
Chapter 833 Inheritance of the Supreme Phantom

Chapter 833 Inheritance of the Supreme Phantom

This voice was like the sounds of nature. Yue Chuan didn't have any hope at first, he just wanted to express his respect to the Avatar of Wind, but he didn't expect that the Avatar of Wind would say such a comment.

"Young man, you are able to comprehend the rules of wind and master the transformation of speed and power in such a short period of time, which shows that you are very talented. You are qualified to receive my inheritance."

"My body has been wiped out, so my name will disappear with the wind. I just hope you can remember that I am the supreme being in the sky, the phantom in the wind. I run at the extreme speed and stand at the peak of strength."

"I also hope that one day you can reach my height, or even surpass me, to experience the realm that I have never touched."

"Young man, accept my inheritance!"

Yue Chuan just wanted to say that his comprehension of the rules of wind was more due to the Terra Stone Giant Sword. The Terra Stone Giant Sword has an attribute that has a 1% chance of increasing the movement speed, attack speed and cast speed by 10% when attacking an enemy.They collided with each other tens of thousands of times in the battle just now, which naturally triggered the effect of the Terra Stone weapon.But I don't know why, this effect seems to have no cooldown, it has been triggered thousands of times and tens of thousands of times, and in the end, even every attack must be triggered.

Fighting with the Incarnation of Wind did enable Yue Chuan to master the profound meaning of mutual transformation between speed and power, and also touched the rules of wind, but it takes time to accumulate to truly master it, and the special effects of Terra Stone weapons directly made Yue Chuan skip the accumulation process, and finally comprehend the rules of wind.

But before Yue Chuan could explain, the figure of the Avatar of Wind began to blur and dim, and the four wings on the back of the Avatar of Wind peeled off into feathers, and the golden feathers scattered down, turning into golden light and sinking into the top of Yue Chuan's head, between the eyebrows, Shoulders... In the end, the body of the Avatar of Wind was torn apart, and golden rays of light poured down one after another, covering and submerging Yue Chuan.

The injuries on Yue Chuan's body healed quickly, the power of the wind from the Taila stone sword had calmed down, and the power of the wind constantly flowing in Yue Chuan's body also gradually declined, but at this time one golden light after another poured into Yue Chuan's body, filling Tai's body. The vacancy in the power of Lashi Great Sword.

A whirlwind swept across, and the clothes on Yue Chuan's body were peeled off and torn. Brilliant golden light gathered from all directions, densely covering Yue Chuan's body. highlight...

The surviving Yi clan in the Sky City all watched this scene in disbelief. The "wind god" in their minds exploded and turned into golden light all over the sky, and this golden light was absorbed by the invading human, and then the human turned into a golden light. Made the appearance of "Fengshen".The Yi Clan's simple heads couldn't turn a corner, they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Yue Chuan bent his arms and looked at the golden gauntlet on his arm with satisfaction. There were blood red embellishments in the dazzling gold, and the domineering appearance was mixed with the unique elements of a berserker. Regarding this, Yue Chuan just wanted to say— - perfect, flawless!
Only when the sky is added to the body can you experience the supreme pleasure. The sky cover is not only like a layer of clothing, but also like a set of armor. What is even more amazing is that it is integrated with your body like skin. This is no longer as simple as simple equipment and clothing, it is more like an extension of the body.It's no wonder that Leng Shangqing and Qianqian have been wearing the sky suit day and night since they got the sky suit, and they are unwilling to change clothes.


The wings on the back flapped. These wings were not purely decorations. They had the function of flying just like the wings of the Wing Clan. Moreover, we learned from the information inherited from the Supreme Phantom that these wings also had a special Ability, that is, flapping its wings and flying ninety thousand miles, this is also the place where the Supreme Phantom is most proud. With speed, no one can match him.

