
Chapter 741 Hope of the Vine of Despair

Chapter 741 Hope of the Vine of Despair

A beautiful elf girl happily turned around among the thorns, stroking the tough vines and sharp thorns from time to time. Surprisingly, the vine of despair only trembled slightly, as if responding to Aipel's words Petting, not attacking it.It seems that the aura of the grass and tree elves has played a role. If it were Yue Chuan, he would have been bound by the vine of despair and instantly killed him.

In the eyes of Yue Chuan, the vine of despair is an irreplaceable and rare treasure in the eyes of Aipel, just like ordinary people are always afraid and disgusted when they see Gu insects, but the people who raise Gu treat Gu insects like their own children Same, even willing to raise Gu worms with their own flesh and blood.

This is a kind of psychology that outsiders cannot imagine or understand. This is the skill and even instinct that is integrated into the bones of the grass and wood elves.

"If there is a seed of the vine of despair, the strength of the tribe will definitely be increased several times, and the potential will also be multiplied several times."

Yue Chuan was a little puzzled, "It's just a seed, is it so magical?"

"Human cultivation also has the saying of vindictive seeds. A strong person keeps his vindictiveness in other people's bodies, so that they can constantly feel the vindictiveness, imitate the vindictiveness, and finally derive their own vindictiveness, just like drawing a ladle from a gourd. "

Yue Chuan nodded, "There is a saying that the higher the grade of Dou Qi seeds and the purer the texture, the stronger the Dou Qi cultivated. Could it be that these seeds are your Dou Qi seeds?"

"Yes and no." Aipel shook his head, "Many of our abilities rely on refined seeds to display them. The stronger our plant elves are, the more refined seeds we have and the more abilities we have. However, there is a limit, different seeds are difficult to control together, and one bad one will even damage yourself. Therefore, a powerful seed is needed to suppress and control, and the vine of despair is the best choice, more importantly , the power of the vine of despair itself is also very powerful."

This principle is just like a person who raises Gu. To perform different Gu techniques, different Gu insects are needed, but different Gu insects will definitely fight together, so at this time, a powerful Gu king is needed to suppress everything.

"The origin of the vine of despair is a strange plant parasitic on the world tree. Even the world tree can't help it. Gods and demons are afraid of it. It is the oldest and most powerful plant except the world tree. Its seeds Naturally, it has incredible abilities. Even if the vine of despair in front of you is not as overbearing as the ancient vine of despair, it is still a rare treasure."

But soon, Aipel realized a problem, how should he take out the seeds of these vines of despair?

Hearing Aipel's worry, Yue Chuan couldn't help but chuckled, "Don't worry, as long as you can get rid of these vines of despair, I can take them out for you, and how much you can take out depends on your ability. "

Aipel gave Yue Chuan a blank look, then closed his eyes and recited the spell slowly, a touch of greenness appeared in his palms, the green light split into thousands of strands and floated forward, wrapping around a vine of despair like spring wind turning into rain.

Although the vines of despair in front of me are densely packed, they are gathered together one by one after all, and it is no problem to break them one by one.

I saw the green light in Aipel's hand sink into a vine of despair, and that vine of despair immediately changed and grew rapidly. The branches were more than two circles thicker than other vines of despair, and then the smooth and metallic skin began to grow. It was dry and cracked, and cracks appeared. This weird scene surprised Yue Chuan who had seen the strength of the vine of despair. Could it be solved like this?

But at this time, Yue Chuan discovered that there were thumb-sized spherical objects growing on the vine of despair. They, let them breed fruit, once the fruit is born, their vitality will be exhausted, and the vine of despair will wither and wither.

"The vines of despair cannot be cut off by force. They can go deep into the void and under the earth, and it is impossible to eradicate them. Moreover, they are very powerful. If they are not good, they will be bound and strangled. Therefore, we can only follow They help them grow and mature quickly according to the laws of nature. The vine of despair is called despair. Once hope is bred, it will end. In this way, I got the seed, you solved the trouble, and the vine of despair also fulfilled the duty of life , the best of all three."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan was in a daze. He couldn't help pondering what Aipel said. Things like the vine of despair are indeed extremely difficult and almost impossible to solve. The beauty is that the three parties all get what they need, so naturally there will be no contradictions and conflicts.The matter is unbelievably simple to say, but if there is no Ai Poer, I am afraid that I will be flooded and burned.

Why are simple things so complicated?It is not unreasonable for the grass and tree elves to advocate nature and be close to life. Aipel handled the matter of the vine of despair really satisfactorily, almost effortlessly.

I saw Aipel happily picking off the seeds of the vines of despair one by one, and kept them precious, and then the second... the third... As Aipel became more proficient, the vines of despair tended to disappear. It was withered in patches. After a while, a large blank area appeared in front of Yue Chuan. All the vines of despair there were catalyzed by Aipel, fruited, withered, and then melted and decomposed, sinking into the soil and disappearing.

Yue Chuan wanted to follow Aipel in to have a look, but before he stepped into the range of the vine of despair, several thorny thorns immediately tied him up, and then he was instantly killed without any suspense.


Without such discrimination.Yue Chuan has no temper. It seems that the plant spirits and these plants have a natural and mysterious communication. These vines of despair are two extremes to themselves and to Aipel.

In desperation, Yue Chuan could only lay bored on the grass, with his face on his arms and watch Aipel's beautiful figure appear and disappear among the ferocious thorn bushes, reappear and disappear again. fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Yue Chuan woke up slowly and yawned. He slept very comfortably this time. He hasn't relaxed his body and mind for a long time. It would be great if he could do this every day.

The next moment, Yue Chuan thought of Aipel, and looked up, the vine of despair in front of him was like a moon that had been bitten off by a corner. The originally dense vines of despair had all turned into an open space, and a figure was still busy shuttling inside. .

According to this momentum, these vines of despair will disappear completely in a few days. When he thinks of the tree emitting emerald green light inside, Yue Chuan feels a burst of heat in his heart.

[I owed four chapters before, this is Chapter 4, the account has been paid, good night everyone]

(End of this chapter)

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