
Chapter 374 Elf Society

Chapter 374 Elf Society
Yue Chuan originally thought that the Golden Apple family would build a mountain to live in, and there would be many ancient castles.But who would have thought that the Golden Apple family didn't like to live on the top of the mountain, but chose to live in the forest. In this regard, they inherited the preferences and preferences of the elves, getting close to nature and blending in with nature.The tree house is their home, and the forest is their country.

In that lush forest, huge towering ancient trees propped up a vast canopy, like a cloud cover, bringing blessings and quilts to the Golden Apple family living in the tree house, and the aura of lush vegetation and trees. The aura of heaven and earth gathered by the Feng Shui pattern blends and blends, transforming into pure and rich energy, which diffuses in the forest in the form of mist, and the creatures living in it can get twice the result with half the effort when they practice, even if they don't know how to practice, Long-term immersion in this spiritual energy can also strengthen the body and prolong life.

This is a treasured geomantic omen, but also a sacred place for cultivation.The Golden Apple family is a blessed family!

The energy fluctuations transmitted by the space had already aroused the awareness in the forest, and a group of fully armed unicorn knights pulled out from the forest and galloped towards Yue Chuan.All of them are fit and handsome, and the characteristics of handsome men and beautiful women of the elves are vividly displayed on them. Whether they are pure-blooded elves or mixed-blooded elves, they are all deeply integrated into the essence of the word beauty.

Rattan armor, wooden bow, the equipment on these elves can be described as shabby, there is not a single bit of metal parts on them, but Yue Chuan did not despise them because of this.In the eyes of humans, metal weapons are countless times stronger than those bamboo and wooden swords.This is a fact, but this fact is simply untenable among the elves. The bamboo swords and wooden swords made by the elves with secret methods are more than eight blocks away from human metal swords.Yue Chuan, who had excavated the remains of the elves, had a deep understanding of this point.

"This is a guest invited by the patriarch!"

Aipel explained to the unicorn knights, and when they heard this, they all looked at Yue Chuan strangely.

The Golden Apple family has been hanging overseas for tens of thousands of years. Although the family has been paying attention to the development of human society on the mainland, and has extended the family's tentacles to every corner of the mainland, for tens of thousands of years, the family has always been low-key and secretive. On the mainland, they always appear as humans, and no one knows the root of the Golden Apple family.

Historically, the Golden Apple family has also invited several outsiders to the island, but those outsiders are all turbulent heroes in the world, the king of the land god, what qualifications does this unattractive boy (Yue Chuan covering his face) have to become a golden apple? A guest in the Apple family?
Facing the suspicious and distrustful gazes of those unicorn knights, Yue Chuan didn't explain, his body shook slightly, and the aura he had hidden immediately radiated out.The murderous aura of thousands of troops enveloped those unicorn knights in an instant, and they were taken back by Yue Chuan in the next instant. The whole process definitely did not exceed one tenth of a second, but this one tenth of a second made those unicorn knights feel the fear of death. Shrouded, the cold and crazy killing mood made them all lose their minds and their faces turned pale. If they continued to immerse themselves in it, they would definitely be infected by that breath and become crazily bloodthirsty walking corpses.

terrible!The momentum alone is so powerful and irresistible!
He must be a saint-level powerhouse, only a saint-level powerhouse can easily crush us.

Even if he is not a saint-level powerhouse, he must have his uniqueness, otherwise, how could he be invited by the family.

The unicorn knights had different thoughts in their minds, but they were surprisingly consistent. They didn't dare to have the slightest suspicion or disrespect towards Yue Chuan, and retreated to both sides one after another, making gestures of welcome.

Strength is the passport of the strong, and this passport has no restrictions on national boundaries and races.

Ai Poer didn't feel the murderous aura of thousands of troops, because Yue Chuan didn't release his aura to her.However, from the instant changes in the faces and attitudes of the fellow clansmen, Aipel knew that they had already confronted Yue Chuan secretly, and the result of the confrontation was obvious.But Aipel didn't say anything, the result she was willing to see was exactly what she wanted to see. In this way, she didn't have to waste a lot of time introducing Yue Chuan. With the escort of these unicorn knights, there would be less trouble along the way.

As Epper expected, outside visitors to the Golden Apple family are as rare as the Tang monks in the Daughter Kingdom. Countless handsome men and women came out of the tree house, watching from far or near. Only if Yue Chuan was stripped naked would he be satisfied.Fortunately, there were unicorn knights leading the way and escorting them, and those onlookers didn't dare to do anything too outrageous, otherwise there would be another tragedy of seeing and killing Wei Jie.

The commotion outside was so violent that the core members of the Golden Apple family would not turn a deaf ear to it, and immediately a group of people welcomed Aipel and Yue Chuan to the most lush tree house in the middle of the forest.

Yue Chuan traveled all the way, and compared the appearance of the elf ruins in his mind with the situation in front of him, and found that the two were surprisingly similar, almost carved out of the same mold.

In this forest, there are no asphalt roads, but only paths covered with grass, separated and guided by a few ingenious stones. no difference.There are no steel and concrete skyscrapers in the forest, but only towering ancient trees. There are families living in the trees. Each tree is a surname, a family.The older the tree, the deeper and longer the history of the surname.

According to this statement, the ancient tree in front of him is undoubtedly the oldest, and the surname represented by this ancient tree is also the most noble, because this tree is a golden apple tree, which represents the golden apple family.Maybe the "Golden Apple Family" is just a name from the outside world, but it undoubtedly refers to this family.

Ordinary apple trees are very low, but the apple tree in front of us is different. It has deep roots, its trunk reaches into the clouds, and its branches and leaves are luxuriant. What's even more amazing is that both its trunk and branches and leaves have a brilliant golden color. The pure gold has the highest purity. Gold is more beautiful, dazzling, perfect, flawless!
"Only after seeing it can I know the origin and meaning of the 'Golden Apple Family'."

"That's right! Welcome to the Golden Apple family! Sister, you've worked hard all the way, go and rest early."

A man with a slender figure and a handsome face walked towards Yue Chuan. When he walked in front of Aipel, he nodded to Aipel, but did not make any other movements.Obviously, the long life has made the elves less emotional. Whether it is feelings or emotions, the fiery emotions have been diluted by time.Although it will not be obliterated, it is not as bright and light as human beings.

"You must be wondering why the Golden Apple family invited you. In fact, I am also curious. My father and patriarch are waiting for you inside, this way please!"

[Thanks to -Vice' for the two rewards, and also thank this dear friend for his blessing.Here I wish everyone a happy Tanabata]

(End of this chapter)

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