
Chapter 383

Chapter 383
After handing the golden apple to Yue Chuan, the branch touched Yue Chuan's palm affectionately again, and then slowly backed away, ignoring the requests of the elves from the beginning to the end.

It is true that the golden apple tree grows in the elves, and it is true to protect the elves, but it is an existence enshrined by the elves, similar to totems and holy objects. It accepts the contributions of the elves and provides shelter for the elves, nothing more Although the elves can ask it to do some trivial things, it is impossible to change its will.

Seeing the golden apple tossing up and down in Yue Chuan's hand, the elves felt their hearts were pounding with the ups and downs of the apple.

"Now, can we have a good talk?"

Yue Chuan didn't make much use of these elves, after all, they were Aipel's elders, and although they were a little less authentic, Yue Chuan didn't want to know them as well.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

After all, the Golden Apple family has the blood of the elves, and their fundamental interests are different from those of humans. In order to protect their own interests, it is only normal for them to plot and calculate.Unfortunately, they found the wrong target.

"Ok, Ok……"

The patriarch of the elves agreed hurriedly.At this moment, their elves have no sense of superiority in front of Yue Chuan. After all, even the Golden Apple Tree has shown kindness to Yue Chuan. If they continue to fight against Yue Chuan, the Golden Apple Tree will be the first to trouble them. It is a disaster that they cannot imagine and cannot bear.

The members of the Dragon Clan first held grudges against Yue Chuan because of the dragon blood sale, but after being punished by Yue Chuan, they became afraid. Yue Chuan rescued Yinlong, and they felt more grateful.At this time, they looked at Yue Chuan who was playing with the golden apples, and they had mixed feelings in their hearts.It is a complete mistake to make an enemy of such a person.

Hearing that Yue Chuan was discussing with the Golden Apple family, the elder of the Dragon Clan immediately evaded with interest, but instead of leaving, he sent an invitation to Yue Chuan, asking Yue Chuan to spend a few days in the Dragon Clan's land in his spare time.The territory of the Dragon Clan is far away from the mainland, but it is relatively close to the land island of the Elf Clan, so they wait outside so that they can walk with Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan sat down slowly, but it was not a chair randomly placed on the lawn, but a chair similar to golden silk sandalwood in the solemn and solemn hall of the old castle.Moreover, the only person sitting at the same time with him was the patriarch of the elves, and all the other elves stood on both sides cautiously.

They are not qualified to take a seat. After all, this is a patriarch-level dialogue, and it is a great honor for them to be able to listen here.

The elves had no intention of cooperating with Yue Chuan in good faith. After they learned about the bank proposed by Yue Chuan, they immediately realized the wealth in it. It was inexhaustible and inexhaustible. What matters is power. This kind of power does not rely on force, but it is stronger than force.

They naturally want to monopolize this right and do everything possible to suppress their competitors.Yue Chuan was the creator of this idea, so he was included in the suppression list as a matter of course. In addition, Yue Chuan was an emissary from another world, which made the elves feel even more afraid, so there was a scene where they urged the dragons to attack Yue Chuan.

However, all of this has passed now, and the elves at this time have no intention of calculating Yue Chuan anymore, because no matter how they calculate, the result is self-destruction.Because, the golden apple of the golden apple family is held in Yue Chuan's hands.

"Our Golden Apple family has auction houses in every large-scale city in the mainland, and we have strongholds in medium-sized cities. Our Golden Apple family's network covers every corner of the mainland. Where there is a market, there is our Golden Apple. .”

The patriarch of the elves said a little proudly.

"Our Golden Apple family can revoke part of the auction house and turn it into a bank. At the same time, our staff are also people from the business circle. Although the bank is a new thing, I believe they will be able to get started quickly."

After a pause, the patriarch of the elves continued: "This is the sincerity of our Golden Apple family, and it is also the capital we use for cooperation..."

"How much do you want to get?"

The Golden Apple family has invested so much, so it is naturally impossible not to get nothing, so Yue Chuan asked directly.He also wanted to see how much appetite the Golden Apple family had.

The patriarch of the Elf clan originally wanted to describe his own advantages one by one, and then discuss the matter of shares based on this, but Yue Chuan directly cut to the point without waiting for him to make a long speech. Waiting for the accumulation to reach the peak before launching a fatal blow, but before he could fully charge, the opponent started to fight directly, abruptly disrupting his rhythm and routine.

"Uh..." The patriarch of the elves was stunned for a few seconds, but then he reacted and said tentatively: "Ninety percent. We have invested so much manpower and material resources, and even future management and operations will depend on our money." Apple family, so we want to occupy [-]% of the share."

The head of the Elf Clan didn't say anything, that is, Yue Chuan only came up with an idea on this matter, no matter how whimsical the idea was, it was a fantasy after all, and it would never become a reality, let alone bring profits and income.If it wasn't for Yue Chuan's strength, if it wasn't for Yue Chuan's status, the Golden Apple family might just give him a bounty to get rid of the matter. As for occupying the share, don't even think about it.

