
Chapter 727 Open Level Cap

Chapter 727 Open Level Cap

The way to get out of the town is not difficult. First, you must reach the full level, which is currently level 60. After that, if you increase the upper limit of the level, you will follow the new level.Secondly, one must obtain the highest honorary title of the Arad continent and be recognized by the entire continent.

The highest honor title?Could it be the Immortal King?
Yue Chuan was about to take out his title of Borodin, but he heard Celia say, "It's the Dragon Slayer Warrior!"

Dragon Slayer Warrior, this is definitely a supreme and powerful title. After all, the dragon race has always been a symbol of power. It is the highest honor title.

Yue Chuan wondered, "I have already slaughtered dragons, and I have slaughtered them several times, why didn't I get this title?"

Celia seemed to be inquiring about something, and then replied: "If you kill a dragon, you can become a dragon slaying warrior. There is an essential difference between killing a young dragon and killing a giant dragon. How can they be confused? Adventurers need What I got was a dragon slaying warrior, only in this way can the reputation of an adventurer be spread throughout the continent and be recognized by the continent."

"Okay, just tell me who to kill!"

"There are three giant dragons in the continent of Arad, namely the mad dragon Hess, the evil dragon Spitz, and the ice dragon Scarsa. The first two of them have been beheaded or sealed by other powerhouses. Sa proves himself."

"I've killed it a dozen times already."

"Then what proof do you have? There is no evidence for what you say, you have to come up with something."

Uh... This time Yue Chuan was stunned. Indeed, even if he really killed him, how could he convince outsiders?Suddenly, Yue Chuan remembered the system prompt after killing the abyss lord Sisaka, asking whether to obtain the tentacles of the ice dragon. At that time, in order to maintain the integrity of the ice dragon's body, he chose no. It turns out that this is the key.

"Although Scassa is not the most powerful dragon clan, if it is defeated, it is enough to show that the adventurer is capable of coping with many difficulties, and we can rest assured that the adventurer will leave the town and explore the unknown outside world. At the same time, only becoming Dragon-slaying warriors are qualified to challenge a stronger self and enter other worlds."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan immediately figured out the implication, and asked, "If you kill the ancestor of the dragon clan, the tyrannosaurus king Bakar, what kind of honor will you get?"

Celia smiled sweetly, and said with a smile in her beautiful eyes: "Secret."

Leaving aside the matter of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar for the time being, Celia has actually revealed a problem to Yue Chuan, that is, only dragon slaying warriors can challenge a stronger self and enter other worlds.This already implies that the dragon slayer is the key to raising the upper limit of the level, and it is also a necessary honor to enter the dungeon of the heaven.

Just imagine, the heavens are raging with war, and the queens are all hijacked. They need reinforcements, but not everyone needs them. Only the strongest and most elite adventurers can be favored. That is to say, only those who have won the honor of dragon warriors can Only those who are recognized by the heavens are eligible to enter the heavens. As for those who are not strong enough, entering the heavens will cause more trouble than help.

It seems a bit cruel to say this, those players with insufficient strength are not qualified to enter the heaven, and cannot appreciate the more colorful world.But this kind of setting is not different from the real world. No matter how hard some people study and practice, they can't generate fighting spirit or condense magic power after all, and can only be ordinary people for a lifetime.Some people are stuck in front of the sanctuary gate, and they can't move forward even after their lifespan is exhausted. Some people are stuck at the peak of the sanctuary, and they can't touch the god's domain that is so close.

There is a thin line between heaven and man, and this is the cruelty of the road of cultivation. The road of pursuing strength is always survival of the fittest, strength comes first, and the strongest is king.A person with strength can sweep all major dungeons, while a person without strength will be stuck in a low-level dungeon all his life, unable to advance.

However, the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" has one advantage, that is, it points out the way forward for all players, and every dungeon has skills, as long as they refuse to study or work hard, there is absolutely no reason why they can't get through.As long as you struggle in this world, you will always have a chance to stand out. The difficulty of Dragon Slaying Warrior is indeed abnormal. Even Yue Chuan was lucky enough to pass dozens of resurrection coins.

But having said that, Skasa is a stumbling block on the road of cultivation, and it just turns the invisible bottleneck into a tangible enemy.Although Scassa is perverted, everyone can deal with it one by one after figuring out its routine. .

On the contrary, it is how to break through the bottleneck in the real world. All the strong people have different answers, but most of them are "enlightenment", and they are still at a loss in the end.In the final analysis, there is a way to practice in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", but there is no trace of practice in the real world. Compared with it, the practice in the real world is more cruel.

Hearing the news from Sai Lia, Yue Chuan immediately rushed into the Ice Dragon Abyss without stopping. In the past, the abyss lord Scarsa would cause him some small troubles, but with the combat experience in the Demon Continent, it would be easy to deal with Scarsa. , Yue Chuan didn't take any medicine, and directly brought down Scasa.

"Whether to get the tentacles of the ice dragon."

Yue Chuan chose yes, and then under the guidance of the system, he cut off the huge tentacles on the top of the ice dragon's head, and then a quest item appeared in Yue Chuan's backpack. Tentacles are the symbol of dragon slaying, adventurer, your name will be sung by the continent of Arad, you are a true warrior.

Then, Yue Chuan hastily cleaned up the tatters on the ground, and returned to the town without stopping to look for Sailia.

The tentacles of the ice dragon that Yue Chuan chopped off were several meters long, but what appeared in Celia's hands was like a chopstick, not only short but also thin, which made Yue Chuan wonder if it was Monkey King's golden cudgel.

Celia carefully observed the tentacles, her white fingers stroked the veins on the tentacles, and as a ray of light passed by, the tentacles turned into a pile of powder and drifted with the wind as if they were weathered, and the crystal rays of light were swept away by Sailia. Leah extracted it and floated on her fingertips, and then the ray of light sprinkled on Yue Chuan's body, turning into a shining golden light, covering Yue Chuan's whole body.

A wonderful feeling rose up, like opening a closed door, and Yue Chuan felt a brand new realm.As the light faded, Yue Chuan found that his previously sealed experience slot had been opened again, and his experience progress had become 0%. Yue Chuan naturally understood what this meant.

"Congratulations, player Yue Chuan has won the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior!"

The system simply congratulated, and did not promote the benefits of dragon slaying warriors, but many careful people have already found out that the experience value next to Yue Chuan's level has changed from 0/0 to 0% when querying Yue Chuan's information. Soon someone understood what this subtle change meant, and they also guessed that this change was closely related to the Dragon Slaying Warrior.

[Thanks to Vice for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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