhorse with its mane and hooves froze in an instant, as if it had been petrified. Although the ghost fire on its body kept rising, trying to break free from this force, the power of this force was far beyond its imagination , Therefore, it can only helplessly feel that the imprisonment on its body is getting heavier and heavier, and the strength in its body is getting weaker and weaker, but it can't do anything.

After comprehending the true meaning of blood, Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash has also undergone a change. This skill truly possesses the ability of "soul-thirsty" and "demon-sealing". Coming out, the distorted space has a strong force of tearing and absorbing. The souls entwined on the headless horseman and the will-o'-the-wisps entwined on the undead horse all turned into kites with broken strings, flying towards the black hole in unison. Like a long whale sucking water, the black hole sucked the soul breath from the headless horseman and undead horse in the blink of an eye.

Without the support of soul power, the undead horse immediately became fragmented, and the bones that were originally stronger than steel also turned into tofu dregs that could be shattered at the touch of a touch, and fell to the ground, turning into scum everywhere.

dead?No, there is one more!
The fuzzy face on the headless horseman's breastplate showed a terrified expression, but in the face of the power of the soul-thirsty demon seal, he had no room to escape. Although he fought desperately, he could not change the result of the fall. If it is not swallowed, it is beheaded.

The absorbing power of Soul-thirsty Demon Sealing Slash ended, and the accumulated power had already reached its limit. At this time, Yue Chuan's Slaughter Blade slashed down violently, and the golden-red knife light opened up space, opening up even more space. Open the body and soul of the headless horseman!
Although the headless horseman's soul was well hidden, but in the face of the last slash without any dead ends, he was also unable to escape the dead end. His soul was split into two, and finally absorbed by the book of death stealing souls.

The headless horseman's body and armor became decayed in an instant, lost the support of strength, and the erosion of time was revealed in an instant. The thick copper, aluminum and exuberant moss covered the headless horseman's body, and the ashes of the undead horse and his body participated Like spring water and dew, the dead air nourished a large number of strange plants, and of course, it also dropped equipment all over the ground.

Shadowless... Shadowless... Shadowless...

Yue Chuan murmured the name of a certain piece of equipment in his mind, and then rummaged through the loot for a while, but the result was very disappointing, not to mention epic, he didn't even see a fan, only a few professional purple equipment, and then some blue sky white clouds.

Gathering these rags, Yue Chuan began to look for the headless horseman's soul in the book of soul stealing from death. Under the powerful force, the memory in his mind was presented in front of Yue Chuan like a pattern on his palm, without any privacy or secret.

However, after checking the memory of the headless horseman, Yue Chuan frowned tightly, because this headless horseman was just a scorpion, he was not a headless horseman at all, but a lonely ghost who occupied the magpie's nest.

There are many souls in the area at the entrance of the Dark City, most of whom are residents who died in the Dark City. After these residents died, their ghosts lingered and wandered aimlessly.One of the ghosts was lucky enough to occupy the body of the Headless Horseman, and then it obtained unimaginable power and memory from this body. Under the influence of these memories, he couldn't even distinguish himself, and regarded himself as this The original owner of the body.Then he began to collect the souls of those former subordinates, and even the souls of the residents of the Dark City. At the same time, his own strength also increased rapidly.It's just that compared to the headless horseman's predecessor, he is still much weaker. After all, he is just a headless horseman, not that powerful knight commander.

What about the soul of the knight leader?

Yue Chuan frowned. So many souls died in the Dark City, and their souls were all imprisoned in this land for some reason. The Headless Horseman's ability to easily collect so many souls also proved this point.Since all the souls are there, why is the knight commander missing?Moreover, why did everyone leave the whole body, but he was the only one who lost his head and became a headless horseman?

Endless doubts hovered in Yue Chuan's mind, but these questions were destined to have no answers. Perhaps Yue Chuan would be able to find the truth one day in the future, but it must be a long, long time later.

After defeating the Headless Horseman, Yue Chuan was filled with pride.After all, he had cleared the level by relying on his strength, rather than relying on equipment advantages or potion resurrection coins. This is a real combat power.Moreover, in the process of this battle, I have learned many things and improved my skills in many aspects. I even got a new skill, void walking.

At the last moment, it was precisely by relying on this void walk that he was able to defeat the headless horseman, causing the headless horseman to flee in panic.

With this success, Yue Chuan no longer had the slightest fear of the Headless Horseman, he would kill him once, or kill him twice, there was no difference at all.Therefore, Yue Chuan chose to challenge again, and soon successfully passed the level, beheading the headless horseman again.

However, when he defeated the Headless Horseman this time, Yue Chuan obviously felt that the Headless Horseman had undergone many changes. Compared with the first contact, the Headless Horseman was much weaker, for example, his weapons were no longer what they were before. That unstoppable feeling, such as his armor, does not have that kind of dense soul power, at best, there are more than a dozen ghost knights.And his soul is also much weaker, not as strong as before.

Yue Chuan couldn't help but wonder if he entered the wrong copy. Is this really an abyss-level headless horseman?But after looking at the system prompt, this is indeed an abyss-level headless horseman.The copy is correct, it can only be said that after one beheading, the headless horseman has been seriously injured, and many things have been weakened to varying degrees.

