
Chapter 795 Controlling the Demonic Sword

Chapter 795 Controlling the Demonic Sword
Looking at Chihiro Weimei and Audrey He, they didn't notice anything, they just came over curiously to look at the attributes of this powder weapon, as if everything just now was just a fantasy, as if everything was their own illusion and conjecture.

Do not!
Yue Chuan shook his head, what was said just now was absolutely true, he really experienced a fork in time, he confronted Apophis, and finally sealed it.All this is true.

After handing Apophis to Leng Shangqing and letting the three of them observe carefully, Yue Chuan secretly glanced at Chaos Ace.The vertical eye on the trump card of chaos is still ferocious and strange, but it has undergone many changes compared with before. As for the change, Yue Chuan can't say, in short, it is a little different.

True Ace of Chaos: Demon Sword Apophis
Yue Chuan finally discovered the change of the card, that is, there was an extra "true" in front of the name.Yue Chuan, who has experienced the Great Transfer and Great Destruction versions, naturally knows what it means to add "true" in front of equipment and items, but he didn't expect that Chaos Ace can also do it.However, Yue Chuan became more and more confused, what is the trump card of chaos that can seal Apophis.

But this question is like why aged glutinous rice can deal with zombies, and why black dog blood can exorcise ghosts and evil spirits.People who use it may not know the principle. It is just an experience handed down from generation to generation. They just know that there is such a method, but they can't say much about it.

Moreover, Yue Chuan found that after becoming the True Chaos Ace, the vertical eye on the card no longer used mind control and spiritual attacks on him as before. It seemed to have completely surrendered, and there was no threat to him anymore.

Quietly putting away the trump card of chaos, Yue Chuan decided to study this thing after going out, and then looked at Leng Shangqing and the others.

After the magic sword-Apophis lost the idea lodged in it, it became a pure object.Although Apophis devoured the spirituality in it, Apophis also changed its appearance and material. Its blade is unimaginably sharp, and it also has many powerful additional attributes.

Leng Shangqing looked at the magic sword - Apophis with drool, and Yue Chuan was not surprised by his expression. In fact, no ghost swordsman profession can ignore the existence of this sword, whether it is its cool appearance or powerful properties.

After wearing the magic sword-Apophis, the blood limit will be reduced and blood will continue to drop. This is indeed a negative effect, but it also has other beneficial attributes.

For Sword Soul, Breaking Edge Weapon +2, Phantom Sword Dance +2, and physical and magic damage +10%.Regardless of the significance of the two core skills of Juggernaut + 2, the "physical magic damage + 10%" alone is enough to defy the sky, which means that no matter who holds this sword, the attack power will be immediately affected The increase of 10% is not insignificant.

As for the Berserker, Blood Rage +1, Clash of Mountains +2.Although blood rage is not +2, but the magic sword has another attribute, blood rage attack power +10%.This attribute is only for berserkers, which is why some people say that the magic sword is the exclusive weapon of berserkers.

"This is indeed a heaven-defying weapon, especially it is a 55 powder weapon with higher attributes. Do you need it?"

Leng Shang glanced at it reluctantly, but shook his head, "I have the Scorching Sun Judgment, which is enough, and this sword is useless to me. And it's too evil, I dare not use it."

Yue Chuan thought to himself, the evil thoughts in this sword have been sealed, this sword is just an empty shell, and there will be no threat at all.But what Leng Shangqing said was true, this sword was not of much use to him, no matter how strong the magic sword was, it was not as good as the Scorching Sun Judgment against the sky, not to mention the Scorching Sun Judgment in Leng Shangqing's hand was +15.

"Then I'm welcome."

Just like the Chaos trump card exploded last time, Yue Chuan presented the three with a batch of magic hammers as a bonus, and then unwrapped the magic sword.

A muffled snort came from Yue Chuan's nasal cavity, because the moment he opened the package, blood vessel-like silk threads spread out from Apophis, pierced into his palm, and became one with his blood vessels, and the blood in his body passed through immediately. These tubular veins were instilled into Apophis, and the closed vertical eye on the tsuba opened again, full of the same bewitching aura as the previous evil eye, but the evil eye that originally revealed a purple halo became Red, crimson blood-colored pupils.Blood-colored rays of light flowed from the blood vessel-like veins radiating from the pupils, ferocious and strange.

Yue Chuan subconsciously thought that this sword was weird, but then he realized that this is the description of the magic sword-Apophis attribute that reduces the blood limit and keeps deducting blood. It turns out that the two blood loss attributes refer to this... …

The magic sword kept absorbing Yue Chuan's blood, but it also continuously fed back the tyrannical power. The desire to destroy was brewing in Yue Chuan's heart, and a killing atmosphere slowly enveloped Yue Chuan.

"President, are you alright!"

Leng Shangqing clearly sensed the changes in Yue Chuan, and asked a little worriedly.

Yue Chuan shook his head, "It's okay, this sword is like this, let's go!"

After speaking, Yue Chuan used the trump card of chaos and summoned a magic sword - Apophis.Everyone else looked at the magic sword in Yue Chuan's hand with weird eyes, followed by another magic sword behind him. This situation had an indescribably weird feeling.

The fifth room was full of Killing Gu larvae again, the four of them rushed in with great speed according to the old routine, and strangled these larvae in the shortest time.But who would have thought that the number of larvae has increased several times, and the speed of devouring them has become faster, and the invincible green magic circle has become four.In the end, the Killing Gu larvae still couldn't be strangled in time, and one after another the fully evolved Killing Gu adults sprung up from the ground. Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan and others had no choice but to return to the city.

Standing at the gate of Luolan, Yue Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart that this is good, if he fails to pass the level, he will not have his own record on the racing list, and no one will see the details of the moment he pulled out the magic sword up.This scene, after all, is like the dust of time, lost in the long river of history.

No one knows, let alone notice.

In the future, there may be players who will explode the ace of chaos: the magic sword Apophis and the weapon magic sword-Apophis, but what they explode will always be pure props, and the soul and body of the magic sword-Apophis have been destroyed. After Yue Chuan got it, he would never wander out again.

Back in the real world, Yue Chuan took out the trump card of chaos to study it carefully, rubbing it over and over again dozens of times, suddenly a flash of light burst out in Yue Chuan's mind, he thought of a possibility, could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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