
Chapter 376 The Origin of the Messenger

Chapter 376 The Origin of the Messenger
An envoy from another world sounds like a "diplomatic ambassador".But thinking about it carefully, Yue Chuan is equivalent to the representative of the entire "Dungeon and Warriors" game world on the mainland, and it is not wrong to say that he is a diplomatic ambassador.As for the elves and dragons, Yue Chuan didn't know what world they represented behind them.

"This matter has to start from the end of the era of dragons and elves..." The old patriarch of the elves is very interested in telling stories, especially about things in the ancient times. He always talks about it, although he has never experienced it. He didn't live in that era, but he learned about it from his grandfather's grandfather.

In that era, dragons ruled the sky, and elves ruled the land, two unshakable overlords.But later, the giant dragons and elves weakened to varying degrees, while the human race and other races developed and prospered to varying degrees. In the end, the flames of war ignited, and the result was that the dragons and elves withdrew from the stage of history.

But where did the dragons and elves go?Be wiped out?That is absolutely impossible, after all, it is impossible for human beings to have that kind of strength.

Rather than saying that humans expelled the dragons and elves, it is better to say that the dragons and elves migrated to other worlds, and the elites of the clans went to those worlds as pioneers to explore and open up wasteland. The members followed up, and this also made their ability to control the mainland weaker and weaker, which gave the human races a chance.They have no intention of fighting with humans at all, and they don't care about the gains and losses of the mainland at all. However, in the history of human races, this battle that only slaughtered a few watchdogs has been rendered into a magnificent epic. I have to say is a sarcasm.

Of course, this epic has become an unshakable fact in the minds of human beings. It is impossible for them to know the truth, and even if they know it, they will deny it. There will be no overreaction.

Seeing Yue Chuan's calm reaction, all the elves were surprised. After all, when the previous guests heard about this history, they all wanted to draw their swords to a duel and avenge their shame with blood.It's not like Yue Chuan, who doesn't have the slightest sense of collective honor for human beings.

In other words, his calmness and restraint have reached the point of being flattered or humiliated?

Yue Chuan didn't pay attention to these details, but asked curiously: "Since all the elves have migrated, why does the Golden Apple family still take root in the human world?"

The patriarch of the elves said: "Because we are not elves with pure blood, or in other words, our body is integrated with human blood, so in that era, we were not eligible to migrate. We can only stay in the human world. Fend on its own. Fortunately, our ancestors made wise decisions, and we have taken root and survived to this day."

I see……

It is conceivable how these abandoned sons of the elves hid and survived in the era when the elves were like rats crossing the street, and then developed step by step, eventually creating the Golden Apple family.

"Then, this island?"

When he first came to this island, Yue Chuan noticed the difference in Feng Shui pattern, so he was very curious about it, and couldn't help asking.

"Although we failed to migrate with the elves, many secret places and treasures that the elves could not take away have been handed down to us. The ancestors of our golden apple family developed with these resources. Just like we are now This island is the back garden carefully built by the elves. It is a place for the elves and nobles to relax and practice. This island is not only beautiful, but also has a powerful guardian magic circle, and there are also powerful monsters in the surrounding seas. , even if the gods invade, they will have to pay the price in blood, and holy powerhouses can't threaten the safety of the island at all."

Nima!No wonder the elves let themselves in so reassuringly, they were not afraid of any changes in themselves.Seeing the unbearable appearance of those unicorn knights, Yue Chuan originally thought that the defense power of the elves was just like that, but who would have thought that those unicorn knights are basically the existence of guards of honor, with that kind of invincible magic circle, there is no establishment here at all. The army is necessary, even if it is established, it is a navy, not an army.

"Then, how did the nobles become messengers from another world?"

Although he already had the answer vaguely in his heart, Yue Chuan still wanted to know it from the patriarch of the elves.

The patriarch of the elves sighed, "Originally, our Golden Apple family has completely integrated into human society, and we regard ourselves as a member of human beings. After all, the elves have migrated for many years, and it is very likely that they will never return. Forget it. But one day, an extremely powerful elf came down. He knew the defense of the island like the back of his hand, and he went straight into the hinterland without encountering any obstacles. None of the masters in the clan could resist him. It took less than a minute. Tens of thousands of people were disarmed and subdued by him alone!"

Tens of thousands VS one person, in less than 1 minute, tens of thousands of people were all disarmed and subdued.This shit is bragging, no matter how powerful it is, it can't be outrageous to this extent.

But looking at the dignified expressions on the faces of everyone including Aipel, this is obviously not a joke, and, even if it was a joke, it was a three-year-old child from the Golden Apple family who repaired that person obediently, rather than giving it to himself like this discredit.

Naturally, the Golden Apple family would not blackmail themselves, so this must be true.

"That strong elf, what cultivation level?"

The patriarch of the elves narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Unfathomable."

He has seen a lot of holy-level powerhouses, and the Golden Apple family also has many holy-level powerhouses, but the patriarch still said that it is unfathomable. Obviously, the strength of the elf who descended surpassed the holy level and surpassed them. cognition.

"That strong man didn't hurt anyone in our clan, maybe it's because of that part of our blood, otherwise, if it was another clan, this island would definitely be soaked in blood."

Yue Chuan nodded, it would indeed be so.Just imagine, if that elf saw that the holy place where the elf king and elf nobles used to relax and practice was invaded and desecrated by a group of aliens, he would definitely be furious.

Wait, Elf King...

Thinking of this name, Yue Chuan immediately narrowed his eyes, and a sharp murderous aura burst out from them.However, Yue Chuan quickly hid this emotion, even the elves who were close at hand didn't notice it.

"Then, that strong man built an altar in our clan and set up a statue for us to sacrifice and worship. At the same time, he gave us a mission. So, we became the emissaries of the elf world in this world."

Yue Chuan nodded, "The Dragon Clan is the same as you? Then, what is the mission of your envoys?"

[Yesterday, I spent Qixi alone, raise your hand, let's hold a paw—. —]

(End of this chapter)

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