In this way, Yue Chuan felt relieved, because he had seen the abnormality of the Headless Horseman. When he challenged him for the first time, he was tortured and killed by his younger brothers before he had fought against him. He really had to wait for him If you shoot, you will definitely die without a whole body.This kind of perverted lord is difficult to farm by himself, and those other players who come to brush are purely dying.

But now, the headless horseman's strength has plummeted, and it should be easier for other players to come over to farm.Of course, the current Headless Horseman is still an extremely perverted existence to them, especially the unsolvable Ghost Knight charge, which is absolutely instant at whoever sees it.

Now that the strength of the Headless Horseman had declined, Yue Chuan didn't have to be polite, and challenged again, beheading the Headless Horseman faster than before.The task of defeating the Headless Horseman in the awakening task was successful three times out of five, which was regarded as meeting the task requirements.

When he killed the Headless Horseman for the second and third time, Yue Chuan still did not see the shadowless sword he had dreamed of. .

Professional suits are also good, after all, all the parts produced here are level 50 parts, such as breastplates and leggings, these are all equipments that are not produced in the market at present, and their value is inestimable.

Although there are five chances to challenge, Yue Chuan has already succeeded three times, and he is unable to enter this mission dungeon again, and Yue Chuan is also thinking about wasting his precious time on this conquered dungeon, sorting out his items and then going offline up.

It was still the practice field, it was still Yue Chuan and Audrey He, the two confronted each other from a distance, although they didn't make a move, but their murderous aura had locked on each other, and their auras crushed each other.

Yue Chuan's strength is no longer comparable, and coupled with his level advantage, after a long time, Audrey He can no longer bear the oppression of Yue Chuan's overwhelming momentum, so he can only take the lead.

There was a blur in her hands, and she didn't see how he moved. The revolver in the holster on the side of her leg had already fallen into her palm, and her speed of drawing the gun was so fast that it was unparalleled. Not even Yue Chuan, who had been locking on to her, could not I could see her drawing the gun clearly, but I didn't see her drawing the gun.

Audrey He has not yet reached the third level of gun martial arts, she can't change the direction of the bullet at will, so even if she shoots the gun with unparalleled speed, she still has to aim first and then shoot, and the moment she aims , Yue Chuan already felt the coming of the crisis, and then dodged in an instant, Audrey He could only look at the bullet flying into the air in surprise.

too fast!
This speed is too fast. Of course, what is faster is his perception of the crisis and his avoidance of the crisis.This is the martial art of guns and guns, but it has only been one day since he was exposed to the martial arts of guns and guns. He can practice guns and martial arts to this level in one day, and he can no longer be described as a genius.

However, Audrey He was not afraid. It is true that Yue Chuan has mastered the first level of gun martial arts proficiently, but after all, he is a beginner, and Audrey He has been in contact with gun martial arts since he played with guns. The familiarity and understanding of cultivation is not something that Yue Chuan can match or compare.

bang bang bang...

Three bullets in a row flew towards Yue Chuan in the shape of a character. Moreover, this is not a straight shape, but with a slight angle. The three bullets will pass through a certain point, but the order of the three bullets ejected from the chamber is first. Finally, although this common point has been passed, there is a slight difference in the elapsed time, and no collision will occur.

Yue Chuan felt three dangerous auras gathered together. He looked up at the direction of the bullets, only to find that the three bullets had already gathered together. He couldn't help but mock in his heart. Wouldn't it be more convenient to avoid the three bullets gathered together? .

However, when Yue Chuan really dodged, he realized that the three bullets that converged into a line were divided into three again, sticking to his face to form a character shape, tightly framing himself in the middle. In the short time, I couldn't dodge in time at all. In this short time and short distance, I couldn't even escape into the void. After all, I had to run wild to escape into the void.

puff puff...

Yue Chuan tried his best to dodge, but he only avoided one of the bullets. The other two pierced into his body, ripped through the flesh, damaged the tendons, and then rolled and jumped in the bones.

Blood gushed out, and the pain hit like a wave, but Yue Chuan turned a blind eye to all of these, his eyes stared blankly at the ground, and what he would think about just now was still in his mind.

The three dangerous breaths clearly merged into one, but why...

"This is just a kind of deception. You know guns and martial arts, and I also know guns and martial arts. You rely on perception to avoid danger, and I will deceive and deceive your perception."

Audrey He explained to Yue Chuan in a calm voice.

"The danger will not disappear, the danger will only be temporarily hidden. The danger that you can perceive is not fatal at all. What is fatal is the danger that is hidden outside your perception. You clearly sensed the three dangerous breaths, but Later, you thought that these three dangerous auras merged into one, and you only need to avoid it as one danger, right? So, you will be fatally injured!"

Hearing Audrey He's explanation, Yue Chuan couldn't help but smile wryly, saying such a bunch of things, it's just deceitful in his heart, just like playing with the headless horseman with his phantom clone.But now, I have met someone with superior skills.It is true that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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