
Chapter 721 Dracula's Plan

Chapter 721 Dracula's Plan
Lord Dracula said slowly: "Because of the king's ambition, he wants to subdue all the lords in the clan, conquer all other races, be the emperor of the blood clan, and be the master of the demon continent. He has this ability and heart, I Naturally, I spare no effort to support him. Although I am his uncle, the age difference between me and him is only more than 1000 years. It can be said that we grew up together and love brothers. For him, I am willing to be mediocre, willing to defile myself, and willing to be buried Everything about myself."

When Lord Dracula said "the age difference is only more than 1000 years", just like people usually say "the difference is only one or two years", 1000 years is too insignificant to them, and 1000 years to Chutian It is said that it is almost as long as the eighteen generations of the ancestors.Therefore, he couldn't understand, let alone imagine why Lord Dracula did all this.

"This plan is in full swing, with multiple directions going hand in hand. Your family is only one link in all the plans. This link is the Demon Slayer Organization. No matter who masters the Demon Continent, they will inevitably face the Demon Slayer. So, we have arranged this from the very beginning.”

Chu Tian's eyes dimmed. He had already guessed a possibility, but he did not want to believe it. Hearing the Lord's words now, all his self-confidence and pride were blown to pieces.

"Human beings are fundamentally different from our blood race. It is impossible for us to send blood races to infiltrate demons, and it is impossible to train human dead soldiers to sneak into demons. After all, human beings hardly have any strong people except demons. Moreover, human lifespan is too short. We didn’t get any results from our investment. So, we came up with a way to let Executioner come to find us.”

Chutian knew that his ancestors were discovered by Lord Dracula under such circumstances, and he didn't know whether it was his ancestors' luck or sorrow.

"Your ancestor was very talented. When I saw him for the first time, he sat cross-legged on a sheepskin and played to passers-by in exchange for money for meals and drinks. His appearance was beautiful, and the sound of the piano was also beautiful. No one had the heart to bully him, expel him, and mutilate him, and even the blood soldiers on patrol specially warned the local hooligans and beggars."

Lord Dracula's body shook slightly.

"If I wasn't a vampire, a lord, and it wasn't for the king's plan, I might become friends with your ancestor, a real friend, because he is a person who really understands music. It's a pity that one of his legs was broken , his left hand is gone, and there are only three fingers left on his right hand, otherwise, he must be a famous person in the mainland, instead of being reduced to begging on the streets."

Lord Dracula was very angry. It could be seen that he was really angry, because Chutian felt a terrifying momentum, a pressure that suffocated him.Fortunately, this pressure was fleeting, allowing Chu Tian to breathe greedily.

"I took him back and used the best medicine to heal his hands and feet, but no medicine or magic was effective. I asked about his past, but he remained silent. I also tried to find out his origin, but there was nothing. Maybe it's because our blood race pays too little attention to and monitors humans, so we can't find anything, he is like a person who appeared out of nowhere, I wanted to deal with those who hurt him severely, but unfortunately I couldn't do so."

Chu Tian carefully recalled his elders, and it seemed that there was nothing but rhythm. His father taught him to read and write, to distinguish rhythm, to play music, and even told him about killing demons. Only he didn't mention his ancestors to himself, and he also learned about his family's prominent past from other places.But I don't know my father's name, my grandfather's name... maybe they don't have names at all.

"Then, your ancestor married a woman, a human woman, and gave birth to a son. He lived here for 36 years and passed away. Then your family has been passed down from generation to generation. It is strange that in your blood His talent and talent are all flowing, you are born to be outstanding musicians, originally I didn't plan to use his descendants to carry out this plan, but your fame and talent can't be covered, and eventually spread it."

"Everyone knows that there is another outstanding musician in my family. Everyone says that the music he plays is the sound of nature. The dedication and pursuit of art by the blood race is very incredible, so people often come here admiringly. Your family has gradually become musicians. Although I have never called you that, everyone thinks so. Then someone proposed to exchange the city for your ancestors. That guy was the one the king wanted to repair, and his request It really offended me, so I gave him a hard lesson, and this incident also promoted your family's reputation to an incredible height. Later..."

One can imagine what happened later, if Zhu Mo hadn't noticed Chu Tian's ancestors in this situation, then his reputation would be in vain.The method of exterminating demons is indeed very clever, and it can even avoid Lord Dracula's access to Chu Tian's ancestors. Of course, this may also be the result of Lord Dracula's deliberate connivance, after all, he is happy to see this kind of thing happen.

"Then, your ancestors became demon slayers. They communicated with outsiders through the rhythm and delivered some top-secret news. Most of the demon slaying powers are at the bottom, and they rarely reach the middle. The high-level is almost out of their reach and your family is an exception, because every time you perform, the target is the high-level blood clan, and even the big figures of other clans. Their names and origins are top-secret information, and every word they say Can deduce astonishing top-secret information, and these are what the demons are eager for."

Chu Tian felt a bone-chilling chill. It turned out that none of this escaped the Lord Lord's eyes. It was ridiculous that he was always proud of his actions. It turned out that...

"This is my plan. There are two sides to everything. Executioner used to belong to the absolute grassroots. He was full of absolute hatred and hostility towards the nobles. Their style of behavior is to risk their lives. And through you, I got the top secret about the high-level nobles. After the news, Demon Killing also began to change. They began to understand the nobles, what they could tolerate, and what would touch the bottom line of the nobles. They inevitably began to cater to the nobles, and that kind of desperate and reckless things became more and more serious. Fewer and fewer, Zhumo began to think about how to get benefits for himself. In a word, their thoughts have been awakened, their tastes have improved, they no longer have to risk their lives, their safety is guaranteed, and they have begun to know how to think about life and pay attention to enjoyment. "

Chutian's heart felt cold, his eyes were closed tightly, but he still couldn't stop the surging tears.He has always hated the qualitative change and cold-bloodedness of killing demons, but he didn't know that all this was the bitter fruit caused by himself and his ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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