Yue Chuan learned from the inheritance information that the Supreme Phantom is not a human being, but a race similar to the Wing Clan.Yue Chuan thought about it carefully, and the Supreme Phantom and the third apostle of the Nine Great Apostles, Tianjiao Pu Lei, should be of the same family as the Supreme Phantom.The Supreme Phantom did not leave his name, and Yue Chuan couldn't help but think, is the Supreme Phantom the same as Pule?
Tianjiao Pu Lei has mastered the power of the wind, representing the existence of the sky, and his image is very suitable for "wings and flying ninety thousand miles", but unfortunately, the Supreme Phantom didn't say anything, and Yue Chuan didn't dare to jump to conclusions.After all, there are too many secrets in it.

The inheritance of the Supreme Phantom mentioned that he fell in a catastrophe. He didn’t say what the specific disaster was, but Yue Chuan already knew that it was Apophis. He didn’t expect that even a powerhouse like the Supreme Phantom fell in such a disaster. middle.

The City of Sky that the Wing Clan speaks of is the former residence of the Supreme Phantom. This is the treasure he made, and it is also the sustenance of his last thought. A strong man of the level of the Supreme Phantom can be reincarnated and reincarnated, but it is a pity That catastrophe was different from the past, and this ray of thought was too weak, the Supreme Phantom didn't even have a chance to rebuild. After testing Yue Chuan, his ray of thought could not continue and completely dissipated in the world.

Yue Chuan couldn't help showing a weird look on his face, so how could the Supreme Phantom's eyesight fail to see the reason why he comprehended the rules of wind, but he has no time, and he can't wait for other predestined people to accept the test .And his own strength is so-so, he can only pinch his nose and leave the inheritance to himself.

Shaking his head, Yue Chuan gave a wry smile. The vision of this Supreme Phantom is too high. In his eyes, his own level is barely qualified.More than qualified, there are still good and excellent, this damn request is too perverted.

But stroking the golden and red sky set on his body, Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes beautifully, no matter what he said, this set of sky is his own anyway.

Paul and Frank rushed over at a trot, full of congratulations, Yue Chuan nodded to them, and then with a thought, the wings on his back slowly retracted. Wings are beautiful in the sky, but they can’t be said to walk on the ground. It's weird.Immediately, the appearance of the sky cover changed slightly, even without the wings, it was not too abrupt.

In the control center of Sky City, several surviving Yi Clans with the blood of Dapeng looked at Yue Chuan tremblingly. Only a dozen of the more than [-] Wing Clans had died at this time, and what was even more terrifying was that all the Wing Clans had been strangled. It was smashed into pieces, and the huge city in the sky could only see mud, gravel, and sawdust scattered all over the ground, but no corpse could be seen.

If there is regret medicine in the world, the Yi clan of the Dapeng blood will never let go of the magic circle of Sky City and let Yue Chuan and others come in.Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.Moreover, even if he doesn't drive it, Paul will drive it, but it will be more troublesome.

"Master, what should we do with these guys?"

Although Paul was asking, the murderous intent and hatred in his words were undisguised.The Yi clan of Dapeng blood betrayed him, and even killed his clansmen. There is absolutely no possibility that Paul and them could just smile away their grievances.What Paul said was an inquiry, but it was actually a plea, begging Yue Chuan to help him avenge him.

Yue Chuan ignored the begging expressions of several Yi clansmen. Although Yue Chuan was not a cold-blooded animal, he was not abusive. How could Yue Chuan intercede for a few bastards.

The Yi Clan of the Dapeng bloodline knelt down in fear, and begged: "This strong man, you have obtained the inheritance of the Fengshen, and I hope you will forgive me for the sake of the Fengshen."

This is a smart man, he knows how to use Fengshen to talk about things, but unfortunately he made a mistake, Yue Chuan really doesn't need to consider Fengshen's face.The relationship between the Supreme Phantom and these Winged Clans is not at all irrelevant. It takes light years to calculate. So many Winged Winged Supreme Phantoms died before without saying anything, let alone now that the Supreme Phantom has completely dissipated.

"The existence of Sky City is a top secret, and a word must not be revealed. Paul, Frank, you understand what to do."

Paul and Frank looked at each other and said in unison: "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)

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