
Chapter 779 Disaster

Chapter 779 Disaster
[This chapter is [-] words, the pricing will be different, let me say something in advance]

Yue Chuan is naturally no stranger to the name of the Devil's Blood God Sect. On the contrary, Yue Chuan is very familiar with this name, because after the outbreak of the blood plague last time, the Devil's Blood God's Sect rose rapidly and developed very rapidly, almost including most of the fallen people. .Moreover, Yue Chuan found out that the Demon Blood God Sect is well-organized and even has supporting cultivation methods. It is not at all like a grassroots organization that has suddenly risen, but more like a strict sect that has been passed down for countless years.

Because of this, Yue Chuan subconsciously believed that this sect was created by the gods in the giant coffin.But after seeing Nid Hogg, and seeing the vast world and endless secrets outside, Yue Chuan also began to waver in this judgment.Nidhogg's strength is incredible. Even if he develops believers, it is impossible for him to be so sneaky and cowering. With his strength, he can completely turn the entire God's Continent into his own territory, making all living beings believe in him, and It's not like a rat in the sewer like the Demon Blood God Cult.

It turned out that the Demon Blood God Sect existed a long time ago, and old Lei Ze was also a member of that religion.In this way, the Devil's Blood God Sect is not an ordinary grassroots group. They are fundamentally different from those religious organizations that fool fools in mountain villages, because they really have incredible power and ulterior plans.

Moreover, Ludovica said something that Yue Chuan couldn't believe, that is, Old Lei Ze had thought about how to steal the divine power from Umont, and even replaced it with himself.Although this kind of thinking is a bit ridiculous, like a beggar pointing at the emperor and saying "I will replace you", but there are many examples of daring to pull the emperor off the horse, and this kind of thing is not absolutely impossible.

The reincarnation of the gods will inevitably arrange many self-protection measures. For example, when Umont's previous life was reincarnated, Sissy's previous life was secretly guarding, and she had to reincarnate until her power was exhausted.This shows that the reincarnation of the two gods was very hasty, or even unprepared, and they must have very little protection measures for themselves, and this gave old Lei Ze an opportunity to take advantage of.

From Ludovica's narration, Zhong Yuechuan understood that old Lei Ze was a person who was good at making money and speculating. He probably saw the weakness behind the great strength of the two gods, so he had the idea of ​​stealing divine power and replacing it.

People's greed is really endless, just like old Lei Ze, at first he just wanted to trick Ludovica into his hand, then he wanted to get some benefits from the two gods, and then he wanted to instead of gods.

Yue Chuan couldn't help but wonder if he was so lucky to travel through time, and took away the body of a god. Could it be that old Lei Ze was secretly helping him? Maybe the old Lei Ze had already done something to Wumeng's body, and it was for nothing in the end. own.

Ludovica continued: "I don't know when Lei Ze joined the Demon Blood God Cult, but after investigating many things, I guess that Lei Ze was sent by the Demon Blood God Cult to our Eugenie family. The forces have infiltrated into our Eugenie family, and the current patriarch, Rudolph, may belong to them. But these are all my guesses, and there is no real evidence."

Yue Chuan recalled the head of the Eugenie family.At that time, Ludovica's elders stepped down from the position of Patriarch, and the new Patriarch took over soon, but within a few days, this Patriarch died strangely, then the second, and the third, and finally no one in the Eugenie family dared to be Patriarch. , And at this time, Rudolph stepped forward, he did not die strangely like those before him, but lived well until now.Many people speculated that the deaths of the heirs of the previous patriarchs had something to do with Rudolph, but they had no evidence.

"So, what about Lei Ze? Did you kill him?"

Ludovica shook his head, "I unscrewed his head and burned his body to ashes without leaving a single hair. But I'm not sure that's him, and I'm not even sure that I've been How many Razers have I been in contact with. Like twins, triplets, or even quadruplets, or doubles in disguise. A scourge like him will not be so short-lived."

Shaking his head, Ludovica said slowly: "According to Lei Ze's nature, he should not have kept your secrets. After all, he is planning to become a god. If it is leaked, such a good thing will not be his turn. He He should have tried, but failed, so he absconded, he was afraid that you would find him to settle accounts after you awakened yourself."

Ludovica smiled cruelly, she seemed to see that Lei Ze's life was worse than death.If Umont and Sissy awakened their former selves, Lei Ze would not be able to escape from the palms of Umont and Sissy no matter if he lived or died. What awaited him would definitely be the most miserable punishment in the world.Gods are indeed not easily offended.

