
Chapter 468 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 468 The Beginning of Chaos (26)

Gradually, some people discovered some clues, that is, people infected with the plague of blood would be afraid of divine power, such as the light magic practiced by the Church of Light in the past, which included some techniques to exorcise evil spirits, and for example, paladins, their Certain powers do particularly significant damage to those infected by the Blood Plague.

For example, the simple holy light bath, which can be displayed by the clergy with a little practice in the Church of Light. Ordinary people will become calm and peaceful after receiving the holy light bath. Therefore, many clergy If there is nothing to do, he will secretly cast this spell on the believers, making the believers feel awe.However, the holy light bathed those infected with the blood plague, like boiling water and burning fire, and this became the way to identify those infected with the blood plague.

As a result, religions became popular, especially some sacred religions, which were able to win the support and belief of ordinary people. Missionaries who originally preached eternal life and omnipotence changed their terms one after another, and words such as sanctuary and sanctity became popular.Even if some religions were notorious in the past, they have gradually been recognized and accepted by the public thanks to one or two spells with divine power.

The Church of Light, which had been languishing due to the failure of the jihad, suddenly revived, and their power grew like a snowball, much stronger than before the jihad. It can be said that the outbreak of the blood plague indirectly contributed to the light. The rise and recovery of the church, as it is now, seems to have the hope of recreating the glory of the Church of Light tens of thousands of years ago.

The second is that the knights that Yue Chuan deliberately cultivated before have grown stronger, because the leaders of these knights are members of the founding guild, and the information they get is the most accurate and fastest, and because of their loyalty to the guild, and the guild's pervasive Monitoring the system, the orders given by Yue Chuan were meticulously executed.In the impact of the blood plague, they stood firm like a mainstay, brought courage and hope to the ordinary people around them, and became their solid backing.

Various other religions, such as Goddess of Nature, Zoroastrianism, etc., also took advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of religious capital, and each of them developed rapidly, but compared with the Church of Light and the Knights under the Guild, no matter in terms of the scale of development or development The speed and stamina of development are far inferior.

As the power of the people increases, the power of the country will inevitably decline, and those countries that were hit hardest during the outbreak of the blood plague were undoubtedly those countries.Whether it is a principality, a kingdom, an empire or even a great empire, they are rapidly changing and decaying amidst the spread of the blood plague.

The infected people on Black Feather Mountain had been hunted down by the armies of various countries. Naturally, they couldn't swallow this breath. After lurking, some strong men began to look for opportunities to assassinate and take revenge.During this process, the enemy will naturally receive defense and counterattack. Even if the assassination is successful, it will also attract more bloody and brutal hunting and hunting by the army.

The hatred between the two sides was like a snowball, piling up and eventually exploding.The fuse of the explosion was because some troops found that some of their own people were also infected with the blood plague. Whether it was to eliminate internal hidden dangers or find an outlet for hatred, these internal "rebels" became their targets .And those people will naturally not sit still.

Thus, the unrest broke out first from the army.The country's armed forces collapsed and scattered, and these countries immediately became turbulent. Many domestic organizations and forces and even ambitious families also appeared. The inside popped out.

Like dominoes, many weak and weak countries disintegrated and perished one after another. Those powerful countries were also like lonely lights in the wind and rain.

The blood plague not only erodes people's bodies, but also erodes people's minds. Unimaginable greed emerges from people's hearts. Before, they never thought that they could achieve these goals, but the blood plague gave them a It is a once-in-a-lifetime or even a golden opportunity, if you don't seize this opportunity, the next time will be hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes later.

Familiar countries one after another have been turned into historical dust, leaving only a name in the history books.These countries did not perish under the invasion of foreign enemies, nor did they perish under the civil strife of their courtiers, but they could not resist the division and planning of countless careerists, and became a feast for division by countless forces.

Knowing the vicissitudes of the situation on the mainland, Yue Chuan could only sigh. The blood plague has developed to such a degree that it has exceeded his imagination. A small vampire can actually stir up a disaster of this magnitude.

What really upset Yue Chuan was that in a series of disasters, many players were also involved. Although these players had all kinds of means to save their lives, casualties were inevitable, which also made "Dungeon and Warriors "The number of players in the game world has dropped sharply, and the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter", which had been showing a growing trend, has rarely appeared and shown a deserted trend.

Because all game characters are bound one-to-one, Yue Chuan can check the real state of the player through the background of the system. If you don’t check it, you don’t know. When you check it, you are shocked. The death toll of the player has exceeded [-]. The owners of more than [-] characters lost signs of life.

Yue Chuan originally wanted to create a happy and peaceful world through the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", a world where everyone struggles and improves together, and a world where they don't participate in intrigues, frauds, and power struggles.But Yue Chuan suddenly discovered that all of this is so fragile in the face of death, as fragile as a praying mantis rolling under a wheel.

The wheel of history is rolling after all. The development track of this world has a predetermined track and inertia. Any force that tries to shake it will be ruthlessly crushed by it.Unless, this force can be so strong that it can be reversed, or even reversed.It's just obvious that the current Yue Chuan doesn't have this ability.

The only consolation is that all the members of the founding guild are safe and sound, which makes Yue Chuan feel a little better. Although he can't protect everyone, at least the people around him are fine.

"Although I am not the savior, this incident happened because of me, and I must be responsible for this incident..."

Inexplicably, Borodin's exhortation appeared in Yue Chuan's mind - to benefit mankind!Humanity!
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(End of this chapter)

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