
Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Although Leng Shangqing died, his death delayed A Ganzuo's attack and saved Baan.If Leng Shangqing hadn't come forward, maybe this sword would have cut Bahn in two, and Arad would not have the legend of the Four Swordsmen, let alone Bahn's legend.In other words, Leng Shangqing, a small cannon fodder who has not even had a line since her debut, has played a pivotal role in history.Sending someone's head to such an extent is indeed a halo of luck.

Unable to use consumables...

Yue Chuan felt a chill in his heart. Not only could he not use resurrection coins, he could not use the resurrection medicine invincible medicine, he could not even take ordinary blood medicine, and all consumables were restricted.Also included in the restrictions is Yue Chuan's Chaos Ace. Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan couldn't help but burst into tears. He knew that when he entered the map, he summoned it directly. It seems that the use of consumables has not been restricted at the door.

"Consumables can't be eaten either, you two be careful."

At this time, A-Gump, who had killed Leng Shangqing, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, a thick, blood-colored ray rose from Leng Shangqing's body, twisting and wriggling in the air, and finally formed a mysterious word, Before Yue Chuan and others saw it clearly, the words entered A-Gumpzuo's body and disappeared.

"He's sucking blood and life..."

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan felt a familiar feeling in his heart. He vaguely understood who was controlling A-Gump.


The last time Yue Chuan met Apophis was a king-level mourning, but that was only a part of Apophis, a clone, or a shadow. The real Apophis existed in the abyss of the mourning cave.

According to the plot, Kane had just died in the Moaning Cave at this time, Apophis had not had time to refine and control Kane, Kane's sword had not been occupied by Apophis, and the magic sword - Apophis had not yet been born.Obviously, Apophis likes Forrest Gump more than scumbag Kane, and Forrest Gump is very cooperative with Apophis, willing to be driven by Apophis.

Yue Chuan glanced at his inventory, all weapons can be used, only the magic sword - Apophis, like the consumables, is displayed as unavailable, which makes Yue Chuan believe in his conjecture even more.

No matter what, let's put Forrest Gump down first.

Yue Chuan was not as reckless as Leng Shangqing, he looked at A-Gump Zuo from a distance, walked around A-Gump in a circular step, stepped on the edge of the arc with each foot, and kept a safe distance from A-Gump Zuo.

A-Gump's left eyes are shining with cold blood, but this does not mean that his heart is equally calm. On the contrary, A-Gump is very violent and bloodthirsty at this time, and the desire to slaughter living things has occupied his heart and dominated him. will.

dead... dead... dead...

A Ganzuo's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Yue Chuan in the next instant. Yue Chuan wholeheartedly guarded against A Ganzuo, and knew it was not good the moment A Ganzuo disappeared.Forrest Gump's profession is Sword Soul, whether it is Pojun Shenglong Strike or Raptor Duankong Slash, he plays very smoothly. He disappears and reappears in an instant, and spans such a long distance in the middle. It is likely that he used Raptor Duankong Slash, once provoked by him, Yue Chuan almost expected Phantom Sword Dance or Ghost Sword Technique Storm Style.This is Brother Zuo's usual routine.

Facing the sword-spirited dragon, parrying is useless, because parrying can only block the frontal attack, once the back is attacked, the parrying is invalid, and the raptor can just attack its own rear.In fact, not to mention the Raptors, even the Po Jun Sheng Long Kick can sometimes break the block from the front, the reason is that the last provocative action of the Po Jun Sheng Long Kick circles the enemy's back.

I can't block, and it's too late to dodge, what should I do?
Although Yue Chuan's defense is high, it also depends on who he is facing. The opposite is A-Gump Zuo, and it is A-Gump Zuo in a demonized state. Guaranteed to eat his full set of Phantom Sword Dance.But the current situation does not allow Yue Chuan to choose at all, or Yue Chuan has no choice at all.

No, no, I still have a trick...

In a flash of inspiration, Yue Chuan thought of a unique skill, a super practical skill that was ignored and ignored by everyone - jumping backwards.

When Yue Chuan played DNF on Earth, he used to put the back jump in the shortcut bar. In the 60s, each character only had 6 skill shortcut bars, which is far less abundant than the 12 skill bars now. One of the hotbars gave jumping back.Many people don't understand the reason for Yue Chuan to do this, thinking that the skill of jumping backwards can be just rubbed by hand, so why waste a shortcut bar.But Yue Chuan still insisted on giving the back jump a quick bar, and it was the first one.

The key combination for back jump seems simple, there are only two buttons, but there is only one button when it is used as a shortcut. time.Jumping back is not a dispensable escape skill, but a god-level skill that requires divine consciousness and divine prediction just like parry.

Many people have the experience of being beaten by the Juggernaut Breaking the Army and Rising Dragon Strike and the Raptor Breaking the Air, and then doing a set of Phantom Sword Dance, and these have become compulsory stunts for Juggernauts. Almost shameless routine.While many players shook their heads helplessly, they didn't know that a small back jump could break everything.It's just that this kind of cracking requires a god-like reaction awareness and a little anticipation.

A blood-colored light emerged from A-Gump Zuo's body. I don't know if it is sword energy or battle energy. In short, this light contains tyrannical power. Although it did not directly attack Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan felt as if his face and hands were being cut by countless blades. , Intense pain invaded my body, biting my nerves, a blood-colored dragon head appeared in front of A-Gump's left body, and it became more and more clear and solid, the protruding fangs of the dragon head were almost touching He bit Yue Chuan's throat, as if he could bite through Yue Chuan's throat in an instant, devour Yue Chuan's blood, and harvest Yue Chuan's life.

Jump back!

In an instant, Yue Chuan's body soared into the air and moved backwards. It was also in this instant that A-Gump bumped into Yue Chuan's body.But what A Ganzuo couldn't imagine was that Yue Chuan didn't fly high as he expected, but lay down straight.Raptor Dragon Duan Kong Zhan failed to hit Yue Chuan, but knocked Yue Chuan to the ground, and A Ganzuo, who couldn't stop, just ran over Yue Chuan directly.

This is impossible——A-Gump howled furiously in his left heart, he absolutely couldn't believe that his Raptor Duan Kong Slash would be easily cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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