
Chapter 734 There is no third trick

Chapter 734 No Third Move

Has Leng Shangqing been discovered?Yue Chuan was confused, could this be the difference between a top student and a bad student?I am still confused until now, Leng Shangqing already knows the answer, and what is even more speechless is to verify it from myself, is this the suppression of IQ.

Yue Chuan remembered a joke about a scumbag and a scumbag who got 100 points in the exam at the same time. And the test of one hundred by oneself is the result of only one hundred in the test paper.

Some people's world is something others will never be able to understand, and Leng Shangqing is such a person.

Leng Shangqing stood opposite the Abyss Knight, holding the Scorching Sun Judgment, the scorching sun rolled and entangled like a flame, covering Leng Shangqing's whole body. Under the protection of the Scorching Sun Judgment, the Abyss Knight wanted to chop the ground where he was with a sword. Time and space can only become a luxury.

"You can't dodge this sword."

Leng Shangqing smiled, "You can't hide, but it doesn't mean you can't stop it, let's make a move!"

The abyss knight was taken aback for a moment, a smile appeared on his mask-covered face, and he said slowly, "Not bad!"

He nodded in satisfaction, and then he slashed out with a sword, the fierce sword energy and dignified sword force instantly enveloped Leng Shang's feelings.

It's useless to hide, because the sword of the abyss knight is as huge as the sky, just like the sky is falling, it's useless where you hide.Blocking is not enough, Yue Chuan has already proved this with his cannon fodder behavior, the Abyss Knight's attack power is enough to kill him instantly, and the weapons of both sides do not need to touch at all, the sword energy and sword momentum alone are enough.

Unless, like Qianxun Weimei, she props up the light and turns the whole world into her own aura.It's a pity that Leng Shangqing hasn't cultivated to this level yet, doesn't have this ability, and he hasn't touched the power of rules yet.All he can rely on is himself and the sword in his hand.

It's useless to hide, and it's useless to block. The only thing you can do is to fight back!
Leng Shangqing charged forward with precision, drew out the sword, and stabbed repeatedly. The energy of the whole person was highly concentrated, unprecedentedly concentrated, and everything was condensed on the tip of the sword.Under the pressure of the Abyssal Knight, Leng Shangqing touched the realm of the unity of man and sword.

Two swords clash!

When Yue Chuan went out to fight, his Yilong sword didn't even touch the weapon of the abyss knight, and he was killed by the abyss knight's sword energy and momentum.And Leng Shangqing actually collided with the Abyss Knight, no matter what the result is, it is not easy to do this.

But the result was also unexpected, Leng Shangqing was not instantly killed by one move, that is to say, he blocked the first move and he succeeded.

Leng Shangqing held the sword in both hands, trembling all over, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.Although he successfully blocked the first move, he himself was also seriously injured. The strength of the abyss knight should not be underestimated.

The Abyss Knight nodded appreciatively, "Not bad!"

The second move was made suddenly, a stab, fast, fierce, and concentrated, the abyss knight's sword was like a dragon, walking with the sword, making a gesture to pierce Leng Shangqing's body with the sword.

Leng Shangqing made a strange movement. Facing the stabbing attack of the Abyss Knight, instead of parrying, he lowered the Scorching Sun Judgment to the ground, as if giving up resistance.But at the moment when the abyss knight's giant sword was about to come, Leng Shang's feelings suddenly moved.Although he started late, his speed was even faster than the abyss knight.

Pick up!

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan had the urge to vomit blood, shouldn't this nima be blocking.Parry, brother, even if parry is useless, you should at least put on a show, right?

But having said that, since blocking is useless, is there still a need to put on a show?Perhaps Leng Shangqing also saw this, so she broke the jar.

The straight thrust and the upward thrust collided together, and the powerful thrust of the abyss knight was actually deflected by Leng Shangqing's upward thrust, and it was tilted upwards.

"Not bad!"

This is the third "good" that the abyss knight said, and it can be seen that he is very satisfied with Leng Shangqing.

The abyssal knight stepped back, leaned his sword on the ground, looked at Leng Shangqing with burning eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "You have seen the first two moves, so you have a countermeasure, and you have never seen the third move. Do you think you can take the third move?"

Yue Chuan and the others tightened their hearts. That's right, they have seen the first two moves before. It is reasonable for Leng Shangqing to respond, but they have never seen the third move before. Can Leng Shangqing stop it?
Thinking that Yue Chuan didn't have secret hatred, he didn't even block a single move, and he didn't even see the third move of the abyss knight.

Leng Shangqing smiled, put away the Scorching Sun Judgment, then opened his arms, exposed his chest, and said confidently: "If you can use the third move, then do it."

The abyss knight laughed, put away his weapon, and said, "Not bad boy, you have passed my test. Then, let me ask you, are you willing to become an abyss knight?"

Yue Chuan on the side burst out countless "I rely on" in his heart. Is there any reason for this? Leng Shangqing is so lucky that he directly passed the test of the abyss knight?This nima is clearly releasing water, isn't it, Abyss Knight, are you helping players cheat?

Even Sissy and Qianxun Weimei felt that the situation before them was too weird. No matter the previous two moves of the Abyss Knight or the third move, they were all a bit too childish. Could it be that the world is too crazy for them to follow? Times have changed.

Leng Shangqing looked at the eighteen abyssal knights standing quietly beside him, then at the leader of the abyssal knights in front of him, and said very cautiously: "I am willing!"


Eighteen knights of the abyss dismounted at the same time, put one hand on the ground, the other on their knees, their heads drooping deeply, and bowed down to their leader.

Leng Shangqing's words were like an oath and a promise, the leader of the abyss knight nodded to him, and then streaks of black light emerged from his body, rich black, pure black, without any impurities.And under this black light, the body of the leader of the abyssal knights became illusory and blurred, and then turned into streams of light, completely dissipating.

Black light rose from Leng Shangqing's feet, entangled his feet like vines, and climbed up his legs. In the blink of an eye, the armor of the abyss knight appeared on Leng Shangqing's body.

The abyss, with endless meanings, breeds the terrifying fighting power of ghost swordsmen.Knight is not only a profession, but also a belief. Even in the abyss, you still stick to your knight beliefs, and use the sword in your hand to open up the road under your feet.

Bloody shoulder guards, ferocious ghost faces, and cold hearts, all these make people want to peek at the appearance of the abyss knight, but what they see is the steel-like black body of the abyss knight, no matter where it is. Steel is firmly protected.

Their bodies are as hard and firm as their wills, only the dark purple cloaks fluttering in the wind tell their stories and past.

At this time, the system announcement sounded: Congratulations, player Leng Shangqing has won the title of Abyss Knight.

After receiving this system announcement, Yue Chuan's heart was once again trampled by [-] mud horses. He originally thought that his dragon slaying warrior was already very high-end and high-end. His own dragon slaying warrior is the worst thing on the street.

Yue Chuan just brushed his forehead feebly, he just wanted to ask Leng Shangqing what was going on.

[Thanks to Aimerlanuit for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Thank you very much]

[The four chapters owed before, this is Chapter 3. 】

(End of this chapter)

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