
Chapter 458 Thorough Purification

Chapter 458 Thorough Purification (46)

The vampire has been arranged in the Black Feather Mountain for tens of thousands of years, and the chess pieces he put down are definitely more than the Black Tiger Gang. In the Black Feather Mountain, there are many strange rocks. They seem to be naturally formed, polished by wind and sand, and no one can see their abnormality. Over time, people got used to the existence of these strange rocks, but no one knew that those strange rocks were carefully crafted by vampires, and they were placed according to certain rules. They were like the 999 coffins, all It is part of the mysterious formation.

"Hey, boss, the black dog stone at our door seems to have moved."

"Nonsense, that thing has been standing at the door for many years, and we didn't pull it for thousands of people. You can see how heavy that thing is. You must be dazzled."

"No, Master, the black dog's stone is still glistening with blood. It's strange. The brothers are all out to watch the fun, so you should hurry up and have a look."

Sure enough, the huge boulder like a hill at the door was shining with blood-colored light, and as the blood squirmed, the boulder that was originally just like a black dog became lifelike little by little, as if it really became a big black dog, and it was changing. During the process, a strong evil spirit and bloody smell emanated.

"Run away..."

Whether it's the ferocious appearance or the strong evil spirit, it shows that this big black dog is not a good thing. He yelled at the crowd and ran away one after another. Unfortunately, the black dog let out a roar, and the huge sound wave seemed to be real. Spreading around, the sound waves hit them, all of them were torn apart, all the blood in the body was shaken out like juice, and then fell into the body of the black dog, and the black dog jumped into the night, staying in place, leaving only There were messy corpses all over the place, and an unremarkable big rock.

The same scene happened in every corner of Black Feather Mountain. Countless monsters jumped out of the rocks, and then with a loud roar, the surrounding creatures were shocked to death, and then they grabbed blood and disappeared into the night.

Yue Chuan, who was performing the purification technique to purify the power of blood with his avatar, suddenly found that a series of thick blood power came from all directions, and when Yue Chuan was about to intercept, all the blood light that came from the spurs disappeared into the void strangely It disappeared, and immediately, Yue Chuan felt that the blood power, which had been retreating under his purification technique, was joined by a new force, and he counterattacked frantically.

"Damn it, it's so powerful, how can there be such a powerful blood power!"

At this time, a voice appeared in Yue Chuan's mind, it was the vampire laughing wildly, "You humble human being, I didn't expect you to be playing tricks. But it's useless, you can't stop the will of the blood race, this seed of life will immediately die Infected by the power of the blood race, it has completely become a thing of our blood race, hahaha, give up!"

The insolent laughter continued for a while, and the vampire continued: "As early as ten thousand years ago, our vampires have found this place according to the hint of the Dark Lord, and planned. This place is full of sins and villains from your human world, greed, Anger, madness, hatred, lust, killing, all of these are the best nourishment, they can nourish those sinful spirits, and they can even cover up this magical place. Now, these sinful spirits are all mobilized to taste you humans sins!"

When the chances of victory are in their hands, the villains always like to talk nonsense and tell the whole story of their plans.Some people think that these villains are evil, and they give the protagonist time every time to make the protagonist come back.However, this vampire has been in business for tens of thousands of years and has put in countless efforts and painstaking efforts. Now he has finally succeeded. Unfortunately, as the only witness of this matter, it is impossible for Yue Chuan to see the last moment.Regardless of whether the vampire was out of show off or ridicule, he was eager to tell his plan so that Yue Chuan and the others could understand.

Of course, he wanted to see Yue Chuan's angry and crazy expression more.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. Yue Chuan didn't hear what was going on outside the window, and only focused on using the purification technique. Every ten seconds or so, eighteen purification techniques would fall down. The 999 coffins had already been smashed to pieces. It is 999 sinful spirits of various shapes.These sinful spirits are just a group of spiritual thoughts, but after devouring all kinds of negative emotions of human beings, this group of spiritual thoughts grows rapidly, changes and improves, and finally grows into the strange-shaped spirit bodies in front of us.

These spirit bodies are not the stupid dead things like before. They seem to have souls. When the purification technique comes down, they all dodge and dodge. After the purification technique passes, they immediately come back. Although Yue Chuan's purification technique is overbearing , but couldn't hit the target at all, and every time the skills were cooled down, these sinful spirits quickly eroded the life seeds with a burst of blood, and in the blink of an eye, the whole life seeds turned blood red again.

These blood powers seemed to come alive, each of them was so smart, they couldn't get rid of the keyboard and throw away the purification!
But in the next moment, Yue Chuan seemed to think of something. No matter what these evil spirits are, they are spirit bodies after all, and they absorb human negative emotions to grow and improve. That is to say, they have no essence like evil spirits and ghosts. difference.

"If it's a beast, I'm really helpless, but they are soul bodies, hehe!"

The Death-Stealing Soul Book appeared in Yue Chuan's hands instantly, and a cold aura instantly enveloped the surroundings. The Seed of Life felt the breath of the Death-Soul-Stealing Book, and suddenly there was a shivering thought, and many lotus below were also panicked. .However, none of them made an attacking gesture, and none of them had the thought of resisting in front of the Death Stealing Soul Book.

Yue Chuan didn't notice this situation, because all his thoughts were on those sinful spirits. When he turned the pages of the book, the power of the death-stealing book immediately enveloped those sinful spirits, and began the process of stealing souls.

These sinful spirits are all soul-like existences, and they have no resistance at all in front of the book of stealing souls from death. One by one, they are pulled out from the seeds of life by the book of stealing souls from death. The soul-stealing book, like peeling off the cocoon, the blackness in the seed of life quickly faded, and finally disappeared, while the soul-stealing book of death appeared like a mist-like soul body. 999 sinful spirits actually converged into one body, but even if they merged into one, they couldn't resist the power of Death's Soul-Stealing Book, and became a beautiful page in the book.

When taking in these sinful spirits, more than a dozen clones kept using purification techniques, and the blood power that eroded the seeds of life also melted away rapidly, and disappeared after a while.

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(End of this chapter)

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