
Chapter 842: The Newborn Demonic Sword

Chapter 842: The Newborn Demonic Sword

The magic sword in his hand - Apophis kept conveying desires and requests to Yue Chuan, just like a puppy begging for mercy, looking pitifully at the master and wishing to be fed.

Are you being suspicious?Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking about it.

Although the soul in the sword was constantly urging itself, it was only begging and longing, without the feeling of bewitching and dominating. Even after Yue Chuan conveyed his will to refuse, it was still whimpering in frustration, as if crying.

This is clearly a pure child, not some bloody and cursed evil spirit at all.


It is because Kazan sacrificed 40 prisoners of war to forge the magic sword. Those prisoners of war were all soldiers. They had too much hatred for Kazan. Sacrifice and cast swords.Rather than saying that the magic sword cursed Kazan's fate, it is better to say that it is the resentment of the 40 soldiers killed by Kazan, and the countries and people who were destroyed by Kazan.It is countless weak ordinary people and countless souls who died unjustly who cursed Kazan night and night.

This is also the reason why the magic sword is called the magic sword, it is too evil.It's a pity that the first soul born in the Devil Sword was swallowed by Apophis. Of course, Apophis is stronger, but also because of Kazan's death, all the hatred and resentment dissipated. The soul is not as powerful as it was when it was born.

And now, the magic sword once again conceived spirituality and produced soul.It's just that no living beings were sacrificed this time, all the zombies devoured by the magic sword, these zombies have no self, no thinking, they only have instinct.They will not be happy when they are alive, and they will not hate when they are dead. Even if they are, they will only be relieved and grateful.

Therefore, the newly born soul in Demon Sword is also born of blood, but without any hatred or resentment, it is completely different from its predecessor, even the opposite.

"Since this is the case, I will trust you, let me kill, Demon Sword-Apophis!"

The soul in the magic sword-Apophis immediately responded to Yue Chuan happily, and a feeling of joy echoed and spread in Yue Chuan's heart.Yue Chuan vaguely seemed to see a childlike smiling face, innocent and pure.

The reason why Yue Chuan believed in the magic sword-Apophis was not all guesswork. Another important reason was that after the birth of the soul in the magic sword-Apophis, he took the initiative to take back the blood vessel-like veins that were deeply pierced on his arm. , the previous magic swords relied on these blood vessel-like veins to absorb the master's blood and vitality to support themselves.But now the soul in the sword no longer hurts the master, this is the reason why Yue Chuan chooses to believe in it.

The sages have said that human nature is inherently good, and so is the soul of Demon Sword-Apophis. It has just been born and does not yet know good and evil. As long as you instill correct thoughts in it, it will be transformed when it is most plastic. Guided to the right path, it probably won't be on the same path as before.

"There are good and bad things. People have good and evil. Killing is not to plunder blood and harvest life, but to eliminate evil and maintain good. Killing is not to show the strong, but to protect the weak. You must remember this, no matter Whether you follow me or follow others, you must remember this, you cannot kill for the sake of killing, otherwise, you will be endlessly cursed by those dead souls, and sooner or later you will die unexpectedly."

Yue Chuan poured so many things into the magic sword-Apophis at once, which made it dizzy and even groaned weakly.

"Of course, there is another point. To punish the evil is to promote the good. To kill an evil is to save a good. When you see those evil and evil things, just kill them."

This concept is more suitable for the appetite of the magic sword-Apophis, the soul in the sword is cheering, and the blood-colored light flows and shines on the blade.

Yue Chuan doesn't expect to be able to shape the soul in the sword every minute, education must be subtle, and rushing for success will only be counterproductive.However, judging from the two different reactions just now, the magic sword-Apophis is not a sword for protecting the weak, but a sword for punishing evil and promoting good.I only hope that there will be enough crimes for it to kill in the future.

The zombies have been shrouded by the bloody divine power of the Demon Blood God, and they are improving and changing all the time. Before Yue Chuan was able to cut vegetables and melons to kill zombies, it was because he was also constantly accumulating speed and strength in the constant attacks, and Much higher than the speed at which the zombies become stronger.However, there was a pause before, and the speed and strength accumulated by Yue Chuan disappeared in an instant. Now, starting from the beginning, Yue Chuan was shocked to find that his one-thousand blows on the head of a zombie Beamon only cut a wound on its forehead , Unexpectedly failed to kill him with a single sword.

The magic sword-Apophis devoured the blood and vitality of the zombie Beamon in an instant, and the zombie Beamon was still beheaded.But this scene made Yue Chuan feel heavy, because the strength of these zombies has far exceeded his own strength. If it wasn't for the bloodthirsty instinct of the magic sword-Apophis, he should be counterattacked by the zombie Beamon at this moment, and then Buried under the siege of countless zombies.

The wheel battle of the Demon Blood God is really disgusting. While consuming the enemy's strength, it also strengthens the abilities of the zombies. As long as the wheel battle continues indefinitely, the enemy will be crushed and crushed to death sooner or later.

You must quickly become stronger, use the law of the wind to accumulate your own speed and strength, otherwise, once your own attack cannot break through the defense of the zombies, the magic sword - Apophis will no longer be able to plunder blood and life , At that time, it will be the end of oneself.


Yue Chuan let out a roar, and his speed and strength soared suddenly. At the same time, the magic sword-Apophis also fed back a force to bless Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan's power went one step further.

A thousand blows!
The blade of the magic sword-Apophis easily cut off the head of a zombie titan. Although he felt a stagnant resistance, as Yue Chuan's speed and strength increased, this stagnant resistance quickly disappeared. I don't see, although the zombies are all rapidly becoming stronger, their pace is too slow compared to Yue Chuan's improvement speed. If they fall behind, they will be beaten and die. The only thing waiting for them is to kill them.

fighting!Keep fighting!Never stop fighting!

You can't stop, you can't stop. If you stop for a while, you start from the beginning. Without the accumulation of speed and strength, it is extremely difficult for you to break through the zombie's defense.Now I am like a cavalry charging on the battlefield. Only by constantly charging can I survive. Once I stop, I will be surrounded, bound, and submerged by enemies like a quagmire.

Can't stop!Can't die!Be sure to wipe out all the zombies before you can't control this power!

for sure!
(End of this chapter)

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