Yue Chuan nodded, "You said so much, didn't you just want us to avenge you, don't worry, Lei Ze will fall into our hands sooner or later, even if he dies, I will strip his soul, every day and night Calcined with the flame of the soul. Then, you should tell the secret of our previous life."

"I don't even believe in punctuation marks for a man's promise! Although you came out of my belly, I think it's more hateful than you, Lei Ze!"

Sissi on the side repeated Yue Chuan's words, promising that Lei Ze would receive the cruelest punishment, Ludovica then showed a happy smile.Yue Chuan beside him shook his head helplessly, he felt that Ludovica was a little nervous.

"I don't know much about your previous life, but Sissy told me a few words before reincarnation. Lei Ze didn't know these secrets. She said that you encountered an irresistible enemy and an irresistible disaster. In that world, many gods fell, many protoss perished, and even their souls were not spared. You two are lucky, you have retained a trace of your soul, you can be reincarnated, and more protoss have no souls left, completely wiped out. "


Yue Chuan couldn't help but gasped.What kind of disaster can make gods and demons so miserable.According to Ludovica, there should be many other gods in the world where the gods and demons live. These gods formed large and small gods according to their origins. There is no chance of rebirth.

Tens of thousands of strong men were indeed killed in the massacre in the Demon Continent, but after those strong men died, their souls all entered the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnated.Even if Yue Chuan deliberately aimed at their souls, at best he would imprison them or beat them to death.People often think that the loss of souls means that they cease to exist completely, but to the gods, the loss of souls is no big deal.

The strong in the sanctuary can comprehend rebirth from a drop of blood, and a body can be derived from just a drop of blood.The means of the strong in the God Realm are even more incredible. Even if the soul is scattered, a tiny piece of soul fragment can enter reincarnation and generate a brand new self. Therefore, the stronger the god is, the harder it is to kill.Just like those PK games on the earth, the big deal is to be killed by others to level zero and delete the character, but this account can continue to create characters, and after a month or two, he will be a hero again.

What kind of disaster, what kind of enemy, can cause countless gods to fall completely, without even the chance of reincarnation.

"I don't know either!" Ludovica shook his head, "I just heard that fallen leaves return to their roots. Fortunately, there are imprints in this world, otherwise they would die like other protoss."

Fallen leaves return to their roots?

Yue Chuan was stunned, because he knew that the gods and demons in the Continent of God and the Continent of Demons were all creatures born on the World Tree. They said that falling leaves return to their roots, and then returned to the place where the World Tree was after falling, and carried out another reincarnation ?In other words, the gods of Umont and Sissy's previous life were actually completely dead, but because of the World Tree, they returned to their roots by luck and gained a glimmer of life.

Fortunately, the World Tree did not die completely, and there was still a glimmer of life left. Otherwise, these two gods would not even have the chance to reincarnate. If they could not be reincarnated, then Yue Chuan would not be able to pass through. It can only be said that all this is fate dictates.

Doesn't that mean that there are many other gods who have the possibility of falling leaves and returning to their roots, which means that there are many other gods among the young people of Umont's generation, but they also return to their roots in this world because of the World Tree. reincarnation.

Yue Chuan was the first to think of Leng Shangqing. That kid's luck cannot be judged by common sense. If the god of luck returns to his roots after the fall of the god of luck, it is very likely that it should be on him.

And Grian...

Yue Chuan looked at Grian, who was floating in the air and silently refining the energy of the fire element in his body. The scorching flames burned the space around him into twisted waves, and at the center of Grian's eyebrows, there was a little bit of indeterminate light. Shining slightly, Yue Chuan knew that it was the godhead hidden between the brows, and this kid should be Vulcan.

There is also Chihiro Weimei, she must be some kind of god.

This is indeed a shocking secret.

Those mighty gods and demons in the ancient legends of the God's Continent fell collectively, and none of them survived. Only a small part of the oldest gods among them were able to return to their roots and reincarnate in the God's Continent, growing and awakening step by step.

Incredible!Really incredible.In the eyes of the ancient gods and demons, the giant dragons are just the best livestock to slaughter at will. They are so powerful that they can even overthrow the World Tree, and they are simply unrivaled existences.But it was such a group that was exterminated collectively, what kind of disaster did they encounter.

Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking of the disaster mentioned by the other party when Leng Shangqing obtained the inheritance of the Abyss Knights, and all the Abyss Knights fell in that disaster.Is there any connection between this?
Can it be understood in this way that the disaster broke out in the world of Arad, and then spread and spread outward step by step.The higher world where the gods and demons are located has been destroyed by disasters, how long will it take for disasters to come to the world where they are?
[Thanks to Rufeng Suiying for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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