
Chapter 730 The Sky Set Appears

Chapter 730 The Sky Set Appears

There is no abyss in the alien world on the earth. The king level is above the hell level, but it only increases the demand for anti-magic value and thickens the blood volume and defense of monsters. There is no essential difference from the king level.The abyss is a qualitative change, and Yue Chuan discovered that many abysses are closely connected with the background of the game world. If ordinary dungeons are only a place for players to practice, then the abyss involves a part of the history of this world and involves this world. secret.

Especially the first abyss of each dungeon is very special. After being cleared once, the subsequent abyss will become weak and monotonous.

According to Yue Chuan's personality, he must go to the abyss alone.This can be regarded as a habit developed on the earth. Normal maps can be swiped together, but abyss is definitely swiped alone. Anyone who encounters such a thing as grabbing equipment will be a pain.

Before crossing, there is a period of time when you can get 3 fatigue at the south gate of Cargent. After entering, you only need 3 fatigue to pass the level. Through this method, you can quickly accumulate abyss breath and encounter random abysses, so during that time, countless people frantically brushed this The purpose of the three tired south gates is to pursue all kinds of epic equipment. This is also the only abyss feast for refugees and civilians. In the era when 3 soul balls were exchanged for Wuying, many civilians gathered soul balls through this method. (Many maps now have only two or three maps after receiving the main mission. Those main missions are marked that they can only be completed alone and cannot be abandoned in the dungeon. It is because of this incident)
Yue Chuan was also one of them. At that time, he was forming a team of passers-by. In the team, one sword soul was summoned by one. wishes.But no one expected that a Yilong Sword would actually come out, Yue Chuan didn't go to snatch it, but instead summoned him to snatch it, the reason was to show the ghost swordsmen in the class, so as to arouse hatred.Faced with this kind of thing, Sword Soul could only hehe, and then went offline. Yue Chuan added that person as a friend, ready to enlighten him, but unfortunately until version 85, he saw that Sword Soul was still level 60.

It is said that DNF has become a stand-alone game, but who knows the bitterness of forming a team? It is not that everyone is willing to stand-alone, but not forced to stand-alone. When forming a team, there will be too many sad things that make people delete the game.This is also the reason why Yue Chuan has always been in a stand-alone state. He is used to it, and he can't change it.

Fortunately, the foreign world dungeon requires four people to enter in a team, so Yue Chuan called the other people. Fortunately, he did so, otherwise the abyss of the Goblin Kingdom would definitely leave him with a painful lesson, and even his whole life. sorry.

The abyss opened, and there was no familiar breath of ice or flames. There were only gloomy dark clouds, howling cold wind, and the whimpering of cold wind, and the rush of horseshoes could be heard. A dense fog floated in the distance, accompanied by The rapid horseshoes roared and the thunder shook, and the majestic momentum was filled with a sense of shock. Yue Chuan and the others took a few steps back carefully, preparing to observe the situation.

The dense fog instantly thinned, and some things were faintly seen in front of them. When Yue Chuan and others saw those things clearly, they couldn't help opening their mouths in horror.

Goblins, goblins all over the mountains, goblin infantry, goblin archers, goblin throwers, and even goblin magicians, there are roughly tens of thousands of them, and the crowds surrounded by them , naturally Goblin King Gog sitting on the chariot.

It's just that Gao Ge didn't look domineering at this time. On the contrary, he was in a panic, because he was running for his life, and tens of thousands of goblins all ran away with their heads in their arms, throwing away their armor and armor.

Behind the goblin army is a line of neatly formed cavalry, black horses, black armor, no reflective blades, the whole body is completely black, rendering them like dark clouds, rolling in and rolling away, but Has the power of thunder.

and many more……

Yue Chuan suddenly felt that those cavalrymen looked familiar, especially the hideous grimace on their chests. Others also saw something. That's right, it was the sky suit that appeared in the shopping mall, the abyss of the ghost swordsman's sky suit. Knight suit (Ghost Swordsman Tian 2).

Yue Chuan seemed to understand something, and then he was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. This, this, this... this luck is so fucking bad, the sky set was born just now, and it happened here. It turns out that the sky set can also be obtained through this method .But in the next moment, Yue Chuan felt a sense of decadence, because he knew that this kind of luck had nothing to do with him, but the relationship with the face fighter beside him, Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking bitterly, what a good cabbage.

The goblin army was defeated by the cavalry, and there were goblin corpses all over the place. Gao Ge left his people behind and rushed into the forest with a few cronies. Because of the terrain, the cavalry Had to give up the hunt.

Yue Chuan has been wondering, how can the Goblin Kingdom be a kingdom, how come there are only dozens of monsters in total, Gao Ge, the Goblin King, is too miserable.However, seeing the scene in front of him, Yue Chuan instantly felt relieved. Gao Ge was indeed in a bad situation. He escaped into the woods after being chased and killed, and Abyss only had a few cronies.

To Yue Chuan's disbelief, the cavalry, counting the leader, was only nineteen, nineteen, and they killed tens of thousands of goblins and ran away with their heads in their arms. Gao Ge and a few defeated soldiers tortured countless adventurers. Over and over again, even those veterans still have to pay resurrection coins.What is the origin of these cavalrymen, and why are they chasing and killing Goge.

At this time, Yue Chuan and the others felt an extremely fierce murderous intent projected from a distance, and everyone felt as if they were falling into an ice cellar. They could even hear the sound of their heart stopping and their blood freezing into ice.


It seemed that the whole person was frozen to pieces, but in the next moment everyone realized that this was just an illusion, and everything was an illusion produced by the influence and oppression of their own minds.

"It was discovered!" Chihiro Weimei whispered.

Yue Chuan sighed, and said, "Don't think about running away, they are the opponents of the abyss this time."

Everyone's eyes widened, and there were ten thousand mud horses galloping away in their hearts at the same time.Isn't this cheating? Goblin King Gaoge and tens of thousands of younger brothers were beaten up by them. The four of them are not even qualified to deliver food.

Yue Chuan's heart is also heavy. According to the system, the sky suits are the battle armor or robes of god-level powerhouses. In other words, the original owners of the sky suits in the game world are god-level powerhouses. God-level powerhouses have no chance of winning at all. Moreover, there are still nineteen on the opposite side, and there are only four on my side.


[Who is this set of sky for?Everyone guess.This chapter is Chapter 2 of the four chapters owed. 】

(End of this chapter)

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