
Chapter 524

Chapter 524
In the past, the conscription in various countries was to test their physical fitness. If they had the cultivation base, they could be said to be in high demand at the conscription office. In the army, they could basically be a corps leader or something.But the conscription of the Great Qin State is different, and they can't tell what the difference is. In short, they think it is very high-end and high-end.

The assessment of this conscription is Audrey He copied the contents of the Heaven Realm. The Celestial Realm has been in war all year round, and almost all the people are soldiers. They attach great importance to military affairs, and conscription is the basis of army building. Naturally, a set of scientific screening methods has been summed up. Arms choose different talents.

The conscription assessment on the mainland is still only at the level of lifting big stones. In addition to measurements such as height and weight, the assessment of the Great Qin Kingdom also includes tests such as [-]-meter speed, grip strength and thrust, and even psychological tests.For those veterans, things like combat assessment, tactical assessment, battlefield simulation and deduction have been added.These are more than enough to select generals, but now they are only used to select soldiers, and they are recruits. There is no comparison between the two.

Every qualified soldier has registered a file information, it is worth mentioning that there are photos on this file information.Of course, this photo was not taken by a camera, but an image left by magic. Although it is not high-definition, it has color and is highly recognizable.

This practice is just that Audrey He has continued the habit of the heavens, and Yue Chuan also agrees with this habit. It is already a requirement for all countries on the earth to have a photo on the certificate.But for those enlisted soldiers, this move made them very excited, especially those veterans. They clearly felt that they were valued and valued. They were living soldiers, not sent out. The big knife is the cannon fodder for fighting on the battlefield.

In the past, many countries issued identity cards to soldiers, but most of them were metal plates with names engraved on them, and some didn't even have names.Therefore, when those soldiers held the file information with clear photos of themselves, they felt a sense of happiness. Although they had not really entered the Great Qin Kingdom, they had already developed a deep sense of identity and belonging to this country.

"It turns out that I am 179 centimeters tall. I have never measured my height. I have grown taller again."

"75 kilograms? How does this kilogram compare with our country's jin? Oh, I'm 150 kilograms, and I gained so much weight without knowing it. It seems that I can't continue to be decadent and depressed."

"So I'm so handsome, I don't look so good in the mirror, tsk tsk, why don't I have a wife?"

"Because you are too dark."


"And it's too short."


On the mainland, the idea of ​​"good iron doesn't make nails, and good men don't serve as soldiers" is still very strong. Except for those families or families with military meritorious deeds, they don't think that being a soldier is something to honor their ancestors.And because of the inconvenient transportation on the mainland, once enlisted in the army, it means being separated from the family. Even if you don't die in battle, you will not be able to return home for ten, eight, or even your whole life. For the family, it is no different from death.

Therefore, except for some wandering soldiers, very few young and strong people applied for the recruitment. After all, even if there is a teleportation array, the Great Qin Kingdom is still very far away for them. Who knows what will happen there.Moreover, the Great Qin Kingdom is close to Heiyu Mountain, surrounded by many fallen people, so it is not safe no matter how you look at it.And those old and weak who are purely for the purpose of dawdling are also ruthlessly rejected. Coupled with the ridiculously high elimination rate at each conscription point, although there are many applicants, very few are actually admitted. The elimination rate was almost one in a hundred.

Many city-states who were originally worried about the turmoil in the mainland caused by the crazy expansion of the Great Qin State finally felt relieved. Although the Great Qin State recruited soldiers from the entire continent, the threshold for conscription is unimaginably high. If this momentum continues, it is thankful to be able to recruit 10 people , Moreover, just one conscription is so complicated, wouldn't the cost of training be higher, the casual death of such an elite soldier will make the heart of the Great Qin State hurt.

Many city-states have gradually become supportive from the initial resistance and guard. They worked hard to help the Great Qin State to promote conscription, and even introduced some talented people in the city-state who were not in tune with them to the conscription office. Add pressure to Great Qin.In their minds, the cost of training soldiers in the Great Qin Kingdom must be frighteningly high. If there are too many troops in the Great Qin Kingdom, it will inevitably increase the financial burden and cause the country to collapse.

Although the Great Qin State is currently the only country on the mainland, this country is too small. Some medium-sized city-states are larger than the Great Qin State. The small territory naturally means that the population is sparse and the products are barren. Although the Qin State can be regarded as rich, but it has increased so many soldiers at once, even if it does not collapse, it will take several years to breathe.

With the "help" of various city-states, the number of people in the conscription office suddenly increased, and the corresponding number of recruits also increased. The Great Qin Kingdom also quickly discovered this, and after a little understanding, they can understand the thoughts of these city-states, but , both Yue Chuan and Audrey He secretly laughed, because the quality of these soldiers is really nothing to say.

Moreover, these city-states really underestimated the financial power of the Great Qin Kingdom. Not to mention the treasures of Borodin that Yue Chuan obtained, the huge wealth brought by the creation of the bank jointly established with the Golden Apple family is beyond their imagination. Almost using the financial resources of the entire continent to support the soldiers of a country, even if it is several times more, it doesn't matter.It's just that there are too few soldiers who can meet the recruitment standards of the Great Qin State.

The conscription is still going on, but the first batch of soldiers who have been recruited have been gathered in the teleportation array and came to the Great Qin Kingdom.

There were a total of 15 recruits, of which less than 3 were added to the infantry and cavalry. The remaining 12 recruits were all recruited Musketeers. This conscription can be said to be dedicated to recruiting Musketeers.

The qualities of these 12 recruits are in line with the standards of the heavens, just like the phrase "this man is a natural sniper", some people's physical qualities are simply born for a certain profession, although they have never They have been exposed to ammunition and firearms, but these things will soon awaken their talents deep in their bodies, and continue to tap their potential in firearms.

For Great Qin, strength is not the most important thing. As long as you enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", everyone's strength can be improved rapidly. As long as you work hard, everyone can rise to level 50.But if you want to break through level 50 and complete the awakening task, you can't do it by hard work alone, you must have talent and aptitude.

The goal of Yue Chuan and Audrey He is to train these 12 people to become berserkers, generals, mechanical war gods, and gun gods.

This goal cannot be accomplished in a day or two. Yue Chuan asked about it, and left all these to Audrey He, while he cared about the ranking list. It's the end of the month, and the list will finally be revealed.

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[Thank you Yo Sang 々 Lu Zai for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Yo Sang 々 Lu Tsai Happy Mid-Autumn Festival]

[Thanks to the initiator for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival]

[Thanks to Vice for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins! Vice Happy Mid-Autumn Festival】

I wish all brothers and sisters a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy games, happy reading, and happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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