
Chapter 380 The Might of the Silver Dragon

Chapter 380 The Might of the Silver Dragon
The most unique advantage of the Black Dragon Clan is their physique. They are not easily injured, but once they are injured, it is difficult to recover, and ordinary injuries will also leave them with permanent damage.Because their physique is too strong, it is too difficult to recover completely.Therefore, seeing the miserable appearance of the black dragon's arm, several dragon clans all showed a sad look, because they knew that the black dragon would be useless in this lifetime.

Different from the Dragon Clan, although the people of the Elf Clan are also grieved, the expression in their eyes is clearly secret joy. Although they did not die, this kind of disability can also increase the hatred between the two sides, and the rationality of the Dragon Clan will soon be Completely lost in rage.

"That human is weird. His defense is too strong, especially the anti-shock power, which can bounce back the opponent's attack and strengthen it by nearly ten times. The black dragon was not injured by the enemy, but injured under his own strength."

Naturally, the words of the dragon elders were not to excuse the enemy, but to point out the characteristics of the enemy to the other three boys.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious.The black dragon was defeated because he didn't understand the enemy at all, so he shot rashly and suffered a big loss.

"Elder, he has restraint on fist strength, but may not be effective on magic. Watch me kill him and avenge Heizi!"

While speaking, a handsome young man of the dragon clan jumped up, dazzling silver light burst out from his body, the light swelled instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled to a ball of light with a diameter of more than ten meters, the light faded, and the body was slender and graceful The silver dragon appeared in the air, and the solid and violent magic elements surrounded the surface of the silver dragon. The rich magic elements condensed into light spots and light balls, and the colorful light balls were like water mist and raindrops on the silver dragon's body. Circled around.

This place is already full of energy, and the silver dragon gathers magic power extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, the magic elements like water mist and raindrops condense into clouds and float around the silver dragon. The same applies to Yinlong.

The body of the silver dragon is the most petite and weakest among all the dragons, but corresponding to it is the powerful magic talent of the silver dragon.Every silver dragon is a born magician, moreover, it is a magician of the whole department.In terms of magic, even the golden dragon, the dragon king known as the most perfect creature, can't match it.The silver dragon's power is absolutely enraged by heaven and earth.

It takes a huge amount of magic power for a human magister to cast the top-level magic under the forbidden spell, and it takes a long time to chant, and even needs the assistance of crystals and other items to cast it stumblingly.But Yinlong, even if he has not yet touched the power of the sanctuary, he can use top-level magic proficiently, and it is all types, and it is instant.

Flames of Destruction, Doomsday Hurricane, Earth Shaking, Absolute Zero, Ultimate Flash, Hell Cage...

The six top-level magics formed at the same time, and even smashed at the guardian knight in an instant. With the power of these magics, they not only killed the guardian knight, but also covered Yue Chuan and Aipel next to them.Moreover, when Yinlong was casting magic, only one of the destructive flames was aimed at the guardian knight, and the remaining five were "accidentally" thrown in the direction of Yue Chuan. The purpose was self-evident.

The silver dragon's magical talent is indeed admirable. This is an ability beyond the reach of human beings. Human bodies are too weak to bear such a heavy magical load. Even elves can't do this.Therefore, although Aipel, who sensed the crisis, tried her best to use magic to protect herself and Yue Chuan, but she could barely support a light curtain like an eggshell, and she was completely vulnerable to the five top-level magic.

But at this time, the surrounding sky suddenly burst into golden light, and the entire space trembled.

This is the space inside the golden apple tree. This is the site of the golden apple tree. The golden apple tree will instinctively protect the elves, so it released a golden light. All of He Yue Chuan's magic disappeared out of thin air, and there were streaks of golden rays of light that quickly condensed to deal a fatal blow to the silver dragon who was trying to hurt the elf.

Fortunately, the patriarch of the elves talked with the golden apple tree. The golden apple tree hesitated for a while, but finally did not attack the silver dragon.

The moment Silver Dragon was locked by the golden apple tree, he broke out in a cold sweat. He was so smug just now that he forgot that this is the golden apple tree and the territory of the elves. If he made a move, he would definitely be killed by the golden apple tree on the spot.He would not doubt this. After all, the golden apple tree existed in the age of gods and demons, and its power cannot be guessed by common sense.

Five of the six top-level magics were wiped out, and only one destructive flame remained. The scorching fire hit the guardian knight like a meteorite, and the blazing temperature even distorted and melted the space around the guardian knight.

The golden apple tree is just a guardian elf, not a human being, so this magic hit the guardian knight very smoothly.

That's right, this magic is so smooth, it's just hitting wherever, the target doesn't even have a move to dodge, and it actually ate all of this destructive flame.


