
Chapter 595

Chapter 595
Who gave you the courage to compete with a berserker who was full of status by the uncle and then drove away?

Peak Wuji smiled contemptuously.Although I was alone, there was a paladin standing behind me. The greatness of the paladin was definitely beyond everyone's imagination.Like now.

A man holding a black ice spear waved his spear in a circle, and the gust of wind formed an ice barrier in front of him like an embroidered brocade, and then the man rushed forward, and the ice barrier also hit the peak of Wuji go.

Peak Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, the icy wall made him feel a sense of danger, this man with the gun was more than 01:30 points better than the old guy before.The power in his hands has reached the extreme of rigidity, and it has changed to a soft direction. After all, the long spears made by Xuanbing can be shaken to dance out of spears, and even a wall is woven with spears. This is absolutely amazing. marvel.

"Why do you weave a wall? Why don't you concentrate all your sharpness on the tip of the spear to attack? The profound meaning of softness makes you forget to attack. You don't even know how terrifying the peak of Gang is!"

The blade of blood!
The turbulent blood energy poured into the Xuanbing sword instantly, and the Xuanbing sword was as bright as crystal, and the flow of blood energy was clearly displayed in everyone's eyes, but they didn't know what Peak Wuji was going to do, and when they saw Peak Wuji holding the sword Hitting the icy wall, everyone burst into laughter.

This gun-wielding man has the title of Gun King outside. A long spear has broken the throats of countless heroes. When the spear shakes, it is a spectacular scene of thousands of trees and pear blossoms. After several years of cultivation in Icewind Valley, even more It is the pear flower that has been extended into the wind and snow, making it impossible to distinguish whether it is a gun flower or a snowflake.

No one dared to face the gun king, because those people were all dead!
Just as people imagined, the icy wall drawn by the tip of the gun changed instantly, the wall disappeared and turned into a sky full of snow, but each snowflake was a sharp tip of a gun, containing a deadly and dangerous tip, but These murderous intentions are all hidden in the endless wind and snow, making it impossible to distinguish, let alone avoid.

Puff puff!
One inch long and one inch stronger, the attack range of a gun is much wider than that of a sword, before the bloody blade touches the gun king, the shoulders, throat, eyebrows, chest, etc. of Wuji peak flashed bright light, and the sound of clanging collisions was endless, If it was someone else, they would definitely be smashed into a sieve by the gun king at this time, but when the tip of the gun was close to the body, a transparent eggshell-like mask appeared on Wuji Peak's body, and the tip of the gun pierced the eggshell, unable to penetrate even an inch. , It didn't cause any damage to Wuji Peak at all.

The sound of stabbing was endless, and the mask on Wuji Peak's body also flashed and trembled rapidly, and finally exploded with a bang, but at this time, Wuji Peak's bloody blade also stabbed in front of the spear king.

not good!

The gun king's expression changed in horror.Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the weapon to kill the opponent in advance, but he didn't expect that the enemy had a shield, and his own attacks were all in vain. Instead, the opponent's attack was about to come.The majestic power in the bloody blade made the spear king feel terrified, and he didn't dare to fight hard. The spear hit Wuji Peak's body, and he bounced himself backward with the help of soft strength.

Even if the blade of blood energy did not stab the enemy, it exploded with a bang. The tyrannical explosion force swept across a range of more than ten meters around. The ice and snow on the ground were instantly evaporated, and all the rocks were blown into powder. There was a roar in his ears, and he stepped back involuntarily.

Although the gun king saw the opportunity and retreated in time, he was still affected by the explosion of the blade of blood. All the clothes on his thighs and calves were torn, and all the iron-like muscles on his legs were torn, hanging one by one. His thighbone was broken in two, with only a few large tendons connected. Although it was not broken, under the severe cold of Icewind Dale, this leg would definitely not be able to survive.

However, the injury of the Gun King created an opportunity for the other two. The trick of freezing the mausoleum is almost the signature of ice magicians, but it cannot be denied that this trick is unsolvable.It is not only its own mausoleum, which perfectly protects itself, but also the enemy's mausoleum, which completely buries the enemy.

Six ice edges protruded from Wuji Peak in all directions. The angles and positions of these six ice edges were so ingenious that there was no room for Wuji Peak to dodge. The six ice edges collided and occluded instantly, forming a huge ice coffin. The Promise Peak sealed off the town.

No matter how high the defense and vitality of Wuji Peak, it is useless, because the frozen tomb does not attack him or kill him, but just seals him here, making him unable to move, let alone resist.In the special terrain of Icewind Dale, the power of the Frozen Tomb is infinitely enhanced, and its duration is almost permanent.

Peak Wuji is equivalent to being buried alive. Although he is alive, it is as if he is dead.In this state, it is easy for the enemy to kill him!
When Yue Chuan saw the move of the Frozen Tomb, he already cursed in his heart, because he had encountered this move when he was in Starn City, and he absolutely hated the Frozen Tomb.Yue Chuan has experienced this trick, so he naturally knows that after being sealed by the frozen tomb, he is a turtle in a urn and can only be slaughtered.

The frozen mausoleum requires a spell-casting process. Although this process is very short, it is not impossible, and this gives the enemy a chance to defend.Moreover, the temperature will change during the casting process. The position of the ice edges that make up the mausoleum is fixed. As long as it senses the temperature change and avoids that area, the frozen mausoleum can only fail.

But just now Peak Wuji confronted the gun king with all his heart, and didn't notice the frozen tomb.Moreover, the weather in Icewind Dale is so cold that it is impossible to judge the location of the ice edge, so it is impossible to defend against it.

Peak Wuji fell, and he didn't have any temper at all.

When the residents of Icewind Valley cheered and wanted to kill Wuji Peak, a circle of black light appeared around the frozen tomb. At first, it was just strands of black light, but it became rich and bright in the blink of an eye. The night came early.

Annihilate the black hole!

The infinite suction is centered on the peak of Wuji, spreading rapidly to the surroundings, a black hole appears, and expands rapidly, the tyrannical suction force covers the entire mountain, and while rotating, it swallows everything it touches to an unknown place .

The cold wind in Icewind Dale calmed down at this moment, because it had been swallowed by the black hole, and together with the wind and snow mixed with it, all disappeared into the black hole.The ice and snow on the ground also sank into the black hole one after another, and the tyrannical suction force even enveloped the residents of Icewind Dale and pulled them into the black hole.


A person flew up suddenly, and the person next to him saw the opportunity quickly, grabbed his ankle, and was pulled down, but the mysterious ice weapon in the person's hand flew into the black hole, and then everyone knew clearly Hearing a crackling sound, the mysterious ice weapon instantly shattered.

What would happen if a person was sucked in?

Thinking of this, everyone tried their best to resist the suction, and tried their best to escape from the black hole.As for beating the dog in the water and killing the peak of Wuji, leave this kind of thing to others.

However, the suction force of the black hole is too strong. Although they try their best to move outward, their bodies are always drifting towards the center of the black hole involuntarily.Just when people couldn't hold back and were about to be blown away by the black hole, they just heard a soft shout - stop!
Like ice springs washing jade, clear and exquisite.

[Thank you, Meow~ for rewarding "Creation" with 1888 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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