
Chapter 746 The Mission of the Game World

Chapter 746 The Mission of the Game World

Yue Chuan was about to curse in his heart, since this pet wasn't for him, why did he show it to him, dammit, isn't this just playing with people, wasting so many expressions, it's really cheating.

The tree spirit seeds were given to Aipel. It can be said that all the things in the ancient tree of wisdom are left to Aipel, and only the things that Aipel doesn't use or don't need will be left to others.The same is true for the sky of the spirit of flower dance, and the same is true for the cultivation and use of those plants. The dryad pet Aipel can use it, so naturally it will not be given to others.

Aipel could only look at Yue Chuan with an apologetic face. The elder gave him an irresistible gift, and Aipel could only accept this gift. In all fairness, this dryad pet was indeed very cute. Aipel held the little guy happily , smiling happily.

Seeing Aipel's smile, Yue Chuan didn't have any complaints anymore. Giving it to Aipel is the same as giving it to himself. Aipel doesn't have a pet, and the little dryad just happens to be used by her.However, Yue Chuan found out embarrassingly that when it comes to things that everyone has a share in, he becomes special. The ancient tree of wisdom is clearly punishing himself.

The ancient tree of wisdom didn't speak for a long time, Yue Chuan couldn't help wondering if he had died or fell asleep, and was considering whether to go back home, the voice of the ancient tree of wisdom sounded again, but it was weaker than before.

"Young humans, in fact, I don't have any treasures for you. Your biggest treasure is the elf around you. Cherish her and protect her. You will find that she is your most precious person and the most worthy of protection." , This is the greatest gift I can give you."

The ancient tree of wisdom saw through the relationship between Aipel and Yue Chuan at a glance. If there was no close relationship, how could a human being be able to invite elves? If it was not a very close relationship, how could elves perform secret arts in front of humans.Therefore, the ancient tree of wisdom just gave Yue Chuan a good word, or a blessing.He really didn't have anything to give Yue Chuan, he couldn't get anything that was too bad, and he didn't have anything good that Yue Chuan could use.The ancient tree of wisdom can only say a blessing, which can be regarded as the expectation of the elders.

Hearing this, Aipel's pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head shyly.

Qianxun Weimei on the side looked at Yue Chuan and Aipel with scrutiny. Although she guessed that the relationship between the two was unusual, but Yue Chuan didn't introduce it, and she couldn't make random guesses. She didn't expect that the ancient tree of wisdom would tell her the truth.No one is immune to the gossip mentality, and Qianxun Weimei's mind immediately flashed with thoughts.

Sissy pursed her lips, her face was wrinkled into bun folds. The ancient tree of wisdom said that April was the most worthy of Yue Chuan's protection and cherishment, which made Sissy very dissatisfied, very unhappy, very unhappy.This person should obviously be me, how could it be someone else.

But after saying this, the trunk of the ancient tree of wisdom disappeared completely, leaving only a pile of powdery sawdust on the ground, most of which dissipated when the breeze blew, and small grasses arched out from the ground, wiping away wisdom in the blink of an eye. Occupying the place where the ancient tree once grew, the ancient tree of wisdom is as if it never existed.

The little fur ball in Aipel's palm is moving restlessly. In a sense, it is the life derived from the ancient tree of wisdom, the descendant of the ancient tree of wisdom. The ancient tree of wisdom is its closest person, the ancient tree of wisdom His departure naturally aroused its emotions.

No matter what the four people had in mind, they all bowed to the place where the ancient wisdom tree used to be, not for those gifts, but simply for an elder.

Although they returned with a full load, and even gained beyond imagination, the four of them felt heavy in their hearts, without any joy or joy.

How did the group of the ancient tree of wisdom disappear, what kind of disaster was the ancient tree of wisdom talking about, and who was the ancient tree of wisdom waiting for for countless years?Why did the ancient tree of wisdom sacrifice itself... and the abyss knight passed on his mantle to Leng Shangqing before.

This series of greetings made Yue Chuan one head and two big. For the first time, Yue Chuan realized that he was a little unfamiliar with the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". This world should not be just a simple game world. background, many secrets.

For a long time, Yue Chuan has always regarded the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" as a tool for his own profit, whether it is in terms of strength or economics. With the benefits of imagination, Yue Chuan always thought that the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" was the benefit of his time travel.

But after he came into contact with the ancient tree of wisdom, he really felt a heavy responsibility and pressure.

The heroic souls of the abyss knights who died in battle are immortal, and they have wandered around the abyss world for countless years in order to find a suitable successor.The ancient tree of wisdom has waited for so long for the purpose of leaving its inheritance to the elves.

Is it the plot in the game world, or...

Yue Chuan didn't dare to imagine the second possibility, all of this pointed to a catastrophe, a disaster that no god-level powerhouse could escape or fight against.Yue Chuan remembered that the Arad Continent was destroyed in the DNF plot, but judging from the Abyss Knight and the Ancient Tree of Wisdom, the destruction of the Arad Continent was just an embellishment, at best it was the aftermath of the catastrophe that happened a long time ago.

Perhaps, I should change my mentality. The game world is also a real world, but this world exists in another peculiar way. This world also has its own mission. Since I have been selected as the administrator of this world, I should Take on this responsibility.Uh, the only problem is that Yue Chuan still doesn't know what his duty is.

Yue Chuan wanted to ask Celia, but immediately thought that this kind of question should be discovered by himself, and Celia might not tell him, or Celia himself didn't know.Otherwise, Celia can give herself the main task when they meet for the first time.

After thinking about it carefully, Yue Chuan found that the only thing Celia told him was to increase the prosperity of the game world. As the prosperity of the game world increases, the items in the mall will increase.In other words, the prosperity of the game world is the root of all changes, and the mall is just a more intuitive display.

The prosperity of the game world has increased, and the high-end, prestige, and rare costumes appeared in the mall. It is precisely because of the appearance of rare costumes that the abyss knight and the ancient tree of wisdom appear.

That's right, it is to increase the prosperity of the game world.

At present, the method Yue Chuan knows to increase prosperity is to increase the number of people in the game world. The God's Continent has been basically covered, and the Demon's Continent is also expanding rapidly. Yadeyan from the Fire Elemental Plane is also on the God's Continent server. These are the three worlds that Yue Chuan currently controls.

No, there is another one, the world of kendo civilization.Time to start another server.

(End of this chapter)

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