
Chapter 397 Dragon Bloodline

Chapter 397 Dragon Bloodline

When Fenglong punched and kicked Yue Chuan, he never thought that the same experience would happen to him. Perhaps, in his inherent thinking, no creature could match the speed of Fenglong, and no creature could touch the wind. How can a dragon's body cause harm to a wind dragon?Unfortunately, he was wrong, wrong outrageously.

Perhaps, Yue Chuan's running speed was not as exaggerated as Feng Long's, but Yue Chuan's reaction speed was definitely higher than Feng Long's. Before Feng Long moved, Yue Chuan had already anticipated his behavior and responded in time.Whether it was the previous dodge or the current blocking, Yue Chuan showed a "speed" one step ahead of others, and it was this speed that forced Fenglong to death.

With fists and feet thrown out, and sharp blades dancing wildly, Fenglong's blue body was immediately stained with streaks of scarlet blood, and there were traces of azure blood in the dark red, hitting Yue Chuan like a torrential rain, but Yue Chuan didn't avoid it. Don't let it go, urging the blood rage to greedily absorb the essence of the dragon's blood.

For some reason, a sentence came to Yue Chuan's mind: The world is as chaotic as a chicken.Pan Gu was born in it.Eight thousand years old.The world opened up.Yangqing is the sky.cloudy...

The passage "Yangqing is the sky, and yin and turbidity is the earth" explains the difference between the sky and the earth, and it also contains the ultimate principle of yin and yang.And now, similar changes are taking place in Yue Chuan.

As the essence of Fenglong's blood energy poured into his body, Yue Chuan's blood energy immediately changed slightly. The boundaries are also becoming clearer.A part of the blood energy and the essence of the blood energy of the wind dragon formed an affinity, and after the fusion, the color faded and continued to float upwards, while the other part repelled the essence of the blood energy of the wind dragon, so it obviously settled down, and the color deepened accordingly.

As the floating and sedimentation progressed, the golden-red blood energy in Yue Chuan's body also gradually changed in color.The light and clear blood has a touch of azure color, while the heavy and turbid part has a touch of black.In this way, the blood energy from the same source has a clear boundary, but they are still operating in an orderly manner, without any sign of deviance.

With the absorption of the essence of Fenglong's blood energy, Yue Chuan felt that the weight of his body became lighter and lighter, and the gravitational force of the earth on him became smaller and smaller. The light and clear blood energy was like the hydrogen in a balloon, supporting him His body kept floating upwards, while the heavy and turbid blood energy kept making him fall down like a weight.

Originally, the two parts were in balance with each other, but with the continuous influx of Fenglong blood energy essence, this balance was broken little by little, and the light and clear blood energy gradually took up a larger proportion, and it was still increasing its share a little bit. Proportion.

"Oops, I can't continue to absorb it, otherwise I will really fly into the sky like a hydrogen balloon."

The hydrogen balloon will continue to rise without restraint, and the final result is that the internal pressure and external pressure are out of balance, and finally burst with a bang.Yue Chuan didn't want to become like that.So he quickly stopped absorbing the essence of Fenglong's blood energy, and incorporated all the blood energy into the godhead.

After the blood energy was incorporated into the godhead, the feeling of floating and falling disappeared immediately. When the distinct blood energy flowed out again, it had returned to balance. However, Yue Chuan found that he could deliberately control the blood energy of the godhead to flow out in any proportion, so as to achieve floating or landing.Moreover, offsetting one's own weight is to speed up one's own speed in disguise, whether it is the speed of movement or the speed of attack.

At this time, Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of the situation when he fell into the water when he first arrived at Longdao. If the incident happened again, Yue Chuan would definitely not make the same mistake again. He could completely control his blood energy to make him stand still, or even walk on foot.This is the patent of the strong in the sanctuary, but now, Yue Chuan has mastered it.

On the side, the patriarch of the dragon clan frowned slightly.Naturally, he clearly understands the desire of human beings for dragon blood. He let Yue Chuan compete with his descendants, in fact, he gave Yue Chuan a reason to bathe in dragon blood.In fact, all the patriarchs of the Dragon Clan have done this, because bathing in dragon blood is actually a conspiracy.

The so-called Yangmou refers to knowing that there is a pit ahead, but also making the enemy willingly jump into the pit.

Bathing in dragon blood can indeed make human beings strong and get the magic of the dragon clan. However, in the process, they will inevitably be physically changed by the mysterious power contained in dragon blood. Purely human, but with the body of a half-dragon.Humans naturally know the side effects of bathing in dragon blood, but how many humans can resist the temptation of dragon blood?Even racking their brains to get dragon blood, the dragon clan gave them a fair chance to fight, which naturally hit their hands, so they didn't even think about conspiracy.

"Xiao Hei is the most talented of our black dragons, and his blood is also very pure. That human being bathed in Xiao Hei's blood should be assimilated..."

Involuntarily, the scene of Yue Chuan bathing in the blood of the black dragon emerged in the mind of the patriarch of the Dragon Clan. Fine scales indeed grew out of Yue Chuan's body, sharp claws of the Dragon Clan grew out of his fingertips, and even his pupils faintly changed vertically and sharply.However, a force suddenly emerged in his body, which forcibly restrained Longhua, and even drove away the power of Longhua. He is still the purest human being.

In fact, turning humans into dragons is not to intentionally harm humans, but to increase humans’ sense of identity and belonging to the dragon clan. After all, the dragon clan’s elements are integrated in the blood, and with the signing of a contract with the dragon clan, it is almost half a dragon clan. Yes, even in another world, they can serve the Dragon Clan wholeheartedly, and the Dragon Clan can invest and use such people with confidence.Although there is a taste of being a villain before being a gentleman, it is not too much for the Dragon Clan to do so. After all, there is no free lunch in the world.One is willing to fight, the other is willing to endure, there is nothing wrong with what you love and what I want.

However, things changed when it came to Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan didn't have dragon transformation, and he was even able to resist dragon transformation. After bathing in the blood of two dragons, he still maintained a human posture. Could it be that the power of the dragon blood was ineffective for him?
Thinking of this, the patriarch of the dragon clan shuddered. Yue Chuan was able to be an envoy from another world, so he naturally had something special about him. Perhaps he had more noble blood flowing through him, which was why he was able to block the invasion of the dragon blood.

The dragon clan has always believed that their bloodline is the most noble and powerful in the world!

But the Dragon Clan knew in their hearts that this sentence needs to be prefaced, that is - after the disappearance of the gods and demons.

"Could it be that the world behind him is the world of gods and demons?" A cold light appeared in the eyes of the dragon patriarch.

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(End of this chapter)

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