
Chapter 755 The Power of Chaos Ace

Chapter 755 The Power of Chaos Ace

After clearing the first room, a card the size of a poker card appeared in Yue Chuan's hand. The strange magical power of the heart and mind makes people look at it in a trance and full of illusions.


Yue Chuan felt as if his head had been severely hit by someone, and his mental strength was severely traumatized. He never thought that the Chaos Ace was so evil that he had entered the dungeon, and could harm himself.

"Is this what just exploded?"

Seeing Yue Chuan take out the trump card of chaos, the three of them all joined together.After all, everyone saw the thing that exploded just now, but Yue Chuan went offline in a hurry, and didn't come to check the properties of this thing in a hurry.However, Yue Chuan was giving both resurrection coins and magic hammers. Everyone subconsciously thought it was a dividend from the trump card of chaos, and everyone regarded it as a great thing.

It is indeed a remarkable thing, the most heaven-defying prop in the 60 version, but it is a pity that it was hacked and reduced to a toy-like existence.

The ten small colorless crystal blocks disappeared in an instant, and then saw a series of strange purple brilliance flowing from the trump card of chaos, and the brilliance subsided in the next moment, and the hideous Apophis emerged out of thin air.

The other three were all taken aback, and looked on guard. After all, the power of Apophis is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one present could forget its superhuman ability. Once it ravages it, it will be ruthless and incomprehensible. It will definitely destroy the group Four lives, four lives, plus eight resurrection coins, twelve lives means twelve slashes, one sword and one, cutting vegetables and melons.

"Take it easy, your own!"

Although he said he was his own person, Yue Chuan himself doubted that this magic sword - Apophis had already turned back on him just now.

The magic sword-Apophis was suspended in the air like this, hovering beside the four of them, like a loyal guard. As for whether it was true or not, only Yue Chuan could understand it.

Entering the next room, Apophis, the magic sword summoned by Chaos Ace, immediately rushed out militantly. It was not under Yue Chuan's control, and it acted autonomously. Above Bro Digger, he slashed and stabbed horizontally. Although it had no effect, the fierce sword wind and sword energy made the four of them feel the power of the trump card of chaos. It won't be too bad either.

According to the established tactics, Chihiro Weimei protects Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan sucks and controls the magic sword, and then outputs concentrated fire to kill instantly.Compared with before, all three of them have pets. Although the pets are still level 1, they are useless, but they have improved to some extent. Although Yue Chuan has no pets, the output of Chaos Ace can be called heaven-defying , stabbing straight down with a sword, the Fabro Digger was smashed into blood, and the Chaos Ace casually swung his sword horizontally, and one of the Fabro Diggers was instantly killed.

You know, these evil Fabro diggers can withstand half of the awakening of Leng Shangqing, at least a dozen slashes, but under the trump card of chaos, only two moves, really speaking, one and a half moves are enough to kill .

Seeing the terrifying output of Chaos Ace, the other three were all dumbfounded, this thing is too heaven-defying.But things against the sky always have many restrictions.

"President, this thing can't be used casually, can it?"

Yue Chuan nodded, "It's true that it can't be used casually..."

"I'll just say..."

"Use it once and get ten little colorless!"


Leng Shangqing directly lost his temper, and you are ashamed to say it if you use ten small colorless at a time.Is the little colorless very valuable? Is the little colorless very rare? For such a heaven-defying thing, only ten little colorless at a time. Ten coppers!
"Then, it should exist for a short time, right?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "It should exist as long as I don't die, and it can meet the boss with us."

"several times?"


When the Chaos Ace first appeared, it was indeed able to be recruited by entering the map. The player will always exist if he is not dead. After the player dies, he can continue to recruit as long as he is resurrected. Many times, the Chaos Ace is still there after the boss is defeated. It is almost always there. Next time you enter Tu can continue to recruit again, and the cost of using it is only ten small colorless.

The four of them discussed the strategy for the third room. Chihiro Weimei and Sissy had already entered it, and they knew what the first monster looked like and what abilities it had. Coupled with Yue Chuan's spoiler, this room was about the same. Clear.

"There are three coffins in the next room. In the first coffin is the Tomb Robber King. It should have something to do with the Fabro digger in front of him. He will use a pickaxe to hit the ground, knock people down, and the ground will erupt poisonous gas pillars. It can cover most of the room, the damage is very high, and you will die if you rub it. After controlling it, you must quickly solve it, because the second monster will appear soon, a ghost named Lynn, and her ability is to emit a vortex similar to an annihilation black hole , pull people over, and when they touch the whirlpool, they will be silenced and cannot use any skills. The third is a skeleton monster named Hardy, which will burst out blood mist and attack normally. The dance explosion can kill people in seconds. Remember, you must kill them quickly, once you let two or three of them survive at the same time, you can just give up."

Like the second room, you can use the method of controlling fire to kill instantly, but there are three monsters in the third room, it is impossible to throw all the output skills to a certain monster, so the respective output must be properly allocated.

Chihiro Weimei opened the cover next to the Tomb King's coffin when she entered the door, then walked down a few steps, and sprinkled the seeds of Qianlian in full bloom between the Tomb King and the ghost's coffin.Qianlian Bloom has explosive output, but before Qianlian Bloom explodes, it will greatly reduce the light attribute resistance of surrounding enemies. Qianxun Weimei has blessed Leng Shangqing and Yue Chuan with the Light Weapon, and Sissy also has light attribute magic , coupled with the improvement of Kazan in Soul Blade, coupled with the trump card of chaos, the Tomb Robber King who was controlled by the big suction didn't even give his lines, so he hung up directly.

Lynn had just emerged from the coffin, and just as soon as she raised her hand to cast a spell, she was torn apart by Leng Shangqing's precise split wave, interrupting the annihilation black hole, and at this time, the ace of chaos pierced straight Passing through Lynn's body, Lynn blurred instantly, and her blood volume was reduced by half.The attack power of the Chaos Ace is simply terrifying.

In this way, the originally extremely difficult Sorrow Cave became extremely simple with the Chaos Ace, the ultimate version of the kitchen knife. It felt that it was not Yue Chuan who brought the Chaos Ace to paint pictures, but the Chaos Ace who brought Yue Chuan and four people to abuse the food. It's basically a soy sauce role.

After the death of Hardy the skeleton, there will be a buff that restores blood to the group. After eating it, the four of them take a rest and then enter the fourth room.

The moment he stepped through the door, Yue Chuan shouted loudly in his heart: "Magic Sword, here I come!"

(End of this chapter)

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