
Chapter 449 Blow him out

Chapter 449 Blow him out (16)

Although Yue Chuan had been wandering around Black Feather Mountain, he didn't make a move.After all, he was considered a saint-level powerhouse, and he would be bullying the weak if he attacked those ordinary thieves.That level of fighting is left to rookie adventurers and the mercenary alliance, and my goal is that vampire.

Since the last short fight, Yue Chuan has been looking for traces of the vampire, trying to steal a few tricks of blood power from him.Although he got inspiration from him last time, there were still some things that he couldn't comprehend. It's a pity that the vampire seemed to have disappeared, and Yue Chuan still couldn't sense his existence.

Is it not here anymore?
The Dark Alliance was defeated and retreated, and the vampire did not appear. Since he integrated the bandits from Black Feather Mountain, how could he not care about the life and death of these bandits and let them fend for themselves?
But Yue Chuan thought about it again, maybe this vampire really doesn't care about the life and death of the Dark Alliance.After all, he is a vampire, and human beings are just food in his eyes, how could he care about the life and death of some food.

Even if the Dark Alliance is uprooted, it will not affect him in the slightest. After all, the Dark Alliance is purely for nothing, easy to get, and discarded.Just squeeze out the remaining value of the Dark Alliance before discarding it.

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan's expression changed instantly!

Why did I have a conflict with Black Feather Mountain?It was Sha Ying, because Sha Ying fell in love with the top of the Black Tiger Gang, and that vampire should also have a crush on the top of the Black Tiger Gang, so the vampire would kill Sha Ying indiscriminately.For him to do this, there must be a secret on that mountain, so that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

From Sha Ying's point of view, that hilltop is the place where the dragon veins gather, the lifeblood spring of the aura of heaven and earth, and whoever occupies it can make it a place for dragon prosperity and a ten thousand year foundation.The particularity of this place can be seen at a glance, how could that vampire be unable to tell the difference.

The Dark Alliance and the Great Qin Kingdom have been playing ping-pong-pong for so long and have not seen that vampire appear. He must be doing something on the hilltop of the Black Tiger Gang. You must go and see!

Yue Chuan already had a detailed understanding of Heiyu Mountain, and soon came to the vicinity of the Black Tiger Gang. Yue Chuan quickly restrained his aura, everything was suppressed to the minimum, and there was no aura emanating from his body.Then it slowly landed, taking advantage of the darkness, and landed around Heihu Mountain like a feather.


What a strong aura!

Yue Chuan took a deep breath intoxicated, and immediately, a burst of lively energy flowed from his lungs to his whole body, and a burst of vitality emanated from his body.This kind of situation reminded Yue Chuan of the islands of the elves, where the aura of mountains and seas gathered, and there was a world tree as a suppression, and the aura produced naturally had a breath of life from the world tree.

world Tree!
Feeling that the power of the World Tree hidden in his body became extremely active, Yue Chuan suddenly thought of a possibility. The terrain here is very similar to that island of the elves. Could it be that there is something amazing growing here?Yes, there are more mountains here, and the gathered aura is more abundant, at least more abundant than that island of the elves. According to reason, the aura leaked here should also be as thick as fog or even dewdrops, but no, the level It's just aura.

There must be an object that suppressed the aura, or absorbed most of the aura, and only a small amount of remnants leaked out. Therefore, even the Black Tiger Gang living around just felt that the air on this mountain was fresh and refreshing. But other than that, it feels nothing.

Not everyone knows Feng Shui and the art of looking at qi. If Sha Ying hadn't spoiled the special features here in advance, Yue Chuan might not have sensed the strangeness here.

There is not much time to think about it, just find where the vampire is.

However, Sha Ying only said that this mountain is weird, as for where it is, Sha Ying probably doesn't even know it.After all, according to Sha Ying's intention, first take this mountain as his own, and then slowly search for it.But as soon as they met, they were beaten up and used the resurrection coins to escape. Sha Ying probably didn't know what was wrong.

Where is it, where is it?
Yue Chuan flew round and round around the top of Heihu Mountain, but he couldn't find any clues.He doesn't understand Fengshui, and he doesn't know how to look at Qi, and the ability to find the dragon's eye mentioned in the book is also darkened. Standing in the middle of this Fengshui treasure, he doesn't know what is so magical about this Fengshui treasure.

Yue Chuan also tried to use the power of the World Tree on his body to sense it, but he still had no clue. He could sense the vigorous vitality in various places on the mountain of the Black Tiger Gang, but he still couldn't find its specific location.How should I put it, Yue Chuan is like a small fish wandering in the sea, but finding the source of water is a thousand times more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.After all, needles can still be found, looking for water from the sea, hehe...

Helpless, Yue Chuan could only use the simplest and most brutal method!
How did that vampire come out last time? Yes, Yue Chuan threw bombs at the camp of the Dark Alliance, oh no, he threw Crazy Ivan.This time, Yue Chuan repeated his old trick, circling up, took out the death-stealing book, turned to the page of Crazy Ivan, and then threw it down like a dumpling.

During this period of time, Yue Chuan specially went to clean the abyss of the Bilmark Empire Test Site, and sealed a large number of monsters inside. The crazy Ivan in the inventory can definitely blow up the top of the Black Tiger Mountain. I don’t believe it. Get out of that vampire.

The night was lonely, but the Black Tiger Gang was extremely lively.

Although all the gangs have been disbanded and integrated into the Dark Alliance, the original Black Tiger Gang has become superior because of the fact that the Black Tiger has become the leader. Therefore, when everyone else was beating their lives to death, many members of the Black Tiger Gang drank in big bowls and ate meat in big bowls, enjoying themselves.

And at this moment, a bandit whispered, "Did you hear any strange noises?"

The others immediately stopped punching, and immediately someone said, "It's like screaming."

"Damn, that so-and-so is going to harm women again, no, I have to go and have a blast."

But at this time, a person suddenly stood up with a pale face, "Run, it's that thing that will explode!"

One sentence reminded many of the gang members who had just fought against the Great Qin Kingdom a terrible thing, and they finally realized that it was not a woman's scream, but a monster's scream, and after the scream, it was Earth-shattering bang!
[Ahem, ten o'clock can't hold on anymore, and now I feel a little shaky when I walk.I didn't expect Xiaohao to become popular twice at this time. If it was once a day before, I could pat my chest and say it was explosive, but now, there are six outbreaks a day, and ten in the first two days. From the month to the end of the month, the amount of six shifts is maintained, and Jiageng is really powerless.I owe it first, and make it up after the outbreak has passed]

(End of this chapter)

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