
Chapter 769 Death Empire

Chapter 769 Death Empire
With the understanding of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", more and more doubts surfaced in Yue Chuan's mind, and his various curiosity and puzzles about the game world gradually took over his mind. He walked out of the town in the game to explore the unknown outside the town. The thoughts of the world lingered more and more deeply in Yue Chuan's mind.If you just use the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" as a tool for upgrading and moving bricks, it is really reckless, and there are too many secrets and too much wealth in it.

King Borodin left the treasure house of the Borodin Empire to Yue Chuan. This is indeed an incomparably rich wealth. Yue Chuan's Great Qin Kingdom can spend thousands of years comfortably and richly with this wealth. If Yue Chuan's vision is only If he is limited to a patriarch or a king, he has already exceeded his life goals, and the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" has given him wealth that he cannot get in his life.

However, after reaching the sanctuary, even touching the realm above the sanctuary, learning the legends of ancient gods and demons, and realizing the huge and inconceivable death empire of the god of death, Yue Chuan's vision also broadened, and he was unwilling to live forever. They are all trapped in the small place of God's Continent and become natives in the eyes of others.Yue Chuan also wanted to go out and explore the outside world.

The game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" endowed him with all the conveniences, and it existed naturally for adventure and exploration. Yue Chuan was not only a player, but also an adventurer. The game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" has given him all the necessary conditions and foundations for adventure, and the rest is to see how he uncovers the secrets hidden in the dark.

Yue Chuan still remembered King Borodin's exhortation to benefit mankind. A simple sentence made Yue Chuan taste different meanings.Who is the enemy that King Borodin said, and why the Borodin Empire was destroyed? Borodin would rather bury his empire and donate his wealth to others than leave it to his descendants. Why is this?And his phrase of benefiting mankind...

Yue Chuan gradually understood that King Borodin was talking about benefiting mankind, he represented mankind, and now, he entrusted this important task to himself.The ancient tree of wisdom in the elf ruins represented the elves, and he chose Aipel because Aipel represented the elves.In this way, is it possible for players of different backgrounds to trigger hidden missions?How about getting the hidden treasure?So, don't they also have to shoulder the corresponding tasks and burdens?
How many races and forces are there in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors"?What kind of missions do these races and forces carry, and what kind of people are they waiting for?Why does it always feel like they are all in deep trouble, waiting for players to rescue them.Is this a game, or a world?
The Lich King on the side saw Yue Chuan's expression and knew that he hadn't concealed himself. After all, Yue Chuan's Book of Death was really blank and contained nothing. Yue Chuan could lie, but the Book of Death would definitely not, because this is the god of death. thing.

The Lich King originally thought that the spokesperson for death should be a dead person like himself. When he saw Yue Chuan, he vaguely understood that he had misunderstood. He should be just one of the special cases. This appearance does not mean that all the death spokesmen are the same as him.

"There is at least one will of the god of death in my book of death, and your book of death is blank. It seems that your time to become the spokesperson of death is very short."

Yue Chuan secretly scolded you in his heart, isn't this nonsense, I am not yet 20 years old, well, how can I compare with an old monster like you who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

"So, you haven't received the will of the god of death for tens of thousands of years?"

Although Yue Chuan prefers to regard that thing as Weibo, he still respects the meaning of the Lich King and calls it the will of the god of death.

The Lich King nodded in disappointment, like an abandoned child. In fact, he also thought about this question, whether he was abandoned by the god of death.

Yue Chuan thought to himself, poor kid, maybe the Grim Reaper just swipe to find you, just like inviting players into the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".Maybe Reaper is just bored and wants to play with you, but now Reaper is tired of playing, and "Weibo" has not been logged in or updated for millions of years.Of course, it is also possible that the god of death hanged up.

But the next moment Yue Chuan shook his head, this is impossible, everyone will die, except the god of death, even if he wants to die, who can accept him?
The Lich King seems to have lived for tens of thousands of years, but in fact he is still very innocent, like an abandoned child, but still attached to the god of death whom he has never met.

But Yue Chuan thought about it carefully, it was impossible for the Lich King to be dissatisfied with the God of Death, he could only be obedient and loyal.This is about the means of Death Dreyfus.

The god of death Dreyfuss wants to make a contract with a person, and only after signing the contract can he obtain his power. If the person does not make a contract, the god of death will never give him any power.The Grim Reaper is a special existence. The world he can touch is vast and boundless, and the geniuses he comes into contact with are like stars. No genius can make him change his original intention.

In other words, all the death spokesmen have made a contract with Dreyfuss. They can only obey the god of death and be loyal to the god of death. room for.

Perhaps, this is the most stable empire. The death empire created by the God of Death is absolutely rock-solid and impregnable. No enemy can disintegrate it, and no enemy can overthrow it.

Yue Chuan established the Creation Guild, and most of the players in the guild joined Yue Chuan when he started from scratch, but Yue Chuan didn't dare to pat his chest and say how sincerely these veteran players are with him.Although Yue Chuan is the guild leader, he doesn't have much dealings with the members of the guild. There may be loyalty, but it is very limited. Whether he can live that long, if he really lives that long, he must be full of resentment towards Yue Chuan.

Compared with Dreyfus' Empire of Death, Yue Chuan's guild creation is really nothing comparable. The two sides are not levels at all, let alone a concept.

After learning about the existence of the Death Empire, the pressure on Yue Chuan from the world of Kendo civilization is not so heavy.That's right, the kendo civilized world is a group of perverts, but as for the Empire of Death, even perverts can't describe this group of people.

The only good news is that the Empire of Death is not its own enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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