In the eyes of the Golden Apple family, this [-]% share was almost given to Yue Chuan for nothing, no need to invest or pay, just sit on the ground and collect money, where can such a good thing be found?This is entirely for Yue Chuan's face and status. The Golden Apple family doesn't think Yue Chuan has any qualifications to occupy more.

But Yue Chuan was not satisfied!
"Ninety percent, isn't that too much?"

The patriarch of the Elf Clan was not angry. After all, negotiating things like this is a matter of negotiation and negotiation. You ask for a lot of money, and I will pay back the money. Therefore, he asked flatly: "Then, what do you think is the right distribution?"

"Four to six."

Hearing Yue Chuan say four or six, all the elves became angry. After all, Yue Chuan did nothing but come up with an idea, but wanted to occupy [-]%. What's the difference between this robbery.Isn't it just relying on the favor of the golden apple tree, what's so great about it.

The patriarch of the elves frowned. In all fairness, he was unwilling to accept this share, but he also understood that he had no confidence or bargaining chips at all.

"It's not impossible for you to occupy [-]%..."

"No no, you misunderstood, I said I am six, you are four!"

This time, the patriarch of the elf clan was about to explode in anger, and he just pushed his nose and face to make an inch of it.The other elves beside him couldn't bear it any longer, and said aloud: "Your Excellency, although you are strong and recognized by the Golden Apple Tree, why do you think you can occupy [-]% of the share in business? "

"Because only I understand the banking business best, and only I can do it well."

The patriarch of the Elf Clan calmed down now. Since Yue Chuan was so confident, there must be his reasons, so he stopped the clansmen, made a "please" gesture to Yue Chuan, and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Just now, patriarch, you said that where there is a market, there is the Golden Apple family, right?"

All the elves present nodded, "That's right!"

"However, I think that when you can achieve 'where there is a golden apple family, there will be a market', you will be considered truly successful. And I will be able to build a bank in Chengdu."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the elves were disdainful and ridiculed at first, but then they lowered their heads and meditated, and then fell silent.They had to admit that from a commercial point of view, the gap between them and Yue Chuan was not 01:30.

In the end, the patriarch of the Elf Clan sighed and said: "I would like to be taught, just based on this sentence, our Golden Apple Clan is willing to give up [-]% of the share, willingly!"

He made concessions, but he still insisted on his distribution method while making concessions.After giving up [-]% of the share, it is [-]% of the account.

Yue Chuan didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Although gold is expensive and silver is cheap in all countries in the mainland, the exchange rate of gold and silver is different, and even the disparity is huge. As far as gold is concerned, what a catty of gold can buy in each country They are different. With the change of time and place, the purchasing power of the same amount of gold also fluctuates. If the Golden Apple family runs a bank, will it use gold as the standard currency or silver as the standard currency? How to deal with this value What about volatility?"


Although the Golden Apple family is good at doing business, they are all limited to one city and one place, and belong to a closed market. Each area is responsible to the Golden Apple family, but there is not much communication between them.Moreover, what they do is auction houses, not markets, and they don't care about the price of gold and silver.However, after the opening of the bank, the closed markets in various places will inevitably be closely linked and become a whole. In this way, the problem of equal quantities and unequal values ​​of gold and silver must be faced.And this problem is something they have never encountered, let alone thought of.

Yue Chuan didn't wait for the elders of the elves to answer, and continued: "A businessman deposits tens of thousands of taels of gold in the extreme east of the mainland, and asks for exchange in the extreme west of the mainland. According to the method of your Golden Apple family, it must be based on the method of the extreme east. The certificate issued by the land to pay for the gold, right?"


Bills and vouchers are not only owned by the Golden Apple family, but also by other chambers of commerce. This is a relatively common method on the mainland today.

"However, this businessman encountered bandits on the road and lost the bill. What should he do? Without the bill, he would naturally not cash it. But the businessman urgently needed money to return home, but he couldn't get it out, and ended up dying in a foreign land. Isn't that right? The sins of your golden apple family?"

Immediately, some people were not convinced, "He doesn't keep the receipts, what does it matter to us?"

"Well, if the thief stole the note, and the robber robbed the note, they can be exchanged, right? Are you acting like an accomplice in disguise? There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand-day defense against thieves. What are you using the certificates for?" It’s right for safety, but this safety is only for yourselves, not for guests. A robber robbed one hundred thousand catties of gold, and it must be transported in several carriages. Such a large target is easy to be discovered, but if it is a bill, keep it close to you. , it is difficult to be found. In this way, don’t you become accomplices of the robbers in disguise? You will only encourage looting and theft instead of protecting people’s property.”

The Golden Apple family was collectively silent, because they were speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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