
Chapter 818 Conception of the Cradle of the Strong

Chapter 818 Conception of the Cradle of the Strong
Yue Chuan slowly closed the book of death, and couldn't help but think of the godhead on the center of his eyebrows. Yue Chuan thought that this godhead was cultivated by himself before, but after knowing how difficult it is to condense the godhead, Yue Chuan knew that even if he hit the big luck every day It is impossible to condense the godhead under that kind of cultivation. In other words, this godhead is not his own, but left by Umont's previous life.

Thinking of the thousands of brilliance emanating from the godhead in the book of death, and thinking about the godhead in his body, Yue Chuan felt an indescribable feeling.Wumont's soul has started a new reincarnation. One day in the future, that god will grow stronger and restore himself. At that time, can he directly take back the godhead?

However, Yue Chuan immediately thought that the godhead is like the inner alchemy of monsters and the golden alchemy of practitioners. Killing a cultivator and devouring the golden core increases the cultivation level the same.Once this thing is stolen, it should be impossible to get it back.

Yue Chuan couldn't figure it out, and he didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Thinking about it now is just mediocre, so it's better to deal with the matter in front of him.

Ludovica looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. In the ice sculpture, the fear on Lei Ze's face and the pleading in his eyes were so real and real. This kind of picture was what Ludovica dreamed of seeing day and night. Lei Ze never died , the hatred and anger in her heart will never disappear.

And now, it's all over.

The bad breath and resentment accumulated in Ludovica's heart dissipated in an instant, and there was a feeling of clear thoughts and clear mind. His fair face still had no expression, and his bright eyes were still cold, but Yue Chuan could feel the sharp breath on Ludovica's body eased. Quite a few, and they no longer target and hate themselves as before.

Yue Chuan didn't ask Ludovica to treat him well, treating him like his own son, as long as she didn't make it difficult for him to slander him from time to time.Although what she said was the truth, Yue Chuan didn't like to hear it.

"You sent Lei Ze here, I am very grateful, but it is impossible for you to use this to change my opinion of you."

Yue Chuan secretly sighed in his heart, it seemed that Ludovica's prejudice against him was impossible to change.Indeed, Wumont's reincarnation through her body ruined her reputation. She originally hated Wumont extremely, but he was her son after all, and she was in awe of Wumont's identity and did not dare to attack, so her heart was extremely contradictory.And since he occupied Umont's body, it was even more impossible for Ludovica to have any good looks towards him.

"I didn't even think about de-escalation, I'm here for another thing."

"you say!"

"Icewind Dale is a treasure land. I want to enclose a piece of land here and use it as a training ground to train people."

"Treasure land?"

Ludovica sneered, his face full of anger and mockery.The former Icewind Dale was indeed a treasure land. Many practitioners practiced and lived around the hot springs. This place is like a blessed land on earth, peaceful and peaceful.However, Yue Chuan ordered his subordinates to destroy several of the hot springs in a tyrannical manner, and this treasure land is not worthy of its name.

Yue Chuan shook his head and said helplessly: "When I came here for the first time, I happened to meet the followers of the Demon Blood God. They were the ones who started killing here, and even plundered the blood of the strong to practice evil exercises. We encountered , Only then did the battle break out and destroy a hot spring. You didn’t listen to my explanation and insisted on expelling me. Now it seems that those believers of the Demon Blood God must be heading towards you, and Rudolph is probably the one behind them. As for last time..."

After thinking about it, Yue Chuan stopped the conversation rationally. After all, he was the one who forced Ludovica to come here last time. If he mentions this matter again, he might become furious.

Ludovica knew about the existence of the Demon Blood God Cult a long time ago, and he was wary of Rudolph. Although he didn't trust Yue Chuan, it didn't mean he didn't believe what Yue Chuan said. Think about it carefully, those people at that time The believer may indeed come for himself, or kill himself, or investigate some things, or it may be the cannon fodder sent by Rudolph to test his own depth.

"So, should I thank you instead?"

Yue Chuan cursed inwardly, you really should thank me, but seeing Ludovica's expression, he couldn't say those words.

"Let's talk about enclosures."

"Do whatever you like, just discuss it with the new head of the Eugenie family, and tell me what."

Obviously, Ludovica was very dissatisfied with Yue Chuan's arbitrarily choosing the head of the Eugenie family, but this dissatisfaction also indicated that she acquiesced to the fact that Helen became the head of the family.Although Ludovica had a lot of dissatisfaction with Yue Chuan, she also understood that only by relying on Yue Chuan's side could the Eugenie family recover quickly and even become more prosperous.

When personal grievances and family interests collided, Ludovica did not hesitate at all.

Of course, Yue Chuan only consulted Ludovica symbolically about the land enclosure. Ludovica had no bargaining rights in front of Yue Chuan. smooth.Yue Chuan was already thankful for not driving the Eugenie family out, what else could she do but complain.

Seeing Ludovica rolling up into the sky in a blizzard, Yue Chuan let out a long sigh. After all, he still couldn't see Sissi, and he didn't have the courage to ask.

Shaking his head, Yue Chuan began to observe the terrain of Icewind Valley and choose his own training base.Yue Chuan had thought of setting up a place similar to the Siberia training camp before, where he could continuously train the top players.

The Siberian training camp on Earth has almost become a gold-lettered signboard. When describing mercenaries, special talents, and black boxers in many novels and movies, as long as they say "he came out of the Siberian training camp", there will immediately be a tall man. It feels like everyone inside is super strong, and even the dogs inside are different from the outside.

What's in the Siberian training camp?It is the harsh environment and cruel training rules there, so that the trainees will always be threatened with death, and they must not slack in the slightest on the way to becoming a strong man, otherwise they will only be swallowed by the death wave behind them.

Yue Chuan, a hanging silk nerd, has never been to Siberia training camp, but after seeing the harsh environment of Icewind Valley, Yue Chuan feels that no matter how harsh the natural environment of Siberia training camp is, it cannot reach one-tenth of that here. Those with strong fighting spirit and superb magic have to rely on hot springs to survive here.

Yue Chuan also wants to create a cradle of strong people similar to the Siberian training camp, and even surpass the Siberian training camp. The strong people who go out of this training camp will not only be famous in the mainland, but also resound in other worlds.

【This is to make up for what I owed yesterday】

(End of this chapter)

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