
Chapter 510 Fighting the No. 4 Demon General

Chapter 510 Battle against the Fourth Demon General

In low-level battles, both sides rely on their eyes to capture the opponent's figure and attack. Even if they go further, they just use listening to distinguish their positions. Generally speaking, they rely on physical induction. Brute force practitioners are the most common, and practitioners of this level also pursue a sharp eye and quick hands.Most people who have cultivated Dou Qi still rely on this method to fight.

In middle-level battles, both sides rely on consciousness and feeling to capture the opponent's figure and avoid the opponent's attack. This level of battle pays attention to combat experience. Many fledgling rookies suffer the most from combat experience and combat awareness. Faced with those old Jianghu who are far less cultivated than them, they will suffer losses and even die repeatedly.

In high-level battles, both parties rely on aura, induction, and consciousness to lock on to each other. The opponent's spirit, energy, and spirit are all in their own locks. Any fancy movements or confusing moves are useless. This level of battle They all point directly at the root and hit the vital point.And Yue Chuan belongs to this level now.

Yue Chuan's opponent is also a strong man of this level. After all, the murderous aura around him can be condensed into substance, which shows that the opponent's control and use of aura must be pure and even superior to his own.Therefore, Yue Chuan didn't use his avatar. Although his avatar was enough to confuse the real one, under the cover of that kind of murderous aura, everything he had was invisible, just like walking in the snow, even if he was invisible, he still had to Leave two lines of footprints.

Similarly, it is impossible for that enemy to use clones in front of Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan is an expert in this field. If he tries to confuse Yue Chuan in this way, he will only bring shame on himself.If he used a fake body like a stand-in straw man, Yue Chuan would be able to distinguish the real from the fake in an instant, and the blade of blood would avoid the scarecrow and directly stab the real body.It's a pity that the substitute he used was not a straw man, but a living person with flesh and blood.

And this also brought an inspiration to Yue Chuan, that's right, use the phantom clone to perform the double body technique, or use a puppet.

"The strength is good, but unfortunately, it is not enough!"

The fourth devil general smiled, a faint blood gleam appeared on his pale face, scarlet blood appeared in a pair of eyes, four sharp fangs protruded from his lips, and the extremely tyrannical blood light centered on him instantly. burst out all around.The blood-red cloak fluttered like a bat's wings, like a blood-colored stormy sea, rolling and howling behind the fourth general.

Bloodlines!It turned out to be blood.

It's just that the blood clan in front of me is much stronger than the blood clan in the seed of life. If Yue Chuan's strength had not improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time, when facing the fourth magic general, let alone forcing out the fourth magic general's substitute, he would even Like a moth flying into a flame, he was captured and killed by the fourth magic general.

It's just that no matter Yue Chuan or Lao Long, they don't have the heart to talk nonsense with the fourth demon general. The power of Yuehua has gradually become stronger, and the three of them have already felt the kind of coldness from the bottom of their hearts. Under the power of that kind of coldness, The blood in his whole body slowed down, and his thinking even showed signs of rigidity.The hair of the most severely affected elf patriarch has even formed icicles.

Seeing this scene, the Fourth Demon General couldn't help but smile, "Sure enough, he is a visitor from another world? I didn't expect that I have searched the Demon Continent for many years but failed to find the way to the God Continent, but this method has been mastered by you. "

Fiery light appeared in the eyes of the fourth magician.Unlike the humans in the Continent of Gods who are so ignorant of the age of gods and demons, because of the respect and obedience of the demons in the Continent of Gods, many races have been passed down from that era, and many documents have been completely preserved. Therefore, they Everyone knows the existence of the God's Continent, and also knows that the God's Continent and the Demon's Continent are two worlds of one body.

All races in the Demon Continent are tirelessly looking for passages to other worlds, and they have indeed discovered many other worlds, but after tens of thousands of years, they have not found a passage to the God's Continent.Of course, it is also possible that certain races or forces discovered it, but kept it secret.

A long time ago, the researchers of the Demon Continent made a conclusion that the God Continent and the Demon Continent are one, so the Demon Continent can lead to any world, but it cannot lead to the God Continent alone. It's like a person can lift any object, but he can't lift himself alone.And once this theory was put forward, it was recognized by countless scholars and researchers in the Continent of Demons, and the upsurge in searching for the Continent of Gods gradually subsided.

Originally, his subordinates reported that they had captured an elf family, which was likely to be a visitor from the Continent of Gods. The Fourth Demon General was a little skeptical, but seeing the reaction of Yue Chuan and others, all doubts in his heart disappeared.That's right, this is indeed a creature from the mainland of China, there is absolutely no mistake!
To catch them, you must find out how they came from, and this kind of passage must be mastered.No no, there is no need to ask, what I am best at is the art of searching for souls, as long as I capture them, all the secrets will be revealed at a glance.

Originally, the Fourth Demon General was not in a hurry, but after understanding the origins of Yue Chuan and others, he also became anxious. After all, once shattered by the power of Yuehua, even the soul fragments will no longer exist, and will disappear completely in the world. No matter how superb the soul searching technique is, there is no use for it.

They must be captured alive, at the fastest speed!

The fourth magic general is in a hurry.If these three people are wiped out by the power of Yuehua, the news of God's Continent will be lost in the dust of history again, and I may not be able to find it in my whole life.Originally, the Fourth Demon General only thought about how to torture and kill Yue Chuan and others, but now, the Fourth Demon General focused on how to capture Yue Chuan alive, preferably before the power of Yuehua wiped them out.

At this time, the old dragon swung his huge axe, and the human axe rushed forward like a gust of wind, sweeping towards him in an instant.

This time, the Fourth Demon General didn't dodge, let alone use a substitute, but fought head-on with the old dragon.Because he was also extremely anxious in his heart, wishing he could slap the old dragon until he couldn't stand up again.

The blood-colored cloak behind him rattled, and turned into a big blood-colored hand facing under the hood. The cloth-like cloak collided with the old dragon's giant axe. Instead of crackling and cracking, it made a metal-iron clang. There was a sound, and immediately, a palm was slapped strangely from the blood wave rolled up by the cloak, and it was slapping on the wrist of the old dragon holding the weapon.


The old dragon was actually defeated, and his extremely tyrannical body was interrupted by the light palm of this blood clan.

[Thank you, why bother to say.Reward "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you so much】

(End of this chapter)

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