Crazy rays of light burst out from the eyes of the silver dragon. The power of the destructive flames is enough to melt even the strongest krypton gold. Ordinary steel will be vaporized in an instant. Although the human shield is strong, it is only effective against the collision of forces. , Facing this kind of magic that melts gold and iron, it is simply a common vain.

However, in the next moment, Yinlong's face changed, not only his face, but also his huge body.The originally magnificent and dreamy silver-white body turned red in an instant, and in the next instant, several places turned black, and a disgusting burnt smell emanated from the silver dragon's body, which was mixed with the smell of barbecued meat.


Yinlong opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood with scorching breath, but the blood dried up, solidified, turned into black ash and scattered in the wind before it hit the ground.


The huge body of the silver dragon lost the ability to fly, and fell from the air. This fall not only splashed up the grass stalks and soil, but also splashed a lot of dragon scales and dragon meat - the body of the silver dragon unexpectedly It became as fragile as porcelain, and when it fell, it fell apart, and all the flesh and scales peeled off in pieces. The pain caused the silver dragon to scream incessantly, but in the end, he didn't even have the strength to scream.

The pain on his body made Yinlong just want to die quickly, but the strong vitality allowed him to survive for a day and a night even with only one dragon head, so he could only clearly feel the scorching heat in his body, feeling the power from the inside out. The outside radiated to my limbs and bones, feeling that the flesh and blood on my body became ripe, zoomed, and turned into ashes.

This is definitely the most painful way to die in the world, even more cruel than Ling Chi who was hacked into pieces.

The black dragon who crossed his arms and uttered resentment and curses at Yue Chuan was completely stunned at this moment. Compared with the silver dragon, his end was a thousand times happier. After all, he only had one arm disabled, and his life was safe. Damaged, at least the lower body is still intact, although the right hand is gone, but the left hand is still there.But what about Silver Dragon?The whole body was roasted and scorched by the power of the flames. This kind of injury is definitely dead.Although he hasn't died yet, it's just the tenacious vitality of the Dragon Clan, and he still can't survive after all.Didn't you see the tears in the elder's eyes? Most likely, he wanted to take action to end Yinlong's pain.

At this time, the black dragon couldn't help but look at the human knight who was hit by the flames of destruction. Although the silver dragon was dead, it was not a loss to at least pull back a little.

But in the next moment, the black dragon's eyes popped out of their sockets, and then he rubbed his eyes with his left hand, almost poking his own eyes blind with such force.But then he let out an unbelievable scream.

"That human being is fine!"


Everyone immediately looked at the gradually extinguishing destructive flames. Sure enough, in the gradually subsiding flames, a figure carrying a giant shield appeared. His body was carrying an astonishing heat that had not dissipated, and the entire shield shone brightly. However, he was not softened by the destructive flames, he was still standing firm and alive.Even in order to prove all this to the Dragon Clan, he even knocked on the shield with the long sword in his hand mockingly.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the Dragon Clan was, they knew how the Silver Dragon became like this. It was clear that the opponent bounced back the damage of the Destruction Flame in a strange way, and during the rebound, the Destruction Flame increased nearly ten times. .Fortunately, the silver dragon is a magic dragon, with extremely high magic talent and high magic resistance. Otherwise, the ten times the destructive flames hit other dragons, and they would be burned to ashes in an instant.

The physical defense was strong enough to resist the black dragon's claw strikes, and even crippled the black dragon's arm.In terms of magic defense, the silver dragon was forced to eat a destructive flame, but the silver dragon was seriously injured to the point of death.What kind of freak is this shit, how can human beings be so powerful!

Not only the dragon clan, but also the elves on the side were shocked. They didn't expect Yue Chuan to summon such a powerful subordinate. This kind of subordinate is definitely not something that can be born in the human world. It must be given to him by the powerful existence behind him, for sure. yes!

At this time, Yue Chuan stretched out his hand, and the wind knight, fire knight, ice knight, and light knight all appeared. The uniform armor shape and the solemn temperament carved out of the same mold, although the five knights have different statures Tall, but even those giant dragons dare not look at them.

"Hehehe, elders of the Dragon Clan, I have five subordinates, you can choose whatever you want, as long as your juniors can beat them, I will do as you say. If these few are not enough to choose, it doesn't matter, I will still Having other subordinates will definitely satisfy you. But I still say that, if you want to challenge me, these brats are not qualified enough, let your patriarch come."

When Yue Chuan said these words before, several dragons thought that Yue Chuan was arrogant and could humiliate them, but now they realized that what Yue Chuan said was the truth, a fact that they could hardly accept.

However, those dragon clans didn't have any thoughts of fighting at this time. They all looked at the suffering silver dragon on the ground in grief, and slowly gathered strength in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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