
Chapter 810

Chapter 810
A sharpshooter is not only good at long-range wretchedness. As a weapon, a firearm is not for safety and comfort, but for the pursuit of stronger power and more violent strikes. The gunner still needs to fight the enemy in close quarters. Only by being close can one's attack hit rate be higher. Facing a gun that is close at hand, no matter how flexible and agile the enemy is, it will not help.

There is a saying in weapon selection called "one inch is short and one inch is dangerous, and one inch is long and one inch is strong". According to this principle, the power of firearms seems to be infinitely extendable.In fact, this is indeed the case. The lethality of a sniper rifle is incomprehensible to ordinary people.But it's just ordinary people. If the target has a sense of murderous intent and danger plus a certain amount of strength, the threat of a sniper rifle is infinitely equal to zero.

For example, these zombies will swiftly dodge the attacks that target the vital points between their eyebrows, and those who cannot dodge will use arm weapons to cover them, and they have blood power bestowed by the Demon Blood God in their bodies, and these powers are condensed on their foreheads, just like carrying Just like wearing a bulletproof helmet, except for a few strong men above the holy level, even if they hit their foreheads, they would only be bruised, and it would be difficult to headshot them with a single shot.


Etil, who had burned several zombies, glides in the air with the help of the recoil of the hand cannon. A zombie estimated where she landed, like a crocodile with its mouth wide open waiting for food, with its knees slightly squatting and its hands outstretched. His emotional eyes fixed on Aidier's slender body.

Etil, who was in the air, quickly changed her hands, and the heavy firearm in her hand was quickly adjusted by her. The flamethrower just now changed into a laser launcher in an instant. Seeing the food flying, the zombies jumped up impatiently, whining in their mouths Howled, but a cold metal tube was stuffed into its mouth, blocked by this metal tube, although the zombies scratched desperately, they still couldn't touch Aidier.

The energy accumulated in the laser cannon instantly bloomed, and the zombie's mouth instantly became bright, crystal clear, and finally became invisible. A blazing light penetrated directly from its throat to the chrysanthemum, and the blazing energy instantly dried the blood in its body Power, the scorched corpse was only kept in the strong light for a second before it completely turned into ashes and disappeared.

Another zombie rushed over silently, wanting to take advantage of it, but Etil's keen perception had already discovered it, and without looking back, it was a hand cannon. The bombardment of the hand cannon caused the zombie's cheeks to rise violently The flames, protected by the power of blood, the zombies were not blown off their heads, but Aidier had already taken advantage of the recoil of the hand cannon to fly up again, his slender figure was like a bat flying in the night sky, hunting for the next Target.

"Good job!"

More and more sharpshooters who are confident in their strength have come out of the camp. This battle has made them realize many different things, especially when guns cannot accurately kill the enemy, they need to press into the distance and fight against the enemy's face. Point your guns directly at the enemy's forehead to see how they can hide and jump.

A sharpshooter is originally a profession that has three combat styles: far, middle and near. It has many long-distance attack capabilities, and its melee ability is not weak. A powerful sharpshooter can even suppress warriors in close combat. There are countless ghost swordsman fighters who were brought down, pressed to the ground and taken away with bullets.Although these zombies are a bit tricky, how do they compare with those sword saints and warriors?
boom boom boom boom...

Dozens of explosions exploded instantly in less than a second, making people mistakenly think it was just a loud noise. The speed of the general's shooting was so fast that the two magazines emptied almost instantly. The zombies that stepped on the ground couldn't find their heads, and the remaining half of their bodies were also bound together by the high temperature and the mud slabs on the ground, so they were buried in the soil to save Andu.

"Fuck, I have to change my pants again!"

Seeing his pants that had been pitted by the explosive bombs, the general cursed and muttered, then buckled the two grenades together, pulled the tabs and threw them forward, and accurately threw them to a zombie more than ten meters away from him. in the mouth.That's right, in the mouth.The general pricked a wound on his finger with the edge of the pull ring, and smeared his blood on the grenade. The zombie smelled the smell of blood, and immediately regarded the grenade as flesh and blood, and bit it with one bite. The result was unspoken. Metaphor.

"When I was a child, my brother used drugged meat buns to steal Lao Cai's vicious dog. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to be useful today. I've tried it all!"

At this time, a sharpshooter not far from the side smiled and said mockingly: "You are at most stealthy, look at me!"

Then I saw a gale robot flying over the zombies, like an osprey skimming over the river to catch fish. The only difference was that the osprey would catch a big fat fish while the gale robot caught nothing.

wait... what is that?
In the next moment, someone noticed the difference. Two locks were added to the gale robot, and two hair-thin metal wires passed through it. Claws, the moment the gale robot passed over the head of the zombie just now, the flying claws hung on the back of the zombie, and the special barbs pierced into the muscles instantly, and as the muscles squirmed, they stabbed deeper and deeper, and finally buried deep in the body, the gale robot Continuing to fly high, the two metal wires straightened in an instant. The mechanic just looked at the zombie rushing towards him calmly, watching it powerlessly scratching in front of him. The zombie whose legs were off the ground seemed to have fallen into the river The old scalper, unable to use all his strength, was hoisted high by the wind robot.

"Tch, so what if you just hang it up? It's useless if you can't kill it."

"Who says it can't be killed?"

The gale robot slowly adjusted the angle of its hands, from flat to drooping. The hands of the six-barreled machine gun were aimed at the top of the zombie's head. At such a close distance, the zombie had nowhere to dodge. It was almost a gunshot to the head. I saw the gale robot Blazing tongues of fire radiated from both hands, and the zombie's head was polished little by little, as if it had been cut by a knife and an axe.

Looking at the miserable death of the zombie, the other sharpshooters around were shivering, grandma, it turns out that the robot can still be used in this way, flying over the top of the head, just sticking two metal wires into the meat and hanging it up, it is really a chopping board The fish meat is at the mercy of others.

On the contrary, all the mechanics were excited, one by one secretly thinking about how to perfect this tactic.

There is still an element of luck in hooking people with metal wires, so it is better to design a controllable device on the flying claws. Well, it is said that warriors are afraid of wearing the lute bone, so two hooks are specially designed to lock the lute bone.

Since it is a metal wire, it means that it can conduct electricity and release high-voltage current. It seems that a power supply device can be installed on the robot in the future. If a high-voltage electricity is shot out, the enemy will be paralyzed for a while without dying.

Why not two robots pull up a power grid?Electric thermal cutting wire is also OK!Yep, that's a great idea...

Ever since, a small fragment on the battlefield has created countless insidious and vicious tactics, and the use of the storm robot and the storm robot has also been fully developed. After the R-series robot and the G-series robot, another genre has risen.

[Thanks to Rufeng Suiying for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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